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#BTC #etf #BinanceTournament 🔎 📈燭台圖案備忘錄(終極指南)📉
#BTC #etf #BinanceTournament 🔎

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#sol 💥 •Solana 單日總經濟價值超過以太坊 💵 據 U.Today 報道,區塊鏈網絡 Solana 在 5 月 12 日產生的總經濟價值 (TEV) 超過以太坊,創下歷史新高。Blockworks Research 報告稱,Solana 的 TEV 達到 2,248,681 美元,超過以太坊的 1,977,416 美元。TEV 是一種結合交易費用和礦工/開採者價值 (MEV) 的指標,通常用於衡量區塊鏈網絡的效用和採用程度。 前 Ark Invest 分析師 Chris Burniske 對這一發展發表了評論,他認爲監控以 TEV 形式保持年度擴張的 L1 非常重要。更高的 TEV 可能表明使用量和需求增加,可能爲網絡的經濟政策提供更大的靈活性。 然而,這一成就引發了 Solana 和以太坊用戶的爭論。批評者認爲,在不考慮第 2 層 (L2) 解決方案的情況下將 Solana 的 TEV 與以太坊進行比較是誤導性的。L2 解決方案建立在以太坊之上,以增強可擴展性並降低費用,從主以太坊區塊鏈 (L1) 中卸載了一些活動,同時仍然是其中的關鍵部分。批評者建議,由於一些以太坊活動已轉移到 L2,因此應將其包括在比較中。 儘管受到批評,但 Burniske 堅持認爲跨區塊鏈比較 TEV 仍然很有價值。他解釋說,每個 L2 都在自己的區塊空間環境中運行,並且 TEV 比較通常是在 L1 到 L1 的基礎上進行的。然而,有些人可能不同意這種方法,並認爲 L2 是以太坊等大型生態系統不可分割的一部分,以太坊過去一直在努力應對高昂的費用。目前,以太坊的費用有時甚至低於 Tron。💵 ~來源:幣安新聞 #HotTrends #2024
#sol 💥

•Solana 單日總經濟價值超過以太坊 💵

據 U.Today 報道,區塊鏈網絡 Solana 在 5 月 12 日產生的總經濟價值 (TEV) 超過以太坊,創下歷史新高。Blockworks Research 報告稱,Solana 的 TEV 達到 2,248,681 美元,超過以太坊的 1,977,416 美元。TEV 是一種結合交易費用和礦工/開採者價值 (MEV) 的指標,通常用於衡量區塊鏈網絡的效用和採用程度。

前 Ark Invest 分析師 Chris Burniske 對這一發展發表了評論,他認爲監控以 TEV 形式保持年度擴張的 L1 非常重要。更高的 TEV 可能表明使用量和需求增加,可能爲網絡的經濟政策提供更大的靈活性。

然而,這一成就引發了 Solana 和以太坊用戶的爭論。批評者認爲,在不考慮第 2 層 (L2) 解決方案的情況下將 Solana 的 TEV 與以太坊進行比較是誤導性的。L2 解決方案建立在以太坊之上,以增強可擴展性並降低費用,從主以太坊區塊鏈 (L1) 中卸載了一些活動,同時仍然是其中的關鍵部分。批評者建議,由於一些以太坊活動已轉移到 L2,因此應將其包括在比較中。

儘管受到批評,但 Burniske 堅持認爲跨區塊鏈比較 TEV 仍然很有價值。他解釋說,每個 L2 都在自己的區塊空間環境中運行,並且 TEV 比較通常是在 L1 到 L1 的基礎上進行的。然而,有些人可能不同意這種方法,並認爲 L2 是以太坊等大型生態系統不可分割的一部分,以太坊過去一直在努力應對高昂的費用。目前,以太坊的費用有時甚至低於 Tron。💵


#HotTrends #2024
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#BTC #ETH #etf •Millennium Management 揭露 20 億美元的比特幣 ETF 投資組合💵 根據Odaily報道,對沖基金Millennium Management公佈了其價值20億美元的比特幣ETF投資組合。該公司對數位貨幣ETF的大量投資表明了其對比特幣及其相關金融產品潛力的信心。 Millennium Management 的這項舉措是加密貨幣在主流金融領域日益接受和整合的一個重要指標。然而,值得注意的是,投資包括比特幣在內的加密貨幣,由於其波動性而存在固有風險。投資者在投資此類資產之前應始終進行徹底的研究並考慮其風險承受能力。 💵 ~來源:幣安新聞 #HotTrends
#BTC #ETH #etf

•Millennium Management 揭露 20 億美元的比特幣 ETF 投資組合💵

根據Odaily報道,對沖基金Millennium Management公佈了其價值20億美元的比特幣ETF投資組合。該公司對數位貨幣ETF的大量投資表明了其對比特幣及其相關金融產品潛力的信心。 Millennium Management 的這項舉措是加密貨幣在主流金融領域日益接受和整合的一個重要指標。然而,值得注意的是,投資包括比特幣在內的加密貨幣,由於其波動性而存在固有風險。投資者在投資此類資產之前應始終進行徹底的研究並考慮其風險承受能力。 💵


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#BTC #ETH #etf 🔥現貨比特幣ETF最新動態🔥(第42期) [Fidelity's FBTC Sees Net Inflow of 💵131.9 Million]( [Over 700 Firms Could Hold Bitcoin ETFs Worth Nearly 💵5 Billion]( [CME Group Plans to Launch Bitcoin Spot Trading to Meet Growing Demand]( [Bitcoin Spot ETFs Witness Significant Net Inflows]( [BTC Price Rises Above 💵66,000, Predicted to Reach 💵74,000 High]( [Bitcoin Demand Back in 'Acceleration Mode', Says CryptoQuant]( [Morgan Stanley Invests 💵269.9 Million in Bitcoin ETF Through Grayscale GBTC]( [Market Rebounds After CPI Data Meets Expectations, Cryptocurrency BTC Rises]( [Crypto Market Enters Consolidation Phase, Predicts Galaxy Digital Founder]( [K33 Research Analyst: Nearly 1,000 Professional Firms Invest in U.S. Bitcoin Spot ETF as of March End]( [Cryptocurrency Influencers' Advice May Not Be Profitable in the Long Run, Study Finds]( [Record-Breaking Number of Holders for BlackRock's IBIT in Q1]( [US Initial Unemployment Claims Drop, Indicating Potential Strength in Job Market]( [Bitcoin Mining Costs Estimated at 💵45,000, Says Recent Study]( [Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission Allows Investment in Overseas ETFs]( #HotTrends
#BTC #ETH #etf


Fidelity's FBTC Sees Net Inflow of 💵131.9 Million

Over 700 Firms Could Hold Bitcoin ETFs Worth Nearly 💵5 Billion

CME Group Plans to Launch Bitcoin Spot Trading to Meet Growing Demand

Bitcoin Spot ETFs Witness Significant Net Inflows

BTC Price Rises Above 💵66,000, Predicted to Reach 💵74,000 High

Bitcoin Demand Back in 'Acceleration Mode', Says CryptoQuant

Morgan Stanley Invests 💵269.9 Million in Bitcoin ETF Through Grayscale GBTC

Market Rebounds After CPI Data Meets Expectations, Cryptocurrency BTC Rises

Crypto Market Enters Consolidation Phase, Predicts Galaxy Digital Founder

K33 Research Analyst: Nearly 1,000 Professional Firms Invest in U.S. Bitcoin Spot ETF as of March End

Cryptocurrency Influencers' Advice May Not Be Profitable in the Long Run, Study Finds

Record-Breaking Number of Holders for BlackRock's IBIT in Q1

US Initial Unemployment Claims Drop, Indicating Potential Strength in Job Market

Bitcoin Mining Costs Estimated at 💵45,000, Says Recent Study

Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission Allows Investment in Overseas ETFs

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#BTC #ETH #etf •Pine Ridge Advisers 持有 2.05 億美元 BlackRock IBIT、Fidelity FBTC 和 Bitwise BITB 💵 據 Odaily 報道,投資諮詢公司 Pine Ridge Advisers 持有 2.05 億美元 BlackRock IBIT、Fidelity FBTC 和 Bitwise BITB。這是由高級 ETF 分析師 Eric Balchunas 在 X 平臺上披露的。這些持股佔 Pine Ridge Advisers 管理的總資產的 23%。 Balchunas 沒有提供有關這三項資產持股分佈的更多細節。然而,對這三項資產的大量投資表明該公司對其潛力充滿信心。 BlackRock IBIT、Fidelity FBTC 和 Bitwise BITB 在投資界都很有名,它們的表現可能會對 Pine Ridge Advisers 的整體投資組合產生重大影響。 這則消息發佈之際,越來越多的投資諮詢公司對數字資產表現出興趣。Pine Ridge Advisers 的舉措可以看作是其多元化投資組合並挖掘這些資產潛力的戰略決策。然而,值得注意的是,投資此類資產也伴隨着一系列風險和挑戰。💵 ~來源:幣安新聞 #HotTrends
#BTC #ETH #etf

•Pine Ridge Advisers 持有 2.05 億美元 BlackRock IBIT、Fidelity FBTC 和 Bitwise BITB 💵

據 Odaily 報道,投資諮詢公司 Pine Ridge Advisers 持有 2.05 億美元 BlackRock IBIT、Fidelity FBTC 和 Bitwise BITB。這是由高級 ETF 分析師 Eric Balchunas 在 X 平臺上披露的。這些持股佔 Pine Ridge Advisers 管理的總資產的 23%。

Balchunas 沒有提供有關這三項資產持股分佈的更多細節。然而,對這三項資產的大量投資表明該公司對其潛力充滿信心。 BlackRock IBIT、Fidelity FBTC 和 Bitwise BITB 在投資界都很有名,它們的表現可能會對 Pine Ridge Advisers 的整體投資組合產生重大影響。

這則消息發佈之際,越來越多的投資諮詢公司對數字資產表現出興趣。Pine Ridge Advisers 的舉措可以看作是其多元化投資組合並挖掘這些資產潛力的戰略決策。然而,值得注意的是,投資此類資產也伴隨着一系列風險和挑戰。💵


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#BTC #ETH #etf 🔥現貨比特幣ETF最新動態🔥(第41期) [10x Research Predicts Major Market Rally; Emphasizes the Need for Timely Decision-Making and Strategic Planning]( [Bitcoin ETFs on the Rise as QCP Capital Suggests Accumulation Strategies]( [Titan Global Capital Management Becomes Fourth Largest Holder of IBIT Shares]( [US Unadjusted CPI Annual Rate Stands at 3.4% in April]( [US Dollar Index Plummets Following Release of CPI Data]( [Bitcoin Price Rises as Consumer Price Index Meets Expectations]( [Bitwise CIO Predicts Increase in Bitcoin ETF Allocations]( [US Senate Likely to Overturn SEC's Crypto Asset Accounting Rule]( [Federal Reserve Official Expresses Doubts Over Bitcoin and Central Bank Digital Currencies]( [Fed's Possible Rate Cut Triggers U.S. Dollar Sell-off, Sets Stage for Potential Gold Price Record]( [Four U.S. Metropolitan Areas Experience Highest Inflation Rates in a Year Amidst Rising Energy and Housing Costs]( [Fed's Kashkari: Fed May Maintain Current Interest Rates to Discern Inflation Direction]( [Bitcoin Price Rises in Response to Slowing U.S. Inflation]( [Incoming Vanguard CEO Declines to Launch Bitcoin Spot ETF]( [Unexpected Early Release of CPI Data Due to Accidental File Upload]( #HotTrends
#BTC #ETH #etf


10x Research Predicts Major Market Rally; Emphasizes the Need for Timely Decision-Making and Strategic Planning

Bitcoin ETFs on the Rise as QCP Capital Suggests Accumulation Strategies

Titan Global Capital Management Becomes Fourth Largest Holder of IBIT Shares

US Unadjusted CPI Annual Rate Stands at 3.4% in April

US Dollar Index Plummets Following Release of CPI Data

Bitcoin Price Rises as Consumer Price Index Meets Expectations

Bitwise CIO Predicts Increase in Bitcoin ETF Allocations

US Senate Likely to Overturn SEC's Crypto Asset Accounting Rule

Federal Reserve Official Expresses Doubts Over Bitcoin and Central Bank Digital Currencies

Fed's Possible Rate Cut Triggers U.S. Dollar Sell-off, Sets Stage for Potential Gold Price Record

Four U.S. Metropolitan Areas Experience Highest Inflation Rates in a Year Amidst Rising Energy and Housing Costs

Fed's Kashkari: Fed May Maintain Current Interest Rates to Discern Inflation Direction

Bitcoin Price Rises in Response to Slowing U.S. Inflation

Incoming Vanguard CEO Declines to Launch Bitcoin Spot ETF

Unexpected Early Release of CPI Data Due to Accidental File Upload

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#BTC #ETH #etf 🔥現貨比特幣ETF最新動態🔥(第40部分) [Bitcoin Network Fundamentals Remain Strong Despite Market Fluctuations]( [US Producer Price Index Rises in April 2024]( [US Economy Performing Well, Says Federal Reserve Chairman]( [Wisconsin Investment Committee Purchases 💵99 Million Worth of BlackRock Bitcoin ETF]( [US Federal Reserve Chairman Discusses Mixed PPI Data and Inflation]( [Federal Reserve Chairman Powell Indicates Policy Interest Rates Likely to Remain Unchanged]( [National Pension Fund Purchases BlackRock's Bitcoin Spot ETF]( [Bitcoin ETF Data Reveals Grayscale's Reduction and Fidelity's Increase in Holdings]( [Grayscale GBTC Experiences Net Outflow While Franklin EZBC Sees Inflow]( [Bitcoin Spot ETFs Witness Net Inflow of 💵100.5 Million]( [Japanese Firm Metaplanet Adopts Bitcoin as Reserve Asset Amid Economic Pressures]( [Calamos Submits Application for Bitcoin 'Buffer' ETF]( [US Pension Funds Likely to Invest in Bitcoin, Predicts MicroStrategy Co-Founder]( [Cryptocurrency Market Could Skyrocket to 💵100 Trillion, Predicts Macro Analyst]( [Prominent Analyst Predicts Bitcoin Price to Reach 💵95K in Unspecified Time Frame]( [10x Research Predicts Another Major Market Surge This Year]( #HotTrends
#BTC #ETH #etf


Bitcoin Network Fundamentals Remain Strong Despite Market Fluctuations

US Producer Price Index Rises in April 2024

US Economy Performing Well, Says Federal Reserve Chairman

Wisconsin Investment Committee Purchases 💵99 Million Worth of BlackRock Bitcoin ETF

US Federal Reserve Chairman Discusses Mixed PPI Data and Inflation

Federal Reserve Chairman Powell Indicates Policy Interest Rates Likely to Remain Unchanged

National Pension Fund Purchases BlackRock's Bitcoin Spot ETF

Bitcoin ETF Data Reveals Grayscale's Reduction and Fidelity's Increase in Holdings

Grayscale GBTC Experiences Net Outflow While Franklin EZBC Sees Inflow

Bitcoin Spot ETFs Witness Net Inflow of 💵100.5 Million

Japanese Firm Metaplanet Adopts Bitcoin as Reserve Asset Amid Economic Pressures

Calamos Submits Application for Bitcoin 'Buffer' ETF

US Pension Funds Likely to Invest in Bitcoin, Predicts MicroStrategy Co-Founder

Cryptocurrency Market Could Skyrocket to 💵100 Trillion, Predicts Macro Analyst

Prominent Analyst Predicts Bitcoin Price to Reach 💵95K in Unspecified Time Frame

10x Research Predicts Another Major Market Surge This Year

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#sol 🔥Solana 即將爆炸! [🔥Alliance DAO founder predicts Solana will hit 💵1,000 in 2024/2025🔥]( [Over 852,000 Active Wallet Addresses Interacted with the Solana Ecosystem in the Last 24 Hours]( [Third Round of LFG Candidate Projects Announced by Solana's DEX Jupiter]( [ Integrates Over 300 Nvidia H100 GPUs from Aethir into Its Infrastructure Network]( [Over 💵107 Million Bridged to Solana from Other Chains This May]( [Zeta Markets, A Solana Ecosystem DEX Project, Secures 💵5 Million in Strategic Financing]( [GME Experiences A 245% Increase in the Last 24 Hours]( [Maple Finance Partners with Figment to Integrate Solana and Ethereum Pledging]( [UK-Based Blockchain SaaS Solution AfriDex Secures 💵5 Million in Pre-Seed Funding Round]( [Marginfi Prepares to Launch Stablecoin Product YBX and New Product Mrgnswap in 2024]( [Decentralized Perpetual Contract Trading Platform Infinex Now Supports Solana]( [Raydium Announces Latest Updates on X Platform]( [Solana Ecosystem DEX Raydium Launches v3 User Interface and New CPMM Program]( [Solayer Opens Restaking Deposits, Hits 💵20 Million Cap Within 45 Minutes]( #HotTrends #2024

🔥Solana 即將爆炸!

🔥Alliance DAO founder predicts Solana will hit 💵1,000 in 2024/2025🔥

Over 852,000 Active Wallet Addresses Interacted with the Solana Ecosystem in the Last 24 Hours

Third Round of LFG Candidate Projects Announced by Solana's DEX Jupiter Integrates Over 300 Nvidia H100 GPUs from Aethir into Its Infrastructure Network

Over 💵107 Million Bridged to Solana from Other Chains This May

Zeta Markets, A Solana Ecosystem DEX Project, Secures 💵5 Million in Strategic Financing

GME Experiences A 245% Increase in the Last 24 Hours

Maple Finance Partners with Figment to Integrate Solana and Ethereum Pledging

UK-Based Blockchain SaaS Solution AfriDex Secures 💵5 Million in Pre-Seed Funding Round

Marginfi Prepares to Launch Stablecoin Product YBX and New Product Mrgnswap in 2024

Decentralized Perpetual Contract Trading Platform Infinex Now Supports Solana

Raydium Announces Latest Updates on X Platform

Solana Ecosystem DEX Raydium Launches v3 User Interface and New CPMM Program

Solayer Opens Restaking Deposits, Hits 💵20 Million Cap Within 45 Minutes

#HotTrends #2024
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#BTC #ETH #etf 🔥現貨比特幣ETF最新動態🔥(第39期) [Crypto Market Stagnates Amid Anticipation of Key Economic Events]( [Bitcoin Finds Balance at 💵60,000 as Market Awaits CPI Impact — 5 Things to Watch This Week]( [BTC ETF Sees Net Outflow of 💵264 Million Amidst Market Slump]( [Digital Asset Investment Products See Inflows for the First Time in Five Weeks]( [Bitcoin Price Influenced by Interest Rate Expectations, Not Spot ETF Approval, Says CoinShares]( [Bitcoin ETF Holdings Reach New High, Reports Bracebridge Capital]( [Binance Research: Current Stagflation Fears May Be Overblown as Crypto Readies for More Sustainable Growth]( [No Net Inflow/Outflow for GBTC, ARKB, BTCO; BITB Sees 💵20.3M Inflow]( [Swiss Bank UBS and Montreal Bank Hold Bitcoin Spot ETFs]( [Grayscale Highlights Bitcoin's 'Renaissance' with New Layer 2 Developments]( [Fidelity's FBTC and VanEck's HODL Witness Significant Inflows]( [Bitcoin Volatility Index BitVol Rises to 59.77]( [U.S. Bitcoin Spot ETF Witnesses 💵66 Million Net Inflow in a Day]( [US Spot Bitcoin ETFs Record Net Inflows of Almost 💵66 Million Led by FBTC]( [Swiss Bank UBS Holds 3,600 Shares in BlackRock's Bitcoin Trust]( #HotTrends
#BTC #ETH #etf


Crypto Market Stagnates Amid Anticipation of Key Economic Events

Bitcoin Finds Balance at 💵60,000 as Market Awaits CPI Impact — 5 Things to Watch This Week

BTC ETF Sees Net Outflow of 💵264 Million Amidst Market Slump

Digital Asset Investment Products See Inflows for the First Time in Five Weeks

Bitcoin Price Influenced by Interest Rate Expectations, Not Spot ETF Approval, Says CoinShares

Bitcoin ETF Holdings Reach New High, Reports Bracebridge Capital

Binance Research: Current Stagflation Fears May Be Overblown as Crypto Readies for More Sustainable Growth

No Net Inflow/Outflow for GBTC, ARKB, BTCO; BITB Sees 💵20.3M Inflow

Swiss Bank UBS and Montreal Bank Hold Bitcoin Spot ETFs

Grayscale Highlights Bitcoin's 'Renaissance' with New Layer 2 Developments

Fidelity's FBTC and VanEck's HODL Witness Significant Inflows

Bitcoin Volatility Index BitVol Rises to 59.77

U.S. Bitcoin Spot ETF Witnesses 💵66 Million Net Inflow in a Day

US Spot Bitcoin ETFs Record Net Inflows of Almost 💵66 Million Led by FBTC

Swiss Bank UBS Holds 3,600 Shares in BlackRock's Bitcoin Trust

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#BTC #ETH #etf 💥🔥歐洲監管機構考慮將加密貨幣納入 12 萬億歐元投資市場🔥💥 歐盟安全監管機構 ESMA 正在積極探索將加密貨幣整合到龐大的 12 萬億歐元投資產品市場的可能性。爲了收集見解,ESMA 已聯繫行業專家,徵求他們對可轉讓證券集合投資計劃 (UCITS) 是否可以納入各種資產類別的意見,包括加密資產、商品、結構性貸款、排放配額、災難債券和非上市股票。 UCITS 是旨在簡化和保護投資交易的投資基金,包括共同基金、交易所交易基金和貨幣市場基金。雖然這些基金受歐盟法規管轄,但非歐盟投資者也可以參與其中。與僅專注於加密貨幣的現貨 BTC ETF 不同,UCITS 投資涵蓋多種基金類型,每種基金都有基於風險狀況的資產配置。如果獲得批准,不太可能有獨立的 UCITS 基金將 100% 分配給加密貨幣。相反,多個 UCITS 基金可能會將一定比例的資產分配給加密資產。 ESMA 的這一舉措與美國和香港最近批准現貨比特幣交易所交易基金 (ETF) 相吻合。看來,全球監管機構正逐漸接受將加密貨幣風險納入傳統投資渠道。 UCITS 的利益相關者必須在 8 月 7 日之前提交反饋。如果獲得批准,將加密資產納入 UCITS 將標誌着一個重要的里程碑,有可能使其成爲最大的主流加密貨幣投資工具之一。🔥 ~來源:CoinMarketCap #HotTrends
#BTC #ETH #etf

💥🔥歐洲監管機構考慮將加密貨幣納入 12 萬億歐元投資市場🔥💥

歐盟安全監管機構 ESMA 正在積極探索將加密貨幣整合到龐大的 12 萬億歐元投資產品市場的可能性。爲了收集見解,ESMA 已聯繫行業專家,徵求他們對可轉讓證券集合投資計劃 (UCITS) 是否可以納入各種資產類別的意見,包括加密資產、商品、結構性貸款、排放配額、災難債券和非上市股票。

UCITS 是旨在簡化和保護投資交易的投資基金,包括共同基金、交易所交易基金和貨幣市場基金。雖然這些基金受歐盟法規管轄,但非歐盟投資者也可以參與其中。與僅專注於加密貨幣的現貨 BTC ETF 不同,UCITS 投資涵蓋多種基金類型,每種基金都有基於風險狀況的資產配置。如果獲得批准,不太可能有獨立的 UCITS 基金將 100% 分配給加密貨幣。相反,多個 UCITS 基金可能會將一定比例的資產分配給加密資產。

ESMA 的這一舉措與美國和香港最近批准現貨比特幣交易所交易基金 (ETF) 相吻合。看來,全球監管機構正逐漸接受將加密貨幣風險納入傳統投資渠道。

UCITS 的利益相關者必須在 8 月 7 日之前提交反饋。如果獲得批准,將加密資產納入 UCITS 將標誌着一個重要的里程碑,有可能使其成爲最大的主流加密貨幣投資工具之一。🔥


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#sol 💥 •Helius 執行長表示,只有 4 個排名前 20 的驗證者升級到了 Solana 的最新補丁 💵 根據 PANews 報導,Solana 生態系統內的開發平台 Helius 的執行長 Mert Mumtaz 表示,前 20 個質押驗證器中只有 4 個已升級到 Solana 網路的最新補丁 v1.17.3。該補丁旨在解決網路內的擁塞問題。 此外,Anza 團隊負責處理 Solana 網路擁塞問題的核心開發人員 trent.sol 報告稱,Solana 主網 Beta v1.17.33 版本的採用率已達到 32.4%。這些資訊強調了改進和穩定 Solana 網路的持續努力,以及讓所有驗證者採用最新修補程式所面臨的挑戰。 💵 ~來源:幣安新聞 #HotTrends #2024
#sol 💥

•Helius 執行長表示,只有 4 個排名前 20 的驗證者升級到了 Solana 的最新補丁 💵

根據 PANews 報導,Solana 生態系統內的開發平台 Helius 的執行長 Mert Mumtaz 表示,前 20 個質押驗證器中只有 4 個已升級到 Solana 網路的最新補丁 v1.17.3。該補丁旨在解決網路內的擁塞問題。

此外,Anza 團隊負責處理 Solana 網路擁塞問題的核心開發人員 trent.sol 報告稱,Solana 主網 Beta v1.17.33 版本的採用率已達到 32.4%。這些資訊強調了改進和穩定 Solana 網路的持續努力,以及讓所有驗證者採用最新修補程式所面臨的挑戰。 💵


#HotTrends #2024
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#BTC #ETH #etf •摩根大通不顧執行長的批評,披露了比特幣 ETF 持有量 💵 根據《今日美國》報道,美國最大的銀行摩根大通在最近的一份文件中披露了其持有的比特幣交易所交易基金(ETF)。儘管該銀行持有的比特幣 ETF 總額僅為 120 萬美元,但此舉被視為比特幣接受度不斷提高的另一個跡象。貝萊德 (BlackRock) 的羅伯特·米奇尼克 (Robert Mitchnick) 最近表示,包括退休基金在內的主要金融機構正在準備投資比特幣 ETF。米奇尼克淡化了最近資金流入放緩的影響,聲稱這家金融巨頭繼續見證了對比特幣敞口的強勁需求。 相關消息稱,Edmond de Rothschild (Suisse) S.A. 目前持有價值 420 萬美元的比特幣 ETF 股票。美國另一家領先銀行富國銀行也在一份監管文件中披露了其比特幣 ETF 持有量。儘管取得了這些進展,摩根大通執行長傑米戴蒙仍然直言不諱地批評比特幣。去年 12 月,他建議美國政府應該考慮關閉領先的加密貨幣。他最近將旗艦加密貨幣稱為「龐氏騙局」。儘管受到戴蒙的批評,摩根大通還是在 2021 年為其財富客戶推出了被動管理的比特幣基金。 週四,比特幣 ETF 的資金流向好壞參半。 Grayscale 的 GBTC 經歷了超過 4,300 萬美元的大幅流出,但貝萊德相對溫和的 1,420 萬美元流入並沒有抵消這一損失。儘管 ETF 數據為負面,比特幣還是成功反彈至 63,000 美元的水平,然後再次下跌。 💵 ~來源:幣安新聞 #HotTrends
#BTC #ETH #etf

•摩根大通不顧執行長的批評,披露了比特幣 ETF 持有量 💵

根據《今日美國》報道,美國最大的銀行摩根大通在最近的一份文件中披露了其持有的比特幣交易所交易基金(ETF)。儘管該銀行持有的比特幣 ETF 總額僅為 120 萬美元,但此舉被視為比特幣接受度不斷提高的另一個跡象。貝萊德 (BlackRock) 的羅伯特·米奇尼克 (Robert Mitchnick) 最近表示,包括退休基金在內的主要金融機構正在準備投資比特幣 ETF。米奇尼克淡化了最近資金流入放緩的影響,聲稱這家金融巨頭繼續見證了對比特幣敞口的強勁需求。

相關消息稱,Edmond de Rothschild (Suisse) S.A. 目前持有價值 420 萬美元的比特幣 ETF 股票。美國另一家領先銀行富國銀行也在一份監管文件中披露了其比特幣 ETF 持有量。儘管取得了這些進展,摩根大通執行長傑米戴蒙仍然直言不諱地批評比特幣。去年 12 月,他建議美國政府應該考慮關閉領先的加密貨幣。他最近將旗艦加密貨幣稱為「龐氏騙局」。儘管受到戴蒙的批評,摩根大通還是在 2021 年為其財富客戶推出了被動管理的比特幣基金。

週四,比特幣 ETF 的資金流向好壞參半。 Grayscale 的 GBTC 經歷了超過 4,300 萬美元的大幅流出,但貝萊德相對溫和的 1,420 萬美元流入並沒有抵消這一損失。儘管 ETF 數據為負面,比特幣還是成功反彈至 63,000 美元的水平,然後再次下跌。 💵


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#BTC #ETH #etf 🔥現貨比特幣ETF最新動態🔥(第38期) [Grayscale Transfers 319.701 BTC to a New Address]( [Federal Reserve's Logan Cautions Against Premature Rate Cuts Amid Inflation Risks]( [High Correlation Between BTC and ETH Hinders Fiat Influx into Crypto Ecosystem]( [Grayscale GBTC Fund Experiences Net Outflow of 💵103 Million]( [Wells Fargo Discloses Ownership of Grayscale GBTC Shares]( [Rubric Capital and Symmetry Investments Become Major Holders of Blackrock's Bitcoin ETF]( [Bitcoin ETF Outflows Could Pressure BTC Price, Predicts Peter Schiff]( [Bitcoin Maximalist Max Keiser Supports U.S. Banking Sector Crash Predictions]( [Bitcoin Price Rally Stalls, Market Consolidation Continues]( [Global Bitcoin ETFs Hold 4.5% of Total Supply]( [Bitcoin's Path Echoing 2016, Leading to Potential 💵350K Price—Crypto Traders]( [Is an 'Explosive Rally' in Store for Altcoin Market? Crypto Analysts Monitor Key Indicators]( [As Bitcoin Volatility Dips Below Top Tech Stocks, 💵100K Price Forecast Gains Traction]( [Japanese Listed Company Metaplanet Adopts Bitcoin as Strategic Reserve Asset]( [Bitcoin Volatility Index Takes an Upward Turn, Reporting a Daily Surge of 3.34%]( #HotTrends
#BTC #ETH #etf


Grayscale Transfers 319.701 BTC to a New Address

Federal Reserve's Logan Cautions Against Premature Rate Cuts Amid Inflation Risks

High Correlation Between BTC and ETH Hinders Fiat Influx into Crypto Ecosystem

Grayscale GBTC Fund Experiences Net Outflow of 💵103 Million

Wells Fargo Discloses Ownership of Grayscale GBTC Shares

Rubric Capital and Symmetry Investments Become Major Holders of Blackrock's Bitcoin ETF

Bitcoin ETF Outflows Could Pressure BTC Price, Predicts Peter Schiff

Bitcoin Maximalist Max Keiser Supports U.S. Banking Sector Crash Predictions

Bitcoin Price Rally Stalls, Market Consolidation Continues

Global Bitcoin ETFs Hold 4.5% of Total Supply

Bitcoin's Path Echoing 2016, Leading to Potential 💵350K Price—Crypto Traders

Is an 'Explosive Rally' in Store for Altcoin Market? Crypto Analysts Monitor Key Indicators

As Bitcoin Volatility Dips Below Top Tech Stocks, 💵100K Price Forecast Gains Traction

Japanese Listed Company Metaplanet Adopts Bitcoin as Strategic Reserve Asset

Bitcoin Volatility Index Takes an Upward Turn, Reporting a Daily Surge of 3.34%

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#BTC #ETH #etf 🔥現貨比特幣ETF最新動態🔥(第37期) [Grayscale GBTC Sees 💵29 Million Outflow, ARKB Gains 💵3 Million Inflow]( [Susquehanna International Group Discloses 💵1.3 Billion Investment in Bitcoin ETFs]( [Cryptocurrency Bull Market Cycle May Be Shorter Than Previous Ones, Says 10x Research]( [Bitcoin and Ethereum Show Diverging Trends Amid Weaker Capital Rotation]( [US Bitcoin ETF Sees Net Inflow of 💵12 Million]( [European Securities and Markets Authority Considers Including Cryptocurrencies in Investment Products]( [Bitcoin Faces Longest Losing Streak Since Last October]( [Grayscale GBTC Experiences Net Outflow While Bitwise BITB, ARKB, and Franklin EZBC See Inflows]( [US Bank and Edmond De Rothschild Holding SA Disclose Bitcoin ETF Investments]( [Twitter Co-Founder Predicts Bitcoin Value Could Reach 💵1 Million By 2030]( [Trading Volume of Bitcoin and Ethereum Spot ETFs Hits HK💵11.28 Million in Hong Kong]( [Author Robert Kiyosaki Highlights Bitcoin's Potential Amid Economic Uncertainty]( [Current Unsettled Positions in BTC and ETH Options Reach Significant Values]( [Bitcoin Kimchi Premium Dips Amid Market Decline, Signifying Reduced Investor Enthusiasm in South Korea]( #HotTrends
#BTC #ETH #etf


Grayscale GBTC Sees 💵29 Million Outflow, ARKB Gains 💵3 Million Inflow

Susquehanna International Group Discloses 💵1.3 Billion Investment in Bitcoin ETFs

Cryptocurrency Bull Market Cycle May Be Shorter Than Previous Ones, Says 10x Research

Bitcoin and Ethereum Show Diverging Trends Amid Weaker Capital Rotation

US Bitcoin ETF Sees Net Inflow of 💵12 Million

European Securities and Markets Authority Considers Including Cryptocurrencies in Investment Products

Bitcoin Faces Longest Losing Streak Since Last October

Grayscale GBTC Experiences Net Outflow While Bitwise BITB, ARKB, and Franklin EZBC See Inflows

US Bank and Edmond De Rothschild Holding SA Disclose Bitcoin ETF Investments

Twitter Co-Founder Predicts Bitcoin Value Could Reach 💵1 Million By 2030

Trading Volume of Bitcoin and Ethereum Spot ETFs Hits HK💵11.28 Million in Hong Kong

Author Robert Kiyosaki Highlights Bitcoin's Potential Amid Economic Uncertainty

Current Unsettled Positions in BTC and ETH Options Reach Significant Values

Bitcoin Kimchi Premium Dips Amid Market Decline, Signifying Reduced Investor Enthusiasm in South Korea

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#BTC #ETH #etf #HKETF •香港比特幣現貨ETF首次淨贖回,以太幣現貨ETF持續淨買進💵 根據PANews 報道,SoSo Value 數據顯示,香港比特幣現貨ETF 出現自4 月30 日開始交易以來的首次淨贖回。量為4,150。單日交易金額為860萬美元,總淨資產為2.66億美元。 相較之下,香港以太坊現貨ETF連續四個交易日維持單日淨買進。當日以太幣單日淨買進量為999.75,以太幣總持倉量為17280枚。單日交易金額180萬美元,總淨資產5,487萬美元。 值得注意的是,香港加密貨幣ETF支持現貨申請和贖回機制。淨申購是指某一期間內申購金額與贖回金額之間的正差,即買入量多於賣出量。相反,淨贖回意味著銷售多於購買。 💵 ~來源:幣安新聞 #HotTrends


根據PANews 報道,SoSo Value 數據顯示,香港比特幣現貨ETF 出現自4 月30 日開始交易以來的首次淨贖回。量為4,150。單日交易金額為860萬美元,總淨資產為2.66億美元。


值得注意的是,香港加密貨幣ETF支持現貨申請和贖回機制。淨申購是指某一期間內申購金額與贖回金額之間的正差,即買入量多於賣出量。相反,淨贖回意味著銷售多於購買。 💵


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#BTC #ETH #etf 🔥現貨比特幣ETF最新動態🔥(第36期) [Grayscale GBTC Records First Net Inflow After Conversion to Spot ETF]( [Franklin Templeton's EZBC Records Historic High Net Inflow]( [Historic Total Net Inflow Achieved by US Bitcoin Spot ETFs]( [Understanding Market Makers: Their Role and Influence in Cryptocurrency Trading]( [Bitcoin's Potential Rally in May: Factors and Indicators]( [Federal Reserve Reduces Balance Sheet to Below 💵7.4 Trillion]( [Bitcoin Network Achieves Significant Milestone with One Billion Transactions]( [Bitcoin Bull Run Far from Over, Predicts Bernstein Analyst]( [Hong Kong's Bitcoin and Ethereum Spot ETFs Witness HK💵60.41 Million Trading Volume]( [Grayscale GBTC Fund Sees Continuous Net Inflow, Other Funds Follow Suit]( [Bitcoin Spot ETF Trading Volume Data Revealed]( [Bitcoin ETF Sees Two Consecutive Days of Net Inflows in the US]( [South Korean Democratic Party to Seek Clarification on Bitcoin Spot ETFs]( [CBOE Proposes Changes to Franklin Bitcoin ETF Trading Rules]( [Hong Kong-Based Firms Hold Significant Shares in BlackRock Bitcoin ETF]( [Asset Management Firms Disclose Holdings in BlackRock's IBIT]( #HotTrends
#BTC #ETH #etf


Grayscale GBTC Records First Net Inflow After Conversion to Spot ETF

Franklin Templeton's EZBC Records Historic High Net Inflow

Historic Total Net Inflow Achieved by US Bitcoin Spot ETFs

Understanding Market Makers: Their Role and Influence in Cryptocurrency Trading

Bitcoin's Potential Rally in May: Factors and Indicators

Federal Reserve Reduces Balance Sheet to Below 💵7.4 Trillion

Bitcoin Network Achieves Significant Milestone with One Billion Transactions

Bitcoin Bull Run Far from Over, Predicts Bernstein Analyst

Hong Kong's Bitcoin and Ethereum Spot ETFs Witness HK💵60.41 Million Trading Volume

Grayscale GBTC Fund Sees Continuous Net Inflow, Other Funds Follow Suit

Bitcoin Spot ETF Trading Volume Data Revealed

Bitcoin ETF Sees Two Consecutive Days of Net Inflows in the US

South Korean Democratic Party to Seek Clarification on Bitcoin Spot ETFs

CBOE Proposes Changes to Franklin Bitcoin ETF Trading Rules

Hong Kong-Based Firms Hold Significant Shares in BlackRock Bitcoin ETF

Asset Management Firms Disclose Holdings in BlackRock's IBIT

Ver original
#sol 🔥Solana 即將爆炸! [🔥Alliance DAO founder predicts Solana will hit 💵1,000 in 2024/2025🔥]( [PublicAI Partners with DePIN Protocol to Enhance AI Computing]( [Over 370 Million KMNO Tokens Currently Staked, Representing Approximately 60% of Total Claimed Tokens]( [Jito TVL Surpasses 💵1.4 Billion, Becomes Highest DeFi Protocol on Solana]( [Solana Labs Partners with Google Cloud to Integrate GameShift into Its Ecosystem]( [Solana's Jupiter Ecosystem Achieves Highest Number of Active Independent Wallets]( [Solana's on-chain NFT Sales Hits The Lowest Record in 2024]( [Solana's Jupiter DEX Concludes Voting for Experimental Work Groups]( [Solana's DePIN Protocol Announces Launch of Ignition's First Season Points]( [Solana's Jupiter DEX Announces Two Enhancements]( [Solana Ecosystem's DePIN Protocol Announces Token IO Contract Address]( [Solana's DePIN Protocol Updates Final Worker Season 1 Scores]( [ Takes Steps to Correct Incorrect Official Contract Address on CoinGecko]( [Solana's DePIN Protocol Addresses Incorrect IO Token Contract Address on CoinGecko]( [Meme Coin GME Records 24h Transaction Volume of Over 💵128 Million, Claims Fourth Spot on Solana Chain]( #HotTrends #2024

🔥Solana 即將爆炸!

🔥Alliance DAO founder predicts Solana will hit 💵1,000 in 2024/2025🔥

PublicAI Partners with DePIN Protocol to Enhance AI Computing

Over 370 Million KMNO Tokens Currently Staked, Representing Approximately 60% of Total Claimed Tokens

Jito TVL Surpasses 💵1.4 Billion, Becomes Highest DeFi Protocol on Solana

Solana Labs Partners with Google Cloud to Integrate GameShift into Its Ecosystem

Solana's Jupiter Ecosystem Achieves Highest Number of Active Independent Wallets

Solana's on-chain NFT Sales Hits The Lowest Record in 2024

Solana's Jupiter DEX Concludes Voting for Experimental Work Groups

Solana's DePIN Protocol Announces Launch of Ignition's First Season Points

Solana's Jupiter DEX Announces Two Enhancements

Solana Ecosystem's DePIN Protocol Announces Token IO Contract Address

Solana's DePIN Protocol Updates Final Worker Season 1 Scores Takes Steps to Correct Incorrect Official Contract Address on CoinGecko

Solana's DePIN Protocol Addresses Incorrect IO Token Contract Address on CoinGecko

Meme Coin GME Records 24h Transaction Volume of Over 💵128 Million, Claims Fourth Spot on Solana Chain

#HotTrends #2024
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#BTC #ETH #etf 🔥現貨比特幣ETF最新動態🔥(第35部分) [Bitcoin (BTC) Price Forecast: Traders Peg 💵50K as Next Target as BTC Loses Key Support Level]( [IBIT Records First Single-Day Net Outflow]( [Bitcoin Spot ETF Records Highest Net Outflow in History]( [Financial Institutions May Begin Spot ETF Trading in Coming Months, Says BlackRock Digital Assets Head]( [French Bank BNP Paribas Discloses Bitcoin Purchase Through ETF]( [US Legislators Urge SEC to Approve Bitcoin Spot ETF Options]( [Hong Kong Bitcoin ETF Holds 4088 BTC After Two Trading Days]( [BTC ETFs Expected to See Net Outflow of Approximately 579 BTC]( [Bitcoin ETFs Decrease Holdings Amid Market Volatility]( [Bitcoin's On-Chain Metrics Indicate Potential Strong Recovery]( [US Non-Farm Employment Figures for April Show a Decrease]( [US Unemployment Rate Slightly Higher Than Expected in April]( [Traders Anticipate Earlier Federal Reserve Rate Cut]( [Financial Guru Robert Kiyosaki Shares Six Rules for Surviving a Market Crash]( [Hong Kong Asset Management Firms Purchase 💵112 Million in US Bitcoin Spot ETFs]( [Institutional Interest in Bitcoin ETFs Revealed Through 13F Filings]( #HotTrends
#BTC #ETH #etf


Bitcoin (BTC) Price Forecast: Traders Peg 💵50K as Next Target as BTC Loses Key Support Level

IBIT Records First Single-Day Net Outflow

Bitcoin Spot ETF Records Highest Net Outflow in History

Financial Institutions May Begin Spot ETF Trading in Coming Months, Says BlackRock Digital Assets Head

French Bank BNP Paribas Discloses Bitcoin Purchase Through ETF

US Legislators Urge SEC to Approve Bitcoin Spot ETF Options

Hong Kong Bitcoin ETF Holds 4088 BTC After Two Trading Days

BTC ETFs Expected to See Net Outflow of Approximately 579 BTC

Bitcoin ETFs Decrease Holdings Amid Market Volatility

Bitcoin's On-Chain Metrics Indicate Potential Strong Recovery

US Non-Farm Employment Figures for April Show a Decrease

US Unemployment Rate Slightly Higher Than Expected in April

Traders Anticipate Earlier Federal Reserve Rate Cut

Financial Guru Robert Kiyosaki Shares Six Rules for Surviving a Market Crash

Hong Kong Asset Management Firms Purchase 💵112 Million in US Bitcoin Spot ETFs

Institutional Interest in Bitcoin ETFs Revealed Through 13F Filings

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