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CHAINLINK TĪKLS IZSKAIDROTS❇️2017. gadā palaists Chainlink pamazām ir kļuvis par milzi Oracle jomā. Tātad, kas ir Chainlink projekts? Iedziļināsimies tālāk 👇 1/ Iepazīstinām ar Chainlink ⭐ To 2017. gadā dibināja Sergejs Nazarovs un Stīvs Eliss, un tas savieno blokķēdes viedos līgumus un reālās pasaules datus, izmantojot decentralizētu orākula tīklu! 2/ LINK ir Chainlink tīkla vietējais marķieris 💢Maksājiet mezglu operatoriem par datu izguvi un likmēm kā precizitātes apdrošināšanu. ICO 2017. gada septembrī savāca 32 miljonus USD, pārdodot 350 miljonus LINK marķieru. Pašlaik apgrozībā ir 538M LINK ar maksimālo piegādi 1B.


❇️2017. gadā palaists Chainlink pamazām ir kļuvis par milzi Oracle jomā. Tātad, kas ir Chainlink projekts?

Iedziļināsimies tālāk 👇

1/ Iepazīstinām ar Chainlink

⭐ To 2017. gadā dibināja Sergejs Nazarovs un Stīvs Eliss, un tas savieno blokķēdes viedos līgumus un reālās pasaules datus, izmantojot decentralizētu orākula tīklu!

2/ LINK ir Chainlink tīkla vietējais marķieris

💢Maksājiet mezglu operatoriem par datu izguvi un likmēm kā precizitātes apdrošināšanu. ICO 2017. gada septembrī savāca 32 miljonus USD, pārdodot 350 miljonus LINK marķieru. Pašlaik apgrozībā ir 538M LINK ar maksimālo piegādi 1B.
Skatīt oriģinālu
📈Tirgus pārskats #Bitcoin❗️ tirgo aptuveni 69 000 USD. Top10 kriptovalūtas tiek tirgotas dažādos virzienos. Tirgus kapitalizācija: 2,69 T USD (-0,48%)#BTCpārsvars: 50,58% (+0,35%) Baiļu un alkatības indekss: 73 (alkatība) 👉 Labākie ieguvēji $QUACK — Quack +127,2% $JULD — JulSwap DAO +75,8% $BENJI — Basenji +74,4% $MBS — UNKJD +69,7% $PHONE — Metafons +66,8% #GemxCrypto #CryptoWatchMay2024 #Blockchain
📈Tirgus pārskats

#Bitcoin❗️ tirgo aptuveni 69 000 USD. Top10 kriptovalūtas tiek tirgotas dažādos virzienos.

Tirgus kapitalizācija: 2,69 T USD (-0,48%)#BTCpārsvars: 50,58% (+0,35%)
Baiļu un alkatības indekss: 73 (alkatība)

👉 Labākie ieguvēji

$QUACK — Quack +127,2%

$JULD — JulSwap DAO +75,8%

$BENJI — Basenji +74,4%

$MBS — UNKJD +69,7%

$PHONE — Metafons +66,8%

#GemxCrypto #CryptoWatchMay2024 #Blockchain
Skatīt oriģinālu
LayerZero tagad ir tiešraidē Solana Mainnet beta versijā! Šī integrācija savienos Solana ar vairāk nekā 70 citām ķēdēm, kuras atbalsta LayerZero, ļaujot lietojumprogrammām un marķieriem nemanāmi mijiedarboties šajos tīklos. Izpētīsim vairāk 👇 1/ Kripto pārslēgšanas protokols LayerZero trešdien tiks paplašināts līdz Solana blokķēdei, pievienojot vēl vienu maršrutu kriptovalūtu aktīvu pārsūtīšanai starp Ethereum pasauli un tās lielāko konkurentu. 2. Solana kriptovalūtu turētāji varēs pārvietot savus aktīvus uz Arbitrum, Ethereum, Polygon un 70 citām ķēdēm, ar kurām tas ir saistīts, un otrādi, Layer Zero Labs, uzņēmums, kas izstrādā savienojuma protokolu, sacīja. 3/ LayerZero ir tā sauktā savienošanas platforma: vēstnesis starp blokķēdēm, kuras dabiski nesazinās savā starpā. Tās lietotāji 2024. gada pirmajā ceturksnī pārvietoja kriptovalūtas 6,7 miljardu dolāru vērtībā, radot 11,5 miljonu dolāru ieņēmumus. 4/ Privātie riska investori novērtēja LayerZero Labs par 3 miljardiem ASV dolāru lielajā finansēšanas kārtā, par kuru tika paziņots aprīlī. Paredzams, ka protokols drīzumā izdos savu marķieri. 5/ Solana, kuras vietējais marķieris $SOL ir piektā lielākā kriptovalūta pēc tirgus maksimālā apjoma uz CoinGecko, ir trīs citi galvenie savienošanas protokoli, kas to saista ar daudz lielāku Ethereum ekosistēmu, jo īpaši Wormhole. 🔥Sekojiet @GemX_Crypto , lai iegūtu vairāk jaunāko ziņu un ieskatu par aktuālajiem projektiem. #LayerZero #GemxCrypto
LayerZero tagad ir tiešraidē Solana Mainnet beta versijā!

Šī integrācija savienos Solana ar vairāk nekā 70 citām ķēdēm, kuras atbalsta LayerZero, ļaujot lietojumprogrammām un marķieriem nemanāmi mijiedarboties šajos tīklos.

Izpētīsim vairāk 👇

1/ Kripto pārslēgšanas protokols LayerZero trešdien tiks paplašināts līdz Solana blokķēdei, pievienojot vēl vienu maršrutu kriptovalūtu aktīvu pārsūtīšanai starp Ethereum pasauli un tās lielāko konkurentu.

2. Solana kriptovalūtu turētāji varēs pārvietot savus aktīvus uz Arbitrum, Ethereum, Polygon un 70 citām ķēdēm, ar kurām tas ir saistīts, un otrādi, Layer Zero Labs, uzņēmums, kas izstrādā savienojuma protokolu, sacīja.

3/ LayerZero ir tā sauktā savienošanas platforma: vēstnesis starp blokķēdēm, kuras dabiski nesazinās savā starpā. Tās lietotāji 2024. gada pirmajā ceturksnī pārvietoja kriptovalūtas 6,7 miljardu dolāru vērtībā, radot 11,5 miljonu dolāru ieņēmumus.

4/ Privātie riska investori novērtēja LayerZero Labs par 3 miljardiem ASV dolāru lielajā finansēšanas kārtā, par kuru tika paziņots aprīlī. Paredzams, ka protokols drīzumā izdos savu marķieri.

5/ Solana, kuras vietējais marķieris $SOL ir piektā lielākā kriptovalūta pēc tirgus maksimālā apjoma uz CoinGecko, ir trīs citi galvenie savienošanas protokoli, kas to saista ar daudz lielāku Ethereum ekosistēmu, jo īpaši Wormhole.

🔥Sekojiet @GemX Crypto , lai iegūtu vairāk jaunāko ziņu un ieskatu par aktuālajiem projektiem.

#LayerZero #GemxCrypto
Skatīt oriģinālu
🔥 DONALDS TRUMPS UN GRIEZIENS AR BITCOIN ❇️ No kriptovalūtas kritiķa bijušajam prezidentam Donaldam Trampam ir savas vislabāk pārdotās NFT kolekcijas. ✅ Atgriežoties pie sacensībām par prezidenta vēlēšanām, Tramps izteica komplimentu: "Esmu ļoti pozitīvs un atvērts pret kriptovalūtu kompānijām un visām lietām, kas saistītas ar jauno un augošo nozari. Mūsu valstij šajā jomā ir jābūt vadībā". 👉 2024. gada vēlēšanas notiek 2024. gada 5. novembrī. Lūdzu, sekojiet kanālam, lai atjauninātu jaunāko informāciju. #DonaldTrump #BTC☀️ #GemxCrypto

❇️ No kriptovalūtas kritiķa bijušajam prezidentam Donaldam Trampam ir savas vislabāk pārdotās NFT kolekcijas.

✅ Atgriežoties pie sacensībām par prezidenta vēlēšanām, Tramps izteica komplimentu: "Esmu ļoti pozitīvs un atvērts pret kriptovalūtu kompānijām un visām lietām, kas saistītas ar jauno un augošo nozari. Mūsu valstij šajā jomā ir jābūt vadībā".

👉 2024. gada vēlēšanas notiek 2024. gada 5. novembrī. Lūdzu, sekojiet kanālam, lai atjauninātu jaunāko informāciju.

#DonaldTrump #BTC☀️ #GemxCrypto
Skatīt oriģinālu
🚀Catizen: Nākamais Notcoin On Ton tīkls 🔥Ņemot vērā Not Coin ievērojamos panākumus pēc tā iekļaušanas Binance un OKX sarakstā, vai Catizen varētu būt nākamais lielais vārds TON ekosistēmā? Iedziļināsimies tālāk 👇 1/ Kas ir Catizen? Catizen ir kaķu audzināšanas spēle Ton ekosistēmā, kas apvieno Metaverse, GameFi un AI. Pateicoties vienkāršajai spēles mehānikai, tā ir izpelnījusies ievērojamu sabiedrības uzmanību. 2/ Ton Network un Notcoin Notcoin, spēle Telegram, radīja rosību ar savu vienkāršo naudas pelnīšanas mehānismu. Notcoin panākumi iedvesmoja daudzus projektus, tostarp Catizen. 3/ Izstrādāja Pluto Studio Catizen izstrādā Pluto Studio, kas pazīstama ar spēli Tap Fantasy. Pluto Studio ir saņēmusi ievērojamu atbalstu no Ton Foundation. 4/ Sākotnējie panākumi Catizen, kas tika palaists beta versijā 2024. gada 19. martā, piesaistīja vairāk nekā 1 miljonu spēlētāju un sasniedza 260 000 ikdienas aktīvo lietotāju. Pašreizējais spēlētāju skaits ir gandrīz 4 miljoni. 5/ Vienkārša un saistoša spēle Spēlētāji sāk ar 12 noklusējuma kaķu ligzdām, izveido vairāk kaķu un uzlabo tos, lai palielinātu monētu savākšanas ātrumu. Kaķus var iegādāties dažādos līmeņos, izmantojot zelta vai FISH žetonus. 6/ Launchpool režīms Spēlētāji var likt likmes FISH žetonos vai uzlabot kaķus, lai saņemtu lielāku atlīdzību. Lai nopelnītu vairāk FISH žetonu, spēlētāji var izpildīt uzdevumus, doties makšķerēt vai veikt pirkumus. 7/ Catizena nākotne Catizen mērķis ir kļūt par spēļu platformu Telegram, sadarbojoties ar daudzām populārām mini spēlēm. Mērķis ir pilnvarot lojālus spēlētājus un žetonu īpašniekus. 8/ Secinājums Ar Ton Network atbalstu un Pluto Studio izstrādi Catizen strauji kļūst par vienu no populārākajām GameFi spēlēm. Vai Catizen būs nākamais Notcoin? Gaidīsim un redzēsim! Atruna: šis pavediens ir paredzēts tikai informatīviem nolūkiem, un to nevajadzētu uzskatīt par finanšu padomu. Pirms jebkādu investīciju lēmumu pieņemšanas, lūdzu, veiciet savu izpēti 🔥Sekojiet @GemX_Crypto , lai iegūtu vairāk jaunāko ziņu un ieskatu par aktuālajiem projektiem. #Catizen #GemxCrypto
🚀Catizen: Nākamais Notcoin On Ton tīkls

🔥Ņemot vērā Not Coin ievērojamos panākumus pēc tā iekļaušanas Binance un OKX sarakstā, vai Catizen varētu būt nākamais lielais vārds TON ekosistēmā?

Iedziļināsimies tālāk 👇

1/ Kas ir Catizen?

Catizen ir kaķu audzināšanas spēle Ton ekosistēmā, kas apvieno Metaverse, GameFi un AI. Pateicoties vienkāršajai spēles mehānikai, tā ir izpelnījusies ievērojamu sabiedrības uzmanību.

2/ Ton Network un Notcoin

Notcoin, spēle Telegram, radīja rosību ar savu vienkāršo naudas pelnīšanas mehānismu. Notcoin panākumi iedvesmoja daudzus projektus, tostarp Catizen.

3/ Izstrādāja Pluto Studio

Catizen izstrādā Pluto Studio, kas pazīstama ar spēli Tap Fantasy. Pluto Studio ir saņēmusi ievērojamu atbalstu no Ton Foundation.

4/ Sākotnējie panākumi

Catizen, kas tika palaists beta versijā 2024. gada 19. martā, piesaistīja vairāk nekā 1 miljonu spēlētāju un sasniedza 260 000 ikdienas aktīvo lietotāju. Pašreizējais spēlētāju skaits ir gandrīz 4 miljoni.

5/ Vienkārša un saistoša spēle

Spēlētāji sāk ar 12 noklusējuma kaķu ligzdām, izveido vairāk kaķu un uzlabo tos, lai palielinātu monētu savākšanas ātrumu. Kaķus var iegādāties dažādos līmeņos, izmantojot zelta vai FISH žetonus.

6/ Launchpool režīms

Spēlētāji var likt likmes FISH žetonos vai uzlabot kaķus, lai saņemtu lielāku atlīdzību. Lai nopelnītu vairāk FISH žetonu, spēlētāji var izpildīt uzdevumus, doties makšķerēt vai veikt pirkumus.

7/ Catizena nākotne

Catizen mērķis ir kļūt par spēļu platformu Telegram, sadarbojoties ar daudzām populārām mini spēlēm. Mērķis ir pilnvarot lojālus spēlētājus un žetonu īpašniekus.

8/ Secinājums

Ar Ton Network atbalstu un Pluto Studio izstrādi Catizen strauji kļūst par vienu no populārākajām GameFi spēlēm. Vai Catizen būs nākamais Notcoin? Gaidīsim un redzēsim!

Atruna: šis pavediens ir paredzēts tikai informatīviem nolūkiem, un to nevajadzētu uzskatīt par finanšu padomu. Pirms jebkādu investīciju lēmumu pieņemšanas, lūdzu, veiciet savu izpēti

🔥Sekojiet @GemX Crypto , lai iegūtu vairāk jaunāko ziņu un ieskatu par aktuālajiem projektiem.

#Catizen #GemxCrypto
Skatīt oriģinālu
🎯Populārākie gaidāmie marķiera atbloķēšanas notikumi maijā 🔥@PythNetwork - 1,6 miljardi ASV dolāru 🔥@avax - 300 miljoni ASV dolāru 🔥@Optimism - 59 miljoni ASV dolāru 🔥@Immutable - 49 miljoni USD 🔥@EchelonFND - 24 miljoni ASV dolāru #PYTH #AVAX #OP #imx #GemxCrypto
🎯Populārākie gaidāmie marķiera atbloķēšanas notikumi maijā

🔥@PythNetwork - 1,6 miljardi ASV dolāru

🔥@avax - 300 miljoni ASV dolāru

🔥@Optimism - 59 miljoni ASV dolāru

🔥@Immutable - 49 miljoni USD

🔥@EchelonFND - 24 miljoni ASV dolāru

#PYTH #AVAX #OP #imx #GemxCrypto
Fantasy Top: A New Digital Trading Card Game on Blast🖼️Fantasy Top: A New Digital Trading Card Game on Blast Fantasy_top_, a new digital card game on Blast, uses NFTs based on Crypto Twitter figures. This innovative approach blends fantasy sports mechanics with on-chain culture. Let's explore more👇 1/ What is Fantasy Top Fantasy Top turns prominent Crypto Twitter figures into collectible, tradable NFT cards. This game offers a unique platform where players can buy, sell, and compete using cards based on real-world Twitter engagement of crypto influencers. 2/ Rapid Growth and Popularity Since its launch, Fantasy Top has rapidly gained traction, earning over $9 million in revenue from fantasy cards. Players are drawn to its trading, tournaments, and in-game incentives like FAN Points. 3/ How to Join Fantasy Top Joining Fantasy Top is simple: 1. Sign In: Visit the Fantasy Top website and sign in using your Twitter account. 2. Wallet Setup: Set up your on-chain wallet via Privy. 3. Enter Code: Use referral code `Datawalletcom` for additional rewards. 4. Collect Cards: Purchase cards in the marketplace or earn them in competitions. 5. Compete: Register your deck and start competing in tournaments. 4/ Fantasy Top Gameplay Mechanics -Main Tournament and Leagues: Compete with teams of five influencers, ranked based on their "Hero Score" from Twitter activity. - Sub Tournaments: Specialized competitions focusing on specific card groups. - Card System: Cards come in four rarity levels—Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. Upgrade cards by merging multiples to enhance rarity. - Trading and Collecting: Buy, sell, and bid on cards in the marketplace with a 3% transaction fee. Purchase packs with random cards from the game’s store. 5/ What are FAN Points? FAN Points are the in-game currency used to unlock advantages and exclusive content. Earn points by completing daily quests or achieving game objectives, and use them to access unique packs, special events, elite competitions, and lotteries for substantial rewards. 6/ The Ethereum Layer-2 Network, Blast Fantasy Top is built on Blast, an Ethereum layer-2 network, ensuring fast, secure, and low-cost transactions. This integration supports the game's scalability and robust performance. 7/ Bottom Line Fantasy Top merges cryptocurrency and digital gaming, offering a unique trading card platform where players compete using NFTs based on Crypto Twitter influencers. With strategic gameplay, trading, and real-world social media interactions, Fantasy Top is set to revolutionize the crypto gaming landscape. Disclaimer: This thread is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Please conduct your own research before making any investment decisions 🔥Follow @GemX_Crypto for more latest news and insights on trending projects. #FantasyTop #GemxCrypto

Fantasy Top: A New Digital Trading Card Game on Blast

🖼️Fantasy Top: A New Digital Trading Card Game on Blast

Fantasy_top_, a new digital card game on Blast, uses NFTs based on Crypto Twitter figures. This innovative approach blends fantasy sports mechanics with on-chain culture.

Let's explore more👇

1/ What is Fantasy Top

Fantasy Top turns prominent Crypto Twitter figures into collectible, tradable NFT cards. This game offers a unique platform where players can buy, sell, and compete using cards based on real-world Twitter engagement of crypto influencers.

2/ Rapid Growth and Popularity

Since its launch, Fantasy Top has rapidly gained traction, earning over $9 million in revenue from fantasy cards. Players are drawn to its trading, tournaments, and in-game incentives like FAN Points.

3/ How to Join Fantasy Top

Joining Fantasy Top is simple:
1. Sign In: Visit the Fantasy Top website and sign in using your Twitter account.
2. Wallet Setup: Set up your on-chain wallet via Privy.
3. Enter Code: Use referral code `Datawalletcom` for additional rewards.
4. Collect Cards: Purchase cards in the marketplace or earn them in competitions.
5. Compete: Register your deck and start competing in tournaments.

4/ Fantasy Top Gameplay Mechanics

-Main Tournament and Leagues: Compete with teams of five influencers, ranked based on their "Hero Score" from Twitter activity.
- Sub Tournaments: Specialized competitions focusing on specific card groups.
- Card System: Cards come in four rarity levels—Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. Upgrade cards by merging multiples to enhance rarity.
- Trading and Collecting: Buy, sell, and bid on cards in the marketplace with a 3% transaction fee. Purchase packs with random cards from the game’s store.

5/ What are FAN Points?

FAN Points are the in-game currency used to unlock advantages and exclusive content. Earn points by completing daily quests or achieving game objectives, and use them to access unique packs, special events, elite competitions, and lotteries for substantial rewards.

6/ The Ethereum Layer-2 Network, Blast

Fantasy Top is built on Blast, an Ethereum layer-2 network, ensuring fast, secure, and low-cost transactions. This integration supports the game's scalability and robust performance.

7/ Bottom Line

Fantasy Top merges cryptocurrency and digital gaming, offering a unique trading card platform where players compete using NFTs based on Crypto Twitter influencers.

With strategic gameplay, trading, and real-world social media interactions, Fantasy Top is set to revolutionize the crypto gaming landscape.

Disclaimer: This thread is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Please conduct your own research before making any investment decisions

🔥Follow @GemX Crypto for more latest news and insights on trending projects.

#FantasyTop #GemxCrypto
🌟Mocaverse: Unveiling Animoca Brands' Web3 Masterpiece MocaverseNFT, a new project developed by Animoca Brands, has recently garnered attention in the Web3 space. This thread aims to provide a overview of Mocaverse, exploring its features & functionalities. 1/ What is Mocaverse? Mocaverse is a web 3 platform connecting web 2 users to the web 3 space. Developed by Animoca Brands, this project features a core NFT collection designed to bridge the gap between traditional and decentralized worlds. 2/ Highlights of Mocaverse - Developed by Animoca Brands, a leading investor in gaming, NFTs, and the metaverse. - Unique design: Each Mocas character is visually distinct, crafted by talented artists. - Owners benefit from game experiences and contribute to project ideas. 3/Moca XP Moca XP rewards users for interacting with Mocaverse through staking, ecosystem experiences, and community contributions. XP points can be used for ecosystem utilities or trading tools in the Cosmic Hunt. XP is linked to NFTs, transferring with them upon sale. 4/ Moca ID Moca ID is a decentralized on-chain identity system granting access to over 450 companies in Animoca Brands' portfolio and partners. It serves as a wallet address, username, and membership card for the Mocaverse community. 5/ Realm Points (RP) RP helps users build reputation in Mocaverse. By completing tasks, users earn RP, enhancing their profiles. With Moca ID on-chain, RP highlights on-chain activities. Players use their Mocas in online games and complete Mocaverse tasks for RP. 6/ Utility of Mocaverse NFTs - Blockchain: Ethereum - Total Supply: 8,888 NFTs - Price: 4.1 ETH Holders can access: - Learning sessions and exclusive AMAs with Web3 experts. - Gaming experiences and new ecosystem products. - Social contribution initiatives. 7/Mocaverse raised $20M in September 2023 and another $11.88M in December 2023 from leading investors. Backed by top-tier funds like Animoca Brands, Mocaverse is poised for substantial growth. #MocaverseNFT #GemxCrypto
🌟Mocaverse: Unveiling Animoca Brands' Web3 Masterpiece

MocaverseNFT, a new project developed by Animoca Brands, has recently garnered attention in the Web3 space.

This thread aims to provide a overview of Mocaverse, exploring its features & functionalities.

1/ What is Mocaverse?

Mocaverse is a web 3 platform connecting web 2 users to the web 3 space. Developed by Animoca Brands, this project features a core NFT collection designed to bridge the gap between traditional and decentralized worlds.

2/ Highlights of Mocaverse

- Developed by Animoca Brands, a leading investor in gaming, NFTs, and the metaverse.

- Unique design: Each Mocas character is visually distinct, crafted by talented artists.

- Owners benefit from game experiences and contribute to project ideas.

3/Moca XP

Moca XP rewards users for interacting with Mocaverse through staking, ecosystem experiences, and community contributions.

XP points can be used for ecosystem utilities or trading tools in the Cosmic Hunt. XP is linked to NFTs, transferring with them upon sale.

4/ Moca ID

Moca ID is a decentralized on-chain identity system granting access to over 450 companies in Animoca Brands' portfolio and partners.

It serves as a wallet address, username, and membership card for the Mocaverse community.

5/ Realm Points (RP)

RP helps users build reputation in Mocaverse. By completing tasks, users earn RP, enhancing their profiles. With Moca ID on-chain, RP highlights on-chain activities.

Players use their Mocas in online games and complete Mocaverse tasks for RP.

6/ Utility of Mocaverse NFTs

- Blockchain: Ethereum
- Total Supply: 8,888 NFTs
- Price: 4.1 ETH

Holders can access:
- Learning sessions and exclusive AMAs with Web3 experts.
- Gaming experiences and new ecosystem products.
- Social contribution initiatives.

7/Mocaverse raised $20M in September 2023 and another $11.88M in December 2023 from leading investors.

Backed by top-tier funds like Animoca Brands, Mocaverse is poised for substantial growth.

#MocaverseNFT #GemxCrypto
Skatīt oriģinālu
🚀BounceBit: BTC ainavas pārveidošana BTC L2 telpa tiek pārveidota, ko raksturo dažādu inovatīvu pieeju parādīšanās. @bounce_bit vada šo lādiņu, pārejot no L2 uz L1 un no jauna definējot BTC ekosistēmu Ienāk dziļa niršana👇 1. Pārskats: BounceBit ir pirmais POS Layer1, kas veic Bitcoin tīklu, kas tiek nodrošināts ar Bitcoin un $BB marķieru sakraušanu. Tā veido BTC pārkraušanas infrastruktūru, kas nodrošina pamatu dažādiem pārkraušanas produktiem, ko regulē Mainnet Digital un Ceffu noteikumi. Izmantojot uzlaboto CeFi + DeFi sistēmu, BounceBit ļauj BTC turētājiem gūt peļņu vairākos tīklos. 2. BB galvenās iezīmes: • Nodrošina iespējas aktīviem BTC īpašniekiem iesaistīt savus aktīvus NFT un DeFi tirgos. • Divu marķieru integrācija starp BBTC un BB. • Izveido visaptverošu ekosistēmu gan mazumtirgotājiem, gan organizācijām, demokratizējot piekļuvi uz Bitcoin balstītiem finanšu produktiem. • Integrē BTC vairāku ķēžu vidēs. • Koncentrējas uz viedo līgumu iespēju integrēšanu, lai virzītu Dapps attīstību BTC ekosistēmā. • Palīdz lietotājiem gūt peļņu no aktīvu noguldījumiem, piemēram, finansējuma likmju starpības no CEX biržām un fiksētās peļņas. 3. Pašreizējais statuss un Outlook: BounceBit ir izpelnījies ievērojamu lietotāju interesi ar savu testneta pieredzi, solot turpmākus lidojumus pēc galvenā tīkla palaišanas. Ievērības cienīga statistika ietver: • BTC: 792 miljoni USD (79,2%) • USDT + FDUSD: 140 miljoni USD (14%) • WBTC + BB: 68,2 miljoni USD (6,82%) • Kopējais lietotāju skaits: 190 965 4. Tokenomika: • Atzīme: $BB • Cirkulējošā piegāde: 410 000 000 USD BB • Kopējais piedāvājums: 2 100 000 000 $ BB • $BB  Lietošanas gadījumi: likmju likšana, pārbaudītāja atlīdzības, maksa par gāzi, pārvaldība un balsošana 5. Secinājums: BounceBit ir gatavs revolucionizēt Bitcoin ekosistēmu, izmantojot 1. slāņa pieeju un stratēģiskās partnerības. Ar spēcīgu kopienu un spēcīgu tokenomiku tas piedāvā pievilcīgu ieguldījumu iespēju ar ievērojamu izaugsmes potenciālu. Atruna: šis pavediens ir paredzēts tikai informatīviem nolūkiem, un to nevajadzētu uzskatīt par finanšu padomu. #BounceBit
🚀BounceBit: BTC ainavas pārveidošana

BTC L2 telpa tiek pārveidota, ko raksturo dažādu inovatīvu pieeju parādīšanās. @bounce_bit vada šo lādiņu, pārejot no L2 uz L1 un no jauna definējot BTC ekosistēmu

Ienāk dziļa niršana👇

1. Pārskats:

BounceBit ir pirmais POS Layer1, kas veic Bitcoin tīklu, kas tiek nodrošināts ar Bitcoin un $BB marķieru sakraušanu. Tā veido BTC pārkraušanas infrastruktūru, kas nodrošina pamatu dažādiem pārkraušanas produktiem, ko regulē Mainnet Digital un Ceffu noteikumi. Izmantojot uzlaboto CeFi + DeFi sistēmu, BounceBit ļauj BTC turētājiem gūt peļņu vairākos tīklos.

2. BB galvenās iezīmes:
• Nodrošina iespējas aktīviem BTC īpašniekiem iesaistīt savus aktīvus NFT un DeFi tirgos.

• Divu marķieru integrācija starp BBTC un BB.

• Izveido visaptverošu ekosistēmu gan mazumtirgotājiem, gan organizācijām, demokratizējot piekļuvi uz Bitcoin balstītiem finanšu produktiem.

• Integrē BTC vairāku ķēžu vidēs.

• Koncentrējas uz viedo līgumu iespēju integrēšanu, lai virzītu Dapps attīstību BTC ekosistēmā.

• Palīdz lietotājiem gūt peļņu no aktīvu noguldījumiem, piemēram, finansējuma likmju starpības no CEX biržām un fiksētās peļņas.

3. Pašreizējais statuss un Outlook:

BounceBit ir izpelnījies ievērojamu lietotāju interesi ar savu testneta pieredzi, solot turpmākus lidojumus pēc galvenā tīkla palaišanas.

Ievērības cienīga statistika ietver:
• BTC: 792 miljoni USD (79,2%)

• USDT + FDUSD: 140 miljoni USD (14%)

• WBTC + BB: 68,2 miljoni USD (6,82%)

• Kopējais lietotāju skaits: 190 965

4. Tokenomika:

• Atzīme: $BB

• Cirkulējošā piegāde: 410 000 000 USD BB

• Kopējais piedāvājums: 2 100 000 000 $ BB

$BB  Lietošanas gadījumi: likmju likšana, pārbaudītāja atlīdzības, maksa par gāzi, pārvaldība un balsošana

5. Secinājums:

BounceBit ir gatavs revolucionizēt Bitcoin ekosistēmu, izmantojot 1. slāņa pieeju un stratēģiskās partnerības.

Ar spēcīgu kopienu un spēcīgu tokenomiku tas piedāvā pievilcīgu ieguldījumu iespēju ar ievērojamu izaugsmes potenciālu.

Atruna: šis pavediens ir paredzēts tikai informatīviem nolūkiem, un to nevajadzētu uzskatīt par finanšu padomu.

🛡️EigenLayer - A Deep Dive Thread Eigenlayer, a groundbreaking protocol on Ethereum that's shaking things up! This thread will unpack its potential and how it's redefining DeFi security. Let's deep dive now👇 1/ Reusing Staked Assets EigenLayer introduces "restaking," allowing you to contribute to the security of multiple services within the Ethereum ecosystem. This not only increases the TVL to a staggering $15 billion but also opens doors for exciting possibilities. 2/ Stronger Security for Ethereum By diversifying Ethereum's security through restaking, EigenLayer strengthens trust assurances for various services. This not only benefits individual projects but also bolsters the entire Ethereum ecosystem. 3/ How EigenLayer Works EigenLayer builds upon Ethereum's existing staking system. You deposit your ETH or LSTs and choose specific smart contracts to support. Through restaking, your assets contribute to the security of those services, making the entire network more robust. 4/ EigenDA EigenDA is an Actively Validated Service (AVS) that integrates with Ethereum through EigenLayer. It ensures secure, efficient, and scalable data storage and accessibility. By delegating your stake to node operators for validation tasks, you contribute to faster transactions and lower costs. 5/ EIGEN Airdrop The EigenLayer airdrop, labeled as stakedrop, distributes EIGEN tokens to the community. In Season 1, 5% of the initial supply is allocated to active restakers. Claims open on May 10, 2024, rewarding community participation and contributions 6/ Intersubjective Forking EigenLayer tackles subjective faults in blockchain systems through a novel concept called intersubjective forking. This feature enforces penalties on offending parties by slashing their stakes in a forked version of the token. It's a powerful tool for ensuring responsible behavior within the network. #EigenLayer #GemxCrypto
🛡️EigenLayer - A Deep Dive Thread

Eigenlayer, a groundbreaking protocol on Ethereum that's shaking things up! This thread will unpack its potential and how it's redefining DeFi security.

Let's deep dive now👇
1/ Reusing Staked Assets

EigenLayer introduces "restaking," allowing you to contribute to the security of multiple services within the Ethereum ecosystem. This not only increases the TVL to a staggering $15 billion but also opens doors for exciting possibilities.

2/ Stronger Security for Ethereum

By diversifying Ethereum's security through restaking, EigenLayer strengthens trust assurances for various services. This not only benefits individual projects but also bolsters the entire Ethereum ecosystem.

3/ How EigenLayer Works

EigenLayer builds upon Ethereum's existing staking system. You deposit your ETH or LSTs and choose specific smart contracts to support. Through restaking, your assets contribute to the security of those services, making the entire network more robust.

4/ EigenDA

EigenDA is an Actively Validated Service (AVS) that integrates with Ethereum through EigenLayer. It ensures secure, efficient, and scalable data storage and accessibility. By delegating your stake to node operators for validation tasks, you contribute to faster transactions and lower costs.

5/ EIGEN Airdrop

The EigenLayer airdrop, labeled as stakedrop, distributes EIGEN tokens to the community. In Season 1, 5% of the initial supply is allocated to active restakers. Claims open on May 10, 2024, rewarding community participation and contributions

6/ Intersubjective Forking

EigenLayer tackles subjective faults in blockchain systems through a novel concept called intersubjective forking. This feature enforces penalties on offending parties by slashing their stakes in a forked version of the token. It's a powerful tool for ensuring responsible behavior within the network.

#EigenLayer #GemxCrypto
🛑Render Network: A Deep Dive @rendernetwork is a peer-to-peer (P2P) marketplace that connects users needing rendering power with devices possessing idle GPUs. But how did it come to be, and how does it work? Here's a breakdown of its key aspects⬇️ 1/ Origin Story: Founded in 2017 by Jules Urbach, Render was initially built on Ethereum to democratize mixed reality experiences and more. Urbach's experience with OTOY paved the way for Render's development. 2/ Core Functionality: Render facilitates connections between "creators" with rendering tasks and "node operators" with idle GPUs. Creators submit jobs with a deposit of RNDR tokens, the network's native token. Based on factors like reputation, jobs are assigned to node operators for completion and then delivered back to the creator for approval. 3/ Burn and Mint Equilibrium (2023): This mechanism introduced fiat pricing for jobs. When a job is paid for in fiat, 95% of the equivalent value in RNDR tokens is burned, reducing overall supply. The remaining 5% goes towards network development. 4/ RNDR Token Utility: RNDR serves two primary functions within the network: • Payment: Used to pay for rendering jobs on the Render Network. • Governance: Holders can participate in Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) voting to influence network decisions. 5/ Tokenomics: Initially launched as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain, RNDR has a theoretical maximum supply of approximately 644 million tokens. A quarter of this supply was distributed through private and public sales in 2017. Information regarding team token holdings remains undisclosed. 6/ Render Network's evolution highlights its focus on democratizing access to GPU processing power and streamlining rendering workflows. With its innovative approach, the Render Network community has exciting prospects ahead. Disclaimer: This thread is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Please conduct your own research before making any investment decisions #RenderNetwork #GemxCrypto
🛑Render Network: A Deep Dive

@rendernetwork is a peer-to-peer (P2P) marketplace that connects users needing rendering power with devices possessing idle GPUs. But how did it come to be, and how does it work?

Here's a breakdown of its key aspects⬇️

1/ Origin Story: Founded in 2017 by Jules Urbach, Render was initially built on Ethereum to democratize mixed reality experiences and more. Urbach's experience with OTOY paved the way for Render's development.

2/ Core Functionality: Render facilitates connections between "creators" with rendering tasks and "node operators" with idle GPUs. Creators submit jobs with a deposit of RNDR tokens, the network's native token.

Based on factors like reputation, jobs are assigned to node operators for completion and then delivered back to the creator for approval.

3/ Burn and Mint Equilibrium (2023): This mechanism introduced fiat pricing for jobs. When a job is paid for in fiat, 95% of the equivalent value in RNDR tokens is burned, reducing overall supply. The remaining 5% goes towards network development.

4/ RNDR Token Utility: RNDR serves two primary functions within the network:

• Payment: Used to pay for rendering jobs on the Render Network.

• Governance: Holders can participate in Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) voting to influence network decisions.

5/ Tokenomics: Initially launched as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain, RNDR has a theoretical maximum supply of approximately 644 million tokens.

A quarter of this supply was distributed through private and public sales in 2017. Information regarding team token holdings remains undisclosed.

6/ Render Network's evolution highlights its focus on democratizing access to GPU processing power and streamlining rendering workflows. With its innovative approach, the Render Network community has exciting prospects ahead.

Disclaimer: This thread is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Please conduct your own research before making any investment decisions

#RenderNetwork #GemxCrypto
🎯Renzo One-Page Overview @RenzoProtocol is your go-to Liquid Restaking Token (LRT) and Strategy Manager for EigenLayer. As the 53rd project on the Binance Launchpool, it's bursting with potential. Let's explore more about Renzo by an One-page overview below👇 #GemxCrypto #Renzo
🎯Renzo One-Page Overview

@Renzo Protocol is your go-to Liquid Restaking Token (LRT) and Strategy Manager for EigenLayer. As the 53rd project on the Binance Launchpool, it's bursting with potential.

Let's explore more about Renzo by an One-page overview below👇

#GemxCrypto #Renzo
⚡️Zetachain - The First Omnichain Concept @zetablockchain, a novel concept in the crypto market. Offering a compelling option for developers and users seeking to leverage the benefits of mining on any blockchain. 🧵Let's dive into an overview of Zetachain 1/ What is Zetachain? Zetachain is an omnichain platform addressing the gap between "cross-chain" and "multichain", aiming to expand crypto and global financial ecosystems for everyone. It supports mobility and a multichain ecosystem within crypto, enabling users to harness any blockchain's benefits: Payments, DeFi, Liquidity, Games, Arts, Social Graphs, Security, and more. 2/ Key Features of Zetachain: 🔥Decentralized and public: Built on Cosmos SDK and Tendermint Consensus, Zetachain is a decentralized and public blockchain network. 🔥Hyper Node: Zetachain's nodes oversee transactions across all connected chains. 3/ 🔥Omnichain smart contracts: Smart contracts deployed on Zetachain can read/write to connected chains. 🔥Managed external assets: Enables asset management across any chain, similar to a smart contract on a single chain managing assets on corresponding chains. 4/ 🔥Cross-chain message passing: Developers can transmit messages (data and value) between chains and layers, enabling robust cross-chain Dapps with just a few functions deployed within their existing smart contracts. 5/ Zetachain Ecosystem: Zetachain's ecosystem is relatively robust for a Layer1 blockchain with the project's current raised capital. The project continues to develop and build new Dapps in the future. 6/ Investors: The project has been invested in by GSR, CTM Holdings, with funding of up to $27M. However, these are Tier 3 funds, not highly rated or well-known in previous investment deals. 7/ Conclusion: Zetachain presents a promising option for users and developers seeking an omnichain solution. Disclaimer: This thread is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Please conduct your own research before making any investment decisions #ZetaChain #GemxCrypto
⚡️Zetachain - The First Omnichain Concept

@zetablockchain, a novel concept in the crypto market. Offering a compelling option for developers and users seeking to leverage the benefits of mining on any blockchain.

🧵Let's dive into an overview of Zetachain
1/ What is Zetachain?

Zetachain is an omnichain platform addressing the gap between "cross-chain" and "multichain", aiming to expand crypto and global financial ecosystems for everyone.

It supports mobility and a multichain ecosystem within crypto, enabling users to harness any blockchain's benefits: Payments, DeFi, Liquidity, Games, Arts, Social Graphs, Security, and more.

2/ Key Features of Zetachain:

🔥Decentralized and public: Built on Cosmos SDK and Tendermint Consensus, Zetachain is a decentralized and public blockchain network.

🔥Hyper Node: Zetachain's nodes oversee transactions across all connected chains.
🔥Omnichain smart contracts: Smart contracts deployed on Zetachain can read/write to connected chains.
🔥Managed external assets: Enables asset management across any chain, similar to a smart contract on a single chain managing assets on corresponding chains.

🔥Cross-chain message passing: Developers can transmit messages (data and value) between chains and layers, enabling robust cross-chain Dapps with just a few functions deployed within their existing smart contracts.

5/ Zetachain Ecosystem:

Zetachain's ecosystem is relatively robust for a Layer1 blockchain with the project's current raised capital. The project continues to develop and build new Dapps in the future.

6/ Investors:

The project has been invested in by GSR, CTM Holdings, with funding of up to $27M. However, these are Tier 3 funds, not highly rated or well-known in previous investment deals.

7/ Conclusion:

Zetachain presents a promising option for users and developers seeking an omnichain solution.

Disclaimer: This thread is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Please conduct your own research before making any investment decisions

#ZetaChain #GemxCrypto
🚀Hong Kong Approves BTC and ETH ETFs Hong Kong has given the green light to the first Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs). This is a big step forward for the crypto market! Here's how these ETFs could change the game👇 1/ Six cryptocurrency spot ETFs, including three Bitcoin Spot ETFs and three Ether Spot ETFs, are set to commence trading in Hong Kong on April 30, 2024. This marks a significant step in expanding investment options and fostering crypto market growth in Hong Kong. 2/ Unlike the cash-settled model of Bitcoin spot ETFs in the US, Hong Kong aims to provide a physically settled model for ETFs, allowing new ETF units to be created using BTC and ETH. 3/ Competitive management fee landscape: Harvest offers free management fees for clients in the first six months, followed by a fee of 0.3%. Bosera imposes a fixed management fee of 0.6% for both Bitcoin and Ether spot ETF products. ChinaAMC has the highest fee, fixed at 0.99%. 4/ As a leading financial hub in Asia, Hong Kong is expected to inject substantial capital into the cryptocurrency market. According to Bloomberg analysts, this capital influx could reach $1 billion within the first 1-2 years. 5/ Projects like ETH and related ones are poised to benefit significantly from this news. However, it's essential to approach trading opportunities cautiously, with clear take-profit and stop-loss targets. Avoid FOMO, especially in volatile market environments. #GemxCrypto #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #ETH🔥🔥🔥 #ETFs
🚀Hong Kong Approves BTC and ETH ETFs

Hong Kong has given the green light to the first Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs). This is a big step forward for the crypto market!

Here's how these ETFs could change the game👇

1/ Six cryptocurrency spot ETFs, including three Bitcoin Spot ETFs and three Ether Spot ETFs, are set to commence trading in Hong Kong on April 30, 2024.

This marks a significant step in expanding investment options and fostering crypto market growth in Hong Kong.

2/ Unlike the cash-settled model of Bitcoin spot ETFs in the US, Hong Kong aims to provide a physically settled model for ETFs, allowing new ETF units to be created using BTC and ETH.

3/ Competitive management fee landscape: Harvest offers free management fees for clients in the first six months, followed by a fee of 0.3%.

Bosera imposes a fixed management fee of 0.6% for both Bitcoin and Ether spot ETF products. ChinaAMC has the highest fee, fixed at 0.99%.

4/ As a leading financial hub in Asia, Hong Kong is expected to inject substantial capital into the cryptocurrency market.

According to Bloomberg analysts, this capital influx could reach $1 billion within the first 1-2 years.

5/ Projects like ETH and related ones are poised to benefit significantly from this news. However, it's essential to approach trading opportunities cautiously, with clear take-profit and stop-loss targets.

Avoid FOMO, especially in volatile market environments.

#GemxCrypto #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #ETH🔥🔥🔥 #ETFs
🔮Wormhole: The Cross-Chain Project Making Waves Wormhole, a cross-chain project, gained immense attention recently with a staggering $700M airdrop and its listing on top exchanges like Binance on But what exactly is Wormhole? Let's dive in👇 1/ What is Wormhole? Wormhole serves as a bridge, facilitating asset transfers across various blockchains. Currently, it supports over 30 chains, including Ethereum, Solana, BNB Chain, and more. 2/ How does it work? - Users deposit tokens from Chain A into Wormhole. - Wormhole mints wrapped tokens on Chain B and locks the corresponding tokens on Chain A. - When withdrawing assets, users send wrapped tokens to Wormhole. - Wormhole burns the wrapped tokens and unlocks the corresponding tokens on Chain A. 3/ Wormhole's Milestones: • Processed over 1B transactions with a volume exceeding $40B. • Supported by 200+ dApps across various blockchains. • Offering solutions like Wormhole Messaging, Queries, Connect, NTT, and Gateway. 4/ Security Concerns: Wormhole faced a major hack resulting in a loss of $326M. However, efforts by Jump Trading and Oasis retrieved $140M, demonstrating the project's resilience. 5/ The Massive Airdrop: Worm token's launch on 3/4 reached a market cap of $2.98B, with a $700M airdrop, marking a significant milestone for the project. 6/ The Team Behind Wormhole: Founded by Jump Crypto, backed by major investors like Coinbase, Multicoin Capital, and Jump Trading. Disclaimer: This thread is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Please conduct your own research before making any investment decisions 🔥Follow @GemX_Crypto for more latest news and insights on trending projects. #Wormholecoin #GemxCrypto
🔮Wormhole: The Cross-Chain Project Making Waves

Wormhole, a cross-chain project, gained immense attention recently with a staggering $700M airdrop and its listing on top exchanges like Binance on

But what exactly is Wormhole? Let's dive in👇

1/ What is Wormhole?

Wormhole serves as a bridge, facilitating asset transfers across various blockchains. Currently, it supports over 30 chains, including Ethereum, Solana, BNB Chain, and more.

2/ How does it work?

- Users deposit tokens from Chain A into Wormhole.

- Wormhole mints wrapped tokens on Chain B and locks the corresponding tokens on Chain A.

- When withdrawing assets, users send wrapped tokens to Wormhole.

- Wormhole burns the wrapped tokens and unlocks the corresponding tokens on Chain A.

3/ Wormhole's Milestones:

• Processed over 1B transactions with a volume exceeding $40B.

• Supported by 200+ dApps across various blockchains.

• Offering solutions like Wormhole Messaging, Queries, Connect, NTT, and Gateway.

4/ Security Concerns:

Wormhole faced a major hack resulting in a loss of $326M. However, efforts by Jump Trading and Oasis retrieved $140M, demonstrating the project's resilience.

5/ The Massive Airdrop:

Worm token's launch on 3/4 reached a market cap of $2.98B, with a $700M airdrop, marking a significant milestone for the project.

6/ The Team Behind Wormhole:

Founded by Jump Crypto, backed by major investors like Coinbase, Multicoin Capital, and Jump Trading.

Disclaimer: This thread is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Please conduct your own research before making any investment decisions

🔥Follow @GemX Crypto for more latest news and insights on trending projects.

#Wormholecoin #GemxCrypto
🔥Big shoutout to PhronAI for PhronZero PhronAI just introduced PhronZero, a platform leveraging AI to simplify blockchain creation. PhronZero offers user-friendly tools, customizability, cost-effective options & top-notch security. Ready to build your blockchain empire? PhronZero makes it possible! ⚡️Explore more on… #PhronAI #GemxCrypto
🔥Big shoutout to PhronAI for PhronZero

PhronAI just introduced PhronZero, a platform leveraging AI to simplify blockchain creation.

PhronZero offers user-friendly tools, customizability, cost-effective options & top-notch security.

Ready to build your blockchain empire? PhronZero makes it possible!

⚡️Explore more on…

#PhronAI #GemxCrypto
🔥Ethena: A DeFi Game Changer @ethena_labs recently secured $14 million in funding (February 16, 2024) from prominent investors like Dragonfly Capital, Binance Labs, Paypal, and Fidelity. But what exactly is Ethena? Let's dive in⬇️ 1/What is Ethena? Ethena Labs pioneers a decentralized stablecoin issuance protocol on Ethereum. It offers a stablecoin solution independent of traditional banking systems, along with a USD savings tool called Internet Bond. 2/ Noteworthy Features: • Scalability through derivatives without overcollateralization. • Stable value ensured through non-leveraged short positions on Liquid Staking Tokens (LST) upon USDe issuance. • Anti-censorship by separating collateral assets from banking systems. 3/ USDe Issuance Mechanism: Users deposit Liquid Staking Tokens (LST) like stETH, rETH into Ethena to mint USDe. Ethena opens non-leveraged short positions on derivatives exchanges, balancing short positions against price volatility.116 4/ Security on-chain: Ethena employs a collateral distribution mechanism through diverse MPC custody contracts on-chain, reducing dependency on centralized servers and minimizing counterparty risk. 5/ Flexible Leverage Unlocking: USDe generates fixed profits for users through staking rewards from LST and funding rates from short positions. Ethena also allows minting USDe based on LST to maintain long-term exposure to Ethereum while providing liquidity for USDe. 6/ Token Details: • Token Name: Ethena Token (ENA) • Blockchain: Ethereum • Token Standard: ERC-20 • Total Supply: 15,000,000,000 ENA • Initial Supply: 1,425,000,000 ENA • Allocation: Core Contributors (30%), Investors (25%), Foundation (15%), Ecosystem (30%). Disclaimer: This thread is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Please conduct your own research before making any investment decisions 🔥Follow @GemX_Crypto for more latest news and insights on trending projects. #Ethena #GemxCrypto
🔥Ethena: A DeFi Game Changer

@ethena_labs recently secured $14 million in funding (February 16, 2024) from prominent investors like Dragonfly Capital, Binance Labs, Paypal, and Fidelity.

But what exactly is Ethena? Let's dive in⬇️

1/What is Ethena?
Ethena Labs pioneers a decentralized stablecoin issuance protocol on Ethereum.

It offers a stablecoin solution independent of traditional banking systems, along with a USD savings tool called Internet Bond.

2/ Noteworthy Features:

• Scalability through derivatives without overcollateralization.

• Stable value ensured through non-leveraged short positions on Liquid Staking Tokens (LST) upon USDe issuance.

• Anti-censorship by separating collateral assets from banking systems.

3/ USDe Issuance Mechanism:
Users deposit Liquid Staking Tokens (LST) like stETH, rETH into Ethena to mint USDe. Ethena opens non-leveraged short positions on derivatives exchanges, balancing short positions against price volatility.116

4/ Security on-chain:
Ethena employs a collateral distribution mechanism through diverse MPC custody contracts on-chain, reducing dependency on centralized servers and minimizing counterparty risk.

5/ Flexible Leverage Unlocking:
USDe generates fixed profits for users through staking rewards from LST and funding rates from short positions. Ethena also allows minting USDe based on LST to maintain long-term exposure to Ethereum while providing liquidity for USDe.

6/ Token Details:

• Token Name: Ethena Token (ENA)

• Blockchain: Ethereum

• Token Standard: ERC-20

• Total Supply: 15,000,000,000 ENA

• Initial Supply: 1,425,000,000 ENA

• Allocation: Core Contributors (30%), Investors (25%), Foundation (15%), Ecosystem (30%).

Disclaimer: This thread is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Please conduct your own research before making any investment decisions

🔥Follow @GemX Crypto for more latest news and insights on trending projects.

#Ethena #GemxCrypto
🧵Cracking the Code: Hedera Hashgraph Let's delve into Hedera Hashgraph, a public distributed ledger (DLT) platform gaining traction in the tech sphere. This thread will objectively explore its features, potential applications, and the technology behind it🔥 1/What is Hedera Hashgraph? Launched in 2018, Hedera Hashgraph is a public DLT designed to support existing and emerging web-scale applications. It leverages DLT technology to build trust directly into applications, enabling collaboration between untrusted parties. 2/ Headquartered in Richardson, Texas, USA, Hedera Hashgraph has raised a total of $125 million funded from 7 rounds. The company is backed by 19 investors, including Boeing HorizonX Ventures, Tata Communications, BlacTower Capital, Vestinwolf Alternatives, and many other investors. 3/ What problem does Hedera Hashgraph solve? Hedera aims to address the limitations of applying public DLT in mainstream trends👇 #1. Hedera is the only public ledger solution available in the industry using the hashgraph consensus, which is a faster and more secure alternative to traditional blockchain consensus mechanisms. #2. Hashgraph is faster than Bitcoin or Ethereum blockchains because it achieves high throughput with over 10,000 cryptocurrency transactions per second and low latency. It benefits from the innovative gossip protocol and virtual voting. #3. Their network is governed by a council of up to 39 leading global enterprises, providing essential business experience and technical expertise lacking in previous public ledger platforms. #4. Hedera's technical solution includes controlled state network changes and the ability to request or attach additional data to transactions, such as identity verifications. Disclaimer: This thread is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Please conduct your own research before making any investment decisions 🔥Follow @GemX_Crypto for more latest news and insights on trending projects.
🧵Cracking the Code: Hedera Hashgraph

Let's delve into Hedera Hashgraph, a public distributed ledger (DLT) platform gaining traction in the tech sphere.

This thread will objectively explore its features, potential applications, and the technology behind it🔥

1/What is Hedera Hashgraph?

Launched in 2018, Hedera Hashgraph is a public DLT designed to support existing and emerging web-scale applications.

It leverages DLT technology to build trust directly into applications, enabling collaboration between untrusted parties.

2/ Headquartered in Richardson, Texas, USA, Hedera Hashgraph has raised a total of $125 million funded from 7 rounds.

The company is backed by 19 investors, including Boeing HorizonX Ventures, Tata Communications, BlacTower Capital, Vestinwolf Alternatives, and many other investors.

3/ What problem does Hedera Hashgraph solve?

Hedera aims to address the limitations of applying public DLT in mainstream trends👇

#1. Hedera is the only public ledger solution available in the industry using the hashgraph consensus, which is a faster and more secure alternative to traditional blockchain consensus mechanisms.

#2. Hashgraph is faster than Bitcoin or Ethereum blockchains because it achieves high throughput with over 10,000 cryptocurrency transactions per second and low latency.

It benefits from the innovative gossip protocol and virtual voting.

#3. Their network is governed by a council of up to 39 leading global enterprises, providing essential business experience and technical expertise lacking in previous public ledger platforms.

#4. Hedera's technical solution includes controlled state network changes and the ability to request or attach additional data to transactions, such as identity verifications.

Disclaimer: This thread is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Please conduct your own research before making any investment decisions

🔥Follow @GemX Crypto for more latest news and insights on trending projects.
🐶BONK: A New Meme Coin Roaring to the Top $BONK, a meme token airdropped to members of the Solana community, has experienced explosive growth, becoming the fourth-largest meme coin by market cap. Let's take a deeper look at BONK in this thread🧵 #1 - What is BONK? BONK is a community-driven meme coin built on the Solana blockchain. It was airdropped to a diverse group of Solana stakeholders, including NFT holders, DeFi members, art collectors, and developers. #2 - BONK Token Distribution: • 20% to holders of 40 Solana NFT collections. • 15% for early BONK traders. • 10% to support Solana's artistic community. • 5% for developers contributing to BONK infrastructure. • Open market access for wider participation. #3 - The Rise of BONK: BONK has gained rapid traction. A strategic airdrop and emphasis on rewarding early adopters fostered a robust community. With a notable market cap, BONK emerges as a potential successor to meme coins like Shiba Inu, Dogecoin, and Baby Doge Coin. #4 - Conclusion: Rising fast with strong community support, BONK has meme coin potential. Can it surpass Dogecoin? Let's wait and see if BONK claims the top spot🚀 Disclaimer: This thread is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Please conduct your own research before making any investment decisions 🔥Follow @GemX_Crypto for more latest news and insights on trending projects.
🐶BONK: A New Meme Coin Roaring to the Top

$BONK , a meme token airdropped to members of the Solana community, has experienced explosive growth, becoming the fourth-largest meme coin by market cap.

Let's take a deeper look at BONK in this thread🧵

#1 - What is BONK?

BONK is a community-driven meme coin built on the Solana blockchain.

It was airdropped to a diverse group of Solana stakeholders, including NFT holders, DeFi members, art collectors, and developers.

#2 - BONK Token Distribution:

• 20% to holders of 40 Solana NFT collections.
• 15% for early BONK traders.
• 10% to support Solana's artistic community.
• 5% for developers contributing to BONK infrastructure.
• Open market access for wider participation.

#3 - The Rise of BONK:

BONK has gained rapid traction. A strategic airdrop and emphasis on rewarding early adopters fostered a robust community.

With a notable market cap, BONK emerges as a potential successor to meme coins like Shiba Inu, Dogecoin, and Baby Doge Coin.

#4 - Conclusion:

Rising fast with strong community support, BONK has meme coin potential. Can it surpass Dogecoin? Let's wait and see if BONK claims the top spot🚀

Disclaimer: This thread is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Please conduct your own research before making any investment decisions

🔥Follow @GemX Crypto for more latest news and insights on trending projects.
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