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I provide consultation for beginners in investments and trading. Contact me Twitter(X) - @GrammLary
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#W/USDT #Wormhole #W $W Iepriekšējais ieraksts bija paredzēts tiem, kas nevēlas dienas tirdzniecību un reti iesaistās darījumos. Personīgi es esmu dienas tirgotājs, bieži veicu 10–15 darījumus dienā, un mans rādītājs ir būtisks instruments. Es mēdzu pavadīt gandrīz visu dienu, analizējot un ievadot vismaz 4-5 darījumus, līdz izstrādāju savu tehniskās analīzes programmu. Tagad es piedāvāju vēl vienu aktīvu, ko es katru dienu konsekventi tirgoju ar nākotnes līgumiem. Pēdējo 7 signālu laikā tas man ļāva iegūt 28% no tirgus tikai dažu dienu laikā, pavadot pie datora tikai stundu. Vai jūs labāk sēdētu pie datora visu dienu bez peļņas garantijas vai izmantotu manu palīgu? Izvēle ir tava. Es tikai dalos ar informāciju. Rakstiet man; Ātri atbildu visiem.
#W/USDT #Wormhole #W $W Iepriekšējais ieraksts bija paredzēts tiem, kas nevēlas dienas tirdzniecību un reti iesaistās darījumos. Personīgi es esmu dienas tirgotājs, bieži veicu 10–15 darījumus dienā, un mans rādītājs ir būtisks instruments. Es mēdzu pavadīt gandrīz visu dienu, analizējot un ievadot vismaz 4-5 darījumus, līdz izstrādāju savu tehniskās analīzes programmu.
Tagad es piedāvāju vēl vienu aktīvu, ko es katru dienu konsekventi tirgoju ar nākotnes līgumiem. Pēdējo 7 signālu laikā tas man ļāva iegūt 28% no tirgus tikai dažu dienu laikā, pavadot pie datora tikai stundu. Vai jūs labāk sēdētu pie datora visu dienu bez peļņas garantijas vai izmantotu manu palīgu? Izvēle ir tava. Es tikai dalos ar informāciju. Rakstiet man; Ātri atbildu visiem.
#W/USDT #Wormholecoin #W $W

Vēl viens aktīvs deva 50% peļņu no 7 signāliem. Ar tirdzniecības summu USD 1000 tā ir USD 500 peļņa, pat neņemot vērā salikto procentu burvību. Jums nav jābūt super tirgotājam; jums vienkārši jāzina, kā nospiest pogas. Rakstiet man un bez pūlēm gūstiet peļņu no tirgus bez stresa! Esmu pieejams 24/7.
Skatīt oriģinālu
#DOT/USDT #DOT $DOT Šeit ir vēl viens aktīvs dienas tirdzniecībai: seši signāli, kas dod 10% peļņu, neizmantojot nekādus aizņemtos līdzekļus. Pēdējo pusotru mēnesi es piedāvāju savu produktu par 300 USD ar mūža piekļuvi. Vakar šis piedāvājums beidzās. No šodienas mūža piekļuve vairs nav pieejama. Jaunās likmes ir šādas: - 1 mēnesis: 150 USD - 3 mēneši: 350 USD - 6 mēneši: 600 USD - 1 gads: 900 USD Es pagarināju pārdošanu uz ilgu laiku, dodot iespēju ikvienam iegūt manu palīgu. Tagad šie ir noteikumi. Ja jūs interesē mans produkts, sazinieties ar mani. Es ātri atbildu 5-10 minūšu laikā.
Šeit ir vēl viens aktīvs dienas tirdzniecībai: seši signāli, kas dod 10% peļņu, neizmantojot nekādus aizņemtos līdzekļus. Pēdējo pusotru mēnesi es piedāvāju savu produktu par 300 USD ar mūža piekļuvi. Vakar šis piedāvājums beidzās. No šodienas mūža piekļuve vairs nav pieejama. Jaunās likmes ir šādas:
- 1 mēnesis: 150 USD
- 3 mēneši: 350 USD
- 6 mēneši: 600 USD
- 1 gads: 900 USD
Es pagarināju pārdošanu uz ilgu laiku, dodot iespēju ikvienam iegūt manu palīgu. Tagad šie ir noteikumi. Ja jūs interesē mans produkts, sazinieties ar mani. Es ātri atbildu 5-10 minūšu laikā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
#solusdt #Solana⁩ #SOlL $SOL Es piedāvāju jums vēl vienu aktīvu dienas tirdzniecībai, izmantojot savu indikatoru. Indikators ģenerēja 7 signālus un ļāva iegūt vairāk nekā 20% no tirgus. Jūs netērējat laiku analīzei, ja jau zināt, kā to izdarīt. Un, ja jums nav ne jausmas, kā to izdarīt, šis rādītājs noteikti palīdzēs jums nopelnīt naudu, jo viss, kas jums nepieciešams, lai ar to tirgotos, ir jāzina, kā ievadīt pozīciju un veikt pasūtījumus. Un mēs arī palīdzam ar to. Profesionāliem tirgotājiem indikators būs neaizstājams vairāku aktīvu izsekošanai. Nepieciešams šāds palīgs? Rakstiet man!
#solusdt #Solana⁩ #SOlL $SOL Es piedāvāju jums vēl vienu aktīvu dienas tirdzniecībai, izmantojot savu indikatoru. Indikators ģenerēja 7 signālus un ļāva iegūt vairāk nekā 20% no tirgus. Jūs netērējat laiku analīzei, ja jau zināt, kā to izdarīt. Un, ja jums nav ne jausmas, kā to izdarīt, šis rādītājs noteikti palīdzēs jums nopelnīt naudu, jo viss, kas jums nepieciešams, lai ar to tirgotos, ir jāzina, kā ievadīt pozīciju un veikt pasūtījumus. Un mēs arī palīdzam ar to. Profesionāliem tirgotājiem indikators būs neaizstājams vairāku aktīvu izsekošanai. Nepieciešams šāds palīgs? Rakstiet man!
Lary Gramm
Indikatoru izmantošanas nozīme tehniskajā analīzē
Tehniskā analīze ir viena no visplašāk izmantotajām metodēm finanšu tirgu novērtēšanai un tirdzniecības lēmumu pieņemšanai. Tas ir balstīts uz vēsturisko cenu un apjoma datu analīzi, lai prognozētu turpmākās cenu izmaiņas. Šajā rakstā mēs izpētīsim, kāpēc rādītāju izmantošana tehniskajā analīzē ir tik svarīga tirgotājiem un investoriem.
Izpratne par tehniskās analīzes pamatiem
Pirms iedziļināties indikatoros, ir svarīgi saprast tehniskās analīzes pamatprincipus. Šīs metodes pamatā ir trīs galvenie principi:
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kriptovalūtas svarīgu notikumu kalendārsŠeit ir tulkojums angļu valodā: - 10. jūlijs - #DASH uz pusi (plānotais datums). - 11. jūlijs - ASV patēriņa cenu indeksa un inflācijas datu publicēšana. - 12. jūlijs - Spriedums Aleksandram Vinnikam BTC-e lietā. - 14. jūlijs - Binance dibināšanas septītā gadadiena. - 29. jūlijs - Spriedums Avrāmam Aizenbergam, 2022. gada uzbrukuma Mango Markets dalībniekam. - 30. jūlijs - devītā gadadiena kopš #Ethereum izveides - 31. jūlijs - Federālo rezervju sistēmas sanāksme par bāzes procentu likmi. - Jūlijs - izmaksu sākums Mt.Gox lietā.

Kriptovalūtas svarīgu notikumu kalendārs

Šeit ir tulkojums angļu valodā:
- 10. jūlijs - #DASH uz pusi (plānotais datums).
- 11. jūlijs - ASV patēriņa cenu indeksa un inflācijas datu publicēšana.
- 12. jūlijs - Spriedums Aleksandram Vinnikam BTC-e lietā.
- 14. jūlijs - Binance dibināšanas septītā gadadiena.
- 29. jūlijs - Spriedums Avrāmam Aizenbergam, 2022. gada uzbrukuma Mango Markets dalībniekam.
- 30. jūlijs - devītā gadadiena kopš #Ethereum izveides
- 31. jūlijs - Federālo rezervju sistēmas sanāksme par bāzes procentu likmi.
- Jūlijs - izmaksu sākums Mt.Gox lietā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
TON (Atvērtais tīkls)TON (The Open Network) ir Telegram komandas izstrādāta blokķēdes platforma, kuras mērķis ir izveidot mērogojamu un augstas veiktspējas infrastruktūru decentralizētām lietojumprogrammām un pakalpojumiem. Galvenie TON aspekti ietver: 1. Vēsture un attīstība: sākotnēji izstrādāts ar nosaukumu Telegram Open Network, projekts saskārās ar juridiskām problēmām ar SEC ASV, kā rezultātā Telegram 2020. gadā pārtrauca savu oficiālo iesaistīšanos. Tomēr kopiena turpināja izstrādāt platformu ar nosaukumu Atveriet tīklu.

TON (Atvērtais tīkls)

TON (The Open Network) ir Telegram komandas izstrādāta blokķēdes platforma, kuras mērķis ir izveidot mērogojamu un augstas veiktspējas infrastruktūru decentralizētām lietojumprogrammām un pakalpojumiem. Galvenie TON aspekti ietver:
1. Vēsture un attīstība: sākotnēji izstrādāts ar nosaukumu Telegram Open Network, projekts saskārās ar juridiskām problēmām ar SEC ASV, kā rezultātā Telegram 2020. gadā pārtrauca savu oficiālo iesaistīšanos. Tomēr kopiena turpināja izstrādāt platformu ar nosaukumu Atveriet tīklu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kriptovalūtas FET ( ( ir marķieris, kas izmanto mākslīgo intelektu un blokķēdes tehnoloģijas, lai izveidotu decentralizētas sistēmas. Galvenās funkcijas un funkcijas ietver: 1. Autonomous Agents: izmanto autonomos ekonomiskos aģentus (AEA), kas var veikt uzdevumus, mijiedarboties viens ar otru un veikt darījumus bez cilvēka iejaukšanās. 2. Blockchain tehnoloģija: blokķēde ļauj aģentiem droši un pārredzami mijiedarboties. To izmanto, lai reģistrētu darījumus un mijiedarbību starp aģentiem.

Kriptovalūtas FET (

FET ( ir marķieris, kas izmanto mākslīgo intelektu un blokķēdes tehnoloģijas, lai izveidotu decentralizētas sistēmas. Galvenās funkcijas un funkcijas ietver:
1. Autonomous Agents: izmanto autonomos ekonomiskos aģentus (AEA), kas var veikt uzdevumus, mijiedarboties viens ar otru un veikt darījumus bez cilvēka iejaukšanās.
2. Blockchain tehnoloģija: blokķēde ļauj aģentiem droši un pārredzami mijiedarboties. To izmanto, lai reģistrētu darījumus un mijiedarbību starp aģentiem.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitcoin vēstureIevads Bitcoin ir pasaulē pirmā decentralizētā digitālā valūta, kas maina veidu, kā mēs uztveram finanses un tehnoloģijas. Tas tika izveidots, lai ļautu cilvēkiem veikt darījumus, neiesaistot trešās puses, piemēram, bankas un valsts iestādes. Bitcoin vēsture ir piepildīta ar noslēpumiem, inovācijām un revolucionārām tehnoloģijām. Fons 2008. gadā pasaule piedzīvoja finanšu krīzi, kas atklāja daudzas tradicionālās banku sistēmas nepilnības. Šajā laikā kāda noslēpumaina figūra, kas pazīstama ar pseidonīmu Satoši Nakamoto, publicēja balto grāmatu ar nosaukumu "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System". Šajā dokumentā tika izklāstīti Bitcoin pamatprincipi un tā potenciāls pārveidot finanšu ainavu.

Bitcoin vēsture

Bitcoin ir pasaulē pirmā decentralizētā digitālā valūta, kas maina veidu, kā mēs uztveram finanses un tehnoloģijas. Tas tika izveidots, lai ļautu cilvēkiem veikt darījumus, neiesaistot trešās puses, piemēram, bankas un valsts iestādes. Bitcoin vēsture ir piepildīta ar noslēpumiem, inovācijām un revolucionārām tehnoloģijām.
2008. gadā pasaule piedzīvoja finanšu krīzi, kas atklāja daudzas tradicionālās banku sistēmas nepilnības. Šajā laikā kāda noslēpumaina figūra, kas pazīstama ar pseidonīmu Satoši Nakamoto, publicēja balto grāmatu ar nosaukumu "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System". Šajā dokumentā tika izklāstīti Bitcoin pamatprincipi un tā potenciāls pārveidot finanšu ainavu.
BITCOIN ANALYSIS#Bitcoin (BTC) is currently exhibiting a localized downtrend, as evidenced by the trendline passing through the peaks at 63,861 and 63,288. This downtrend suggests that the bearish sentiment is prevalent, and traders should be cautious about potential price drops. Key Levels: Resistance Zone: 63,700 - 64,500 The resistance zone is crucial as it marks the upper limit where selling pressure has previously halted upward movements. If BTC manages to break through this zone convincingly, it could signal a bullish reversal. However, failure to do so will likely lead to further declines as sellers dominate the market . Support Zone: 61,950 - 62,250 This support zone is vital as it indicates the lower boundary where buying pressure has previously prevented further declines. A strong rebound from this zone could provide a good buying opportunity, while a breach below it might lead to accelerated selling and a deeper correction . Analysis: Given the current market conditions and the proximity to critical resistance and support zones, Bitcoin is in a pivotal position. The price action in the coming days will likely define the short-term trend. Traders should monitor these levels closely: Watch for Breakout/Breakdown: A breakout above 64,500 could invalidate the downtrend, opening the path toward higher levels. A breakdown below 61,950 could trigger a more substantial decline. Volume Confirmation: Any significant movement should be confirmed by increased trading volume. A breakout or breakdown on low volume may indicate a false move. Market Sentiment: Keep an eye on overall market sentiment and external factors, such as macroeconomic news or regulatory developments, which can influence BTC's price direction. Conclusion: Bitcoin's price is currently squeezed between a significant resistance and support zone. Traders should remain vigilant and prepared for potential volatility as the market decides its next direction. Employing risk management strategies and staying updated with market news will be crucial in navigating this uncertain phase. #btcusdt #BTC $BTC


#Bitcoin (BTC) is currently exhibiting a localized downtrend, as evidenced by the trendline passing through the peaks at 63,861 and 63,288. This downtrend suggests that the bearish sentiment is prevalent, and traders should be cautious about potential price drops.
Key Levels:
Resistance Zone: 63,700 - 64,500
The resistance zone is crucial as it marks the upper limit where selling pressure has previously halted upward movements. If BTC manages to break through this zone convincingly, it could signal a bullish reversal. However, failure to do so will likely lead to further declines as sellers dominate the market .
Support Zone: 61,950 - 62,250
This support zone is vital as it indicates the lower boundary where buying pressure has previously prevented further declines. A strong rebound from this zone could provide a good buying opportunity, while a breach below it might lead to accelerated selling and a deeper correction .
Given the current market conditions and the proximity to critical resistance and support zones, Bitcoin is in a pivotal position. The price action in the coming days will likely define the short-term trend. Traders should monitor these levels closely:
Watch for Breakout/Breakdown:
A breakout above 64,500 could invalidate the downtrend, opening the path toward higher levels.
A breakdown below 61,950 could trigger a more substantial decline.
Volume Confirmation:
Any significant movement should be confirmed by increased trading volume. A breakout or breakdown on low volume may indicate a false move.
Market Sentiment:
Keep an eye on overall market sentiment and external factors, such as macroeconomic news or regulatory developments, which can influence BTC's price direction.
Bitcoin's price is currently squeezed between a significant resistance and support zone. Traders should remain vigilant and prepared for potential volatility as the market decides its next direction. Employing risk management strategies and staying updated with market news will be crucial in navigating this uncertain phase.

#btcusdt #BTC $BTC
BLOCKCHAIN SOLANASolana is a high-performance blockchain designed to support scalable decentralized applications and cryptocurrency transactions. It stands out for its ability to process thousands of transactions per second thanks to the unique combination of Proof of History (PoH) and Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanisms. Key Features of Solana: - Proof of History (PoH): This mechanism significantly increases network performance by eliminating the need for traditional timestamps. PoH provides cryptographic proof of transaction time, which speeds up data processing and validation. - Proof of Stake (PoS): A traditional mechanism used to ensure network security and achieve consensus among validators. In combination with PoH, it enhances the overall efficiency of the blockchain. - High Throughput: Solana can process up to 65,000 transactions per second (TPS), making it one of the fastest blockchain platforms today. This achievement is particularly important for decentralized finance (DeFi) and other scalable applications. - Low Fees: Due to its high network performance, Solana offers low transaction fees, making it attractive to users and developers. Applications and Achievements: - Meme Coins: Recently, financial applications based on Solana have outperformed their counterparts in the Ethereum ecosystem due to the hype around meme coins. - Competition with Ethereum: Solana is considered a serious competitor to Ethereum due to its high speed and low fees. Conclusion: Solana continues to attract attention with its unique technology and high performance indicators. This blockchain provides developers and users with a powerful tool for creating and using decentralized applications, while ensuring high speed and low transaction costs. #solusdt #Solana⁩ #SOL $SOL


Solana is a high-performance blockchain designed to support scalable decentralized applications and cryptocurrency transactions. It stands out for its ability to process thousands of transactions per second thanks to the unique combination of Proof of History (PoH) and Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanisms.
Key Features of Solana:
- Proof of History (PoH): This mechanism significantly increases network performance by eliminating the need for traditional timestamps. PoH provides cryptographic proof of transaction time, which speeds up data processing and validation.
- Proof of Stake (PoS): A traditional mechanism used to ensure network security and achieve consensus among validators. In combination with PoH, it enhances the overall efficiency of the blockchain.
- High Throughput: Solana can process up to 65,000 transactions per second (TPS), making it one of the fastest blockchain platforms today. This achievement is particularly important for decentralized finance (DeFi) and other scalable applications.
- Low Fees: Due to its high network performance, Solana offers low transaction fees, making it attractive to users and developers.
Applications and Achievements:
- Meme Coins: Recently, financial applications based on Solana have outperformed their counterparts in the Ethereum ecosystem due to the hype around meme coins.
- Competition with Ethereum: Solana is considered a serious competitor to Ethereum due to its high speed and low fees.
Solana continues to attract attention with its unique technology and high performance indicators. This blockchain provides developers and users with a powerful tool for creating and using decentralized applications, while ensuring high speed and low transaction costs.

#solusdt #Solana⁩ #SOL $SOL
Main Events in the World of Cryptocurrencies on July 1, 20241. Solana Tackles Meme Coin Issue The Solana Foundation has announced new measures to filter out offensive meme coins on its platform. This initiative aims to keep the ecosystem clean and boost user trust in the Solana network. 2. Launch of Federal Reserve's Real-Time Payment System In July, the Federal Reserve is expected to launch its real-time payment system. This development could significantly impact the cryptocurrency market, particularly stablecoins like USDT and USDC, which are commonly used for transactions. 3. Growth Forecasts for Solana Analysts predict a significant rise in the price of Solana tokens. Recently, the price has shown a bullish trend, fueling optimism among investors and traders. 4. Cosmos Connects to Ethereum The Picasso project, based on the Cosmos network, has announced the first successful connection to the Ethereum network using the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol. This event opens new opportunities for interconnectivity between different blockchain ecosystems and enhances compatibility. 5. Ethereum Poised for Breakthrough Technical analysis indicates that Ethereum may be on the verge of significant growth. Recent data points to a potential price breakout, which could attract new investors and increase market liquidity. Conclusion Current events in the cryptocurrency world show active technological and infrastructural development, creating new opportunities for investors and users. Paying attention to these events can help better understand market dynamics and make informed investment decisions. #ETH #SOL #ATOM $ETH $SOL $BTC

Main Events in the World of Cryptocurrencies on July 1, 2024

1. Solana Tackles Meme Coin Issue
The Solana Foundation has announced new measures to filter out offensive meme coins on its platform. This initiative aims to keep the ecosystem clean and boost user trust in the Solana network.
2. Launch of Federal Reserve's Real-Time Payment System
In July, the Federal Reserve is expected to launch its real-time payment system. This development could significantly impact the cryptocurrency market, particularly stablecoins like USDT and USDC, which are commonly used for transactions.
3. Growth Forecasts for Solana
Analysts predict a significant rise in the price of Solana tokens. Recently, the price has shown a bullish trend, fueling optimism among investors and traders.
4. Cosmos Connects to Ethereum
The Picasso project, based on the Cosmos network, has announced the first successful connection to the Ethereum network using the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol. This event opens new opportunities for interconnectivity between different blockchain ecosystems and enhances compatibility.
5. Ethereum Poised for Breakthrough
Technical analysis indicates that Ethereum may be on the verge of significant growth. Recent data points to a potential price breakout, which could attract new investors and increase market liquidity.
Current events in the cryptocurrency world show active technological and infrastructural development, creating new opportunities for investors and users. Paying attention to these events can help better understand market dynamics and make informed investment decisions.

#notusdt #NOT $NOT I have marked my accumulation zone in green and the line where I will accumulate the remaining part in yellow. Now a bit about the indicator: On the daily timeframe, there is only one signal, and so far, it’s for a long position according to my indicator, but the moment hasn't come yet. Want to have such an assistant? Contact me.
#notusdt #NOT $NOT I have marked my accumulation zone in green and the line where I will accumulate the remaining part in yellow.
Now a bit about the indicator: On the daily timeframe, there is only one signal, and so far, it’s for a long position according to my indicator, but the moment hasn't come yet. Want to have such an assistant? Contact me.
#WLD/USDT #Worldcoin​ #WLD $WLD Another asset where my indicator makes profiting an excellent activity. In 2 days, the indicator gave 6 signals and allowed for a 21% profit with simple actions (buy-sell). No additional analysis is needed as my indicator analyzes 27 parameters. You can find a way to contact me by studying my bio. Write to me; spots are limited.
#WLD/USDT #Worldcoin​ #WLD $WLD Another asset where my indicator makes profiting an excellent activity. In 2 days, the indicator gave 6 signals and allowed for a 21% profit with simple actions (buy-sell). No additional analysis is needed as my indicator analyzes 27 parameters. You can find a way to contact me by studying my bio. Write to me; spots are limited.
#NOTUSDT #NOT $NOT Another asset for intraday trading using my indicator: 6 signals in 2 days with 25% profit. All this without stress and additional technical analysis because my indicator analyzes 27 parameters. Simply set up notifications, receive the signal, and enter the trade, placing stops and take profits as indicated by the indicator. Want such an assistant?
#NOTUSDT #NOT $NOT Another asset for intraday trading using my indicator: 6 signals in 2 days with 25% profit. All this without stress and additional technical analysis because my indicator analyzes 27 parameters. Simply set up notifications, receive the signal, and enter the trade, placing stops and take profits as indicated by the indicator. Want such an assistant?
#FET/USDT #FET $FET Another asset for calm, moderate trading based on signals from my indicator. If you trade just 1 asset for a month with 1-2 trades per week, the profit is +115% without leverage. Need such an assistant? Contact me.
#FET/USDT #FET $FET Another asset for calm, moderate trading based on signals from my indicator. If you trade just 1 asset for a month with 1-2 trades per week, the profit is +115% without leverage. Need such an assistant? Contact me.
#BTC/USDT #Bitcoin #BTC $BTC ✅I'm shorting Bitcoin from the current levels. Targets: 1️⃣ 60033 2️⃣ 59611 3️⃣ 58011 ‼️ Stop 61333
#BTC/USDT #Bitcoin #BTC $BTC

✅I'm shorting Bitcoin from the current levels.
1️⃣ 60033
2️⃣ 59611
3️⃣ 58011
‼️ Stop 61333
#BNX/USDT #BinaryX #BNX $BNX In a previous post, I mentioned that my indicator can help catch a pump. But here's the opposite scenario: if you trade only long positions, my indicator would have given a signal to close the position, allowing you to save 40% of your funds. If you trade with leverage, it would have helped you secure your earnings from the market. My indicator suits any trading style and any level of traders. For some, it helps understand the market and earn from it. For others, it saves time and helps diversify risks by allowing you to monitor hundreds of assets. Need such an assistant? Write to me!
#BNX/USDT #BinaryX #BNX $BNX In a previous post, I mentioned that my indicator can help catch a pump. But here's the opposite scenario: if you trade only long positions, my indicator would have given a signal to close the position, allowing you to save 40% of your funds. If you trade with leverage, it would have helped you secure your earnings from the market. My indicator suits any trading style and any level of traders. For some, it helps understand the market and earn from it. For others, it saves time and helps diversify risks by allowing you to monitor hundreds of assets. Need such an assistant? Write to me!
#BETAUSDT #BETA $BETA You can also use the indicator to capture movements called pumps, getting 160%+ from a single signal without any additional settings or technical analysis. Just receive the signal, enter the trade, and take your profit. Need such an assistant? Write to me.
#BETAUSDT #BETA $BETA You can also use the indicator to capture movements called pumps, getting 160%+ from a single signal without any additional settings or technical analysis. Just receive the signal, enter the trade, and take your profit. Need such an assistant? Write to me.
#BETAUSDT #BETA $BETA You can also use the indicator to capture movements called pumps, getting 160%+ from a single signal without any additional settings or technical analysis. Just receive the signal, enter the trade, and take your profit. Need such an assistant? Write to me.
#ADA/USDT #Cardano #ADA $ADA Here is an example of using my indicator for standard investments. Simply choose the 1-day timeframe, wait for a signal on the coin, and enter the trade. When you get a sell signal, you sell. The indicator is versatile because I originally developed it for personal use. Need such an assistant? Write to me.
#ADA/USDT #Cardano #ADA $ADA Here is an example of using my indicator for standard investments. Simply choose the 1-day timeframe, wait for a signal on the coin, and enter the trade. When you get a sell signal, you sell. The indicator is versatile because I originally developed it for personal use. Need such an assistant? Write to me.
#DOGEUSDT #Dogecoin‬⁩ #DOGE $DOGE Another way to use my indicator: Suppose you are tracking several projects and systematically buying their coins, but without any strategy. My indicator is suitable for this type of investment too. You don't need to follow the news or conduct analyses when you have the indicator; instead, you can spend time finding new strong and promising projects. Then, just like with all the others, buy when the indicator gives a signal and take profits when it signals to sell. Your profit will increase significantly in this case. For example, DOGE gave 17% profit over 4 signals according to the indicator, whereas if you had simply bought at the lower boundary, you would have earned a maximum of 7%. With the indicator, you will earn more and always enter and exit at the right time. Need such an assistant? Write to me.
#DOGEUSDT #Dogecoin‬⁩ #DOGE $DOGE Another way to use my indicator:
Suppose you are tracking several projects and systematically buying their coins, but without any strategy. My indicator is suitable for this type of investment too. You don't need to follow the news or conduct analyses when you have the indicator; instead, you can spend time finding new strong and promising projects. Then, just like with all the others, buy when the indicator gives a signal and take profits when it signals to sell. Your profit will increase significantly in this case. For example, DOGE gave 17% profit over 4 signals according to the indicator, whereas if you had simply bought at the lower boundary, you would have earned a maximum of 7%. With the indicator, you will earn more and always enter and exit at the right time. Need such an assistant? Write to me.
#TIAUSDT #Celestia #TIA $TIA Here’s another asset for intraday trading. Over 5 signals, the indicator helped capture 55% profit from the market. Let me share a small story. Everyone reads different traders and analysts, and they read my insights as well. Different people, different opinions. Suppose one of them writes about a certain coin, and most people rush to buy that asset. But no one even thinks to analyze the asset superficially. This is where my indicator, analyzing 27 parameters, comes to your aid. You read that the asset might grow, but my indicator helps you make a timely decision on buying it. This is just one way to use my indicator, aside from intraday trading. Need such an assistant? Write to me.
#TIAUSDT #Celestia #TIA $TIA Here’s another asset for intraday trading. Over 5 signals, the indicator helped capture 55% profit from the market. Let me share a small story. Everyone reads different traders and analysts, and they read my insights as well. Different people, different opinions. Suppose one of them writes about a certain coin, and most people rush to buy that asset. But no one even thinks to analyze the asset superficially. This is where my indicator, analyzing 27 parameters, comes to your aid. You read that the asset might grow, but my indicator helps you make a timely decision on buying it. This is just one way to use my indicator, aside from intraday trading. Need such an assistant? Write to me.
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