The medium and long-term trend is now very clear

Small investors can no longer smash the market

If they want to smash the market, large investors will sell in a concentrated manner and directly break through 5.2w-4.8w to make a round of liquidation

In fact, there is a very simple logic

Will medium and long-term holders agree to collectively ship at the current price?

What if they can't smash the market?

Slowly oscillate and wait for the future macroeconomics to release positive news and move upward

So will the bulls survive, or will the big negative news continue to smash the market?

If you are still underwater and can't see the trend of the market, you will fall if you are bullish and rise if you are bearish. Follow me and share the profit code for free every day

#BTC走势分析 #美国6月非农数据高于预期