#BTC will be recognized by China in Q4 2024, rumors are resurfacing! Is it true or false?

In fact, this is the second or third time that this news has been reported recently. The basic possibility is 0. The specific reasons have been mentioned a lot before. I also wrote a post yesterday about the metaphor between China and the United States. To sum it up simply, it is normal for the United States, as a financial capital country, to take control of the crypto market.

Although China's goal is to move towards a financial capital economy, it is still an economic system dominated by industrial capital. There are still many financial challenges to be faced in the future, and the development focus is different from that of the United States in the current and next few years, so there is no need to fight. (For more information, please see the previous article)

The core reason for this rumor is that the news came from the English area. It was rumored in the English area before that Trump advocated more people and government departments to support encryption and take control as soon as possible, because another major country also wants to seize this market. Then rumors spread in the English area, and many Chinese bloggers believed it after seeing it, and took it back as a fact.

First of all, if there is such a move, the official will definitely reveal a little bit of information. At the same time, our personal channels can also learn a little bit about the trend. Obviously, what we have got now is only tightening, not relaxation. The purpose of the English area to publicize this matter is very simple, the "catfish effect", to create a sense of crisis for the American people across the ocean, so that the wavering crypto enthusiasts will support Trump, because only Trump can have a better chance to control the crypto market. I also hope that this is true, but obviously, reason tells me that it is not, and I have not received any information or confirmation.

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