Framework for selecting altcoins:

1. Four stages of trend: only select currencies that have gone through the four stages of "incubation, breakthrough, outbreak, and exhaustion" in the past year, such as YGG and SOL.

2. Increase of more than 200%: "The strong will always be strong, and the winner will be the king." If a currency has increased by less than 200% in the past year, it means that it has not received the favor of funds, and the dealer may have run away, such as MTL and GFT.

3. No abnormal upper shadow: only select currencies without unreasonable upper shadows, such as FLR.

4. No fundamental problems: avoid currencies with fundamental problems, such as CRV.

This is a very simple "stacked BUFFS" screening logic. Applying this formula, although there are not many currencies that meet the requirements, it can avoid most pitfalls, especially fatal pitfalls, such as GAS.

Next, use your own trading framework to screen these targets for a second time. The potential rise opportunity of the selected targets will be much greater than that of random selection.

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