If you want to make money in the cryptocurrency circle, there are actually many ways to try. If you can master 3 of them, making 1 million is not a dream.

1. Hoarding method: Whether it is a bull market or a bear market, you can use the hoarding method. Simply put, it is to buy some currencies that you think have potential, and then wait patiently for them to appreciate. This requires you to have a certain understanding and judgment of the market.

2. Bull market chasing method: This method is only suitable for use in a bull market. The key point is that when the market has a small correction, use a small part of your total funds to buy. Remember, don't exceed one-fifth, so that even if the market suddenly turns, you will not lose too much.

3. Pyramid bottom-picking method: This method is suitable for those situations where you can foresee a big crash. Gradually buy when the price falls, and the amount of each purchase is more than the previous time, forming a pyramid-shaped buying structure.

4. Moving average method: This method requires you to understand some basic K-line knowledge. By observing the moving averages of different time periods, you can judge the timing of buying and selling.

5. Violent hoarding: If you know a certain currency well and think it has long-term potential, you can use this method. Simply put, it is to buy a large amount and hold it for a long time, waiting for it to appreciate significantly.

6. IOS violent compounding method: This method requires you to continuously participate in the issuance of new coins (ICO). When the new coin increases by 3-5 times, withdraw the principal, and then continue to invest the profit in the next project to form a compounding effect.

7. Cyclic band method: Choose those currencies with greater volatility, such as ETC. Gradually increase your position when the price of the currency falls, wait until the price rises before selling, and then repeat the process.

8. Violent play of small coins: If you have 10,000 yuan, you can divide it into ten parts, each of 1,000 yuan, and then invest in ten different types of small coins, preferably those with a price of less than 3 yuan. Doing so can diversify risks and also have the opportunity to capture some potential high-return projects.

The above are the eight ways to make money in the cryptocurrency circle. Each method has its applicable scenarios and conditions. The key is to use it flexibly according to your own situation and market environment. #非农就业数据即将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #ASI代币合并计划