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Vai decentralizētas finanses var aizstāt tradicionālos maksājumus Vai decentralizētas finanses var aizstāt tradicionālos maksājumusMūsdienās daudz tiek runāts par DeFi (decentralizētu finansējumu).Ja ticēt visam ažiotāžam, tad liktos, ka DeFi ir pašsaprotams secinājums – nav runa par to, vai notiks pilnīga decentralizācija, bet gan par to, kad.Jāatzīst, ka šķiet, ka lietas virzās šajā virzienā. Potenciāls, tirgus vajadzības un tehnoloģija ir tur.Lai gan daži secina, ka mēs varētu veikt pāreju tieši tagad, tas nav optimistiski.

Vai decentralizētas finanses var aizstāt tradicionālos maksājumus

Vai decentralizētas finanses var aizstāt tradicionālos maksājumusMūsdienās daudz tiek runāts par DeFi (decentralizētu finansējumu).Ja ticēt visam ažiotāžam, tad liktos, ka DeFi ir pašsaprotams secinājums – nav runa par to, vai notiks pilnīga decentralizācija, bet gan par to, kad.Jāatzīst, ka šķiet, ka lietas virzās šajā virzienā. Potenciāls, tirgus vajadzības un tehnoloģija ir tur.Lai gan daži secina, ka mēs varētu veikt pāreju tieši tagad, tas nav optimistiski.
Skatīt oriģinālu
BTC 0,15% Atsitiens pārsniedzis 61,8% un sasniedzis 70%. Nesen esmu domājis, vai iepriekšējā četru gadu cikla domāšana kļūs nepiemērota, jo pusizināšanas ietekme vājinās un Bitcoin ETF tiek nodots? Ja tas tā ir, mums vajadzētu būt grūtāk darboties.


Atsitiens pārsniedzis 61,8% un sasniedzis 70%. Nesen esmu domājis, vai iepriekšējā četru gadu cikla domāšana kļūs nepiemērota, jo pusizināšanas ietekme vājinās un Bitcoin ETF tiek nodots? Ja tas tā ir, mums vajadzētu būt grūtāk darboties.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitcoin īslaicīgi nokrīt zem 39 000 USD, jo turpinās pārdošanas spiediens pēc ETF: CNBC Crypto World CNBC Crypto World piedāvā jaunākās ziņas un ikdienas tirdzniecības atjauninājumus no digitālo valūtu tirgiem, kā arī sniedz skatītājiem ieskatu gaidāmajā ar augsta līmeņa intervijām, skaidrojumiem un unikāliem stāstiem no pastāvīgi mainīgās kriptovalūtas nozares. Šodienas šovā Metjū Makdermots, Goldman Sachs digitālo aktīvu globālais vadītājs, skaidro, ko bitkoinu ETF apstiprināšana ASV nozīmē ASV. banka.
Bitcoin īslaicīgi nokrīt zem 39 000 USD, jo turpinās pārdošanas spiediens pēc ETF: CNBC Crypto World

CNBC Crypto World piedāvā jaunākās ziņas un ikdienas tirdzniecības atjauninājumus no digitālo valūtu tirgiem, kā arī sniedz skatītājiem ieskatu gaidāmajā ar augsta līmeņa intervijām, skaidrojumiem un unikāliem stāstiem no pastāvīgi mainīgās kriptovalūtas nozares. Šodienas šovā Metjū Makdermots, Goldman Sachs digitālo aktīvu globālais vadītājs, skaidro, ko bitkoinu ETF apstiprināšana ASV nozīmē ASV.

Skatīt oriģinālu
Kraken izpilddirektors Deivids Riplijs saka, ka pamanāmi Bitcoin ETF palīdzēs attīstīt kopējo kriptogrāfijas nozari - lūk, WKraken izpilddirektors Deivids Riplijs saka, ka pamanāmi Bitcoin ETF palīdzēs attīstīt kopējo kriptogrāfijas nozari - lūk, kāpēcDaily HodlKraken izpilddirektors Deivids Riplijs saka, ka pamanāmi Bitcoin ETF palīdzēs attīstīt kopējo kriptogrāfijas nozari - lūk, kāpēcRodilja Žana Dolora, 2024. gada 18. janvārisASV bāzētās kriptovalūtu biržas Kraken izpilddirektors saka, ka tūlītējo Bitcoin (BTC) biržā tirgoto fondu (ETF) ieviešanai būs bullish ietekme uz kriptovalūtu nozari.Pagājušajā nedēļā ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisija (SEC) ieviesa zaļo gaismu BlackRock, Fidelity, Grayscale, VanEck, Bitwise, Franklin, Valkyrie, Hashdex, Ark Invest, WisdomTree un Invesco Galaxy, lai piedāvātu vietas Bitcoin ETF.

Kraken izpilddirektors Deivids Riplijs saka, ka pamanāmi Bitcoin ETF palīdzēs attīstīt kopējo kriptogrāfijas nozari - lūk, W

Kraken izpilddirektors Deivids Riplijs saka, ka pamanāmi Bitcoin ETF palīdzēs attīstīt kopējo kriptogrāfijas nozari - lūk, kāpēcDaily HodlKraken izpilddirektors Deivids Riplijs saka, ka pamanāmi Bitcoin ETF palīdzēs attīstīt kopējo kriptogrāfijas nozari - lūk, kāpēcRodilja Žana Dolora, 2024. gada 18. janvārisASV bāzētās kriptovalūtu biržas Kraken izpilddirektors saka, ka tūlītējo Bitcoin (BTC) biržā tirgoto fondu (ETF) ieviešanai būs bullish ietekme uz kriptovalūtu nozari.Pagājušajā nedēļā ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisija (SEC) ieviesa zaļo gaismu BlackRock, Fidelity, Grayscale, VanEck, Bitwise, Franklin, Valkyrie, Hashdex, Ark Invest, WisdomTree un Invesco Galaxy, lai piedāvātu vietas Bitcoin ETF.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Labākais kriptovalūtu tirgotājs saka, ka Ethereum Challenger Solana gatavojas divciparu rallijam — šeit ir viņaLabākais kriptovalūtu tirgotājs saka, ka Ethereum Challenger Solana gatavojas divciparu rallijam — lūk, viņa mērķiPlaši sekots kriptovalūtu analītiķis un tirgotājs pauž bullish noskaņojumu par Ethereum (ETH) konkurentu Solanu (SOL).Analītiķis ar pseidonīmu Blunts stāsta saviem 237 000 sekotāju sociālo mediju platformā X, ka Solana varētu pieaugt par vairāk nekā 39% no pašreizējās vērtības."Es domāju, ka SOL varētu gatavoties līdz pat $ 140 plus. Šī lejupslīdes tendence tagad ir pārbaudīta pārāk daudz reižu, lai es uzskatītu par lācīgu un nevaru ignorēt skaidru trīs viļņu lejupslīdi no augstākajiem rādītājiem, kas izskatās koriģējoši. Šķiet, ka pēdējo divu nedēļu diapazons ir bijis pamats, nosūtiet to.

Labākais kriptovalūtu tirgotājs saka, ka Ethereum Challenger Solana gatavojas divciparu rallijam — šeit ir viņa

Labākais kriptovalūtu tirgotājs saka, ka Ethereum Challenger Solana gatavojas divciparu rallijam — lūk, viņa mērķiPlaši sekots kriptovalūtu analītiķis un tirgotājs pauž bullish noskaņojumu par Ethereum (ETH) konkurentu Solanu (SOL).Analītiķis ar pseidonīmu Blunts stāsta saviem 237 000 sekotāju sociālo mediju platformā X, ka Solana varētu pieaugt par vairāk nekā 39% no pašreizējās vērtības."Es domāju, ka SOL varētu gatavoties līdz pat $ 140 plus. Šī lejupslīdes tendence tagad ir pārbaudīta pārāk daudz reižu, lai es uzskatītu par lācīgu un nevaru ignorēt skaidru trīs viļņu lejupslīdi no augstākajiem rādītājiem, kas izskatās koriģējoši. Šķiet, ka pēdējo divu nedēļu diapazons ir bijis pamats, nosūtiet to.
Analyst Says Ethereum-Based Altcoin Set To Skyrocket by Over 100%, Updates Outlook on Chainlink and Analyst Says Ethereum-Based Altcoin Set To Skyrocket by Over 100%, Updates Outlook on Chainlink and Fetch.aiA widely followed crypto analyst and trader is bullish on a top-100 altcoin by market cap.The analyst pseudonymously known as Altcoin Sherpa tells his 205,600 followers on the X social media platform that he feels “very strongly” that the native token of the non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace and aggregator platform Blur (BLUR) will exceed its all-time high of $1.40, about 110% below the current price, reached in February of 2023.“BLUR is one of the few ways you can bet on the entire NFT industry going up. Bullish on a lot of NFT infrastructure.”BLUR is trading at $0.667 at time of writing.Turning to Chainlink (LINK), Altcoin Sherpa says that he is “still very bullish” on the blockchain oracle as a “solid long-term project” though it is unlikely to offer “mind-melting returns” due to its relatively high market capitalization.Based on Altcoin Sherpa’s chart on the 12-hour time frame, LINK is likely to trade in a range between roughly $13.50 and $17 in January and February.Chainlink is trading at $15.80 at time of writing.Next up is the decentralized artificial intelligence platform for applications (FET). According to the pseudonymous analyst and trader, FET appears “pretty strong” this year though it is currently undergoing consolidation.Based on Altcoin Sherpa’s charts, the current support level for FET on the weekly chart is around $0.608 while the closest resistance level is at $0.779.According to Altcoin Sherpa, FET is currently more suitable for medium-term trading as opposed to short-term.

Analyst Says Ethereum-Based Altcoin Set To Skyrocket by Over 100%, Updates Outlook on Chainlink and

Analyst Says Ethereum-Based Altcoin Set To Skyrocket by Over 100%, Updates Outlook on Chainlink and Fetch.aiA widely followed crypto analyst and trader is bullish on a top-100 altcoin by market cap.The analyst pseudonymously known as Altcoin Sherpa tells his 205,600 followers on the X social media platform that he feels “very strongly” that the native token of the non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace and aggregator platform Blur (BLUR) will exceed its all-time high of $1.40, about 110% below the current price, reached in February of 2023.“BLUR is one of the few ways you can bet on the entire NFT industry going up. Bullish on a lot of NFT infrastructure.”BLUR is trading at $0.667 at time of writing.Turning to Chainlink (LINK), Altcoin Sherpa says that he is “still very bullish” on the blockchain oracle as a “solid long-term project” though it is unlikely to offer “mind-melting returns” due to its relatively high market capitalization.Based on Altcoin Sherpa’s chart on the 12-hour time frame, LINK is likely to trade in a range between roughly $13.50 and $17 in January and February.Chainlink is trading at $15.80 at time of writing.Next up is the decentralized artificial intelligence platform for applications (FET). According to the pseudonymous analyst and trader, FET appears “pretty strong” this year though it is currently undergoing consolidation.Based on Altcoin Sherpa’s charts, the current support level for FET on the weekly chart is around $0.608 while the closest resistance level is at $0.779.According to Altcoin Sherpa, FET is currently more suitable for medium-term trading as opposed to short-term.
Here’s When Bitcoin Could Hit a New All-Time High, According to VanEck’s Head of Digital Assets ReseHere’s When Bitcoin Could Hit a New All-Time High, According to VanEck’s Head of Digital Assets ResearchThe head of digital assets research at investing giant VanEck Matthew Sigel is expressing bullish sentiment on Bitcoin (BTC).In an appearance on the Unchained podcast, Sigel says that Bitcoin could soar above the all-time high of around $69,044 this year.“So this year looks like a solid year. We think Bitcoin will make an all-time high in Q4 like after a contentious election. A record number of global citizens are voting in elections this year, more than nearly 50%. It’s an all-time high – 200 years of history with these elections comes a lot of opportunity for change, disruption and more kind of pro-Bitcoin policies.”Bitcoin is trading at $42,660 at time of writing.According to Sigel, various factors were responsible for the gains Bitcoin recorded late last year.“Our view is that this bull cycle is very much ahead of us, that the November and December rally was as much about the weaker dollar as it was about those exchange-traded funds (ETFs) flows. And there were so many macro contributors to that weak dollar narrative with the BRICS group expanding [with] five more countries joining the BRICS.You had Nigeria reversing its previous bank bans – banks weren’t allowed to do business with crypto companies. Now they are.You had the Saudi cleric who acknowledged that Bitcoin was permissible [under Islam] in this new declaration.And then the Argentina momentum where Bitcoin is for all intents and purposes like legal for contract settlement.”

Here’s When Bitcoin Could Hit a New All-Time High, According to VanEck’s Head of Digital Assets Rese

Here’s When Bitcoin Could Hit a New All-Time High, According to VanEck’s Head of Digital Assets ResearchThe head of digital assets research at investing giant VanEck Matthew Sigel is expressing bullish sentiment on Bitcoin (BTC).In an appearance on the Unchained podcast, Sigel says that Bitcoin could soar above the all-time high of around $69,044 this year.“So this year looks like a solid year. We think Bitcoin will make an all-time high in Q4 like after a contentious election. A record number of global citizens are voting in elections this year, more than nearly 50%. It’s an all-time high – 200 years of history with these elections comes a lot of opportunity for change, disruption and more kind of pro-Bitcoin policies.”Bitcoin is trading at $42,660 at time of writing.According to Sigel, various factors were responsible for the gains Bitcoin recorded late last year.“Our view is that this bull cycle is very much ahead of us, that the November and December rally was as much about the weaker dollar as it was about those exchange-traded funds (ETFs) flows. And there were so many macro contributors to that weak dollar narrative with the BRICS group expanding [with] five more countries joining the BRICS.You had Nigeria reversing its previous bank bans – banks weren’t allowed to do business with crypto companies. Now they are.You had the Saudi cleric who acknowledged that Bitcoin was permissible [under Islam] in this new declaration.And then the Argentina momentum where Bitcoin is for all intents and purposes like legal for contract settlement.”
Veteran Trader Tone Vays Issues Urgent Bitcoin Warning, Says Bigger Correction Looming – Here Are HiVeteran Trader Tone Vays Issues Urgent Bitcoin Warning, Says Bigger Correction Looming – Here Are His TargetsVeteran trader Tone Vays is issuing a warning that Bitcoin (BTC) could soon undergo a much bigger market correction.In a new video update, the seasoned analyst tells his 123,000 YouTube subscribers that Bitcoin could dip into the mid-$30,000 range if it fails to reclaim a key level.“All signs are pointing to a much, much bigger correction. I hope this doesn’t happen. I really hope we go up from here. I don’t want to see us correct. We’ve already dealt with a huge bear market. However, I am going to remain on the sidelines with cash until Bitcoin breaks out above these moving averages. I need to break even the second moving average. I need $44,000. I need a daily close at $44,000 or a move to $36,000. I really need that to go long Bitcoin.There could be something in between. It depends how fast or how slow we go down. It’s possible I may find a good buying opportunity down here at $39,000. But realistically, I am looking for either a move above the moving average of $44,000 or a move all the way down to $36,000 where we have a beautiful combination of the MRI (Momentum Reversal Indicator) support line on the daily chart, the 128-day moving average and the top of the channel.”The trader also says that if Bitcoin soon dips below $40,000 that would not be comparable to the historic dips before pre-halving events, when miners’ rewards are cut in half. The next halving event is expected in April.“Do I think the pre-halving dump has started? No, I wasn’t actually anticipating the pre-halving dump. The pre-halving dump usually happens a few weeks before the halving. It doesn’t happen four months before the halving.”The trader predicts Bitcoin will not revisit the $20,000 range and would only retest the $30,000 level if there was some black swan event.“I don’t see us going into the $20,000s. $30,000 is my absolute bottom low. And in order for us to even get to $30,000 something catastrophic happens.”Bitcoin is trading for $43,222 at time of writing, up nearly 2% in the last 24 hours.

Veteran Trader Tone Vays Issues Urgent Bitcoin Warning, Says Bigger Correction Looming – Here Are Hi

Veteran Trader Tone Vays Issues Urgent Bitcoin Warning, Says Bigger Correction Looming – Here Are His TargetsVeteran trader Tone Vays is issuing a warning that Bitcoin (BTC) could soon undergo a much bigger market correction.In a new video update, the seasoned analyst tells his 123,000 YouTube subscribers that Bitcoin could dip into the mid-$30,000 range if it fails to reclaim a key level.“All signs are pointing to a much, much bigger correction. I hope this doesn’t happen. I really hope we go up from here. I don’t want to see us correct. We’ve already dealt with a huge bear market. However, I am going to remain on the sidelines with cash until Bitcoin breaks out above these moving averages. I need to break even the second moving average. I need $44,000. I need a daily close at $44,000 or a move to $36,000. I really need that to go long Bitcoin.There could be something in between. It depends how fast or how slow we go down. It’s possible I may find a good buying opportunity down here at $39,000. But realistically, I am looking for either a move above the moving average of $44,000 or a move all the way down to $36,000 where we have a beautiful combination of the MRI (Momentum Reversal Indicator) support line on the daily chart, the 128-day moving average and the top of the channel.”The trader also says that if Bitcoin soon dips below $40,000 that would not be comparable to the historic dips before pre-halving events, when miners’ rewards are cut in half. The next halving event is expected in April.“Do I think the pre-halving dump has started? No, I wasn’t actually anticipating the pre-halving dump. The pre-halving dump usually happens a few weeks before the halving. It doesn’t happen four months before the halving.”The trader predicts Bitcoin will not revisit the $20,000 range and would only retest the $30,000 level if there was some black swan event.“I don’t see us going into the $20,000s. $30,000 is my absolute bottom low. And in order for us to even get to $30,000 something catastrophic happens.”Bitcoin is trading for $43,222 at time of writing, up nearly 2% in the last 24 hours.
Stablecoins Remain Blockchain and Crypto’s ‘Killer App’Amid Tech Advancements, Says Circle CEO JereCircle chief executive Jeremy Allaire thinks additional regulatory clarity will pave the way for increased stablecoin adoption in 2024.In a new interview with CNBC International TV, Allaire predicts that the recent approval of spot Bitcoin (BTC) exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the US will act as “the tide that lifts all boats” in the crypto sector.The Circle CEO notes stablecoins remained resilient throughout the crypto space’s turbulence over the past few years.“What I can say about stablecoins and what we’ve seen in the market is really a lot of people were paying attention to a lot of the scandals in this industry, and failures and bankruptcies, but at the same time, we were seeing tremendous progress being made in continued technology development.And this is a little bit like after the dot com boom and bust – people ignored consumer internet e-commerce, but actually the technology continued to develop, and so we saw that happen last year, and we’ve seen stablecoins in particular remain the killer app of blockchain technology and start to see widening usage all around the world.”Circle issues USDC, the second-largest stablecoin by market cap. Last week, the company announced that it submitted a draft registration statement to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) related to a proposed initial public offering (IPO) of its equity securities.

Stablecoins Remain Blockchain and Crypto’s ‘Killer App’Amid Tech Advancements, Says Circle CEO Jere

Circle chief executive Jeremy Allaire thinks additional regulatory clarity will pave the way for increased stablecoin adoption in 2024.In a new interview with CNBC International TV, Allaire predicts that the recent approval of spot Bitcoin (BTC) exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the US will act as “the tide that lifts all boats” in the crypto sector.The Circle CEO notes stablecoins remained resilient throughout the crypto space’s turbulence over the past few years.“What I can say about stablecoins and what we’ve seen in the market is really a lot of people were paying attention to a lot of the scandals in this industry, and failures and bankruptcies, but at the same time, we were seeing tremendous progress being made in continued technology development.And this is a little bit like after the dot com boom and bust – people ignored consumer internet e-commerce, but actually the technology continued to develop, and so we saw that happen last year, and we’ve seen stablecoins in particular remain the killer app of blockchain technology and start to see widening usage all around the world.”Circle issues USDC, the second-largest stablecoin by market cap. Last week, the company announced that it submitted a draft registration statement to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) related to a proposed initial public offering (IPO) of its equity securities.
can 1000pepeusdt go up? + LONG 🟢 1000PEPEUSDT.P 15 #1000PEPE/ TETHERUS PERPETUA... #TrendingTopic #Binance i've been following this trade for some hours, it has some potential, will it play in my side? lets find out, scalp for 1000pepeusdt, long position taken a few hours ago. first target 0.0013496, 2nd target and 0.00146, stop loss 0.0011768, lev 10x maximun
can 1000pepeusdt go up?




i've been following this trade for some hours, it has some potential, will it play in my side? lets find out, scalp for 1000pepeusdt, long position taken a few hours ago.

first target 0.0013496, 2nd target and 0.00146, stop loss 0.0011768, lev 10x maximun
We found the Next LUNA :) 🔴SHORT INJUSDT 1W INJ/TETHERUS #Binance This is again lunatic futuristic and crazy idea. but who knows? Currently in weekly timeline, we had a shark pattern occurring. We reached the C point but still has an option to raise till 173.484 which is Fib 1.618 for A-B. so if this occurs, we will have our next LUNA here. D target will be around 10 cent. (%99.75 fall) as I said, this is a lunatic idea... please invest with your own research...
We found the Next LUNA :)





This is again lunatic futuristic and crazy idea. but who knows?

Currently in weekly timeline, we had a shark pattern occurring.

We reached the C point but still has an option to raise till 173.484 which is Fib 1.618 for A-B.

so if this occurs, we will have our next LUNA here. D target will be around 10 cent. (%99.75 fall)

as I said, this is a lunatic idea... please invest with your own research...
FIL 17.01.24 + LONG 6:38 PM 2.5KB/s FILUSDT.P 240 67 f FIL/TETHERUS PERPETUAL CONT... .. Binance In an environment where the market is generally positive, the halving is approaching, and finally interest rate cuts are discussed, FIL coin will also get its share. The rising trend (green line) will be the best place to buy, but since I do not want to wait, it would be best to buy in pieces, including these levels. It will be ready to fly when the 4-hour candle closes above the falling trend (red line) and retests. TP1: 7.4 TP2: 7.99 (psychological resistance) TP3: 8.61 What I write here serves as a note to myself. Does not include investment advice.
FIL 17.01.24



6:38 PM








In an environment where the market is generally positive, the halving is approaching, and finally interest rate cuts are discussed, FIL coin will also get its share.

The rising trend (green line) will be the best place to buy, but since I do not want to wait, it would be best to buy in pieces, including these levels.

It will be ready to fly when the 4-hour candle closes above the falling trend (red line) and retests.

TP1: 7.4

TP2: 7.99 (psychological resistance)

TP3: 8.61

What I write here serves as a note to myself. Does not include investment advice.
Coin SKL 0.08393 Short SHORT #SKLUSDT 15 #SKL/TETHERUS Binance Hi friends. Coin SKL 0.08393 Short. Entry pattern: level breakout, level retracement Stop short is mandatory! 1st target 0.08239 2nd target 0.07942 3rd target 0.06978 The chart is slipping. today 15 coins in long and 13 in short. Bitcoin Guide is in the Short zone. Always put a stop. #TrendingTopic #TradingNews #trading_tips
Coin SKL 0.08393 Short





Hi friends.

Coin SKL 0.08393 Short.

Entry pattern: level breakout, level


Stop short is mandatory!

1st target 0.08239

2nd target 0.07942

3rd target 0.06978

The chart is slipping.

today 15 coins in long and 13 in short.

Bitcoin Guide is in the Short zone.

Always put a stop.

#TrendingTopic #TradingNews #trading_tips
Bloomberg Reveals Substantial Outflows from Grayscale’s Bitcoin ETFBloomberg Intelligence has revealed that Grayscale’s Bitcoin ETF is experiencing substantial outflows, with a total of about $579 million withdrawn. This figure is particularly noteworthy in the wider Bitcoin ETF market landscape. In contrast, other direct Bitcoin ETFs have seen a surge in investments, totaling close to $819 million.This sharp contrast in investment trends highlights a critical reevaluation of Grayscale’s Bitcoin ETF performance following its SEC approval. Although the ETF initially saw a high trading volume of over $2.3 billion on its first day, enthusiasm seems to have waned, as indicated by these recent withdrawals, suggesting a change in investor .Analysts had previously predicted that more than $1 billion might be withdrawn from the fund in the following weeks, a forecast that aligns with the current withdrawal trend from the Grayscale ETF. One factor possibly influencing this outflow is the fund’s relatively steep expense ratio of 1.5%, the highest among Bitcoin ETFs in the U.S. Meanwhile, other spot ETFs like BlackRock’s IBIT and Fidelity’s FBTC have witnessed significant initial inflows of $500 million and $421 million, respectively.The SEC’s recent landmark approval of Bitcoin ETFs introduced a wave of optimism in the sector, but it also sparked various debates and concerns. Industry experts have voiced caution over the potential risks associated with Coinbase’s dominant role as custodian for most ETFs.Furthermore, the immediate market reaction to the SEC’s approval has led to considerable fluctuations in Bitcoin’s price, with the premier cryptocurrency oscillating between $41,000 and $44,000.

Bloomberg Reveals Substantial Outflows from Grayscale’s Bitcoin ETF

Bloomberg Intelligence has revealed that Grayscale’s Bitcoin ETF is experiencing substantial outflows, with a total of about $579 million withdrawn. This figure is particularly noteworthy in the wider Bitcoin ETF market landscape. In contrast, other direct Bitcoin ETFs have seen a surge in investments, totaling close to $819 million.This sharp contrast in investment trends highlights a critical reevaluation of Grayscale’s Bitcoin ETF performance following its SEC approval. Although the ETF initially saw a high trading volume of over $2.3 billion on its first day, enthusiasm seems to have waned, as indicated by these recent withdrawals, suggesting a change in investor .Analysts had previously predicted that more than $1 billion might be withdrawn from the fund in the following weeks, a forecast that aligns with the current withdrawal trend from the Grayscale ETF. One factor possibly influencing this outflow is the fund’s relatively steep expense ratio of 1.5%, the highest among Bitcoin ETFs in the U.S. Meanwhile, other spot ETFs like BlackRock’s IBIT and Fidelity’s FBTC have witnessed significant initial inflows of $500 million and $421 million, respectively.The SEC’s recent landmark approval of Bitcoin ETFs introduced a wave of optimism in the sector, but it also sparked various debates and concerns. Industry experts have voiced caution over the potential risks associated with Coinbase’s dominant role as custodian for most ETFs.Furthermore, the immediate market reaction to the SEC’s approval has led to considerable fluctuations in Bitcoin’s price, with the premier cryptocurrency oscillating between $41,000 and $44,000.
SEC says ‘no evidence’ unauthorized party who posted to X accessed agency systems: CNBC Crypto World CNBC Crypto World features the latest news and daily trading updates from the digital currency markets and provides viewers with a look at what’s ahead with high-profile interviews, explainers, and unique stories from the ever-changing crypto industry. On today’s show, Kit Addelman, SEC enforcement chair with Haynes Boone, explains why the agency might have changed its tune on spot bitcoin ETFs.
SEC says ‘no evidence’ unauthorized party who posted to X accessed agency systems: CNBC Crypto World

CNBC Crypto World features the latest news and daily trading updates from the digital currency markets and provides viewers with a look at what’s ahead with high-profile interviews, explainers, and unique stories from the ever-changing crypto industry. On today’s show, Kit Addelman, SEC enforcement chair with Haynes Boone, explains why the agency might have changed its tune on spot bitcoin ETFs.
#CFX Ready For Serious Correction? #CFXUSDT 1D #CFX/TETHERUS #Binance #TrendingTopic Looking at the daily on CFX we can see a major sign of weakness that MAY be signaling we are ready for a much larger move to the down side. After an insane 2000% push to the up side we seen a 50% retrace of that entire move and have since pushed up exactly 50% of the way to the top of the mega rally. This is a 50% retrace that has put in a lower high, had a clear identifiable trend that was broken, and is now being retested. IF we are head down much farther the next bearish signal will likely kick the move off. IF we see a bearish rejection at .20 target will be a 75% retrace of the 2000% pump in the .5-.6c area. Current Trading Plan is to short the bearish rejection of .20 and cover at bullish signals at 1/8 increments to the target area. A brake of the high Look for higher prices. Trade Well....
#CFX Ready For Serious Correction?





Looking at the daily on CFX we can see a major sign of weakness that MAY be signaling we are ready for a much larger move to the down side.

After an insane 2000% push to the up side we seen a 50% retrace of that entire move and have since pushed up exactly 50% of the way to the top of the mega rally.

This is a 50% retrace that has put in a lower high, had a clear identifiable trend that was broken, and is now being retested. IF we are head down much farther the next bearish signal will likely kick the move off.

IF we see a bearish rejection at .20 target will be a 75% retrace of the 2000% pump in the .5-.6c area.

Current Trading Plan is to short the bearish rejection of .20 and cover at bullish signals at 1/8 increments to the target area. A brake of the high Look for higher prices.

Trade Well....
#SOL BULL GOAL SOLUSDT 240 SOLUSDT SPOT Bitget Alright you can see the target for SOL. Clear out some single prints before a better move :) SOL is primed




Alright you can see the target for SOL. Clear out some single prints before a better move :) SOL is primed
Solana Long Entry using Channels Long🟢$SOL SOLUSD 240CoinbaseSOLANA / UNITED STATES DOLLARSolana is in a triangle between 2 channels, approaching the Apex! It could break either way!Solana could be in a wave 4 of 3 retracement which could last two months from when it started on Christmas at noon if it's length can bet determined by the wave 2, which lasted from July 13th 2023, to Sep 11th 2023 (59 days 20 hours) or we could just be in a calm between two storms! Hard to tell, but the risk / reward on this seems reasonable.To wait for the break, or to not wait for the break? That is the question! You decide!If Solana breaks up, this could be a likely target using Channels, otherwise if it breaks down, probably another month and a half of downward trend to some larger Fib support ($74 -0.238 fib and $53 -0.382 fib)Entry: ~$100 (around)Exit: $180 (around the top of channel)Warning Stop: $90-$92 (Somewhere below the Triangle Bottom, but this could be a fakeout and good entry also) Hard Stop: $84.50 (Slightly below the Jan 3rd Low from the Dump, it's definitely going down if it crosses this)Good Luck and God Bless!

Solana Long Entry using Channels Long🟢

$SOL SOLUSD 240CoinbaseSOLANA / UNITED STATES DOLLARSolana is in a triangle between 2 channels, approaching the Apex! It could break either way!Solana could be in a wave 4 of 3 retracement which could last two months from when it started on Christmas at noon if it's length can bet determined by the wave 2, which lasted from July 13th 2023, to Sep 11th 2023 (59 days 20 hours) or we could just be in a calm between two storms! Hard to tell, but the risk / reward on this seems reasonable.To wait for the break, or to not wait for the break? That is the question! You decide!If Solana breaks up, this could be a likely target using Channels, otherwise if it breaks down, probably another month and a half of downward trend to some larger Fib support ($74 -0.238 fib and $53 -0.382 fib)Entry: ~$100 (around)Exit: $180 (around the top of channel)Warning Stop: $90-$92 (Somewhere below the Triangle Bottom, but this could be a fakeout and good entry also) Hard Stop: $84.50 (Slightly below the Jan 3rd Low from the Dump, it's definitely going down if it crosses this)Good Luck and God Bless!
RUNEUSDT Signal type: LONG Leverage: Cross 20x Entry: 4.772-4.42364 Stoploss: 4.29002 Target 14.82449 Target 2-4.87221 Target 3-4.9247 Target 4-4.96765 Target 5-5.07263 Target 6-5.14421 Target 75.2492 Target 8 - 5.85047 use your wallet only 2% manage sl accordingly #Trending Topic #RUNE/USDT $RUNE

Signal type: LONG

Leverage: Cross 20x

Entry: 4.772-4.42364

Stoploss: 4.29002

Target 14.82449

Target 2-4.87221

Target 3-4.9247

Target 4-4.96765

Target 5-5.07263

Target 6-5.14421

Target 75.2492

Target 8 - 5.85047

use your wallet only 2% manage sl accordingly

#Trending Topic #RUNE/USDT $RUNE
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