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💪 Bitcoin Holder From 2014 |🧠 Crypto Marketing Guru |👣 Community Mod |🧾 Blockchain Expert | 🐦 Sh_Mach 🟥 My Content Is Not Financial Advice!!!
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Some things I've learned after hodling bitcoin    since early 2017 1. Never believe anyone's price predictions. 2. Don't "diversify" into other cryptos; none of them are actually decentralized, everything except bitcoin is a shitcoin (yes, really), and it's all gambling. The point of bitcoin is not gambling, but to end modern day slavery (fiat currency). 3. When everyone you know is talking about bitcoin, you're at the top of a bull market. You'll likely be too exuberant to realize it though. It will be obvious in hindsight. 4. Don't "trade some altcoins on the side to get more bitcoin". You are not that smart, and the overwhelming probability is that you will get wrecked. 5. DCA into bitcoin. Ignore your emotions. Don't try to time the market. Just stack what you can every paycheck. 6. Don't be too excited about bitcoin; people will feel like you're scamming them even though you're just trying help. 7. Go to meetups & conferences. Don't be isolated. Bitcoiners are generally very awesome people. 8. When people ask you about how to buy bitcoin, send them to a BITCOIN-ONLY company. Example for why: My cousin bought bitcoin (on Coinbase) during the bull market, then sold it for shiba on the same platform and now she pretty much lost everything. Bitcoin-only companies are the safest option to keep newbies from doing newbie things. 9. Be on #bitcoin    twitter and nostr. Obviously if you're reading this, you're already here...but I didn't get on twitter until 2020 and can tell you that it's a lot less lonely hodling bitcoin when you see a bunch of other people on this platform experiencing the same things you are. 10. Be skeptical of influencers. Even me (I'm not a huge account, but still). Some are good, some are bad. Even if they have good intentions, their judgement can be clouded by bad incentives. 11. Stop trying to convince everyone you know that bitcoin will make everything better (even though it will). Instead, be a good resource for the people who eventually reach out to you about it. Be known as "the bitcoin guy" and let people come to you when they're ready. Have good content prepared for them to read/watch when they do. That is all. It's been a great ride so far and I'm happy to know you guys. #bitcoin #dyor #crypto2023

Some things I've learned after hodling bitcoin    since early 2017

1. Never believe anyone's price predictions.
2. Don't "diversify" into other cryptos; none of them are actually decentralized, everything except bitcoin is a shitcoin (yes, really), and it's all gambling. The point of bitcoin is not gambling, but to end modern day slavery (fiat currency).
3. When everyone you know is talking about bitcoin, you're at the top of a bull market. You'll likely be too exuberant to realize it though. It will be obvious in hindsight.
4. Don't "trade some altcoins on the side to get more bitcoin". You are not that smart, and the overwhelming probability is that you will get wrecked.
5. DCA into bitcoin. Ignore your emotions. Don't try to time the market. Just stack what you can every paycheck.
6. Don't be too excited about bitcoin; people will feel like you're scamming them even though you're just trying help.
7. Go to meetups & conferences. Don't be isolated. Bitcoiners are generally very awesome people.
8. When people ask you about how to buy bitcoin, send them to a BITCOIN-ONLY company. Example for why: My cousin bought bitcoin (on Coinbase) during the bull market, then sold it for shiba on the same platform and now she pretty much lost everything. Bitcoin-only companies are the safest option to keep newbies from doing newbie things.
9. Be on #bitcoin    twitter and nostr. Obviously if you're reading this, you're already here...but I didn't get on twitter until 2020 and can tell you that it's a lot less lonely hodling bitcoin when you see a bunch of other people on this platform experiencing the same things you are.
10. Be skeptical of influencers. Even me (I'm not a huge account, but still). Some are good, some are bad. Even if they have good intentions, their judgement can be clouded by bad incentives.
11. Stop trying to convince everyone you know that bitcoin will make everything better (even though it will). Instead, be a good resource for the people who eventually reach out to you about it. Be known as "the bitcoin guy" and let people come to you when they're ready. Have good content prepared for them to read/watch when they do.
That is all. It's been a great ride so far and I'm happy to know you guys.
#bitcoin #dyor #crypto2023
ChatGPT-4o picks 3 cryptocurrencies to buy in 2024 and hold foreverInvesting in cryptocurrencies, particularly for the long-term, can be an experience filled with uncertainty. On the one hand, crypto markets are notoriously volatile making it likely both that an investment will rocket in value and collapse to be worth next to nothing. The long-term prospects of digital assets are also somewhat uncertain with their biggest proponents calling them the future of money and expecting they will be the next main payments vehicle.  Some are even foreseeing the rise of a new aristocracy consisting of the few who own at least one entire Bitcoin (BTC). Still, cryptocurrencies have no lack of critics with some calling the entire blockchain sector a sidegrade, a less efficient way for humanity to do what it is already doing, and foresee that digital assets will be relegated to little better than glorified gambing. Whatever the future may hold and whatever their actual value as a technology in the long run, as of 2024, cryptocurrencies appear to be here to stay, and many savvy investors have decided to at least dip their toes in the market. Seeking to make long-term cryptocurrency selection at least somewhat easier, Finbold decided to consult the most advanced model of OpenAI’s flagship artificial intelligence (AI) platform, ChatGPT-4o, on which three digital assets would be good to buy in 2024 and hold forever. ChatGPT-4 selects three projects to buy and hold forever After getting asked to do an analysis and make the selection, ChatGPT started by explaining the key factors it will be considering. According to the AI, these are ‘historical performance, technological innovation, market adoption, and potential for future growth.’ Having established these ground rules, ChatGPT made a relatively conservative long-term portfolio that includes Bitcoin, Ethereum (ETH), and Polkadot (DOT). ChatGPT-4o selects 3 cryptocurrencies to hold forever. Source: Finbold & ChatGPT-4o According to the AI, Bitcoin is a strong candidate thanks to its historical performance and technological advancements, but also thanks to the relatively widespread adoption is a degree of regulatory acceptance.  ChatGPT explains why it selected BTC. Source: Finbold & ChatGPT-4o Ethereum was chosen due its technological innovation – with particular focus given to the transition to proof-of-stake (PoS) – the growth of its ecosystem, and network effects arising from its popularity. ChatGPT explains why it selected ETH. Source: Finbold & ChatGPT-4o Finally, ChatGPT considers Polkadot a worthwhile investment thanks to its interoperability and scalability, as well as the strong development team and a supportive and dedicated community. The AI also explained that Polkadot’s parachain activity is also of particular importance as it demonstrates a high degree of utility. ChatGPT explains why it selected DOT. Source: Finbold & ChatGPT-4o ChatGPT concluded its analysis by explaining that while the crypto markets are volatile, the ‘three assets have shown resilience and have strong fundamentals that could make them worthwhile investments to hold in perpetuity.’ #DOT #ETH #BTC

ChatGPT-4o picks 3 cryptocurrencies to buy in 2024 and hold forever

Investing in cryptocurrencies, particularly for the long-term, can be an experience filled with uncertainty. On the one hand, crypto markets are notoriously volatile making it likely both that an investment will rocket in value and collapse to be worth next to nothing.
The long-term prospects of digital assets are also somewhat uncertain with their biggest proponents calling them the future of money and expecting they will be the next main payments vehicle. 
Some are even foreseeing the rise of a new aristocracy consisting of the few who own at least one entire Bitcoin (BTC).

Still, cryptocurrencies have no lack of critics with some calling the entire blockchain sector a sidegrade, a less efficient way for humanity to do what it is already doing, and foresee that digital assets will be relegated to little better than glorified gambing.
Whatever the future may hold and whatever their actual value as a technology in the long run, as of 2024, cryptocurrencies appear to be here to stay, and many savvy investors have decided to at least dip their toes in the market.
Seeking to make long-term cryptocurrency selection at least somewhat easier, Finbold decided to consult the most advanced model of OpenAI’s flagship artificial intelligence (AI) platform, ChatGPT-4o, on which three digital assets would be good to buy in 2024 and hold forever.
ChatGPT-4 selects three projects to buy and hold forever
After getting asked to do an analysis and make the selection, ChatGPT started by explaining the key factors it will be considering. According to the AI, these are ‘historical performance, technological innovation, market adoption, and potential for future growth.’
Having established these ground rules, ChatGPT made a relatively conservative long-term portfolio that includes Bitcoin, Ethereum (ETH), and Polkadot (DOT).

ChatGPT-4o selects 3 cryptocurrencies to hold forever. Source: Finbold & ChatGPT-4o
According to the AI, Bitcoin is a strong candidate thanks to its historical performance and technological advancements, but also thanks to the relatively widespread adoption is a degree of regulatory acceptance. 

ChatGPT explains why it selected BTC. Source: Finbold & ChatGPT-4o
Ethereum was chosen due its technological innovation – with particular focus given to the transition to proof-of-stake (PoS) – the growth of its ecosystem, and network effects arising from its popularity.

ChatGPT explains why it selected ETH. Source: Finbold & ChatGPT-4o
Finally, ChatGPT considers Polkadot a worthwhile investment thanks to its interoperability and scalability, as well as the strong development team and a supportive and dedicated community. The AI also explained that Polkadot’s parachain activity is also of particular importance as it demonstrates a high degree of utility.

ChatGPT explains why it selected DOT. Source: Finbold & ChatGPT-4o
ChatGPT concluded its analysis by explaining that while the crypto markets are volatile, the ‘three assets have shown resilience and have strong fundamentals that could make them worthwhile investments to hold in perpetuity.’

DOGE or SHIB? We asked ChatGPT-4o which crypto is a better buy for 2024he world of meme cryptocurrencies has a reputation for being unpredictable yet exciting for interested investors. Notably, the meme crypto space has been dominated by Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB), which have significantly grown to compete with established digital assets. With 2024 showing general crypto market fluctuations, meme coins remain in the limelight due to their potential to rally. Notably, DOGE and SHIB remain competitors amid initiatives from their communities to enhance utility.  In this context, Finbold turned to OpenAI‘s latest artificial intelligence (AI) tool, ChatGPT-4o, to determine which meme coin is worth investing in 2024. Key fundamentals  The tool identified several factors likely to influence their price. ChatGPT-4o noted that Dogecoin, the original meme coin, has enjoyed significant popularity since its inception. Boosted by social media trends and high-profile endorsements from figures like Elon Musk, DOGE has built a robust community and a strong market presence. In contrast, Shiba Inu, often dubbed the “Dogecoin killer,” has a shorter but equally dramatic history. Despite being a newer entrant, SHIB has quickly gained traction, especially in the DeFi space, thanks to its active and enthusiastic community. Regarding utility, Dogecoin is primarily used as a tipping currency on social media and for small transactions. Its utility is relatively limited, and while there have been discussions about enhancing its technological framework, concrete developments have been slow, according to ChatGPT-4o. On the other hand, Shiba Inu is expanding its ecosystem with initiatives like ShibaSwap, a decentralized exchange, and Shibarium, a Layer 2 solution. These developments could significantly enhance its utility and market demand. When considering market capitalization and liquidity, the AI platform noted that Dogecoin, with a larger market cap and higher liquidity, is easier to buy and sell without drastically affecting its price. This makes it a more stable investment option in the highly volatile crypto market. With a smaller market cap, Shiba Inu is more volatile but offers greater potential for rapid gains, making it an attractive option for risk-tolerant investors looking for high returns. The verdict  When investing in meme coins, the AI tool acknowledged that DOGE and SHIB are highly speculative and can be extremely volatile. Prices can swing wildly based on market sentiment and news, making investments in these meme coins high-risk endeavors.  For 2024, ChatGPT-4o provided some compelling insights based on recent performance. SHIB has shown a 60% increase, suggesting strong performance, high investor interest, and positive sentiment. Meanwhile, DOGE has increased by 22%, reflecting steady growth, albeit less aggressive in percentage gains. ChatGPT-4o’s verdict on SHIB and DOGE. Source: Finbold/ChatGPT-4o. For investors seeking potentially higher returns and willing to take on more risk, the AI platform  noted that SHIB might be the better option due to its higher percentage increase and active development efforts. Conversely, investors who prefer a cryptocurrency with a longer track record and potentially more stability might find DOGE a safer choice. In summary, ChatGPT-4o noted that investing in meme coins requires thorough research and consideration of risk tolerance. #shib #doge

DOGE or SHIB? We asked ChatGPT-4o which crypto is a better buy for 2024

he world of meme cryptocurrencies has a reputation for being unpredictable yet exciting for interested investors.
Notably, the meme crypto space has been dominated by Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB), which have significantly grown to compete with established digital assets.
With 2024 showing general crypto market fluctuations, meme coins remain in the limelight due to their potential to rally. Notably, DOGE and SHIB remain competitors amid initiatives from their communities to enhance utility. 

In this context, Finbold turned to OpenAI‘s latest artificial intelligence (AI) tool, ChatGPT-4o, to determine which meme coin is worth investing in 2024.
Key fundamentals 
The tool identified several factors likely to influence their price. ChatGPT-4o noted that Dogecoin, the original meme coin, has enjoyed significant popularity since its inception. Boosted by social media trends and high-profile endorsements from figures like Elon Musk, DOGE has built a robust community and a strong market presence.
In contrast, Shiba Inu, often dubbed the “Dogecoin killer,” has a shorter but equally dramatic history. Despite being a newer entrant, SHIB has quickly gained traction, especially in the DeFi space, thanks to its active and enthusiastic community.
Regarding utility, Dogecoin is primarily used as a tipping currency on social media and for small transactions. Its utility is relatively limited, and while there have been discussions about enhancing its technological framework, concrete developments have been slow, according to ChatGPT-4o.
On the other hand, Shiba Inu is expanding its ecosystem with initiatives like ShibaSwap, a decentralized exchange, and Shibarium, a Layer 2 solution. These developments could significantly enhance its utility and market demand.
When considering market capitalization and liquidity, the AI platform noted that Dogecoin, with a larger market cap and higher liquidity, is easier to buy and sell without drastically affecting its price. This makes it a more stable investment option in the highly volatile crypto market.
With a smaller market cap, Shiba Inu is more volatile but offers greater potential for rapid gains, making it an attractive option for risk-tolerant investors looking for high returns.
The verdict 
When investing in meme coins, the AI tool acknowledged that DOGE and SHIB are highly speculative and can be extremely volatile. Prices can swing wildly based on market sentiment and news, making investments in these meme coins high-risk endeavors. 
For 2024, ChatGPT-4o provided some compelling insights based on recent performance. SHIB has shown a 60% increase, suggesting strong performance, high investor interest, and positive sentiment. Meanwhile, DOGE has increased by 22%, reflecting steady growth, albeit less aggressive in percentage gains.

ChatGPT-4o’s verdict on SHIB and DOGE. Source: Finbold/ChatGPT-4o.
For investors seeking potentially higher returns and willing to take on more risk, the AI platform 
noted that SHIB might be the better option due to its higher percentage increase and active development efforts. Conversely, investors who prefer a cryptocurrency with a longer track record and potentially more stability might find DOGE a safer choice.
In summary, ChatGPT-4o noted that investing in meme coins requires thorough research and consideration of risk tolerance.

#shib #doge
I've analysed the market over the past 2 days and this could be BTC bottom. I've compiled some TA and FA. Read below! 1. Bitcoin Netflow in Exchanges There's 68.4k $BTC going out of exchanges. This large amount was last seen in July and Nov 2022. 2. Wyckoff Method Bitcoin is currently replicating the pattern here. This is where the accumulation starts before the exponential price rally happens. 3. Net Liquidity Fed Net Liquidity shows a strong spike. The same rate of change that happened in March 2023. Take note: $BTC price pumped +38% in a week.… 4. Rainbow Chart In this chart we can see that every time the price reached the purple zone, it never got back to it until BTC reached a new ATH. The purple zone represents the price button. This is the cheapest zone to buy BTC. 5. Stablecoin Liquidity $16 billion worth of stablecoin liquidity will enter the market soon. Read more here:… 6. Rate Cut Multiple market analysts said the interest rate cut is being held until the election. Political move? Who knows. But Fed Chair Powell says holding rates too high for too long could jeopardize economic growth. Once the interest rate is down, investors' money will flow in the market. 7. U.S. Presidential Election The 2024 election is fueled by crypto. Candidates who embraces crypto have a strong winning chance. Donald Trump, known for his strong stance on crypto, has an 85% chance of winning the election after the presidential debate between him and Biden. 8. Bitcoin Spot ETF. Last week BTC ETF showed a positive inflow after 3 consecutive weeks of outflow. 9. Personal Note The price has bottomed, but perhaps we can still see minor red candles due to Mt Gox and German govt fud. With Fud the worst case scenario or you can say the max pain point- I think will be $44k - $48k But we know By early 2025, Bitcoin will be easily hit $150,000 - $250,000 so don’t stress about these short term price actions. 10. If you like this thread make sure to follow me and turn on the notification icon.
I've analysed the market over the past
2 days and this could be BTC bottom.

I've compiled some TA and FA.

Read below!

1. Bitcoin Netflow in Exchanges

There's 68.4k $BTC going out of exchanges. This large amount was last seen in July and Nov 2022.

2. Wyckoff Method

Bitcoin is currently replicating the pattern here. This is where the accumulation starts before the exponential price rally happens.

3. Net Liquidity

Fed Net Liquidity shows a strong spike. The same rate of change that happened in March 2023.

Take note: $BTC price pumped +38% in a week.…

4. Rainbow Chart

In this chart we can see that every time the price reached the purple zone, it never got back to it until BTC reached a new ATH.

The purple zone represents the price button. This is the cheapest zone to buy BTC.

5. Stablecoin Liquidity

$16 billion worth of stablecoin liquidity will enter the market soon.

Read more here:…

6. Rate Cut

Multiple market analysts said the interest rate cut is being held until the election. Political move? Who knows.

But Fed Chair Powell says holding rates too high for too long could jeopardize economic growth.

Once the interest rate is down, investors' money will flow in the market.

7. U.S. Presidential Election

The 2024 election is fueled by crypto. Candidates who embraces crypto have a strong winning chance.

Donald Trump, known for his strong stance on crypto, has an 85% chance of winning the election after the presidential debate between him and Biden.

8. Bitcoin Spot ETF.

Last week BTC ETF showed a positive inflow after 3 consecutive weeks of outflow.

9. Personal Note

The price has bottomed, but perhaps we can still see minor red candles due to Mt Gox and German govt fud.

With Fud the worst case scenario or you can say the max pain point- I think will be $44k - $48k

But we know By early 2025, Bitcoin will be easily hit $150,000 - $250,000 so don’t stress about these short term price actions.

10. If you like this thread make sure to follow me and turn on the notification icon.
#Bitcoin BTC is testing the 200 MA and the point of breakdown at the same time. If the price reclaims $60,000, we are going back to $70,000+ in no time.

BTC is testing the 200 MA and the point of breakdown at the same time.

If the price reclaims $60,000, we are going back to $70,000+ in no time.
Opportunity? Technical indicators point to $64K target for BitcoinThe Bitcoin (BTC) market is currently experiencing significant pressure due to large sell-offs from the Mt. Gox exchange and German authorities. Germany is rapidly liquidating its Bitcoin holdings, intending to sell all remaining BTC within two days  at the current selling pace, according to analysts. Recently, 16,038 BTC were transferred from government wallets to various crypto exchanges and market makers, with a total of 26,071 BTC sold since June 19. This leaves only 23,788 BTC in their wallet. Despite these fundamental challenges, the average cost of Bitcoin mining among the largest public miners in April, approximately $53,000, serves as a crucial support level and an intermediate bottom for the price. In a July 9 post on TradingView, analyst RLinda provided a detailed breakdown of Bitcoin’s current trends, supported by technical indicators and price movements. Technical perspective and patterns From a technical perspective, RLinda has identified a bullish flag pattern forming in the Bitcoin market, indicating a potential upward breakout. Bitcoin price analysis chart. Source: TradingView/ RLinda The market is experiencing times of high fear and negative sentiment among the crowd, which, from a psychological point of view, could end in bullish momentum. The price is currently moving within a range of $58,500 to $53,500, suggesting a period of consolidation. Key resistance levels are identified at $58,500 and $64,000, while support levels are at $53,500 and $53,000. Key observations and recommendations The recent growth in trading volumes and price stability around the lower boundary of the flag pattern indicates strong buying interest. Buyers are actively holding back a potential fall, forming a sideways range between $58,500 and $53,500. A breakout of the $58,500 resistance could trigger bullish momentum, potentially targeting $64,000. Conversely, a breakdown below $53,500 may lead to further declines, testing lower support levels around $50,500-$51,000.  Additionally, the market is eyeing the potential approval of the  Ethereum ETF, which could rejuvenate investor sentiment and bring a bullish tone back to the market, indirectly benefiting Bitcoin. For buyers, it is crucial to monitor the $58,500 resistance level closely. A breakout with strong volume could signal potential buying opportunities targeting $64,000.  On the other hand, sellers should be cautious of the $53,500 support level, as a breakdown below this level may signal further declines, providing opportunities to mitigate losses or short-sell. Bitcoin price analysis After dropping to around $54,000 in the last 24 hours, Bitcoin has recovered, trading at $57,190 by press time.   Bitcoin seven-day price chart. Source: Finbold While the market is fundamentally strained due to large BTC sell-offs by German authorities and the Mt. Gox exchange technical indicators suggest a potential opportunity for Bitcoin. Despite the challenging fundamentals, RLinda Trading’s technical analysis points to a potential target of $64,000 for Bitcoin if bullish momentum sustains. #BTC $BTC #BTC_Bounce_Back_to_57k

Opportunity? Technical indicators point to $64K target for Bitcoin

The Bitcoin (BTC) market is currently experiencing significant pressure due to large sell-offs from the Mt. Gox exchange and German authorities. Germany is rapidly liquidating its Bitcoin holdings, intending to sell all remaining BTC within two days  at the current selling pace, according to analysts.
Recently, 16,038 BTC were transferred from government wallets to various crypto exchanges and market makers, with a total of 26,071 BTC sold since June 19. This leaves only 23,788 BTC in their wallet.
Despite these fundamental challenges, the average cost of Bitcoin mining among the largest public miners in April, approximately $53,000, serves as a crucial support level and an intermediate bottom for the price.

In a July 9 post on TradingView, analyst RLinda provided a detailed breakdown of Bitcoin’s current trends, supported by technical indicators and price movements.
Technical perspective and patterns
From a technical perspective, RLinda has identified a bullish flag pattern forming in the Bitcoin market, indicating a potential upward breakout.

Bitcoin price analysis chart. Source: TradingView/ RLinda
The market is experiencing times of high fear and negative sentiment among the crowd, which, from a psychological point of view, could end in bullish momentum.
The price is currently moving within a range of $58,500 to $53,500, suggesting a period of consolidation. Key resistance levels are identified at $58,500 and $64,000, while support levels are at $53,500 and $53,000.
Key observations and recommendations
The recent growth in trading volumes and price stability around the lower boundary of the flag pattern indicates strong buying interest. Buyers are actively holding back a potential fall, forming a sideways range between $58,500 and $53,500.
A breakout of the $58,500 resistance could trigger bullish momentum, potentially targeting $64,000. Conversely, a breakdown below $53,500 may lead to further declines, testing lower support levels around $50,500-$51,000. 
Additionally, the market is eyeing the potential approval of the  Ethereum ETF, which could rejuvenate investor sentiment and bring a bullish tone back to the market, indirectly benefiting Bitcoin.
For buyers, it is crucial to monitor the $58,500 resistance level closely. A breakout with strong volume could signal potential buying opportunities targeting $64,000. 
On the other hand, sellers should be cautious of the $53,500 support level, as a breakdown below this level may signal further declines, providing opportunities to mitigate losses or short-sell.
Bitcoin price analysis
After dropping to around $54,000 in the last 24 hours, Bitcoin has recovered, trading at $57,190 by press time.

Bitcoin seven-day price chart. Source: Finbold

While the market is fundamentally strained due to large BTC sell-offs by German authorities and the Mt. Gox exchange technical indicators suggest a potential opportunity for Bitcoin.
Despite the challenging fundamentals, RLinda Trading’s technical analysis points to a potential target of $64,000 for Bitcoin if bullish momentum sustains.
#BTC $BTC #BTC_Bounce_Back_to_57k
Solana’s bullish historical pattern sets SOL for huge breakoutSolana (SOL) has faced broader market turbulence over the past week but has swiftly rebounded to $140, suggesting further upside ahead.  According to crypto analyst Ali Martinez, in an X post on July 8, Solana’s current price action is mirroring the trajectory observed in 2021. Martinez noted that the SOL Relative Strength Index (RSI) is currently at the same level it was prior to the bullish breakout in 2021, indicating that a major upward SOL price rally could be imminent. Historical comparison and RSI analysis A thorough analysis of Solana’s chart reveals significant similarities between the current price action and that of mid-2021. During both periods, SOL exhibited a pattern of consolidation followed by an upward breakout. In July 2021, Solana’s RSI dropped to approximately 40.13 before a substantial price surge. Strikingly, the current RSI level has again dipped to around 40.13, signaling potential bullish momentum for Solana. Currently, Solana has shown a robust recovery from its recent low of around $127.86, climbing to its present level of $141. This upward movement aligns with the bullish trend observed in mid-2021 when Solana surged from approximately $20 to nearly $260 in a few months.  The RSI level, which is a crucial momentum indicator, has now dipped to around 40.13, a level that historically has been a precursor to significant price rallies for SOL. Shifts in investment and ETF prospects In the broader crypto landscape, Solana has overtaken Ethereum (ETH)  in attracting significant investment amid a $441 million inflow into the crypto market. Solana pulled in over $16 million compared to Ethereum’s $10 million, highlighting notable changes in the dynamics of digital asset investments according to a report by Coinshares. One potential reason for this shift is the ongoing discussions about potential Solana exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the U.S.  Following a similar trajectory to that of spot Ethereum ETFs, Cboe has submitted the 19b-4 filings for the spot Solana ETF on behalf of 21Shares and VanEck. These are the first proposed Solana ETF products seeking approval in the market. Solana price analysis At press time, Solana is trading at $141.99 and is currently experiencing a strong bullish trend in the cryptocurrency market. Given the historical pattern and current technical indicators, SOL could experience a significant rally, mirroring its past performance.  Should this trend continue, the price could potentially rise above $200, presenting a lucrative opportunity for investors and traders. The $140 level currently serves as a critical support level, and breaking above this resistance could further confirm the bullish trend, leading to higher price targets. #Sol $SOL

Solana’s bullish historical pattern sets SOL for huge breakout

Solana (SOL) has faced broader market turbulence over the past week but has swiftly rebounded to $140, suggesting further upside ahead. 
According to crypto analyst Ali Martinez, in an X post on July 8, Solana’s current price action is mirroring the trajectory observed in 2021. Martinez noted that the SOL Relative Strength Index (RSI) is currently at the same level it was prior to the bullish breakout in 2021, indicating that a major upward SOL price rally could be imminent.

Historical comparison and RSI analysis
A thorough analysis of Solana’s chart reveals significant similarities between the current price action and that of mid-2021. During both periods, SOL exhibited a pattern of consolidation followed by an upward breakout.

In July 2021, Solana’s RSI dropped to approximately 40.13 before a substantial price surge. Strikingly, the current RSI level has again dipped to around 40.13, signaling potential bullish momentum for Solana.
Currently, Solana has shown a robust recovery from its recent low of around $127.86, climbing to its present level of $141. This upward movement aligns with the bullish trend observed in mid-2021 when Solana surged from approximately $20 to nearly $260 in a few months. 
The RSI level, which is a crucial momentum indicator, has now dipped to around 40.13, a level that historically has been a precursor to significant price rallies for SOL.
Shifts in investment and ETF prospects
In the broader crypto landscape, Solana has overtaken Ethereum (ETH)  in attracting significant investment amid a $441 million inflow into the crypto market.
Solana pulled in over $16 million compared to Ethereum’s $10 million, highlighting notable changes in the dynamics of digital asset investments according to a report by Coinshares. One potential reason for this shift is the ongoing discussions about potential Solana exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the U.S. 
Following a similar trajectory to that of spot Ethereum ETFs, Cboe has submitted the 19b-4 filings for the spot Solana ETF on behalf of 21Shares and VanEck. These are the first proposed Solana ETF products seeking approval in the market.
Solana price analysis
At press time, Solana is trading at $141.99 and is currently experiencing a strong bullish trend in the cryptocurrency market. Given the historical pattern and current technical indicators, SOL could experience a significant rally, mirroring its past performance. 

Should this trend continue, the price could potentially rise above $200, presenting a lucrative opportunity for investors and traders. The $140 level currently serves as a critical support level, and breaking above this resistance could further confirm the bullish trend, leading to higher price targets.
#Sol $SOL
$PEPE Pepe broke down below support 1086. The price must reclaim this level for further upside continuation. If the price fails to do so, we are going lower. {spot}(PEPEUSDT) #Pepe

Pepe broke down below support 1086. The price must reclaim this level for further upside continuation. If the price fails to do so, we are going lower.
RUSSIAN ROULETTE PRIVATE SALE🟢Russian Roulette (BULLET) is a social game inspired by the actual classic Russian Roulette. It offers a safe and exciting alternative to the classic game, utilizing a virtual revolver and provably fair mechanics for a thrilling experience within a vibrant online community. ✅Play using the $BULLET token ✅Play with Degens ✅Get Rewards For Playing ✅Provably Fair ✅Audited Game Program Contract ✅Team KYC by Assured DeFi ✅Refer Friends & Earn 50% Of Fees Private Sale Tokens: 100,000 (10% of supply) Rate: 1 SOL = 400 BULLET (15% cheaper) Min/Max Contribution: 0.5 SOL / 15 SOL Soft Cap/Hard Cap: 50 SOL / 250 SOL Start Date: Tuesday 9th July @ 4PM UTC End Date: Sunday 14th July @ 4PM UTC Private Sale Link: Website: Game Bot: Telegram Group: Telegram Channel: Twitter: Instagram: Whitepaper:


Russian Roulette (BULLET) is a social game inspired by the actual classic Russian Roulette. It offers a safe and exciting alternative to the classic game, utilizing a virtual revolver and provably fair mechanics for a thrilling experience within a vibrant online community.

✅Play using the $BULLET token
✅Play with Degens
✅Get Rewards For Playing
✅Provably Fair
✅Audited Game Program Contract
✅Team KYC by Assured DeFi
✅Refer Friends & Earn 50% Of Fees

Private Sale Tokens: 100,000 (10% of supply)
Rate: 1 SOL = 400 BULLET (15% cheaper)
Min/Max Contribution: 0.5 SOL / 15 SOL
Soft Cap/Hard Cap: 50 SOL / 250 SOL
Start Date: Tuesday 9th July @ 4PM UTC
End Date: Sunday 14th July @ 4PM UTC
Private Sale Link:

Game Bot:
Telegram Group:
Telegram Channel:
Analyst sets XRP price roadmap from $0.4 to $18XRP recently sparked concerns in the crypto community over the future of the token after losing the $0.40 support level. However, analysts project there might be more upside potential for the asset. Currently, XRP is trading above the $0.40 support, with investors targeting the $0.50 resistance zone. In an X post on July 6, analyst Dark Defender outlined the token’s potential price trajectory from around the $0.40 mark to an all-time high of $18. This projection examines the weekly time frame, highlighting critical support and resistance levels that could shape the cryptocurrency’s future. According to the analyst, XRP has recently touched the latest Fibonacci support level at $0.3917, following the completion of the five Elliott Waves. This critical support point suggests a potential bullish reversal. XRP price analysis chart. Source/Dark Defender The analysis emphasized the importance of focusing on the weekly time frame, noting that as the price approaches the lowest anticipated point, any movement below $0.3917 could alter the observed structure. XRP’s path to $18 Dark Defender also noted that the Ichimoku Cloud provides context for potential support and resistance zones. The Ichimoku Cloud, a comprehensive indicator that identifies trends, support, and resistance levels, suggests that XRP’s current price action is navigating through significant resistance. A breakout above the cloud would confirm a strong bullish trend. Based on this technical setup, the analyst projected ambitious price targets for XRP: $1.88, $5.85, and ultimately $18.22. Indeed, if XRP hits the $18.22 mark, it will reflect a whopping 4,238% increase from the current valuation. One critical indicator supporting Dark Defender’s bullish outlook is the Relative Strength Index (RSI). The weekly RSI figures have hit their lowest points, indicating that XRP is in an oversold area. This oversold condition often precedes a price rally, suggesting that selling pressure has been exhausted and buyers may soon take control. While the analysis presents an optimistic scenario for XRP, it also includes a caveat. Any movement below the $0.3917 support level could disrupt the observed structure, potentially invalidating the bullish setup. At the moment, XRP is trading in tandem with the general crypto market as the community awaits further developments in the ongoing Ripple and Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) case. Notably, the court announced new dates for motions and hearings on unresolved claims, including a misleading statement by Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse about his “long” position on XRP. July 8 was set as the deadline for filing a narrowed motion to seal, with a separate order to follow. Additionally, parties have until July 26 to indicate if they seek to exclude four experts’ testimonies. XRP price analysis At the time of reporting, XRP was trading at $0.42, having slid over 4% in the last 24 hours. On the weekly chart, the token is down 12%. XRP seven-day price chart. Source: Finbold It’s worth noting that the overall market bearish sentiment has derailed XRP’s trajectory towards reclaiming the $0.50 mark. On the weekly chart, XRP hit a high of $0.48, and possible confirmation of another upward trajectory will require the token to hold above the $0.40 support #XRP

Analyst sets XRP price roadmap from $0.4 to $18

XRP recently sparked concerns in the crypto community over the future of the token after losing the $0.40 support level. However, analysts project there might be more upside potential for the asset.
Currently, XRP is trading above the $0.40 support, with investors targeting the $0.50 resistance zone. In an X post on July 6, analyst Dark Defender outlined the token’s potential price trajectory from around the $0.40 mark to an all-time high of $18.
This projection examines the weekly time frame, highlighting critical support and resistance levels that could shape the cryptocurrency’s future.

According to the analyst, XRP has recently touched the latest Fibonacci support level at $0.3917, following the completion of the five Elliott Waves. This critical support point suggests a potential bullish reversal.

XRP price analysis chart. Source/Dark Defender
The analysis emphasized the importance of focusing on the weekly time frame, noting that as the price approaches the lowest anticipated point, any movement below $0.3917 could alter the observed structure.
XRP’s path to $18
Dark Defender also noted that the Ichimoku Cloud provides context for potential support and resistance zones. The Ichimoku Cloud, a comprehensive indicator that identifies trends, support, and resistance levels, suggests that XRP’s current price action is navigating through significant resistance. A breakout above the cloud would confirm a strong bullish trend.
Based on this technical setup, the analyst projected ambitious price targets for XRP: $1.88, $5.85, and ultimately $18.22. Indeed, if XRP hits the $18.22 mark, it will reflect a whopping 4,238% increase from the current valuation.
One critical indicator supporting Dark Defender’s bullish outlook is the Relative Strength Index (RSI). The weekly RSI figures have hit their lowest points, indicating that XRP is in an oversold area. This oversold condition often precedes a price rally, suggesting that selling pressure has been exhausted and buyers may soon take control.
While the analysis presents an optimistic scenario for XRP, it also includes a caveat. Any movement below the $0.3917 support level could disrupt the observed structure, potentially invalidating the bullish setup.
At the moment, XRP is trading in tandem with the general crypto market as the community awaits further developments in the ongoing Ripple and Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) case.
Notably, the court announced new dates for motions and hearings on unresolved claims, including a misleading statement by Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse about his “long” position on XRP. July 8 was set as the deadline for filing a narrowed motion to seal, with a separate order to follow. Additionally, parties have until July 26 to indicate if they seek to exclude four experts’ testimonies.
XRP price analysis
At the time of reporting, XRP was trading at $0.42, having slid over 4% in the last 24 hours. On the weekly chart, the token is down 12%.

XRP seven-day price chart. Source: Finbold
It’s worth noting that the overall market bearish sentiment has derailed XRP’s trajectory towards reclaiming the $0.50 mark. On the weekly chart, XRP hit a high of $0.48, and possible confirmation of another upward trajectory will require the token to hold above the $0.40 support
Ethereum or Solana? We asked ChatGPT-4o which stock is a better buy for 2024Ethereum (ETH) remains a dominant player in the decentralized finance (DeFi) scene, having established itself through the number of projects built on the platform and its ability to compete with Bitcoin (BTC). Amid Ethereum’s dominance, other competing projects, such as Solana (SOL), have emerged. Both projects have shown growth in the DeFi scene, sometimes making it challenging for investors to select a preferred option. In this regard, Finbold turned to OpenAI’s most recent artificial intelligence (AI) tool, ChatGPT-4o, to gather insights on which crypto might be ideal. When deciding between Ethereum and Solana in 2024, ChatGPT-4o noted that investors should consider transaction speeds, costs, ecosystem maturity, and recent developments. Ethereum vs. Solana The AI tool acknowledged Solana’s high throughput, which gives it an edge over Ethereum. However, it noted that Ethereum has a more mature ecosystem with a vast range of DeFi projects, dApps, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).  Ethereum is the leading platform for decentralized applications, hosting major projects like Uniswap. ChatGPT-4o highlighted that Ethereum’s extensive developer community provides robust support and resources. On the other hand, Solana’s ecosystem is growing rapidly, especially in areas that benefit from high transaction speeds, such as DeFi, gaming, and NFTs. Projects like Audius are notable examples of Solana’s capabilities. Despite being newer, Solana’s developer community is expanding, driven by the Solana Foundation’s initiatives. Regarding security and network stability, the AI tool pointed out that Ethereum is widely regarded for its security and decentralization. However, it occasionally faces issues with network congestion and high fees.  Meanwhile, while offering fast transaction speeds and low costs, Solana has encountered several network outages and security challenges, raising questions about the future sustainability of the cryptocurrency’s ecosystem. The OpenAI platform also noted Ethereum’s significant Total Value Locked (TVL) above $50 billion, reflecting its dominance in the DeFi space. Its established position attracts significant investment and activity. Although Solana’s TVL is lower, its efficiency and scalability attract more projects and investment, showing impressive growth, particularly in the latter part of 2023. Network development impact Looking ahead, the AI tool examined the impact of network developments, noting that the Ethereum 2.0 upgrade is a key element that enhances scalability and security through factors such as sharding and other optimizations. On the other hand, Solana’s Firedancer update will likely make the network faster and more efficient, potentially enhancing Solana’s competitive edge. Given the current developments and projections, the AI platform noted that Ethereum and Solana have their respective strengths and challenges. Ethereum and Solana pros and cons. Source: ChatGPT-4o The verdict In conclusion, ChatGPT-4o noted that Ethereum is safer for those seeking a well-established platform with a strong developer community and a dominant position in the DeFi and NFT spaces. Solana also offers a compelling alternative for those prioritizing high transaction speeds and low fees, especially for gaming and high-frequency trading applications. ChatGPT-4o stated that Ethereum’s stability and maturity make it a solid long-term investment, while Solana’s performance and growth potential offer higher rewards but come with greater risk. Therefore, it recommended that diversifying between both could be an ideal approach.   ChatGPT-4o verdict on Ethereum and Solana. Source: ChatGPT-4o Overall, ChatGPT-4o advised investors that their choice should align with their investment goals and risk tolerance. #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions #Trending #ETH #SOL

Ethereum or Solana? We asked ChatGPT-4o which stock is a better buy for 2024

Ethereum (ETH) remains a dominant player in the decentralized finance (DeFi) scene, having established itself through the number of projects built on the platform and its ability to compete with Bitcoin (BTC).
Amid Ethereum’s dominance, other competing projects, such as Solana (SOL), have emerged. Both projects have shown growth in the DeFi scene, sometimes making it challenging for investors to select a preferred option.
In this regard, Finbold turned to OpenAI’s most recent artificial intelligence (AI) tool, ChatGPT-4o, to gather insights on which crypto might be ideal.

When deciding between Ethereum and Solana in 2024, ChatGPT-4o noted that investors should consider transaction speeds, costs, ecosystem maturity, and recent developments.
Ethereum vs. Solana
The AI tool acknowledged Solana’s high throughput, which gives it an edge over Ethereum. However, it noted that Ethereum has a more mature ecosystem with a vast range of DeFi projects, dApps, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). 
Ethereum is the leading platform for decentralized applications, hosting major projects like Uniswap. ChatGPT-4o highlighted that Ethereum’s extensive developer community provides robust support and resources.
On the other hand, Solana’s ecosystem is growing rapidly, especially in areas that benefit from high transaction speeds, such as DeFi, gaming, and NFTs. Projects like Audius are notable examples of Solana’s capabilities. Despite being newer, Solana’s developer community is expanding, driven by the Solana Foundation’s initiatives.
Regarding security and network stability, the AI tool pointed out that Ethereum is widely regarded for its security and decentralization. However, it occasionally faces issues with network congestion and high fees. 
Meanwhile, while offering fast transaction speeds and low costs, Solana has encountered several network outages and security challenges, raising questions about the future sustainability of the cryptocurrency’s ecosystem.
The OpenAI platform also noted Ethereum’s significant Total Value Locked (TVL) above $50 billion, reflecting its dominance in the DeFi space. Its established position attracts significant investment and activity. Although Solana’s TVL is lower, its efficiency and scalability attract more projects and investment, showing impressive growth, particularly in the latter part of 2023.
Network development impact
Looking ahead, the AI tool examined the impact of network developments, noting that the Ethereum 2.0 upgrade is a key element that enhances scalability and security through factors such as sharding and other optimizations.
On the other hand, Solana’s Firedancer update will likely make the network faster and more efficient, potentially enhancing Solana’s competitive edge.
Given the current developments and projections, the AI platform noted that Ethereum and Solana have their respective strengths and challenges.

Ethereum and Solana pros and cons. Source: ChatGPT-4o
The verdict
In conclusion, ChatGPT-4o noted that Ethereum is safer for those seeking a well-established platform with a strong developer community and a dominant position in the DeFi and NFT spaces. Solana also offers a compelling alternative for those prioritizing high transaction speeds and low fees, especially for gaming and high-frequency trading applications.
ChatGPT-4o stated that Ethereum’s stability and maturity make it a solid long-term investment, while Solana’s performance and growth potential offer higher rewards but come with greater risk. Therefore, it recommended that diversifying between both could be an ideal approach.  

ChatGPT-4o verdict on Ethereum and Solana. Source: ChatGPT-4o
Overall, ChatGPT-4o advised investors that their choice should align with their investment goals and risk tolerance.
#ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions #Trending #ETH #SOL
AT $60,000.



#Bitcoin just closed the weekly candle below $60,000 for the first time in the past 4 months. The price has dropped by -27% from its ATH, marking the biggest correction of this cycle so far. The next important support is at the upward sloping trendline coming from the $15.5k.
#Bitcoin just closed the weekly candle below $60,000 for the first time in the past 4 months.

The price has dropped by -27% from its ATH, marking the biggest correction of this cycle so far.

The next important support is at the upward sloping trendline coming from the $15.5k.
Em Alta
Crypto was "over" many times: 2014: Mt. Gox collapse 2022: Luna collapse, FTX collapse 2024: Germany, Mt. Gox, more to come But after these manipulations, the real bull run began. 🧵: How market makers manipulate the market and how not to fall for it 👇
Crypto was "over" many times:

2014: Mt. Gox collapse
2022: Luna collapse, FTX collapse
2024: Germany, Mt. Gox, more to come

But after these manipulations, the real bull run began.

🧵: How market makers manipulate the market and how not to fall for it 👇
#Bitcoin - Important weekly close The weekly close for Bitcoin is crucial as the price has broken down below the range after 125 days of consolidation When the price breaks out of such a significant consolidation, it usually leads to a substantial move and continuation in the direction of the breakout. Two possible scenarios from here: 1) Reclaim $60,000 by the weekly close, and this dump will be considered a weekly fakeout, with the price running back to the range high $70k+. 2) Close below $60,000, leading to a move back to the old mid-range ($44,233) before any higher price action. Unfortunately, the bias is currently slightly to the downside as we are trading below the $60k area. However, once the price reclaims this level, we will see $70,000+ in no time.
#Bitcoin - Important weekly close

The weekly close for Bitcoin is crucial as the price has broken down below the range after 125 days of consolidation

When the price breaks out of such a significant consolidation, it usually leads to a substantial move and continuation in the direction of the breakout.

Two possible scenarios from here:

1) Reclaim $60,000 by the weekly close, and this dump will be considered a weekly fakeout, with the price running back to the range high $70k+.

2) Close below $60,000, leading to a move back to the old mid-range ($44,233) before any higher price action.

Unfortunately, the bias is currently slightly to the downside as we are trading below the $60k area.

However, once the price reclaims this level, we will see $70,000+ in no time.


Fatpepe is hungry eating Dips, Zeros and the red MarketIn the wacky world of crypto, where charts go haywire and emotions run wild, there's one thing you can always count on: Fatpepe's bottomless appetite. Dips? Devoured. Zeros? Munched. Even the reddest of markets? Fatpepe licks the plate clean. So buckle up, hodlers, 'cause Fatpepe's on a rampage, and nothing, not even a bear market meltdown, can stop this hungry meme lord. In just one week, Fatpepe has gobbled its way to a 10x return on the Solana chain. That's right, our chubby champion is sitting high on a $400k MARKET CAP. #FatPepe is here to feast! What’s even more impressive? FATPEPE is now NUMBER TWO on @GeckoTerminal, eyeing the OG $PEPE for its next meal. Started by rock band streamers @glostikofficial (also students at Tate University), Fatpepe is shaping up to be their biggest success story yet. HERE WE GO! Quotes from the legend himself: "I’m just getting somethin’ to eat.” "I’m not fat, I’m just big boned.” "You gonna finish that?” "I’m just here to make you look skinny.” "I’m sexy and I know it..” "Good luck kidnapping me...” "I like to eat... is that such a crime?” Fatpepe isn’t just a meme; it's a lifestyle. So join the feast, grab a fork, and dig into the tastiest token on the Solana chain. Together, we’ll eat through dips, zeros, and the reddest of markets. Remember, Fatpepe is always hungry and always ready for more! Feel free to post this and share the excitement of Fatpepe with your Pepes. Website: Twitter:

Fatpepe is hungry eating Dips, Zeros and the red Market

In the wacky world of crypto, where charts go haywire and emotions run wild, there's one thing you can always count on: Fatpepe's bottomless appetite. Dips? Devoured. Zeros? Munched. Even the reddest of markets? Fatpepe licks the plate clean.

So buckle up, hodlers, 'cause Fatpepe's on a rampage, and nothing, not even a bear market meltdown, can stop this hungry meme lord. In just one week, Fatpepe has gobbled its way to a 10x return on the Solana chain. That's right, our chubby champion is sitting high on a $400k MARKET CAP. #FatPepe is here to feast!

What’s even more impressive? FATPEPE is now NUMBER TWO on @GeckoTerminal, eyeing the OG $PEPE for its next meal. Started by rock band streamers @glostikofficial (also students at Tate University), Fatpepe is shaping up to be their biggest success story yet. HERE WE GO!

Quotes from the legend himself:

"I’m just getting somethin’ to eat.”
"I’m not fat, I’m just big boned.”
"You gonna finish that?”
"I’m just here to make you look skinny.”
"I’m sexy and I know it..”
"Good luck kidnapping me...”
"I like to eat... is that such a crime?”
Fatpepe isn’t just a meme; it's a lifestyle. So join the feast, grab a fork, and dig into the tastiest token on the Solana chain. Together, we’ll eat through dips, zeros, and the reddest of markets. Remember, Fatpepe is always hungry and always ready for more!

Feel free to post this and share the excitement of Fatpepe with your Pepes.

This is Jimmy Zhong This guy earned 51,680 BTC thanks to his intelligence But government seized all his assets, and Jimmy ended up in prison Here’s his story 🧵👇
This is Jimmy Zhong

This guy earned 51,680 BTC thanks to his intelligence

But government seized all his assets, and Jimmy ended up in prison

Here’s his story 🧵👇
2 cryptocurrencies to avoid this week as negative sentiment loomsTwo cryptocurrencies have made the headlines in the last 24 hours and are trending with a dominating negative sentiment. In particular, cryptocurrency investors should avoid Polkadot (DOT) and Bittensor (TAO) this week amid looming fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD). These two cryptocurrencies featured in the top five trending coins on Santiment‘s social trends. TAO was the most trending coin by social volume, with a dominating negative sentiment. Overall, the cryptocurrency market experiences losses following a Bitcoin (BTC) crash to an important support zone. This could impact the whole ecosystem, specifically these two projects that recently faced controversy and negative news. Bittensor (TAO) Notably, Bittensor’s blockchain suffered a major security breach on July 3. Attackers drained $8 million worth of TAO tokens from user wallets. The team arbitrarily halted all transactions on the network to contain the exploit. Bittensor’s core members assured users they were taking steps to prevent further mishaps. They paused the chain, putting it in “safe mode” to investigate the attack’s nature.  This unilateral decision and demonstration of control over the blockchain have raised criticisms in the community, highlighting centralization issues. As developed, Blockchain trackers show the last transactions occurred around 23:00 UTC on Tuesday. Security researcher ZachXBT suspects a private key leakage led to the attack. However, the investigation into the attack is still ongoing as of Wednesday morning. Furthermore, this security breach has raised concerns about the project’s vulnerability. Investors may approach TAO with caution in the coming weeks as doubt looms and the hackers could dump the tokens, harming the price. Currently, 48.78% of all Bittensor mentions on social media reference a negative sentiment. Bittensor TAO, sentiment. Source: Santiment Polkadot (DOT) Meanwhile, Polkadot faces criticism for its recent spending habits, raising concerns about its financial stability. The company’s treasury report reveals $87 million in expenditures for the first half of 2024. Over 42% of this spending went towards outreach activities, including influencer partnerships and sponsorships. Polkadot’s treasury revenue has significantly decreased, dropping from 414,291 DOT to 171,696 DOT. Head ambassador Tommi Enenkel suggests the company has about two years of runway left. CEO Fabian Gompf disputes these claims, stating the treasury will never run out of funds. He acknowledges excessive spending on low ROI activities and encourages community voting for change. Critics highlight a $53,000 invoice for a six-month animated logo on CoinGecko as an example of bad habits. Venture capitalist Adam Cochran describes Polkadot’s outreach spending as “lighting money on fire.” The company’s financial decisions have sparked debate about its future sustainability and resource allocation. #DOT #TAO

2 cryptocurrencies to avoid this week as negative sentiment looms

Two cryptocurrencies have made the headlines in the last 24 hours and are trending with a dominating negative sentiment. In particular, cryptocurrency investors should avoid Polkadot (DOT) and Bittensor (TAO) this week amid looming fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD).
These two cryptocurrencies featured in the top five trending coins on Santiment‘s social trends. TAO was the most trending coin by social volume, with a dominating negative sentiment.
Overall, the cryptocurrency market experiences losses following a Bitcoin (BTC) crash to an important support zone. This could impact the whole ecosystem, specifically these two projects that recently faced controversy and negative news.

Bittensor (TAO)
Notably, Bittensor’s blockchain suffered a major security breach on July 3. Attackers drained $8 million worth of TAO tokens from user wallets. The team arbitrarily halted all transactions on the network to contain the exploit. Bittensor’s core members assured users they were taking steps to prevent further mishaps. They paused the chain, putting it in “safe mode” to investigate the attack’s nature. 
This unilateral decision and demonstration of control over the blockchain have raised criticisms in the community, highlighting centralization issues.
As developed, Blockchain trackers show the last transactions occurred around 23:00 UTC on Tuesday. Security researcher ZachXBT suspects a private key leakage led to the attack. However, the investigation into the attack is still ongoing as of Wednesday morning.
Furthermore, this security breach has raised concerns about the project’s vulnerability. Investors may approach TAO with caution in the coming weeks as doubt looms and the hackers could dump the tokens, harming the price.
Currently, 48.78% of all Bittensor mentions on social media reference a negative sentiment.

Bittensor TAO, sentiment. Source: Santiment
Polkadot (DOT)
Meanwhile, Polkadot faces criticism for its recent spending habits, raising concerns about its financial stability. The company’s treasury report reveals $87 million in expenditures for the first half of 2024.
Over 42% of this spending went towards outreach activities, including influencer partnerships and sponsorships. Polkadot’s treasury revenue has significantly decreased, dropping from 414,291 DOT to 171,696 DOT.
Head ambassador Tommi Enenkel suggests the company has about two years of runway left. CEO Fabian Gompf disputes these claims, stating the treasury will never run out of funds. He acknowledges excessive spending on low ROI activities and encourages community voting for change.
Critics highlight a $53,000 invoice for a six-month animated logo on CoinGecko as an example of bad habits. Venture capitalist Adam Cochran describes Polkadot’s outreach spending as “lighting money on fire.” The company’s financial decisions have sparked debate about its future sustainability and resource allocation.
ADA set for a 70% spike as this pattern plays outCardano (ADA) is poised for a significant bullish rally, potentially spiking by 70%, following a confirmed breakout from a falling wedge pattern.  This technical formation, often indicative of a bullish reversal, has garnered attention within the cryptocurrency community, signaling a promising upward momentum for ADA. ADA reached a yearly high during the March bull run before descending into a falling wedge pattern. This pattern indicated a consolidation phase, which recently concluded with a bullish breakout. Crypto analyst Captain Fabik, in an X post (formerly Twitter), highlighted the confirmed falling wedge breakout on ADA’s daily chart, with the token surpassing the crucial $0.407 price mark.  The falling wedge pattern typically signals a bullish reversal, with the price converging between two downward-sloping trend lines before breaking out upwards. Captain Fabik predicted a 72.84% surge from the breakout point, noting increased volume and positive momentum indicators that support the bullish breakout, providing additional confirmation. Technical indicators and expert predictions Market expert Jesse Olson also highlighted the pending buy signal on ADA’s daily chart, accompanied by bullish targets set for the token. The bullish sentiment is further supported by several technical indicators, including a confirmed bullish divergence, an RSI buy signal, and a MACD bullish crossover on the daily chart. These indicators collectively suggest strong upward momentum for ADA. The confirmed breakout from the falling wedge pattern, coupled with positive volume and momentum indicators, provides a solid technical foundation for ADA’s bullish outlook. Captain Fabik’s analysis emphasizes the significance of the $0.407 price mark, suggesting that surpassing this level could lead to substantial gains. Upcoming network upgrades Adding to the optimism is the upcoming Cardano Chang Hard Fork, set to introduce new governance features, including decentralized voting and treasury management. This upgrade is part of Cardano’s Voltaire phase and marks a crucial milestone in Cardano’s development, potentially boosting investor confidence and price. The optimistic market sentiment surrounding ADA, driven by the confirmed breakout and upcoming network upgrades, suggests strong market confidence in ADA’s upward potential. Additionally, ADA Open Interest (OI) has jumped 3.5% in the last 24 hours, indicating bullish sentiment among traders. ADA 7-day price chart. Source: Finbold At press time, ADA is trading at $0.40, with a 2% decline on the daily chart. Investors and traders should consider entering positions at the current price of $0.40, taking advantage of the confirmed breakout and bullish sentiment. Potential pullbacks to support levels around $0.407 could provide additional entry points. With a projected upside of 70%, targeting $0.704, ADA presents a compelling investment opportunity. Investors and traders should consider entering positions at current levels with a cautious approach. The bullish sentiment, coupled with ecosystem developments, suggests a promising outlook for ADA in the coming months. #ADA $ADA

ADA set for a 70% spike as this pattern plays out

Cardano (ADA) is poised for a significant bullish rally, potentially spiking by 70%, following a confirmed breakout from a falling wedge pattern. 
This technical formation, often indicative of a bullish reversal, has garnered attention within the cryptocurrency community, signaling a promising upward momentum for ADA.
ADA reached a yearly high during the March bull run before descending into a falling wedge pattern. This pattern indicated a consolidation phase, which recently concluded with a bullish breakout.
Crypto analyst Captain Fabik, in an X post (formerly Twitter), highlighted the confirmed falling wedge breakout on ADA’s daily chart, with the token surpassing the crucial $0.407 price mark. 

The falling wedge pattern typically signals a bullish reversal, with the price converging between two downward-sloping trend lines before breaking out upwards.
Captain Fabik predicted a 72.84% surge from the breakout point, noting increased volume and positive momentum indicators that support the bullish breakout, providing additional confirmation.
Technical indicators and expert predictions
Market expert Jesse Olson also highlighted the pending buy signal on ADA’s daily chart, accompanied by bullish targets set for the token.

The bullish sentiment is further supported by several technical indicators, including a confirmed bullish divergence, an RSI buy signal, and a MACD bullish crossover on the daily chart. These indicators collectively suggest strong upward momentum for ADA.
The confirmed breakout from the falling wedge pattern, coupled with positive volume and momentum indicators, provides a solid technical foundation for ADA’s bullish outlook. Captain Fabik’s analysis emphasizes the significance of the $0.407 price mark, suggesting that surpassing this level could lead to substantial gains.
Upcoming network upgrades
Adding to the optimism is the upcoming Cardano Chang Hard Fork, set to introduce new governance features, including decentralized voting and treasury management. This upgrade is part of Cardano’s Voltaire phase and marks a crucial milestone in Cardano’s development, potentially boosting investor confidence and price.
The optimistic market sentiment surrounding ADA, driven by the confirmed breakout and upcoming network upgrades, suggests strong market confidence in ADA’s upward potential.
Additionally, ADA Open Interest (OI) has jumped 3.5% in the last 24 hours, indicating bullish sentiment among traders.

ADA 7-day price chart. Source: Finbold
At press time, ADA is trading at $0.40, with a 2% decline on the daily chart. Investors and traders should consider entering positions at the current price of $0.40, taking advantage of the confirmed breakout and bullish sentiment.
Potential pullbacks to support levels around $0.407 could provide additional entry points. With a projected upside of 70%, targeting $0.704, ADA presents a compelling investment opportunity.
Investors and traders should consider entering positions at current levels with a cautious approach. The bullish sentiment, coupled with ecosystem developments, suggests a promising outlook for ADA in the coming months.

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