The eighth round of the 10,000u plan, the principal was 77u on August 11, and the current account is 773u. The account started in 2 days. Figures 1 and 2 are some records of opening and closing positions.

I have shared the strategy in previous posts, just turn to the front to see! How to do it with small funds? In fact, risk control is more important. In terms of concept, you must know the following:

First, make sure that there will be no explosion, because there is no tolerance for error compared to large funds, and small funds cannot be arbitrary. Only by being cautious can there be a turnaround!

Second, survival is the first priority. While surviving without explosion, you must make the right direction to make a profit, that is, your technical ability must be up to standard! Or wait for a unilaterally rising variety to gamble!

Third, it is also my feeling in the past year. After reviewing every big loss order, basically 95% of the losses are in altcoins, so the variety of choice is to do big cake Ethereum. $BTC $ETH

Fourth, in terms of position control, a small amount of capital will only reduce the principal if it stops loss once, so the level should be reduced, 5 minutes to 15 minutes is enough, one minute is not necessary, you can hedge appropriately, hedging floating losses to reduce the risk of liquidation, and locking floating profits to greatly retain profits!

Fifth, do not underestimate any sesame warehouse, as long as the entry position has an absolute advantage, take advantage of the band market, the principal can be accumulated quickly, as shown in the figure, which is a screenshot of some positions. For small funds, accumulating a little into a lot is the most suitable trading idea!

Sixth, it is the requirements in mentality and cognition, not impatient, not utilitarian, and reducing purposefulness, that is, don't think about what you want to do, but what you can do? Focus your energy on the market, and leave the profit to position management and market fluctuations

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