Putin has signed a document declaring the legalization of crypto mining, claiming to seize this wave of digital currency market. The attitude of the Americans is well known, and full opening is just a matter of time. At present, some domestic securities companies have publicly issued crypto funds, and the supervision is temporarily in a default state. The Russians have directly entered the market with regular troops, and we really need to speed up.

From a macro perspective, yesterday the Bitcoin spot ETF had a net inflow of 190 million US dollars, and the Ethereum spot ETF had a net outflow of 2.87 million US dollars. The funding situation was greatly favored by the fact that the number of initial jobless claims yesterday was lower than expected, and the risk of recession in the United States dropped sharply.

This time, the index rebounded from 49,000 points to 62,700 points, with an oversold rebound of nearly 13,700 points. Last night, after briefly filling the CME gap from 59,000 points to 60,000 points, it slightly adjusted back, and then briefly accumulated momentum and went straight to a high, and is currently in the breakthrough window of 63,000 points. Of course, judging from the volume of the intraday rebound, Sanshu believes that there is a need for a short-term downward step, and it is expected to rest below 60,000 points for a few days.

The market was in a frenzy after the bull market rebounded overnight two days ago. After a brief period of hustle and bustle, it suddenly dawned on us that most of the current market fluctuations have nothing to do with most people. In this round of expected bull market cycle brought about by the rebound fluctuations of the previous period, many people have suffered losses that they could not bear in the bear market last year. Most of the leveraged players have fallen forever at the outlet of the next ride.

We used to be so eager for the ups and downs of the market, but in the end we found that the most beautiful scenery in trading is the calm and steady trend. We also used to look forward to the overnight wealth brought by the market, and the shining stars from then on, but in the end we realized that the wallet is our own and has nothing to do with others.

I read the news in the evening and saw that Trump's election situation is worrying again. The US election is really full of twists and turns. From the initial uncertainty to the certainty of the climax stage, and then to the current uncertainty, people in the cryptocurrency circle are confused. There are many explanations about the negative impact on the crypto market if Trump loses the election. In my opinion, when the trend comes, all the negative impacts are short-lived. In the last bull market not long ago, wasn't the macro environment more difficult than it is now?

When we feel that we can’t hold on, it is precisely when we need to hold on the most. Just calm down and do what you should do. The road will become brighter and brighter. We are all young, so what are we afraid of?

BTC: The script of the big cake yesterday was in place. In the first stage, the gap between 59,000 and 60,000 points was filled, and then a short adjustment was made to 63,000 points. The pressure level was blocked and the price is currently corrected. The better technical pattern is to return to around 59,000 points in the short term, make a 4,000-point consolidation, and then there will be no resistance when it chooses to break upward again. The probability of falling below 59,000 points is not high at present. If you want to choose a better adjustment method, inserting a pin near 59,000 points to 57,300 points and then pulling back will be more conducive to the market outlook. Of course, for us retail investors, we can intervene aggressively again at around 59,000 points. Regardless of the emotional aspect, the adjustment of this cycle will not last too long.

ETH: Ethereum has rebounded, and the capital situation is still improving, which may lead to a new round of market counterattack. After the short-term linkage adjustment of Bitcoin, those who have positions should have their positions. The short-term strong pressure point is 2848 points, the trend reversal is at 3300 points, and the bottom support is 2550 points.

SOL: The pullback after Solana and other big cakes filled the gap will see if it can provide opportunities. It is expected that after this wave of linkage adjustments, it will maintain long-term strength before reaching a long-term high.

TON: If the callback is 5.8 points, you can participate appropriately. The positive news during the day is considered as medium- to long-term positive news. The value has always been there. If the callback is not under the concept, you can also pay attention to it.

Shanzhai: In addition to the above-mentioned value sectors, Shanzhai's recent sector heads and those that rebounded first can also be paid attention to. Inscription concept sats rebounded first than other sectors under it, and Solana Ecosystem's jto also reversed its trend yesterday. The L1 track focuses on two cost-effective and safe avax and near, and modular TIA. If the big cake pulls back to around 59,000 points, the targets here can be selectively purchased, which are the first-tier in terms of cost-effectiveness in the future market.

The Fear and Greed Index reached 48 during the day, and sentiment rebounded rapidly.

Finally, stay away from leverage and stock up on spot goods! ​​​#加密市场反弹 #美联储何时降息? $BTC