You need to thank those idiots who always change their direction 360 times a day. The threshold of KOL is low. If you want your information to be better, you should take away those illogical people and break through the information silkworm room.

Everything is still within expectations. The US stock market is closed during the day and the Asian exchanges are smashing the market. The super-control behavior makes more people panic and uneasy. The bottom of this round has appeared, but it is not easy to say whether it is the bottom before the bull market. It will take the CPI in mid-July to know, but at least, there is not much room for decline at this position.

The second is the key point. Many people say that retail investors have cut their losses in this round of big drops. How many retail investors have cut their losses? Anyway, I haven't seen many. It is said that there is a lot of BTC chips sold in China. There will indeed be selling pressure, but the real domestic transactions are OTC transactions, which will not affect the price trend much. So this round of big drops is still looking for news to cover up the real purpose of the dealer.

The bottom has appeared, the ultimate moment has arrived, and the ultimate moment has gone. Until CPI may be tested again, the rest is to wait for a day for the copycat in your hands, and you will never owe anyone again. #BTC走势预测 #美国6月非农数据高于预期