Wow😧 I see that this comment section is really full of bad mouths😂 Do you want to see the routines of the Yongzhuan teachers? If it goes up, you will be told to stop profit on long orders, and if it goes down, you will be told to enter the short orders again🤔

There is a reason why there are so many Yongzhuan teachers in this market. If it doesn’t work, I will simply not make a public analysis in advance. I show off my profits every day, just in case you cry😂

Here, my chief, all the profits and losses are public. I said that I will issue all the orders in advance. The profits minus the stop loss in the past few months have exceeded 500 points of ether, you can calculate it yourself

Just take my orders this month to calculate the profits and losses, little leeks, my stop loss is uniformly 40 to 50 points, and the stop profit is more than 700 points, minus all the stop loss orders, the profit is 500 points😆

What can I say? If you can watch it, watch it. If you can't watch it, you can also watch Teacher Yongzhuan. But when I make money, don't say that the chief is playing tricks to show his profits and cut leeks. When there are loss orders, you have to jump out and taunt the chief to see him lose money. What's the point of being a human being like this? Or when I make my profits public, come and call me dad⁉️