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#BTC15万 #ordi​​​ #币安合约锦标赛 BTC has now abandoned its own son, and the ordi of the BTC ecosystem has fallen to a new low. When you think it is the revival of inscriptions, it is a disaster. When you want to make a big move, what awaits you is a big move. In this negative market, the inscription series has fallen into the trough again, and ordi, who has led the layout of the iron sons, has also reversed from the situation of eating meat. However, for the spot, there is still some expectation for ordi. The current price of ordi has rebounded from 25 to 30 dollars, which is already the bottom chip. The iron sons who can hold on can continue to hold the spot of ordi, waiting for 8w10w BTC, and ordi will follow. $BTC $ORDI $ETH {spot}(ORDIUSDT)
#BTC15万 #ordi​​​ #币安合约锦标赛
BTC has now abandoned its own son, and the ordi of the BTC ecosystem has fallen to a new low. When you think it is the revival of inscriptions, it is a disaster. When you want to make a big move, what awaits you is a big move.

In this negative market, the inscription series has fallen into the trough again, and ordi, who has led the layout of the iron sons, has also reversed from the situation of eating meat. However, for the spot, there is still some expectation for ordi.

The current price of ordi has rebounded from 25 to 30 dollars, which is already the bottom chip. The iron sons who can hold on can continue to hold the spot of ordi, waiting for 8w10w BTC, and ordi will follow.
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#WIF/USDT #德国政府转移比特币 #美联储何时降息? Did you catch up with the spot ens I gave you yesterday? Did you catch up with the reminder in the morning that you can short BTC? I have already disclosed two recovery codes to you, and here is another harmonious layout to catch up with the recovery. WIF is currently at around 1.86 and is entering the market. The hourly level has touched the lower track of the Bollinger Band, and the rebound of the meme sector is also very strong. Leave a supplementary position around 1.76, and then look at 1.68. The target is 2 and the follow-up notice will be released. $WIF $SOL $BTC {future}(WIFUSDT)
#WIF/USDT #德国政府转移比特币 #美联储何时降息?
Did you catch up with the spot ens I gave you yesterday? Did you catch up with the reminder in the morning that you can short BTC? I have already disclosed two recovery codes to you, and here is another harmonious layout to catch up with the recovery.

WIF is currently at around 1.86 and is entering the market. The hourly level has touched the lower track of the Bollinger Band, and the rebound of the meme sector is also very strong. Leave a supplementary position around 1.76, and then look at 1.68. The target is 2 and the follow-up notice will be released.
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#BTC走势预测 #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #美联储何时降息? BTC's current price has rebounded to 58,000. After a week of decline, it finally rebounded today. The lowest point has reached 53,500 and is about to reach the strong support of 52,000. It fell by 10,000 dollars from 63,800 at the beginning of the month. In the past two days, it has rebounded to 58,000. This has formed a small pressure position for BTC. If it breaks through, it may be pulled back to the position above 60,000 before the decline. Or there will be a second step back, and then rise and break through. $BTC $ETH $BNB {future}(BTCUSDT)
#BTC走势预测 #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #美联储何时降息?
BTC's current price has rebounded to 58,000. After a week of decline, it finally rebounded today. The lowest point has reached 53,500 and is about to reach the strong support of 52,000.

It fell by 10,000 dollars from 63,800 at the beginning of the month. In the past two days, it has rebounded to 58,000. This has formed a small pressure position for BTC. If it breaks through, it may be pulled back to the position above 60,000 before the decline. Or there will be a second step back, and then rise and break through. $BTC $ETH $BNB
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#ENSUSDT #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #币安合约锦标赛 Did you follow the spot layout ens that was disclosed to everyone yesterday? It also rose by 10 points today. Let's enter the market near 23.9. The highest point has risen to 26.6. Keep up and eat meat. The code disclosed to everyone is eating meat, and the VIP code is eating meat even more. If you want more codes, you must keep up in time. In the negative market, you still have a chance to eat meat. Click to follow, don't get lost, Brother An will take you to the highway. $ENS $BNB $ETH {spot}(ENSUSDT)
#ENSUSDT #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #币安合约锦标赛
Did you follow the spot layout ens that was disclosed to everyone yesterday? It also rose by 10 points today. Let's enter the market near 23.9. The highest point has risen to 26.6. Keep up and eat meat.

The code disclosed to everyone is eating meat, and the VIP code is eating meat even more. If you want more codes, you must keep up in time.

In the negative market, you still have a chance to eat meat. Click to follow, don't get lost, Brother An will take you to the highway. $ENS $BNB $ETH
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#PEOPEL #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币 The first thing to do when you get up early is to start eating meat. The fastest rebound is still the meme sector. The layout given by people in VIP yesterday has risen to 0.061 at the highest point. Let the layout enter the market at around 0.052. We will eat a big wave of meat first in this wave of meme rebound and rise. The highest point has an increase of 18 points, and the current price still has twice the profit. Those that should be directly operated should be directly operated in batches, and pay attention to pulling the grandson to the position of getting on the bus. In this negative market, everyone is losing money. In our VIP, you can see the opportunity to take off and eat meat, and get up and collect rice. $PEOPLE $BTC $ETH {future}(PEOPLEUSDT)
#PEOPEL #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币
The first thing to do when you get up early is to start eating meat. The fastest rebound is still the meme sector. The layout given by people in VIP yesterday has risen to 0.061 at the highest point. Let the layout enter the market at around 0.052.

We will eat a big wave of meat first in this wave of meme rebound and rise. The highest point has an increase of 18 points, and the current price still has twice the profit. Those that should be directly operated should be directly operated in batches, and pay attention to pulling the grandson to the position of getting on the bus.

In this negative market, everyone is losing money. In our VIP, you can see the opportunity to take off and eat meat, and get up and collect rice.
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#ENS #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #币安合约锦标赛 ens's second wave of operations began to make money. On June 18, I publicly led my friends to operate at 22~20. The 618 decline should be fresh in everyone's memory. ens, which led everyone to layout, rebounded, and the highest point of our target position was 34.5, an increase of 50%. When everyone was complaining about losing money, I led my friends to start the profit-making operation. Now ens has fallen to the support position of the low point, and started the second wave of operations with everyone. Those who entered the market near 23.9 have started to make floating profits. The decline in the market also provides opportunities. I have told you many times, but finding the currency that can make money is an important part. Keep up with the operation and start the profit-making plan. $ENS $BTC $ETH {spot}(ENSUSDT)
#ENS #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #币安合约锦标赛
ens's second wave of operations began to make money. On June 18, I publicly led my friends to operate at 22~20. The 618 decline should be fresh in everyone's memory. ens, which led everyone to layout, rebounded, and the highest point of our target position was 34.5, an increase of 50%. When everyone was complaining about losing money, I led my friends to start the profit-making operation.

Now ens has fallen to the support position of the low point, and started the second wave of operations with everyone. Those who entered the market near 23.9 have started to make floating profits. The decline in the market also provides opportunities.

I have told you many times, but finding the currency that can make money is an important part. Keep up with the operation and start the profit-making plan.
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#币安合约锦标赛 #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币 Three years of cryptocurrency trading is all in vain, the bus goes straight to Guangdong. The child is determined to leave his hometown and work the night shift in the electronics factory. Tears wet the pork leg rice, vowing to make one million. At the end of the month, I was paid 2,500 yuan, and opening the contract is gambling. Whose child cries every night, how can a gambler lose every day. Working for ten years is still working, and living in the palace for one night. I am making up for the decline of the pie, and my life is so hard to turn the tide. In the end, I lost everything and couldn’t tighten the screws in my hand. No matter how terrible the factory manager is, it will not affect the power strip. A bowl of braised beef noodles, after eating, you have to work on the assembly line. Working on the assembly line for three years, enduring hardships and hard work to realize the dream garden. Three years of hard work to make money, saving 80,000 or 90,000 before the New Year. Angrily asked the factory manager to resign, and opened Binance without hesitation. I worked diligently to trade the market, but was eventually caught by a dog dealer. I recall the youthful madness of the past, and now I live in a broken factory. I graduated from the 21st grade, and I was able to choose any industry. I thought I would never work in a factory, but I ended up working as a clerk in a factory. I spent three years trading cryptocurrencies, and ended up in an electronics factory.
#币安合约锦标赛 #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币
Three years of cryptocurrency trading is all in vain, the bus goes straight to Guangdong.
The child is determined to leave his hometown and work the night shift in the electronics factory.
Tears wet the pork leg rice, vowing to make one million.
At the end of the month, I was paid 2,500 yuan, and opening the contract is gambling.
Whose child cries every night, how can a gambler lose every day.
Working for ten years is still working, and living in the palace for one night.
I am making up for the decline of the pie, and my life is so hard to turn the tide.
In the end, I lost everything and couldn’t tighten the screws in my hand.
No matter how terrible the factory manager is, it will not affect the power strip.
A bowl of braised beef noodles, after eating, you have to work on the assembly line.
Working on the assembly line for three years, enduring hardships and hard work to realize the dream garden.
Three years of hard work to make money, saving 80,000 or 90,000 before the New Year.
Angrily asked the factory manager to resign, and opened Binance without hesitation.
I worked diligently to trade the market, but was eventually caught by a dog dealer.
I recall the youthful madness of the past, and now I live in a broken factory.
I graduated from the 21st grade, and I was able to choose any industry.
I thought I would never work in a factory, but I ended up working as a clerk in a factory.
I spent three years trading cryptocurrencies, and ended up in an electronics factory.
См. оригинал
#ENSUSDT #币安合约锦标赛 #德国政府转移比特币 Bring friends to make a spot layout. You can enter the market near 23.9 of ENs Xinajia. In the two days before the big cake fell, ENs has been rising against the wind, but the continuous decline has also caused a correction. There are signs of rebound and rise on the daily line. When the market rebounds comprehensively, the trend of ENs will also take off. You can leave a position near 21 to fill the gap. Friends with bullets can follow up with the layout. The target of holding the mid-term line is 30 first, and the subsequent operations will be notified.
#ENSUSDT #币安合约锦标赛 #德国政府转移比特币
Bring friends to make a spot layout. You can enter the market near 23.9 of ENs Xinajia. In the two days before the big cake fell, ENs has been rising against the wind, but the continuous decline has also caused a correction.

There are signs of rebound and rise on the daily line. When the market rebounds comprehensively, the trend of ENs will also take off. You can leave a position near 21 to fill the gap. Friends with bullets can follow up with the layout. The target of holding the mid-term line is 30 first, and the subsequent operations will be notified.
См. оригинал
#BTC走勢分析 #德国政府转移比特币 #美联储何时降息? BTC has been falling for 5 consecutive days. This market is really frustrating. Have you guys held your hands steady? After the price of Bitcoin rebounded to 63,800 at the beginning of the month, it began to fall continuously, with the lowest point reaching the strong support level of 53,000. Focus on 52,000 This week was not very friendly to the long-term Heyue fans, and the Shanzhai also followed to a lower position. This wave of decline is almost in place. Heyue is waiting for opportunities to operate, and the spot layout is waiting for a rebound. The arrival of the bull market is not far away.
#BTC走勢分析 #德国政府转移比特币 #美联储何时降息?
BTC has been falling for 5 consecutive days. This market is really frustrating. Have you guys held your hands steady? After the price of Bitcoin rebounded to 63,800 at the beginning of the month, it began to fall continuously, with the lowest point reaching the strong support level of 53,000. Focus on 52,000

This week was not very friendly to the long-term Heyue fans, and the Shanzhai also followed to a lower position. This wave of decline is almost in place. Heyue is waiting for opportunities to operate, and the spot layout is waiting for a rebound. The arrival of the bull market is not far away.
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#BTC☀ The price of Bitcoin started to rise. After two days of sideways trading over the weekend, a new month began and the market started to pick up. Bitcoin has now reached around 63,500. The 4-hour line has reached the pressure position. It is expected to pull back and then rebound. The pressure position of Bitcoin is 65,000, and the support position is 61,000.
The price of Bitcoin started to rise. After two days of sideways trading over the weekend, a new month began and the market started to pick up.

Bitcoin has now reached around 63,500. The 4-hour line has reached the pressure position. It is expected to pull back and then rebound.

The pressure position of Bitcoin is 65,000, and the support position is 61,000.
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#美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #美联储何时降息? I am a cryptocurrency trader I lose money when I trade cryptocurrencies I lose a lot of money I make a few hundred This is how I trade cryptocurrencies I didn’t buy when it skyrocketed I won’t sell when it plummeted I will add to my position when it drops I will go all-in when it drops further I recharge my faith every day I sell when it rebounds It goes up after I sell I smash my phone and curse My dream is shattered My mansion becomes a dog shed I wipe my tears and go to work In the end, everyone returns from playing with cryptocurrencies
#美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #美联储何时降息?
I am a cryptocurrency trader
I lose money when I trade cryptocurrencies
I lose a lot of money
I make a few hundred
This is how I trade cryptocurrencies
I didn’t buy when it skyrocketed
I won’t sell when it plummeted
I will add to my position when it drops
I will go all-in when it drops further
I recharge my faith every day
I sell when it rebounds
It goes up after I sell
I smash my phone and curse
My dream is shattered
My mansion becomes a dog shed
I wipe my tears and go to work
In the end, everyone returns from playing with cryptocurrencies
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#BTC走勢分析 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #美联储何时降息? Yesterday's market trend was in line with expectations, with a sideways trend during the day. The PCE data at night was not very ideal, and the published value was not equal to the expected value, and the market showed a bearish trend. It had fallen to 60063 at night, and the support of 60000 was still relatively strong. If this position was not broken, BTC would continue to rebound. The current trend was still in the range of 60000~63000. The end of this month also happened to be the weekend, and the market trend was expected to rebound to 61500 and then continue to fluctuate sideways. The pressure position of the big cake is 63000, and the support position is 60000.
#BTC走勢分析 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #美联储何时降息?
Yesterday's market trend was in line with expectations, with a sideways trend during the day. The PCE data at night was not very ideal, and the published value was not equal to the expected value, and the market showed a bearish trend.

It had fallen to 60063 at night, and the support of 60000 was still relatively strong. If this position was not broken, BTC would continue to rebound. The current trend was still in the range of 60000~63000. The end of this month also happened to be the weekend, and the market trend was expected to rebound to 61500 and then continue to fluctuate sideways.

The pressure position of the big cake is 63000, and the support position is 60000.
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