I know that you are watching my position, I advise you not to watch it‼ ️I have thought clearly about whether I will be sniped by the dog dealer before I open the real market‼ ️

First of all, I have a fixed position. You can see that my overall volume is tens of millions, but my position for each order will not change with the volume of tens of millions or hundreds of millions of funds. Secondly, I will not carry orders. All are fixed losses. Fixed positions and fixed losses. No matter how you snipe me, the funds I lose every time I stop loss are fixed and negligible

But every time I draw a stop loss position and you want to hit it, you have to hand over the chips to the retail investors. My stop loss position will definitely make you hand over enough chips. Snipe my position will only make you lose more than you gain👌

#美国政府转移BTC #超级央行周