First, let's review the last bull market and the birth of 61 100x coins.

The last bull market created many 100x coins, and this bull market is still the same. The currency circle will never lack narrative directions.

Back to the topic, what information do we get from the 61 100x coins in the last bull market in the currency circle?

Several necessary conditions for the 100x coins in the last bull market are also indicators for selecting the 100x coins in the next round. Let's talk about them together.

First of all, it is the new coins that came out in the bear market after the big cake peaked, and they did not go through the bull market. According to the last round, take the middle of 21 as the starting point of the bull market, and rank the time points when the 100x coins were born:

76% were born in 18-20 24% were born in 2017 200 times: 85% were born in 2018-2019. Only 1.7% of these 100x coins were born at the end of the bull market!

From this logic, the new ones from 22 to 23 are the focus of attention. The market value must be low, and the market value at the time of entry should not exceed 500 million.

The 61 100-fold coins in the last round were all in the top 600 in market value before they took off. In addition, the narrative direction, in the last round, the public chain track accounted for the largest proportion, 17 100-fold, accounting for 27.8%, followed by chain games, 5 100-fold. Then there are cross-chain, defi, and meme sections.

On the eve of the last bull market, few people actually paid attention to the public chain. After Ethereum became a god, various public chains also received widespread attention, "a hundred chains contending". As for this round, the L2 section, Hong Kong section, artificial intelligence section, and chain game section, which are popular in this round of bear market, can all be paid attention to. The chain game section must be paid special attention. In the bull market, the user scale has increased significantly, which can only be achieved by the chain game section, producing a better wealth-making effect. In fact, the chain game narrative in the last round is just an appetizer, and there is not much playability overall. So I look forward to the performance of the next round

In addition, in terms of token distribution, unlocking circulation is best distributed in the range of 40%-60%, which is also the area where the probability of the last round of bullish coins is more distributed.

To summarize:

1. Project issuance time: bear market

2. Section selection: leader or second in each track

3. Circulation market value: less than $500 million

4. Project background: strength! (See investment institutions)

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