Three things to do in a bull market:

1. Set a stop loss. Champions are common, but victorious generals are rare. If you don't set a stop loss, it's only a matter of time before you return to zero.

2. Watch the market. If you don't watch the market, don't open an order. If you open an order, you must be responsible for your own funds.

3. Do position management. All those who ask you to buy at the bottom with a full position are hooligans. Divide your funds into several parts and allow yourself to fail as many times as you want. As long as you succeed once, you can get a big market.

Three things not to do in a bull market

1. Don't dream of eating from the head to the tail of the fish. That's the dealer's business. The leeks can only go with the flow. If the dealer pulls the market, you help pay. If the dealer smashes the market, you help sell. Only by following the dealer's intention can you get meat.

2. Don't chase the rise and fall. When you see other people's profit charts, you can't help but rush in. When you enter the market, they have already made money and left the market. Who else should they cut?

3. Don't make orders according to your feelings. If you make orders without any basis, you will only have a fluke mentality. The market is not a casino. If you want to be happy for a while, you might as well go directly to Macau.

In a bull market, doing these three things and three things may help you stand out in the market.

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