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📊 PEPE Has 80% Of Holders In Profit: How It Compares To DOGE & BTC PEPE Is Among The Coins With The Highest Profitability Ratio Right Now In a new post on X, the market intelligence platform IntoTheBlock has shared a chart that shows how the various top cryptocurrencies compare against each other regarding the percentage of holders carrying a net unrealized profit currently. The analytics firm has determined these percentages using on-chain data; the transaction history of each address on a given network can reveal at what price it received and how many coins it received, based on which an average cost basis can be calculated. Naturally, the addresses or holders with this cost basis below the current spot price are in the green. They would contribute towards the holders in profit metric for the blockchain. Now, here is the chart posted by IntoTheBlock, which shows how this metric is looking at the moment for various assets in the sector: As is visible above, Bitcoin (BTC) currently has the highest profitability ratio among the top coins, with more than 89% of its holders carrying gains. Ethereum (ETH), the second largest cryptocurrency by market cap, is also second on this list, with over 83% of the addresses in the green. The gap between these two isn’t much right now, and the analytics firm thinks the Ethereum spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs) could push the asset to reach new highs. The third cryptocurrency on the list is Tron (TRX), with around 82% of investors in profit. Interestingly, two memecoins make up for the rest of the top 5, but none are Dogecoin (DOGE), the original and largest meme-based token. The two memecoins in question are Pepe (PEPE) and Floki (FLOKI), with around 80% and 77% holders above water, respectively. DOGE is further down the list, with the metric at 75%. IntoTheBlock notes that this indicator data implies profitability is currently skewed towards large-caps and memecoins, with other altcoins waiting for breakthroughs. $PEPE #PEPE {spot}(PEPEUSDT)
📊 PEPE Has 80% Of Holders In Profit: How It Compares To DOGE & BTC

PEPE Is Among The Coins With The Highest Profitability Ratio Right Now

In a new post on X, the market intelligence platform IntoTheBlock has shared a chart that shows how the various top cryptocurrencies compare against each other regarding the percentage of holders carrying a net unrealized profit currently.

The analytics firm has determined these percentages using on-chain data; the transaction history of each address on a given network can reveal at what price it received and how many coins it received, based on which an average cost basis can be calculated.

Naturally, the addresses or holders with this cost basis below the current spot price are in the green. They would contribute towards the holders in profit metric for the blockchain.

Now, here is the chart posted by IntoTheBlock, which shows how this metric is looking at the moment for various assets in the sector:

As is visible above, Bitcoin (BTC) currently has the highest profitability ratio among the top coins, with more than 89% of its holders carrying gains. Ethereum (ETH), the second largest cryptocurrency by market cap, is also second on this list, with over 83% of the addresses in the green.

The gap between these two isn’t much right now, and the analytics firm thinks the Ethereum spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs) could push the asset to reach new highs.

The third cryptocurrency on the list is Tron (TRX), with around 82% of investors in profit. Interestingly, two memecoins make up for the rest of the top 5, but none are Dogecoin (DOGE), the original and largest meme-based token.

The two memecoins in question are Pepe (PEPE) and Floki (FLOKI), with around 80% and 77% holders above water, respectively. DOGE is further down the list, with the metric at 75%.

IntoTheBlock notes that this indicator data implies profitability is currently skewed towards large-caps and memecoins, with other altcoins waiting for breakthroughs.

Can PEPE Coin Hit $1? For Pepe Coin to reach a value of $1 per coin, its market capitalization would need to soar to an astounding $500 billion. To put this into perspective, this valuation would place Pepe Coin on par with some of the largest and most established companies and cryptocurrencies in the world. Given the current state of the cryptocurrency market, where even the most popular and widely adopted cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum have market caps in the hundreds of billions, achieving such a high valuation for a meme coin seems highly improbable. Moreover, the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and influenced by various factors including investor sentiment, regulatory news, and market trends. For Pepe Coin to reach $1, it would require not only massive and sustained investor interest but also a significant shift in market dynamics. Additionally, the underlying utility and adoption of the coin would need to increase substantially to justify such a high market cap. In summary, while the idea of Pepe Coin reaching $1 might capture the imagination of investors, the practical challenges and current market conditions make this scenario highly unlikely. It serves as a reminder of the speculative nature of meme cryptocurrencies and the importance of cautious and informed investment strategies. #PEPE #PEPE_EXPERT #PepeCoinToTheMoon #pepe⚡ #PEPE市值超越LTC $PEPE $BTC $BNB
Can PEPE Coin Hit $1?

For Pepe Coin to reach a value of $1 per coin, its market capitalization would need to soar to an astounding $500 billion. To put this into perspective, this valuation would place Pepe Coin on par with some of the largest and most established companies and cryptocurrencies in the world. Given the current state of the cryptocurrency market, where even the most popular and widely adopted cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum have market caps in the hundreds of billions, achieving such a high valuation for a meme coin seems highly improbable.

Moreover, the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and influenced by various factors including investor sentiment, regulatory news, and market trends. For Pepe Coin to reach $1, it would require not only massive and sustained investor interest but also a significant shift in market dynamics. Additionally, the underlying utility and adoption of the coin would need to increase substantially to justify such a high market cap.

In summary, while the idea of Pepe Coin reaching $1 might capture the imagination of investors, the practical challenges and current market conditions make this scenario highly unlikely. It serves as a reminder of the speculative nature of meme cryptocurrencies and the importance of cautious and informed investment strategies.

#PEPE #PEPE_EXPERT #PepeCoinToTheMoon #pepe⚡ #PEPE市值超越LTC

PRICE OF PEPE TODAY : The current price of Pepe is $0.000011 (PEPE/USD) with a market cap of $4.81B USD. Over the past 24 hours, the trading volume has reached $992.12M USD. The Pepe price is updated in real-time and has shown a +6.54% increase in the last 24 hours, with a circulating supply of 420,689.90B. In my view, this surge in activity and price movement reflects growing interest and confidence in PEPE, despite the overall market volatility. It will be interesting to see if this momentum continues in the coming days. Stay tuned and keep an eye on PEPE's performance! #PEPE #pepe⚡ #PEPEATH #PEPE_EXPERT #PepeCoinToTheMoon $PEPE $BTC $BNB

The current price of Pepe is $0.000011 (PEPE/USD) with a market cap of $4.81B USD. Over the past 24 hours, the trading volume has reached $992.12M USD. The Pepe price is updated in real-time and has shown a +6.54% increase in the last 24 hours, with a circulating supply of 420,689.90B.

In my view, this surge in activity and price movement reflects growing interest and confidence in PEPE, despite the overall market volatility. It will be interesting to see if this momentum continues in the coming days. Stay tuned and keep an eye on PEPE's performance!

#PEPE #pepe⚡ #PEPEATH #PEPE_EXPERT #PepeCoinToTheMoon

Em Alta
#PEPE مسار عملة بيبي (PEPE) اليوم كان حافلاً بالتقلبات والتوجهات المتعددة. انخفض سعر العملة بنسبة ملحوظة بسبب بيع بعض المستثمرين لرموزهم، ومع ذلك، هناك توقعات بأن السعر قد يرتفع مرة أخرى قريباً نتيجة لسلوك المضاربين واهتمام بعض الحيتان بإعادة شراء العملة عملة بيبي هي عملة ميم (memecoin) تستمد شعبيتها من الميم الشهير "Pepe the Frog". تم إطلاقها حديثاً وهي تتبع نموذجاً مماثلاً لعملات الميم الأخرى مثل Dogecoin وShiba Inu. يتم تداول PEPE بنظام انكماش حيث يتم حرق نسبة من الرموز في كل معاملة مما يقلل العرض بمرور الوقت، وكذلك إعادة توزيع جزء من الرسوم بين الحائزين لتحفيزهم على الاحتفاظ بالعملة حجم التداول اليومي لعملة PEPE كان كبيراً، مما يشير إلى نشاط ملحوظ في السوق. على الرغم من هذا، يجب على المستثمرين توخي الحذر بسبب الطبيعة المضاربة العالية لهذه العملة والمخاطر المحتملة مثل تقلبات السعر المفاجئة والتلاعب في السوق بإجمال، مستقبل عملة PEPE قد يحمل الكثير من التحديات والفرص، لذا يجب على المستثمرين إجراء أبحاثهم الخاصة وتقييم المخاطر بعناية قبل الاستثمار.

مسار عملة بيبي (PEPE) اليوم كان حافلاً بالتقلبات والتوجهات المتعددة. انخفض سعر العملة بنسبة ملحوظة بسبب بيع بعض المستثمرين لرموزهم، ومع ذلك، هناك توقعات بأن السعر قد يرتفع مرة أخرى قريباً نتيجة لسلوك المضاربين واهتمام بعض الحيتان بإعادة شراء العملة عملة بيبي هي عملة ميم (memecoin) تستمد شعبيتها من الميم الشهير "Pepe the Frog". تم إطلاقها حديثاً وهي تتبع نموذجاً مماثلاً لعملات الميم الأخرى مثل Dogecoin وShiba Inu. يتم تداول PEPE بنظام انكماش حيث يتم حرق نسبة من الرموز في كل معاملة مما يقلل العرض بمرور الوقت، وكذلك إعادة توزيع جزء من الرسوم بين الحائزين لتحفيزهم على الاحتفاظ بالعملة حجم التداول اليومي لعملة PEPE كان كبيراً، مما يشير إلى نشاط ملحوظ في السوق. على الرغم من هذا، يجب على المستثمرين توخي الحذر بسبب الطبيعة المضاربة العالية لهذه العملة والمخاطر المحتملة مثل تقلبات السعر المفاجئة والتلاعب في السوق بإجمال، مستقبل عملة PEPE قد يحمل الكثير من التحديات والفرص، لذا يجب على المستثمرين إجراء أبحاثهم الخاصة وتقييم المخاطر بعناية قبل الاستثمار.
PEPE Has 80% Profitable Holders: DOGE & BTC Comparison On-chain data suggests 80% of Pepe holders are profitable. Compare Dogecoin, Bitcoin, and other prominent currencies. IntoTheBlock, a market intelligence company, posted a graphic on X showing the proportion of holders of the biggest cryptocurrencies with a net unrealized profit. The analytics company estimated these percentages using on-chain data. Each address on a network's transaction history may show how much and at what price it acquired coins, allowing for an average cost basis. Naturally, addresses or holders with a cost basis below the spot price are green. They would help blockchain holders in profit metrics. The graphic produced by IntoTheBlock indicates how this measure is now hunting for sector assets: Bitcoin (BTC) has the best profitability ratio among leading currencies, with over 89% of holders making profits. On this list, Ethereum (ETH), the second biggest cryptocurrency by market cap, has almost 83% green addresses. The spread between these two is small, and the analytics group believes Ethereum spot ETFs might propel the asset to new highs. Tron (TRX), the third cryptocurrency, was profitable for 82% of investors. Two memecoins round up the top 5, although none are Dogecoin (DOGE), the first and biggest meme-based currency. Two memecoins, Pepe (PEPE) and Floki (FLOKI), have 80% and 77% holders above water, respectively. DOGE ranks later at 75%. This indication data suggests that large-caps and memecoins are profitable, while other altcoins await breakthroughs, according to IntoTheBlock. How do bitcoin holders in profit matter? Gaining investors sell coins more often. As holders profit, mass selloffs become increasingly likely. As the fraction of green addresses rises, adjustments become more likely. In this perspective, top cryptocurrencies with lesser profitability, like Dogecoin or Pepe, may have more space to go before hitting a wall than Bitcoin. #PEPE #DOGE #BTC $PEPE {spot}(PEPEUSDT)
PEPE Has 80% Profitable Holders: DOGE & BTC Comparison

On-chain data suggests 80% of Pepe holders are profitable. Compare Dogecoin, Bitcoin, and other prominent currencies.

IntoTheBlock, a market intelligence company, posted a graphic on X showing the proportion of holders of the biggest cryptocurrencies with a net unrealized profit.

The analytics company estimated these percentages using on-chain data. Each address on a network's transaction history may show how much and at what price it acquired coins, allowing for an average cost basis.

Naturally, addresses or holders with a cost basis below the spot price are green. They would help blockchain holders in profit metrics.

The graphic produced by IntoTheBlock indicates how this measure is now hunting for sector assets:

Bitcoin (BTC) has the best profitability ratio among leading currencies, with over 89% of holders making profits. On this list, Ethereum (ETH), the second biggest cryptocurrency by market cap, has almost 83% green addresses.

The spread between these two is small, and the analytics group believes Ethereum spot ETFs might propel the asset to new highs.

Tron (TRX), the third cryptocurrency, was profitable for 82% of investors. Two memecoins round up the top 5, although none are Dogecoin (DOGE), the first and biggest meme-based currency.

Two memecoins, Pepe (PEPE) and Floki (FLOKI), have 80% and 77% holders above water, respectively. DOGE ranks later at 75%.

This indication data suggests that large-caps and memecoins are profitable, while other altcoins await breakthroughs, according to IntoTheBlock.

How do bitcoin holders in profit matter? Gaining investors sell coins more often. As holders profit, mass selloffs become increasingly likely.

As the fraction of green addresses rises, adjustments become more likely. In this perspective, top cryptocurrencies with lesser profitability, like Dogecoin or Pepe, may have more space to go before hitting a wall than Bitcoin.

I had predicting BTC movements at June 19'2024 that at most BTC will only get pump to $66k (see comment) but still for me this is weird situation in Crypto Market specially for $BTC because since last weekend it had done repeating cycle, going down to $64k, going up to $65k, $66k at most before going back to $64k again and had affecting greed index to going down from 70 to about 60. From Fundamental Analysis BTC should going back to at least $68-$69k & from TA Analysis it should going down to last support at $63k range before getting real pump but none of them working right now and because of this other coins in my watch list #BOME #FLOKI #LUNC #PEPE #NOT doesn't make much movements too specially for $BOME & $NOT which already got listed in Coinbase at June 20'2024 where usually it should get pump after been listed in Coinbase. As for now if you looking at BTC long/short orders (see image) it's seem there is more Short orders for BTC, so in my opinion after 7 days in sideways between $64-$65k I think BTC may get pump back to $67-$68k in this weekend, you know whales also need to make profits 🤪 As always DYOR God bless
I had predicting BTC movements at June 19'2024 that at most BTC will only get pump to $66k (see comment) but still for me this is weird situation in Crypto Market specially for $BTC because since last weekend it had done repeating cycle, going down to $64k, going up to $65k, $66k at most before going back to $64k again and had affecting greed index to going down from 70 to about 60.

From Fundamental Analysis BTC should going back to at least $68-$69k & from TA Analysis it should going down to last support at $63k range before getting real pump but none of them working right now and because of this other coins in my watch list #BOME #FLOKI #LUNC #PEPE #NOT doesn't make much movements too specially for $BOME & $NOT which already got listed in Coinbase at June 20'2024 where usually it should get pump after been listed in Coinbase.

As for now if you looking at BTC long/short orders (see image) it's seem there is more Short orders for BTC, so in my opinion after 7 days in sideways between $64-$65k I think BTC may get pump back to $67-$68k in this weekend, you know whales also need to make profits 🤪

As always DYOR

God bless
Can Pepe (PEPE) Hit a New All-Time High After Recent Rebound?The change in market sentiment helped Pepe’s price bounce back from critical support, starting a good recovery. With the price staying within the bullish range, it could continue to rise and potentially reach new highs above $0.000018. Pepe recently surged over 1200% to a new all-time high of $0.00001725 but then dropped by 40% to $0.00000968. It has since recovered by 20%, reaching around $0.00001175. With this strong recovery, there is a chance Pepe could reach a new all-time high this month. Pepe Price Recovers: Will It Achieve New Highs? The recent recovery has kept the Pepe token within a bullish range by defending the lower crucial support. The price is expected to initiate a ‘v-shape’ recovery, heading strongly towards higher targets. However, the current trade setup indicates that bears still have some control and may exert pressure in the coming days. In the first few days of Q2, a rebound initiated strong recovery within a rising wedge, leading to a bearish pullback. Despite this, the price managed to stay within range, rebounding from the crucial support level of $0.00001. The MACD shows a decrease in selling pressure, suggesting a potential bullish crossover. However, the drop in volume is a concern, as the buying volume is significantly lower than the selling volume of the previous two days. Pepe Price Poised for New Highs: Can It Surpass Key Levels? As long as the bears remain passive, the Pepe price is expected to rise and surpass the 0.786 FIB level at $0.00001364. After establishing a strong base at the average levels of the Bollinger bands, the popular memecoin is anticipated to head towards its current all-time high (ATH). However, resistance at $0.000016 may pose a challenge. If the bulls show sufficient strength, a new ATH above $0.000018 could be imminent. The bullish trajectory towards the new ATH is still in its early stages. To validate this upswing, the Pepe price needs to reach $0.000013 before the end of the week. Failing to do so could open up bearish opportunities, potentially causing the price to remain consolidated for an extended period. ⚠️Disclaimer This content aims to enrich readers with information. Always conduct independent research and use discretionary funds before investing. All buying, selling, and crypto asset investment activities are the responsibility of the reader. #pepecoin🐸 #PEPE

Can Pepe (PEPE) Hit a New All-Time High After Recent Rebound?

The change in market sentiment helped Pepe’s price bounce back from critical support, starting a good recovery. With the price staying within the bullish range, it could continue to rise and potentially reach new highs above $0.000018.
Pepe recently surged over 1200% to a new all-time high of $0.00001725 but then dropped by 40% to $0.00000968. It has since recovered by 20%, reaching around $0.00001175. With this strong recovery, there is a chance Pepe could reach a new all-time high this month.
Pepe Price Recovers: Will It Achieve New Highs?
The recent recovery has kept the Pepe token within a bullish range by defending the lower crucial support. The price is expected to initiate a ‘v-shape’ recovery, heading strongly towards higher targets. However, the current trade setup indicates that bears still have some control and may exert pressure in the coming days.
In the first few days of Q2, a rebound initiated strong recovery within a rising wedge, leading to a bearish pullback. Despite this, the price managed to stay within range, rebounding from the crucial support level of $0.00001. The MACD shows a decrease in selling pressure, suggesting a potential bullish crossover. However, the drop in volume is a concern, as the buying volume is significantly lower than the selling volume of the previous two days.
Pepe Price Poised for New Highs: Can It Surpass Key Levels?
As long as the bears remain passive, the Pepe price is expected to rise and surpass the 0.786 FIB level at $0.00001364. After establishing a strong base at the average levels of the Bollinger bands, the popular memecoin is anticipated to head towards its current all-time high (ATH). However, resistance at $0.000016 may pose a challenge. If the bulls show sufficient strength, a new ATH above $0.000018 could be imminent.
The bullish trajectory towards the new ATH is still in its early stages. To validate this upswing, the Pepe price needs to reach $0.000013 before the end of the week. Failing to do so could open up bearish opportunities, potentially causing the price to remain consolidated for an extended period.
This content aims to enrich readers with information. Always conduct independent research and use discretionary funds before investing. All buying, selling, and crypto asset investment activities are the responsibility of the reader.
#pepecoin🐸 #PEPE
🛑The market is still empty. For those who do spot trading, it is recommended to be empty for a period of time. There is no top in the bull market and no bottom in the bear market. Blindly buying the bottom will only trap all the funds. If you want to make money in the bear market, it is most appropriate to be empty with a small position contract. Open one or two positions each time. As long as you are not greedy, the winning rate will definitely be higher. It is not too late to go long when the market recovers and breaks through upwards. If you are afraid of missing out, there will be an endless abyss waiting for you. #BTC #BNB #LISTA #PEPE
🛑The market is still empty.
For those who do spot trading, it is recommended to be empty for a period of time.
There is no top in the bull market and no bottom in the bear market.
Blindly buying the bottom will only trap all the funds.
If you want to make money in the bear market, it is most appropriate to be empty with a small position contract.
Open one or two positions each time. As long as you are not greedy, the winning rate will definitely be higher.
It is not too late to go long when the market recovers and breaks through upwards.
If you are afraid of missing out, there will be an endless abyss waiting for you.
PEPE's price action suggests a potential reversal! The 2.68% drop in the past 24hrs may be a minor correction. Bullish divergence on the MACD and a hold above $0.0000108 could indicate a resurgence to $0.00001718 . #PEPE #cryptanalysis
PEPE's price action suggests a potential reversal!
The 2.68% drop in the past 24hrs may be a minor correction.
Bullish divergence on the MACD and a hold above $0.0000108 could indicate a resurgence to $0.00001718 .

#PEPE #cryptanalysis
$PEPE revisited 1340-1400 zone ✅ Hit 1390 #PEPE dipped to 950-1000 zone ✅ Hit 968 You want forecasts that work? Follow me. I'm boring and type too much words, but that is because I want you to understand what is going on. I don't promise moon, when its outside of what TA can forecast. You want to get rekt? Follow clowns with FOMO breakout calls that shill different shit without any sense of responsibility for their followers. But yeah, reading them is more entertaining. Are you entertained? {spot}(PEPEUSDT)
$PEPE revisited 1340-1400 zone ✅ Hit 1390
#PEPE dipped to 950-1000 zone ✅ Hit 968

You want forecasts that work? Follow me. I'm boring and type too much words, but that is because I want you to understand what is going on. I don't promise moon, when its outside of what TA can forecast.

You want to get rekt? Follow clowns with FOMO breakout calls that shill different shit without any sense of responsibility for their followers. But yeah, reading them is more entertaining. Are you entertained?
Wise Analyze
$PEPE follows market vibes. Recent dips reached nice SR level at 1100-1140, but I can't be sure that it was the last dip. In order to confirm end of correction PEPE got to close 4H above 1300. Before that none of moves have bullish value.

If there will be more dips, then zone of interest starts under ~1080 and since there is a wide FVG price can easily dip down to 950-1000. These are short term targets that can be reached within this week.

I'm pretty sure #PEPE will revisit 1340-1400 zone at some point, but I won't try to guess, if it will happen after the dip, or instead of it.
Em Alta
$PEPE #PEPE looking good for another leg up..
$PEPE #PEPE looking good for another leg up..
Em Alta
$PEPE buy 0.011600 ↗ Target 0.011720.... 11840.... 11960.... 12080.... 12150.... 12300.... 12450.... 12600.... 12650.... 12800..... 12950...... 13100....... 13333 {spot}(PEPEUSDT) #CAArmy #PEPE
$PEPE buy 0.011600 ↗
Target 0.011720.... 11840.... 11960.... 12080.... 12150.... 12300.... 12450.... 12600.... 12650.... 12800..... 12950...... 13100....... 13333
Em Alta
#altcoins IMPORTANT..... URGENT 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 #PEPE $PEPE Breakout to the local Support Now it was the last opportunity for spot holders to buy altcoins from the bottom and gain 10x profits.... Specially Pepe Coin ..... I personally feel that Pepe price now experience a great surge in its price despite Dump in BTC . So its last opportunity to buy... I suggest you to buy pepe and get rewarded in next week coming up.... DONT be PANIC.... Pepe coin price is targeting to 0.000018 or 0.00002 So be patient.... (IT is not an financial advice Be careful and research before investing in any crypto projects...) #altcoins #PEPEtotheMoon #BTC☀

Breakout to the local Support Now it was the last opportunity for spot holders to buy altcoins from the bottom and gain 10x profits.... Specially Pepe Coin .....

I personally feel that Pepe price now experience a great surge in its price despite Dump in BTC . So its last opportunity to buy...

I suggest you to buy pepe and get rewarded in next week coming up.... DONT be PANIC....

Pepe coin price is targeting to 0.000018 or 0.00002

So be patient....

(IT is not an financial advice Be careful and research before investing in any crypto projects...) #altcoins #PEPEtotheMoon #BTC☀
My 20 years experience of stock trading . Buy when others are selling, and sell when others are buying. Instead of short time trading, always prefer to hold it for long. Even if you wait for a day, week, month, or year, no matter, but wait for a market crash, and buy it at the lowest and hold it. Instead of trading in #bitcoin #BNB #ETH #SOL always trade in #PEPE #SHIB #NOT and other small coins . {spot}(PEPEUSDT)
My 20 years experience of stock trading .

Buy when others are selling, and sell when others are buying.

Instead of short time trading, always prefer to hold it for long.

Even if you wait for a day, week, month, or year, no matter, but wait for a market crash, and buy it at the lowest and hold it.

Instead of trading in #bitcoin #BNB #ETH #SOL always trade in #PEPE #SHIB #NOT and other small coins .
#BTC #PEPE #FLOKI #ARKM #ETHFI Hi Square Community, let's see how this goes, I didn't really want to get involved in posting, but decided to give it a go. I will try post meaningful positive stuff, not like the so common content like, "This is a scam", or "This is a shit coin". So "Hi" to all that read this post and all of the best with your Crypto endeavors💪
Hi Square Community, let's see how this goes, I didn't really want to get involved in posting, but decided to give it a go. I will try post meaningful positive stuff, not like the so common content like, "This is a scam", or "This is a shit coin".
So "Hi" to all that read this post and all of the best with your Crypto endeavors💪
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