Binance Square
Data Scientist
Research Associate by profession, Doing research on liquid intelligence and quantum computing. Molecular Genetics is my passion.
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Žetonu apvienošanās likmes AGIX Fet un okeānam Kopš katras kopienas vairākuma apstiprinājuma saņemšanas marķiera apvienošana notiks šādi... $FET kļūst par $ASI ar kopējo piedāvājumu 2,63055 miljardu žetonu apmērā $AGIX marķieri tiek migrēti uz $ASI ar reklāmguvumu līmeni no 1 līdz 0,433350$OCEAN marķieri tiek migrēti uz $ASI ar reklāmguvumu līmeni no 1 līdz 0,433226Atcerieties, ka apvienošanās notiks 11. jūnijā. Jaunais marķieris tiks nosaukts par mākslīgo superinteliģenci vai ASI Vai ir kādi jautājumi? $BTC tendence var ietekmēt matket#altcoins #BTC #bitcoin #BlackRock <t-54/>#FIT21

Žetonu apvienošanās likmes AGIX Fet un okeānam

Kopš katras kopienas vairākuma apstiprinājuma saņemšanas marķiera apvienošana notiks šādi...
$FET kļūst par $ASI ar kopējo piedāvājumu 2,63055 miljardu žetonu apmērā $AGIX marķieri tiek migrēti uz $ASI ar reklāmguvumu līmeni no 1 līdz 0,433350$OCEAN marķieri tiek migrēti uz $ASI ar reklāmguvumu līmeni no 1 līdz 0,433226Atcerieties, ka apvienošanās notiks 11. jūnijā. Jaunais marķieris tiks nosaukts par mākslīgo superinteliģenci vai ASI Vai ir kādi jautājumi? $BTC tendence var ietekmēt matket#altcoins #BTC #bitcoin #BlackRock <t-54/>#FIT21
Skatīt oriģinālu
Nākamais Bull run ir AI un spēlesAtcerieties Nft ēru ne pārāk sen, šoreiz runa ir par AI un Gaming, taču pagaidām sekojiet līdzi Fet ocean AGIX, jo tā gatavojas sapludināt milzīgā ķēdē ar visām tajā esošajām funkcijām. Šķiet, ka mākslīgais intelekts radīs šo vēršu skrējienu. Vienīgā problēma ir mega datu mitināšanas izmaksās blokķēdē. Tas ir laika jautājums, kad šis šķērslis ir pārvarēts, sagatavojieties dzīves braucienam. Apskatiet arī#chainlinkar tās unikālajiem risinājumiem. Šī būs pirmā reize, kad kriptogrāfijas nozare redzēs reālu ietekmi uz pasauli. noteikti noteiks tirgus tendences, taču visam citam nav nozīmes.

Nākamais Bull run ir AI un spēles

Atcerieties Nft ēru ne pārāk sen, šoreiz runa ir par AI un Gaming, taču pagaidām sekojiet līdzi Fet ocean AGIX, jo tā gatavojas sapludināt milzīgā ķēdē ar visām tajā esošajām funkcijām. Šķiet, ka mākslīgais intelekts radīs šo vēršu skrējienu.

Vienīgā problēma ir mega datu mitināšanas izmaksās blokķēdē. Tas ir laika jautājums, kad šis šķērslis ir pārvarēts, sagatavojieties dzīves braucienam. Apskatiet arī#chainlinkar tās unikālajiem risinājumiem.

Šī būs pirmā reize, kad kriptogrāfijas nozare redzēs reālu ietekmi uz pasauli.

noteikti noteiks tirgus tendences, taču visam citam nav nozīmes.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Šajā pasaules čempionātā kriketā ir slikti laukumi. Atgriežoties pie kriptogrāfijas, AGIX Fet un okeāns saplūst dažu dienu laikā, lai izveidotu jaunu ķēdi. Tā ir uz AI balstīta platforma, un jūs zināt, ka AI ir nākamā NFT ēra. Veiciet savu izpēti un netērējiet šo iespēju. #bitcoin #BlackRock #altcoins #BTC #FIT21 #airdrop
Šajā pasaules čempionātā kriketā ir slikti laukumi. Atgriežoties pie kriptogrāfijas, AGIX Fet un okeāns saplūst dažu dienu laikā, lai izveidotu jaunu ķēdi. Tā ir uz AI balstīta platforma, un jūs zināt, ka AI ir nākamā NFT ēra. Veiciet savu izpēti un netērējiet šo iespēju.
#bitcoin #BlackRock #altcoins #BTC #FIT21 #airdrop
Skatīt oriģinālu
Šeit ir smieklīgs joks par tirgotājiem, kas patiesībā ir smieklīgs Kāpēc kriptovalūtu tirgotājs devās uz terapiju? Jo viņš cīnījās, lai apvaldītu savas emocijas 😂 BTW ir cz garīgā ceļojumā vai tamlīdzīgi.#Binance55thProject(IO) #ETHETFsApproved #BTC #bitcoin
Šeit ir smieklīgs joks par tirgotājiem, kas patiesībā ir smieklīgs
Kāpēc kriptovalūtu tirgotājs devās uz terapiju?
Jo viņš cīnījās, lai apvaldītu savas emocijas 😂
BTW ir cz garīgā ceļojumā vai tamlīdzīgi.#Binance55thProject(IO) #ETHETFsApproved #BTC #bitcoin
Skatīt oriģinālu
AI un blokķēdes sinerģija: nākamās paaudzes viedo tīklu atbloķēšanaKā AI zinātnieks un blokķēdes eksperts esmu priecīgs dalīties savās atziņās par mākslīgā intelekta (AI) un blokķēdes tehnoloģijas konverģenci. Šī savienība rada jaunas paaudzes viedos tīklus, kas ir gatavi mainīt dažādas nozares un pārveidot mūsu digitālās ainavas struktūru. AI vadītas blokķēdes inovācijas SingularityNET (AGIX): decentralizēts AI tirgus, kas nodrošina AI modeļu izveidi, koplietošanu un monetizāciju. Nexarium (NEXO): ar AI darbināma blokķēdes platforma, kas optimizē viedo līgumu izpildi un decentralizētu lietojumprogrammu izstrādi.

AI un blokķēdes sinerģija: nākamās paaudzes viedo tīklu atbloķēšana

Kā AI zinātnieks un blokķēdes eksperts esmu priecīgs dalīties savās atziņās par mākslīgā intelekta (AI) un blokķēdes tehnoloģijas konverģenci. Šī savienība rada jaunas paaudzes viedos tīklus, kas ir gatavi mainīt dažādas nozares un pārveidot mūsu digitālās ainavas struktūru.
AI vadītas blokķēdes inovācijas
SingularityNET (AGIX): decentralizēts AI tirgus, kas nodrošina AI modeļu izveidi, koplietošanu un monetizāciju.
Nexarium (NEXO): ar AI darbināma blokķēdes platforma, kas optimizē viedo līgumu izpildi un decentralizētu lietojumprogrammu izstrādi.
Skatīt oriģinālu
"Līmeņa paaugstināšana: kā spēļu industrija pāriet uz blokķēdi"Spēļu industrijā notiek revolucionāras pārmaiņas, izmantojot blokķēdes tehnoloģiju, lai radītu aizraujošu pieredzi, jaunas ieņēmumu plūsmas un sabiedrības iesaistīšanos. Šo maiņu veicina novatoriskas spēļu kriptomonētas, kas sniedz iespēju spēlētājiem un izstrādātājiem. Decentralizētas spēles Spēļu platformas, kuru pamatā ir blokķēde, piemēram, Roblox (ROBLOX) un The Sandbox (SAND), nodrošina decentralizētu spēļu izstrādi, ļaujot veidotājiem izveidot savas spēles un gūt peļņu no tām bez starpniekiem. Spēlē, lai nopelnītu

"Līmeņa paaugstināšana: kā spēļu industrija pāriet uz blokķēdi"

Spēļu industrijā notiek revolucionāras pārmaiņas, izmantojot blokķēdes tehnoloģiju, lai radītu aizraujošu pieredzi, jaunas ieņēmumu plūsmas un sabiedrības iesaistīšanos. Šo maiņu veicina novatoriskas spēļu kriptomonētas, kas sniedz iespēju spēlētājiem un izstrādātājiem.
Decentralizētas spēles
Spēļu platformas, kuru pamatā ir blokķēde, piemēram, Roblox (ROBLOX) un The Sandbox (SAND), nodrošina decentralizētu spēļu izstrādi, ļaujot veidotājiem izveidot savas spēles un gūt peļņu no tām bez starpniekiem.
Spēlē, lai nopelnītu
Islamic Perspectives on Cryptocurrency: Halal or Haram?The rise of cryptocurrency has sparked intense debate among Islamic scholars and finance experts, with some declaring it halal (permissible) and others deeming it haram (forbidden). In this article, we'll delve into the Islamic perspective on crypto, exploring the halal and haram aspects of spot trading and future trading. Halal Aspects: Ownership and Control: Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, giving users full ownership and control over their assets, aligning with Islamic principles of property rights. Transparency and Traceability: Blockchain technology ensures transparent and traceable transactions, reducing the risk of fraud and deceit. Fair Market Value: Cryptocurrencies are traded based on market forces, reflecting their fair value, which is in line with Islamic teachings on fair trade practices. Haram Aspects: Speculation and Gambling: Cryptocurrency trading can involve excessive speculation and gambling, which are haram in Islam. Uncertainty and Ambiguity: The lack of clear regulations and oversight can lead to uncertainty and ambiguity, conflicting with Islamic principles of clarity and transparency. Exploitation and Fraud: The crypto market's volatility and anonymity can facilitate exploitation and fraud, violating Islamic teachings on justice and fairness. Spot Trading: Spot trading, where assets are exchanged immediately, is generally considered halal by Islamic scholars, as it involves a direct exchange of value without excessive speculation. Future Trading: Future trading, where assets are traded at a future date, is viewed as haram by many scholars, as it involves speculation and uncertainty, which can lead to exploitation and fraud. Conclusion: Cryptocurrency trading can be both halal and haram, depending on the circumstances. Islamic investors must navigate the complexities of crypto trading, ensuring that their actions align with Islamic principles and values. As the crypto market continues to evolve, scholars and finance experts must work together to establish clear guidelines and regulations, promoting a halal and ethical crypto ecosystem. #bitcoin #BTC #altcoins #Islamic #IslamicFinance

Islamic Perspectives on Cryptocurrency: Halal or Haram?

The rise of cryptocurrency has sparked intense debate among Islamic scholars and finance experts, with some declaring it halal (permissible) and others deeming it haram (forbidden). In this article, we'll delve into the Islamic perspective on crypto, exploring the halal and haram aspects of spot trading and future trading.
Halal Aspects:
Ownership and Control: Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, giving users full ownership and control over their assets, aligning with Islamic principles of property rights.
Transparency and Traceability: Blockchain technology ensures transparent and traceable transactions, reducing the risk of fraud and deceit.
Fair Market Value: Cryptocurrencies are traded based on market forces, reflecting their fair value, which is in line with Islamic teachings on fair trade practices.
Haram Aspects:
Speculation and Gambling: Cryptocurrency trading can involve excessive speculation and gambling, which are haram in Islam.
Uncertainty and Ambiguity: The lack of clear regulations and oversight can lead to uncertainty and ambiguity, conflicting with Islamic principles of clarity and transparency.
Exploitation and Fraud: The crypto market's volatility and anonymity can facilitate exploitation and fraud, violating Islamic teachings on justice and fairness.
Spot Trading:
Spot trading, where assets are exchanged immediately, is generally considered halal by Islamic scholars, as it involves a direct exchange of value without excessive speculation.
Future Trading:
Future trading, where assets are traded at a future date, is viewed as haram by many scholars, as it involves speculation and uncertainty, which can lead to exploitation and fraud.
Cryptocurrency trading can be both halal and haram, depending on the circumstances. Islamic investors must navigate the complexities of crypto trading, ensuring that their actions align with Islamic principles and values. As the crypto market continues to evolve, scholars and finance experts must work together to establish clear guidelines and regulations, promoting a halal and ethical crypto ecosystem.
#bitcoin #BTC #altcoins #Islamic #IslamicFinance
"Binance: The Next Twitter? Elon Musk and CZ's Bold Vision"In a surprising turn of events, Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, is poised to revolutionize the social media landscape. Inspired by the success of Twitter, Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ) and Elon Musk, a long-time supporter of cryptocurrency, are joining forces to transform Binance into a decentralized social media platform. The Vision CZ and Elon Musk envision a platform where users can engage in open discussions, share ideas, and connect with like-minded individuals, all while leveraging blockchain technology and cryptocurrency rewards. This decentralized approach aims to promote free speech, security, and community building. Decentralized Social Media Binance's platform will utilize blockchain to ensure data privacy, security, and transparency. Users will have full control over their data, and content moderation will be community-driven, rather than controlled by a central authority. Tokenized Incentives To encourage engagement and quality content, Binance plans to introduce tokenized incentives, rewarding users with cryptocurrency for participating in discussions, sharing valuable insights, and contributing to the community's growth. Elon Musk's Endorsement Elon Musk, a prominent Twitter user and advocate for cryptocurrency, has expressed his support for Binance's vision. His involvement is expected to bring significant attention and credibility to the platform. CZ's Ambition Changpeng Zhao, known for his innovative approach to cryptocurrency, aims to create a platform that not only rivals Twitter but also sets a new standard for decentralized social media. CZ believes that blockchain technology can democratize social media, empowering users and fostering a more inclusive online community. The Future of Social Media As Binance embarks on this ambitious journey, the possibilities are endless. With the combined forces of cryptocurrency, blockchain, and community engagement, the next Twitter may just be a decentralized, tokenized, and democratized social media platform. #BTC #altcoins #web3 #bitcoin #ETHETFsApproved

"Binance: The Next Twitter? Elon Musk and CZ's Bold Vision"

In a surprising turn of events, Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, is poised to revolutionize the social media landscape. Inspired by the success of Twitter, Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ) and Elon Musk, a long-time supporter of cryptocurrency, are joining forces to transform Binance into a decentralized social media platform.
The Vision
CZ and Elon Musk envision a platform where users can engage in open discussions, share ideas, and connect with like-minded individuals, all while leveraging blockchain technology and cryptocurrency rewards. This decentralized approach aims to promote free speech, security, and community building.
Decentralized Social Media
Binance's platform will utilize blockchain to ensure data privacy, security, and transparency. Users will have full control over their data, and content moderation will be community-driven, rather than controlled by a central authority.
Tokenized Incentives
To encourage engagement and quality content, Binance plans to introduce tokenized incentives, rewarding users with cryptocurrency for participating in discussions, sharing valuable insights, and contributing to the community's growth.
Elon Musk's Endorsement
Elon Musk, a prominent Twitter user and advocate for cryptocurrency, has expressed his support for Binance's vision. His involvement is expected to bring significant attention and credibility to the platform.
CZ's Ambition
Changpeng Zhao, known for his innovative approach to cryptocurrency, aims to create a platform that not only rivals Twitter but also sets a new standard for decentralized social media. CZ believes that blockchain technology can democratize social media, empowering users and fostering a more inclusive online community.
The Future of Social Media
As Binance embarks on this ambitious journey, the possibilities are endless. With the combined forces of cryptocurrency, blockchain, and community engagement, the next Twitter may just be a decentralized, tokenized, and democratized social media platform.
#BTC #altcoins #web3 #bitcoin #ETHETFsApproved
"AI in Blockchain: Where Tech Meets Wizardry"In the mystical realm of blockchain, a new sorcery has emerged: Artificial Intelligence (AI). Researchers have conjured up innovative ways to merge AI with blockchain, creating a potent brew of tech and magic. Let's embark on a journey to explore the latest research in AI's conquest of the blockchain universe. "Smart Contracts on Steroids" Imagine smart contracts that can outsmart even the sliest of hackers. AI-powered smart contracts, like those developed by the wizards at #SingularityNET, can predict and prevent fraudulent transactions, making the blockchain safer than a dragon's hoard. "Data Decryption: The AI Way" Researchers at Ocean Protocol have discovered an AI-driven spell to decrypt data without revealing the data itself. It's like hiding a needle in a haystack, but the needle can still perform magic tricks. "Blockchain Forensics: AI to the Rescue" When blockchain crimes occur, AI detectives like those at Mask Network spring into action. Their AI-powered forensic tools track down culprits and solve mysteries faster than Sherlock Holmes on a caffeine high. "The AI-Powered Blockchain Oracle" Nexarium's AI-driven oracles have the ability to predict the future (or at least, the outcome of smart contract executions). It's like having a crystal ball that actually works, without the need for dubious fortune-telling skills. "The Great Blockchain Optimization Experiment" By applying AI to blockchain optimization, researchers have achieved what was thought impossible: making blockchain faster and more efficient without sacrificing security. It's like finding a way to make pizza appear out of thin air, without the calories. Conclusion In the realm of blockchain, AI has proven to be a powerful magic wand, enhancing security, efficiency, and innovation. As researchers continue to push the boundaries of AI in blockchain, we can expect even more astounding breakthroughs. So, grab your wizard hat and join the quest for the perfect blend of tech and magic! #BTC #altcoins #BnbAth #BlackRock #AirdropBinance

"AI in Blockchain: Where Tech Meets Wizardry"

In the mystical realm of blockchain, a new sorcery has emerged: Artificial Intelligence (AI). Researchers have conjured up innovative ways to merge AI with blockchain, creating a potent brew of tech and magic. Let's embark on a journey to explore the latest research in AI's conquest of the blockchain universe.
"Smart Contracts on Steroids"
Imagine smart contracts that can outsmart even the sliest of hackers. AI-powered smart contracts, like those developed by the wizards at #SingularityNET, can predict and prevent fraudulent transactions, making the blockchain safer than a dragon's hoard.
"Data Decryption: The AI Way"
Researchers at Ocean Protocol have discovered an AI-driven spell to decrypt data without revealing the data itself. It's like hiding a needle in a haystack, but the needle can still perform magic tricks.
"Blockchain Forensics: AI to the Rescue"
When blockchain crimes occur, AI detectives like those at Mask Network spring into action. Their AI-powered forensic tools track down culprits and solve mysteries faster than Sherlock Holmes on a caffeine high.
"The AI-Powered Blockchain Oracle"
Nexarium's AI-driven oracles have the ability to predict the future (or at least, the outcome of smart contract executions). It's like having a crystal ball that actually works, without the need for dubious fortune-telling skills.
"The Great Blockchain Optimization Experiment"
By applying AI to blockchain optimization, researchers have achieved what was thought impossible: making blockchain faster and more efficient without sacrificing security. It's like finding a way to make pizza appear out of thin air, without the calories.
In the realm of blockchain, AI has proven to be a powerful magic wand, enhancing security, efficiency, and innovation. As researchers continue to push the boundaries of AI in blockchain, we can expect even more astounding breakthroughs. So, grab your wizard hat and join the quest for the perfect blend of tech and magic!
#BTC #altcoins #BnbAth #BlackRock #AirdropBinance
Skatīt oriģinālu
Potenciāla atraisīšana: AI darbības joma blokķēdē Mākslīgā intelekta (AI) un blokķēdes tehnoloģijas saplūšana var radīt revolūciju dažādās nozarēs un pārveidot mūsu dzīves un darba veidu. Ar AI darbināmas blokķēdes sistēmas var uzlabot drošību, efektivitāti un lēmumu pieņemšanas procesus, radot jaunu paradigmu digitālajam laikmetam. Šajā rakstā mēs izpētīsim AI darbības jomu blokķēdē, izceļot tādu ievērojamu AI monētu lomu kā#AGIX(SingularityNET),#NEXO(Nexarium),#OCEAN(okeāna protokols) un#MLN(masku tīkls).

Potenciāla atraisīšana: AI darbības joma blokķēdē

Mākslīgā intelekta (AI) un blokķēdes tehnoloģijas saplūšana var radīt revolūciju dažādās nozarēs un pārveidot mūsu dzīves un darba veidu. Ar AI darbināmas blokķēdes sistēmas var uzlabot drošību, efektivitāti un lēmumu pieņemšanas procesus, radot jaunu paradigmu digitālajam laikmetam. Šajā rakstā mēs izpētīsim AI darbības jomu blokķēdē, izceļot tādu ievērojamu AI monētu lomu kā#AGIX(SingularityNET),#NEXO(Nexarium),#OCEAN(okeāna protokols) un#MLN(masku tīkls).
Unpacking the Potential of SingularityNET (AGIX): A Data Scientist's Perspective As a data scientist, I am always on the lookout for innovative technologies that have the potential to revolutionize the fields of artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency. One such technology that has caught my attention is #SingularityNET (#AGIX). In this article, I will delve into the benefits of #SingularityNET for both AI and crypto, and why it is an exciting development in the tech world. What is SingularityNET? SingularityNET is a decentralized AI marketplace that utilizes blockchain technology to enable the creation, sharing, and monetization of AI models. It aims to democratize access to AI technology, promoting collaboration and innovation in the field. Benefits for AI SingularityNET offers several benefits for the AI community: Decentralized AI development: SingularityNET enables developers to create and share AI models in a decentralized manner, promoting collaboration and innovation. Access to diverse AI models: The platform provides access to a wide range of AI models, allowing developers to select the best models for their specific use cases. Monetization opportunities: Developers can monetize their AI models, creating a new revenue stream for AI development. Benefits for Crypto SingularityNET also offers benefits for the crypto community: Real-world use case: SingularityNET provides a real-world use case for blockchain technology, demonstrating its potential beyond cryptocurrency. Increased adoption: The platform's focus on AI development and deployment could lead to increased adoption of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. AGIX token utility: The AGIX token is utilized for transactions, staking, and governance, providing a clear utility and potential for value appreciation. Conclusion In conclusion, SingularityNET has the potential to revolutionize both the AI and crypto spaces by promoting decentralized AI development, collaboration, and innovation. As a data scientist, I am excited about the possibilities that SingularityNET offers, and I believe it is an important development to watch in the tech world. #altcoins #bitcoin #BlackRock #Binance55thProject(IO) #FIT21

Unpacking the Potential of SingularityNET (AGIX): A Data Scientist's Perspective

As a data scientist, I am always on the lookout for innovative technologies that have the potential to revolutionize the fields of artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency. One such technology that has caught my attention is #SingularityNET (#AGIX). In this article, I will delve into the benefits of #SingularityNET for both AI and crypto, and why it is an exciting development in the tech world.
What is SingularityNET?
SingularityNET is a decentralized AI marketplace that utilizes blockchain technology to enable the creation, sharing, and monetization of AI models. It aims to democratize access to AI technology, promoting collaboration and innovation in the field.
Benefits for AI
SingularityNET offers several benefits for the AI community:
Decentralized AI development: SingularityNET enables developers to create and share AI models in a decentralized manner, promoting collaboration and innovation.
Access to diverse AI models: The platform provides access to a wide range of AI models, allowing developers to select the best models for their specific use cases.
Monetization opportunities: Developers can monetize their AI models, creating a new revenue stream for AI development.
Benefits for Crypto
SingularityNET also offers benefits for the crypto community:
Real-world use case: SingularityNET provides a real-world use case for blockchain technology, demonstrating its potential beyond cryptocurrency.
Increased adoption: The platform's focus on AI development and deployment could lead to increased adoption of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.
AGIX token utility: The AGIX token is utilized for transactions, staking, and governance, providing a clear utility and potential for value appreciation.
In conclusion, SingularityNET has the potential to revolutionize both the AI and crypto spaces by promoting decentralized AI development, collaboration, and innovation. As a data scientist, I am excited about the possibilities that SingularityNET offers, and I believe it is an important development to watch in the tech world.
#altcoins #bitcoin #BlackRock #Binance55thProject(IO) #FIT21
I know it's a meme but I can't wait to hear a real story like this one. A man made millions while in coma lol #altcoins #BlackRock #BTC
I know it's a meme but I can't wait to hear a real story like this one. A man made millions while in coma lol #altcoins #BlackRock #BTC
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