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近期US crypto regulation进展总结监管 • 上周House通过了一项决议,否决了SEC之前制定的一项关于上市公司处理crypto资产的accounting rule。SEC制定的这个规则是非常明确的anti-crypto,要求银行在托管客户的crypto资产时要放在自己的资产负债表上,使得大部分传统金融机构参与crypto业务阻力很大。 。 这个resolution大概率会在今天(5/16)也通过senate,但之前Biden发表了申明称会veto国会的这个决议,因此结果更多是象征性的。但如果白宫最后改了主意,大概率会被市场解读为一个关键利好。 • House计划于接下来两周就FIT21法案进行floor投票。这是去年House GOP推动的一份全面crypto监管框架法案(细节),是国会推出过的最成熟的crypto监管框架法案。虽然由GOP主导,但有一定DEM支持。 。预计House floorvote可以通过,但大选前没有机会过Senate。考虑到法案的重要性,市场也许会在情绪好的时候给小幅正面反馈,但不会有大影响 ETH ETF •近期开始有一些传言SEC可能会在下周会发布的ETHspot ETF申请结果中以ETH 是security为理由决绝ETF申请。如果落地,可能对ETH会是进一步的情緒冲击。 •Grayscale近期的一系列采访和动作暗示,如果这次ETHETF申请被拒绝,他们不会立刻提超诉讼。主要是ETH情况和BTC还是不同,有security认定和futures/spot correlation偏低两个问题。 • 从以上这些零散的进展中可以看到,围绕crypto监管的政治分野进一步凸显。总体上国会GOP对crypto支持力度很大很坚决,而且在国会层面是受到一部分DEM支持的。但以Biden为代表的传统建制派/老一代政客的反对也是非常明显。这背后反映了更多的是不同年龄组人群对crypto态度的巨大差别和利益矛盾。长期看,一般来说年轻一代的话语权更容易占上风,也是我对crypto监管长期略微信向乐观的原因。在这个背景下,后续crypto市场总体走向对今年大选情况的PB敏感性很有可能会比较高。 #ETFvsBTC #ETHETFS

近期US crypto regulation进展总结

• 上周House通过了一项决议,否决了SEC之前制定的一项关于上市公司处理crypto资产的accounting rule。SEC制定的这个规则是非常明确的anti-crypto,要求银行在托管客户的crypto资产时要放在自己的资产负债表上,使得大部分传统金融机构参与crypto业务阻力很大。
。 这个resolution大概率会在今天(5/16)也通过senate,但之前Biden发表了申明称会veto国会的这个决议,因此结果更多是象征性的。但如果白宫最后改了主意,大概率会被市场解读为一个关键利好。
• House计划于接下来两周就FIT21法案进行floor投票。这是去年House GOP推动的一份全面crypto监管框架法案(细节),是国会推出过的最成熟的crypto监管框架法案。虽然由GOP主导,但有一定DEM支持。
。预计House floorvote可以通过,但大选前没有机会过Senate。考虑到法案的重要性,市场也许会在情绪好的时候给小幅正面反馈,但不会有大影响

•近期开始有一些传言SEC可能会在下周会发布的ETHspot ETF申请结果中以ETH 是security为理由决绝ETF申请。如果落地,可能对ETH会是进一步的情緒冲击。
•Grayscale近期的一系列采访和动作暗示,如果这次ETHETF申请被拒绝,他们不会立刻提超诉讼。主要是ETH情况和BTC还是不同,有security认定和futures/spot correlation偏低两个问题。
• 从以上这些零散的进展中可以看到,围绕crypto监管的政治分野进一步凸显。总体上国会GOP对crypto支持力度很大很坚决,而且在国会层面是受到一部分DEM支持的。但以Biden为代表的传统建制派/老一代政客的反对也是非常明显。这背后反映了更多的是不同年龄组人群对crypto态度的巨大差别和利益矛盾。长期看,一般来说年轻一代的话语权更容易占上风,也是我对crypto监管长期略微信向乐观的原因。在这个背景下,后续crypto市场总体走向对今年大选情况的PB敏感性很有可能会比较高。

Are You Ready for the SocialFi Summer?As the digital world evolves, so does the landscape of social media. This summer, prepare to dive into the vibrant world of SocialFi, where social networking meets decentralized finance. This innovative blend not only enhances user interaction but also integrates financial capabilities directly within social platforms. Leading the charge is Farcaster, a SocialFi platform known for its robust, user-centric design. But that’s just the beginning. Let's explore four more dynamic SocialFi DApps, including the promising Connect3, that are setting the stage for a transformative summer. Farcaster Farcaster stands out with its decentralized approach to social networking. It allows users to control their data while fostering a community where interactions can be monetized in a transparent and secure manner. As a hub for creators and consumers alike, Farcaster exemplifies the core principles of SocialFi by integrating social media functionalities with blockchain technology. Connect3 Connect3 is tailoring a new era for content creators and consumers by addressing the limitations of Web2 social platforms. With its advanced Web3 technologies, Connect3 resolves issues related to data ownership, monetization, and content distribution. By incentivizing high-quality data contribution, Connect3 empowers users to earn tangible rewards through AI model training, targeted advertising, and more. Its dedicated Layer 2 solution ensures secure, permissionless data management, marking it as a frontrunner in the SocialFi space. I believe that the introduction of new ways to use Narvi Coins will not only enhance their utility but also open up promising opportunities for trading. Lens Protocol Lens Protocol reshapes the creator economy by providing a decentralized, blockchain-based platform where creators own their content and audience networks. Built on the Polygon blockchain, Lens facilitates a permissionless environment where interactions are not only possible but profitable. The platform’s unique follow-to-earn model incentivizes both creators and followers, ensuring active and engaged community growth. DeSo DeSo, short for "Decentralized Social," aims to scale blockchain to support social media applications beyond what traditional blockchains offer. With a clean slate approach, DeSo has its own blockchain specifically optimized for social network data storage and transactions. This infrastructure supports a variety of apps and features, such as decentralized identity and monetization strategies that empower users and creators alike. Rally Rally offers a unique twist by integrating cryptocurrency with social media engagement. It provides tools for creators to launch their own cryptocurrencies that fans can use to access special content, merchandise, and experiences. This not only builds a direct creator-fan economy but also enhances fan engagement by aligning incentives between the creator and their community. Why SocialFi? SocialFi platforms stand out by allowing users to leverage their social interactions into financial benefits. Whether it’s through content creation, data sharing, or simply engaging with the community, SocialFi encourages a more active, rewarding social media experience. The decentralization aspect also promises improved security and data privacy, returning control to the users. As we embrace the SocialFi Summer, these platforms offer fresh opportunities to engage, earn, and impact the digital economy directly from our social interactions. With each platform bringing something unique to the table, there's bound to be a SocialFi experience that resonates with everyone. So, are you ready to transform your social networking experience into something more fruitful this summer? Join the SocialFi revolution and be part of the future of social media. #socialfi #ai #Farcaster

Are You Ready for the SocialFi Summer?

As the digital world evolves, so does the landscape of social media. This summer, prepare to dive into the vibrant world of SocialFi, where social networking meets decentralized finance. This innovative blend not only enhances user interaction but also integrates financial capabilities directly within social platforms. Leading the charge is Farcaster, a SocialFi platform known for its robust, user-centric design. But that’s just the beginning. Let's explore four more dynamic SocialFi DApps, including the promising Connect3, that are setting the stage for a transformative summer.
Farcaster stands out with its decentralized approach to social networking. It allows users to control their data while fostering a community where interactions can be monetized in a transparent and secure manner. As a hub for creators and consumers alike, Farcaster exemplifies the core principles of SocialFi by integrating social media functionalities with blockchain technology.
Connect3 is tailoring a new era for content creators and consumers by addressing the limitations of Web2 social platforms. With its advanced Web3 technologies, Connect3 resolves issues related to data ownership, monetization, and content distribution. By incentivizing high-quality data contribution, Connect3 empowers users to earn tangible rewards through AI model training, targeted advertising, and more. Its dedicated Layer 2 solution ensures secure, permissionless data management, marking it as a frontrunner in the SocialFi space. I believe that the introduction of new ways to use Narvi Coins will not only enhance their utility but also open up promising opportunities for trading.
Lens Protocol
Lens Protocol reshapes the creator economy by providing a decentralized, blockchain-based platform where creators own their content and audience networks. Built on the Polygon blockchain, Lens facilitates a permissionless environment where interactions are not only possible but profitable. The platform’s unique follow-to-earn model incentivizes both creators and followers, ensuring active and engaged community growth.
DeSo, short for "Decentralized Social," aims to scale blockchain to support social media applications beyond what traditional blockchains offer. With a clean slate approach, DeSo has its own blockchain specifically optimized for social network data storage and transactions. This infrastructure supports a variety of apps and features, such as decentralized identity and monetization strategies that empower users and creators alike.
Rally offers a unique twist by integrating cryptocurrency with social media engagement. It provides tools for creators to launch their own cryptocurrencies that fans can use to access special content, merchandise, and experiences. This not only builds a direct creator-fan economy but also enhances fan engagement by aligning incentives between the creator and their community.
Why SocialFi?
SocialFi platforms stand out by allowing users to leverage their social interactions into financial benefits. Whether it’s through content creation, data sharing, or simply engaging with the community, SocialFi encourages a more active, rewarding social media experience. The decentralization aspect also promises improved security and data privacy, returning control to the users.
As we embrace the SocialFi Summer, these platforms offer fresh opportunities to engage, earn, and impact the digital economy directly from our social interactions. With each platform bringing something unique to the table, there's bound to be a SocialFi experience that resonates with everyone. So, are you ready to transform your social networking experience into something more fruitful this summer? Join the SocialFi revolution and be part of the future of social media.

#socialfi #ai #Farcaster
#Umich 通胀预期数据涨,大盘瀑布了。
#Umich 通胀预期数据涨,大盘瀑布了。
幻方出了个很厉害的大模型,算力用的还很少,#NVDIA 估计要跌。
幻方出了个很厉害的大模型,算力用的还很少,#NVDIA 估计要跌。
#SolanaMemeCoins 整体表现相比大盘会更强一些,但大行情还是要等。如果看错突破了再追。
#SolanaMemeCoins 整体表现相比大盘会更强一些,但大行情还是要等。如果看错突破了再追。
大盘部分受到了缺乏catalyst,监管负面headline较多的影响。Crypto本身还是比较momentum driven的品种,一旦慢下来就容易负反馈偏弱。这两天两党候选人的表态显示crypto的政治性进一步加强,后续走势可能越来越受到大选选情变化的影响:
大盘部分受到了缺乏catalyst,监管负面headline较多的影响。Crypto本身还是比较momentum driven的品种,一旦慢下来就容易负反馈偏弱。这两天两党候选人的表态显示crypto的政治性进一步加强,后续走势可能越来越受到大选选情变化的影响:
解锁AI金矿:摩根士丹利揭示AI领域的投资热点摩根士丹利研究部门发布了一篇标题为《主题投资:15种玩转人工智能的方式》的报告。报告由摩根士丹利的几位股票策略分析师撰写,他们从不同角度和地区探讨了技术扩散这一主题,特别是人工智能(AI)的广泛应用。 报告提到,随着AI主题的不断扩展,预计2024年余下时间和2025年将看到更多的发展。报告中还提到了几个关键的子主题,包括智能手机和边缘AI、支持通用AI的数据中心、以及采用AI的公司等。 报告中提出了一些具体的投资建议,主要集中在三个AI子主题上,这些子主题在增长与估值、市场表现、预期上行空间、投资者定位和集中风险以及大型与中型企业的扩展方面表现出吸引力: 智能手机和边缘AI (Smartphones & Edge AI): 报告提到,多家公司在会议上讨论了这一机会。边缘AI的趋势正在增长,个人电脑/工作站被视为这一趋势的推动者。分析师认为,短期内智能手机供应链是最具催化性的投资方式。支持通用AI和数据中心 (Powering GenAI & Data Centres): 报告强调了训练和推理基础模型所需的能源和能效需求。预计到2035年,AI的数据中心能源使用量将从总用电量的1%上升至4%。分析师建议投资者关注全球和欧洲的数据中心设施,以应对即将到来的芯片能源强度增长。采用者机会 (The Adopter Opportunity): 报告指出,每家在会议上发言的公司都提到了公司对效率提升和生产力的关注。尽管大多数公司表示他们仍处于“试验”阶段,但预计在客户支持提升和将GitHub集成到研发流程的帮助下,这些公司的边际扩张将是有意义的。 报告还提供了一些具体公司的股票列表,包括它们的分析师评级、市值、年初至今的回报、最新价格以及相对于目标价格的上行/下行空间。这些信息旨在帮助投资者识别那些被分析师认为在各自AI子主题中具有正面暴露的公司。 投资者在做出投资决策时,应考虑摩根士丹利研究仅为众多因素之一,并应与其他投资工具和个人财务顾问的建议结合起来考虑。同时,报告中也提醒了潜在的利益冲突,并建议投资者查阅报告末尾的披露部分以获取更多信息 此外,报告还包含了一些图表,展示了不同AI子主题的增长与估值对比、市场表现、以及摩根士丹利的牛市、基准和熊市预测。最后,报告还列出了多个地区的公司股票列表,包括分析师评级、市值、年初至今的回报、最新价格、以及目标价格的上行/下行空间。如果对这些感兴趣的可以留言告诉我,我将更新更具体的信息。 #AI #AI投资建议 #AI赛道 #人工智能



智能手机和边缘AI (Smartphones & Edge AI): 报告提到,多家公司在会议上讨论了这一机会。边缘AI的趋势正在增长,个人电脑/工作站被视为这一趋势的推动者。分析师认为,短期内智能手机供应链是最具催化性的投资方式。支持通用AI和数据中心 (Powering GenAI & Data Centres): 报告强调了训练和推理基础模型所需的能源和能效需求。预计到2035年,AI的数据中心能源使用量将从总用电量的1%上升至4%。分析师建议投资者关注全球和欧洲的数据中心设施,以应对即将到来的芯片能源强度增长。采用者机会 (The Adopter Opportunity): 报告指出,每家在会议上发言的公司都提到了公司对效率提升和生产力的关注。尽管大多数公司表示他们仍处于“试验”阶段,但预计在客户支持提升和将GitHub集成到研发流程的帮助下,这些公司的边际扩张将是有意义的。 报告还提供了一些具体公司的股票列表,包括它们的分析师评级、市值、年初至今的回报、最新价格以及相对于目标价格的上行/下行空间。这些信息旨在帮助投资者识别那些被分析师认为在各自AI子主题中具有正面暴露的公司。 投资者在做出投资决策时,应考虑摩根士丹利研究仅为众多因素之一,并应与其他投资工具和个人财务顾问的建议结合起来考虑。同时,报告中也提醒了潜在的利益冲突,并建议投资者查阅报告末尾的披露部分以获取更多信息

#AI #AI投资建议 #AI赛道 #人工智能
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