I still belive that Proof-of-work is better than staking. Why?

Because it ties the Blockchain to something real, and solid, which is Hardware.

It's like the value of a country's currency, which is bound to the country's production.

PoS (Proof-of-Stake) do have many benefits, but also flaws, such as easily becoming centralized, like #ETH

PoW (Proof-of-Work) is inherently decentralized, even if there's lot's of ASIC-machines hashing for larger mining conpanies.

But who can really stop a PoW-based USD stablecoin like Zephyr Protocol's #ZEPH or Ixian's #IXI private messenger? We are also waiting for Lethean's decentralized PoW-based #LTHN VPN browser that's in the works.

#PEPE went from PoW to PoS, because they got 51% attacked. How did they miss that, when there's so many succesfull PoW cryptos that can resist 51%???