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GemX Crypto
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šŸ¶BONK: Jauna mēma monēta, kas dārd uz augÅ”u Solanas kopienas locekļiem nodotais mēmu žetons $ BONK ir piedzÄ«vojis strauju izaugsmi, kļūstot par ceturto lielāko mēmu monētu pēc tirgus vērtÄ«bas. Padziļināti aplÅ«kosim BONK Å”ajā pavedienāšŸ§µ #1ā€” Kas ir BONK? BONK ir kopienas vadÄ«ta mēmu monēta, kas veidota uz Solana blokķēdes. Tas tika nosÅ«tÄ«ts daudzveidÄ«gai Solana ieinteresēto personu grupai, tostarp NFT Ä«paÅ”niekiem, DeFi dalÄ«bniekiem, mākslas kolekcionāriem un izstrādātājiem. 2.Ā ā€” BONK marÄ·iera izplatÄ«Å”ana: ā€¢ 20% 40 Solana NFT kolekciju Ä«paÅ”niekiem. ā€¢ 15% agrÄ«najiem BONK tirgotājiem. ā€¢ 10% Solanas mākslinieciskās kopienas atbalstam. ā€¢ 5% izstrādātājiem, kas sniedz ieguldÄ«jumu BONK infrastruktÅ«rā. ā€¢ Atvērta tirgus piekļuve plaŔākai lÄ«dzdalÄ«bai. 3.Ā ā€” BONK uzplaukums: BONK ir guvis strauju saÄ·eri. Stratēģiska gaisa kuÄ£a nolaiÅ”anās un uzsvars uz agrÄ«no lietotāju apbalvoÅ”anu veicināja stabilu kopienu. Ar ievērojamu tirgus ierobežojumu BONK kļūst par potenciālu mēmu monētu, piemēram, Shiba Inu, Dogecoin un Baby Doge Coin, pēcteci. #4- Secinājums: BONK strauji aug ar spēcÄ«gu kopienas atbalstu, un tai ir mēmu monētu potenciāls. Vai tas var pārspēt Dogecoin? PagaidÄ«sim un redzēsim, vai BONK pretendēs uz augstāko vietušŸš€ Atruna: Å”is pavediens ir paredzēts tikai informatÄ«viem nolÅ«kiem, un to nevajadzētu uzskatÄ«t par finanÅ”u padomu. Pirms jebkādu investÄ«ciju lēmumu pieņemÅ”anas, lÅ«dzu, veiciet savu izpēti šŸ”„Sekojiet @GemX_Crypto , lai iegÅ«tu vairāk jaunāko ziņu un ieskatu par aktuālajiem projektiem.

šŸ¶BONK: Jauna mēma monēta, kas dārd uz augÅ”u

Solanas kopienas locekļiem nodotais mēmu žetons $ BONK ir piedzīvojis strauju izaugsmi, kļūstot par ceturto lielāko mēmu monētu pēc tirgus vērtības.

Padziļināti aplÅ«kosim BONK Å”ajā pavedienāšŸ§µ

#1ā€” Kas ir BONK?

BONK ir kopienas vadīta mēmu monēta, kas veidota uz Solana blokķēdes.

Tas tika nosÅ«tÄ«ts daudzveidÄ«gai Solana ieinteresēto personu grupai, tostarp NFT Ä«paÅ”niekiem, DeFi dalÄ«bniekiem, mākslas kolekcionāriem un izstrādātājiem.

2.Ā ā€” BONK marÄ·iera izplatÄ«Å”ana:

ā€¢ 20% 40 Solana NFT kolekciju Ä«paÅ”niekiem.

ā€¢ 15% agrÄ«najiem BONK tirgotājiem.

ā€¢ 10% Solanas mākslinieciskās kopienas atbalstam.

ā€¢ 5% izstrādātājiem, kas sniedz ieguldÄ«jumu BONK infrastruktÅ«rā.

ā€¢ Atvērta tirgus piekļuve plaŔākai lÄ«dzdalÄ«bai.

3.Ā ā€” BONK uzplaukums:

BONK ir guvis strauju saÄ·eri. Stratēģiska gaisa kuÄ£a nolaiÅ”anās un uzsvars uz agrÄ«no lietotāju apbalvoÅ”anu veicināja stabilu kopienu.

Ar ievērojamu tirgus ierobežojumu BONK kļūst par potenciālu mēmu monētu, piemēram, Shiba Inu, Dogecoin un Baby Doge Coin, pēcteci.

#4- Secinājums:

BONK strauji aug ar spēcÄ«gu kopienas atbalstu, un tai ir mēmu monētu potenciāls. Vai tas var pārspēt Dogecoin? PagaidÄ«sim un redzēsim, vai BONK pretendēs uz augstāko vietušŸš€

Atruna: Å”is pavediens ir paredzēts tikai informatÄ«viem nolÅ«kiem, un to nevajadzētu uzskatÄ«t par finanÅ”u padomu. Pirms jebkādu investÄ«ciju lēmumu pieņemÅ”anas, lÅ«dzu, veiciet savu izpēti

šŸ”„Sekojiet @GemX Crypto , lai iegÅ«tu vairāk jaunāko ziņu un ieskatu par aktuālajiem projektiem.

Atruna: iekļauti treÅ”o puÅ”u pausti viedokļi. Å Ä« informācija nav uzskatāma par finansiālu padomu.Ā Skati lietoÅ”anas noteikumus.
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šŸ›‘Render Network: A Deep Dive @rendernetwork is a peer-to-peer (P2P) marketplace that connects users needing rendering power with devices possessing idle GPUs. But how did it come to be, and how does it work? Here's a breakdown of its key aspectsā¬‡ļø 1/ Origin Story: Founded in 2017 by Jules Urbach, Render was initially built on Ethereum to democratize mixed reality experiences and more. Urbach's experience with OTOY paved the way for Render's development. 2/ Core Functionality: Render facilitates connections between "creators" with rendering tasks and "node operators" with idle GPUs. Creators submit jobs with a deposit of RNDR tokens, the network's native token. Based on factors like reputation, jobs are assigned to node operators for completion and then delivered back to the creator for approval. 3/ Burn and Mint Equilibrium (2023): This mechanism introduced fiat pricing for jobs. When a job is paid for in fiat, 95% of the equivalent value in RNDR tokens is burned, reducing overall supply. The remaining 5% goes towards network development. 4/ RNDR Token Utility: RNDR serves two primary functions within the network: ā€¢ Payment: Used to pay for rendering jobs on the Render Network. ā€¢ Governance: Holders can participate in Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) voting to influence network decisions. 5/ Tokenomics: Initially launched as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain, RNDR has a theoretical maximum supply of approximately 644 million tokens. A quarter of this supply was distributed through private and public sales in 2017. Information regarding team token holdings remains undisclosed. 6/ Render Network's evolution highlights its focus on democratizing access to GPU processing power and streamlining rendering workflows. With its innovative approach, the Render Network community has exciting prospects ahead. Disclaimer: This thread is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Please conduct your own research before making any investment decisions #RenderNetwork #GemxCrypto
āš”ļøZetachain - The First Omnichain Concept @zetablockchain, a novel concept in the crypto market. Offering a compelling option for developers and users seeking to leverage the benefits of mining on any blockchain. šŸ§µLet's dive into an overview of Zetachain 1/ What is Zetachain? Zetachain is an omnichain platform addressing the gap between "cross-chain" and "multichain", aiming to expand crypto and global financial ecosystems for everyone. It supports mobility and a multichain ecosystem within crypto, enabling users to harness any blockchain's benefits: Payments, DeFi, Liquidity, Games, Arts, Social Graphs, Security, and more. 2/ Key Features of Zetachain: šŸ”„Decentralized and public: Built on Cosmos SDK and Tendermint Consensus, Zetachain is a decentralized and public blockchain network. šŸ”„Hyper Node: Zetachain's nodes oversee transactions across all connected chains. 3/ šŸ”„Omnichain smart contracts: Smart contracts deployed on Zetachain can read/write to connected chains. šŸ”„Managed external assets: Enables asset management across any chain, similar to a smart contract on a single chain managing assets on corresponding chains. 4/ šŸ”„Cross-chain message passing: Developers can transmit messages (data and value) between chains and layers, enabling robust cross-chain Dapps with just a few functions deployed within their existing smart contracts. 5/ Zetachain Ecosystem: Zetachain's ecosystem is relatively robust for a Layer1 blockchain with the project's current raised capital. The project continues to develop and build new Dapps in the future. 6/ Investors: The project has been invested in by GSR, CTM Holdings, with funding of up to $27M. However, these are Tier 3 funds, not highly rated or well-known in previous investment deals. 7/ Conclusion: Zetachain presents a promising option for users and developers seeking an omnichain solution. Disclaimer: This thread is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Please conduct your own research before making any investment decisions #ZetaChain #GemxCrypto
šŸš€Hong Kong Approves BTC and ETH ETFs Hong Kong has given the green light to the first Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs). This is a big step forward for the crypto market! Here's how these ETFs could change the gamešŸ‘‡ 1/ Six cryptocurrency spot ETFs, including three Bitcoin Spot ETFs and three Ether Spot ETFs, are set to commence trading in Hong Kong on April 30, 2024. This marks a significant step in expanding investment options and fostering crypto market growth in Hong Kong. 2/ Unlike the cash-settled model of Bitcoin spot ETFs in the US, Hong Kong aims to provide a physically settled model for ETFs, allowing new ETF units to be created using BTC and ETH. 3/ Competitive management fee landscape: Harvest offers free management fees for clients in the first six months, followed by a fee of 0.3%. Bosera imposes a fixed management fee of 0.6% for both Bitcoin and Ether spot ETF products. ChinaAMC has the highest fee, fixed at 0.99%. 4/ As a leading financial hub in Asia, Hong Kong is expected to inject substantial capital into the cryptocurrency market. According to Bloomberg analysts, this capital influx could reach $1 billion within the first 1-2 years. 5/ Projects like ETH and related ones are poised to benefit significantly from this news. However, it's essential to approach trading opportunities cautiously, with clear take-profit and stop-loss targets. Avoid FOMO, especially in volatile market environments. #GemxCrypto #BTCšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ #ETHšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ #ETFs
šŸ”®Wormhole: The Cross-Chain Project Making Waves Wormhole, a cross-chain project, gained immense attention recently with a staggering $700M airdrop and its listing on top exchanges like Binance on But what exactly is Wormhole? Let's dive inšŸ‘‡ 1/ What is Wormhole? Wormhole serves as a bridge, facilitating asset transfers across various blockchains. Currently, it supports over 30 chains, including Ethereum, Solana, BNB Chain, and more. 2/ How does it work? - Users deposit tokens from Chain A into Wormhole. - Wormhole mints wrapped tokens on Chain B and locks the corresponding tokens on Chain A. - When withdrawing assets, users send wrapped tokens to Wormhole. - Wormhole burns the wrapped tokens and unlocks the corresponding tokens on Chain A. 3/ Wormhole's Milestones: ā€¢ Processed over 1B transactions with a volume exceeding $40B. ā€¢ Supported by 200+ dApps across various blockchains. ā€¢ Offering solutions like Wormhole Messaging, Queries, Connect, NTT, and Gateway. 4/ Security Concerns: Wormhole faced a major hack resulting in a loss of $326M. However, efforts by Jump Trading and Oasis retrieved $140M, demonstrating the project's resilience. 5/ The Massive Airdrop: Worm token's launch on 3/4 reached a market cap of $2.98B, with a $700M airdrop, marking a significant milestone for the project. 6/ The Team Behind Wormhole: Founded by Jump Crypto, backed by major investors like Coinbase, Multicoin Capital, and Jump Trading. Disclaimer: This thread is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Please conduct your own research before making any investment decisions šŸ”„Follow @GemX Crypto for more latest news and insights on trending projects. #Wormholecoin #GemxCrypto

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