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šŸš€ Jaunākās ziņas! Volta maina digitālo lÄ«dzekļu nozari ar savu novatorisko platformu Volta Circuit, kas tikko ir nodroÅ”inājusi 4,1Ā miljonu ASV dolāru sākuma finansējumu! Å Ä« platforma, kas maina spēli, nosaka jaunu standartu viedā maka infrastruktÅ«rai, nodroÅ”inot ātru, droÅ”u un vienkārÅ”u risinājumu paÅ”aizsardzÄ«bai. šŸŽ‰ Volta Circuit ir vairāku parakstu platforma bez aizbildnÄ«bas, kas novērÅ” nepiecieÅ”amÄ«bu pēc kompromisiem starp mērogojamÄ«bu, droŔību un veiktspēju blokķēdē un Å”ifrÄ“Å”anas telpā. Tas piedāvā izsmalcinātu viedo lÄ«gumu vairāku parakstu maka risinājumu ar pārvaldÄ«bu, noteikumiem un politikas kontroli, kas tiek tieÅ”i ieviesta ķēdē. šŸ’Ŗ Platforma atbalsta autorizētus, viena paraksta darÄ«jumus, ļaujot tirgotājiem veikt un parakstÄ«t darÄ«jumus mikrosekundēs, novērÅ”ot tradicionālās aizkaves. Turklāt tas ir maka agnostiÄ·is, kas nozÄ«mē, ka jebkurā makā var integrēt noteikumus un atļauju vadÄ«klas, piedāvājot lietotājiem elastÄ«bu, lai pielāgotu savus maku risinājumus. Volta izpilddirektors Džordžs Melika uzskata, ka Volta Circuit ir jauns standarts darbam ar digitālajiem aktÄ«viem, risinot galvenās problēmas, ar kurām saskaras investori, nodroÅ”inot droŔību, ātrumu un pilnÄ«gu Ä«paÅ”umtiesÄ«bu. Paredzams, ka DeFi tirgus lÄ«dz 2030. gadam sasniegs 446 miljardus ASV dolāru, un Volta Circuit ir gatavs nodroÅ”ināt institucionālajiem investoriem lielāku ātrumu un droŔību nekā jebkad agrāk. Kādas ir jÅ«su domas par Å”o? Vai jÅ«s domājat, ka Volta Circuit bÅ«s jaunais digitālo lÄ«dzekļu pārvaldÄ«bas standarts? Paziņojiet mums zemāk esoÅ”ajos komentāros! šŸš€šŸ‘‡

šŸš€ Jaunākās ziņas! Volta maina digitālo lÄ«dzekļu nozari ar savu novatorisko platformu Volta Circuit, kas tikko ir nodroÅ”inājusi 4,1Ā miljonu ASV dolāru sākuma finansējumu! Å Ä« platforma, kas maina spēli, nosaka jaunu standartu viedā maka infrastruktÅ«rai, nodroÅ”inot ātru, droÅ”u un vienkārÅ”u risinājumu paÅ”aizsardzÄ«bai. šŸŽ‰

Volta Circuit ir vairāku parakstu platforma bez aizbildnÄ«bas, kas novērÅ” nepiecieÅ”amÄ«bu pēc kompromisiem starp mērogojamÄ«bu, droŔību un veiktspēju blokķēdē un Å”ifrÄ“Å”anas telpā. Tas piedāvā izsmalcinātu viedo lÄ«gumu vairāku parakstu maka risinājumu ar pārvaldÄ«bu, noteikumiem un politikas kontroli, kas tiek tieÅ”i ieviesta ķēdē. šŸ’Ŗ

Platforma atbalsta autorizētus, viena paraksta darÄ«jumus, ļaujot tirgotājiem veikt un parakstÄ«t darÄ«jumus mikrosekundēs, novērÅ”ot tradicionālās aizkaves. Turklāt tas ir maka agnostiÄ·is, kas nozÄ«mē, ka jebkurā makā var integrēt noteikumus un atļauju vadÄ«klas, piedāvājot lietotājiem elastÄ«bu, lai pielāgotu savus maku risinājumus.

Volta izpilddirektors Džordžs Melika uzskata, ka Volta Circuit ir jauns standarts darbam ar digitālajiem aktÄ«viem, risinot galvenās problēmas, ar kurām saskaras investori, nodroÅ”inot droŔību, ātrumu un pilnÄ«gu Ä«paÅ”umtiesÄ«bu.

Paredzams, ka DeFi tirgus līdz 2030. gadam sasniegs 446 miljardus ASV dolāru, un Volta Circuit ir gatavs nodroŔināt institucionālajiem investoriem lielāku ātrumu un droŔību nekā jebkad agrāk.

Kādas ir jÅ«su domas par Å”o? Vai jÅ«s domājat, ka Volta Circuit bÅ«s jaunais digitālo lÄ«dzekļu pārvaldÄ«bas standarts? Paziņojiet mums zemāk esoÅ”ajos komentāros! šŸš€šŸ‘‡

Atruna: iekļauti treÅ”o puÅ”u pausti viedokļi. Å Ä« informācija nav uzskatāma par finansiālu padomu. Var bÅ«t iekļauts apmaksāts saturs.Ā Skati lietoÅ”anas noteikumus.
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šŸš€Big news, crypto enthusiasts! QuickSwap's top-rated Web3 podcast, "All Roads Lead to Polygon" (ARLTP), is getting a major makeover! šŸŽ‰ Now known as ā€œThe Aggregated,ā€ the podcast is expanding its scope to include new projects, ecosystems, and emerging on-chain technologies. With a whopping 50,000 to 100,000 listeners per episode, this is one podcast you don't want to miss! šŸŽ§ "The Aggregated" aims to break down tribalistic attitudes and foster collaboration across ALL decentralized ecosystems. It's all about bringing together representatives from various projects to engage in healthy, potentially industry-changing debates. The podcast has played a crucial role in evangelizing the Polygon ecosystem and its high-performance scalability solutions. Now, it's ready to serve the broader Web3 market and beyond! The future looks bright for "The Aggregated." šŸŒŸ It promises to continue delivering the latest news, major developments, and juicy alpha from all corners of the web3 space. The podcast will play an instrumental role in bridging gaps, fostering collaboration, and pushing the boundaries of innovation within the web3 community. Tune in to QuickSwapā€™s ā€œThe Aggregatedā€ every Friday on Twitter at 3pm UTC. If you're interested in becoming a first-time guest on the show, reach out directly to ā€œThe Aggregatedā€ through their official Telegram or Twitter handles for booking: @QuickswapDEX, @MBDMCrypto, or @Panda_QuickSwap. What are your thoughts on this rebranding? Share your opinions in the comments below! Let's get the conversation started! šŸš€šŸŒšŸŽ‰
šŸš€Buckle up, crypto enthusiasts! The political memecoin market is on a rollercoaster ride! Trump's guilty verdict on 34 felony counts has sent shockwaves through this niche market. The FreeTrump token skyrocketed by a whopping 1,019% while others had mixed results. The overall PolitiFi memecoin market cap rose by 15.4%, hitting around $1.8 billion. šŸ“ˆ Not all Trump-related tokens shared the same fate. The Jeo Boden token, for instance, barely budged. This highlights the volatile nature of memecoins and their sensitivity to external events. Despite market growth, some Trump-associated tokens took a hit. The MAGA token, for example, dropped by 16.2%. This reflects the uncertainty surrounding Trump's future and potential implications for his associated memecoins. Trump's conviction has put the spotlight on the political memecoin market, emphasizing its volatility and growth potential. As the market evolves, it'll be intriguing to see how external events impact these tokens' value. Investors, tread carefully! The memecoin market's unpredictable nature can lead to substantial gains or losses. Do your homework and weigh the risks before diving in. The Trump verdict has not only made political history but also left a lasting impact on the world of decentralized finance. As we move forward, it'll be fascinating to see how the memecoin market continues to react to external events and whether it can sustain its growth. What are your thoughts on this? Share in the comments below! šŸ‘‡šŸ—Øļø
šŸš€šŸø Hop on the crypto rollercoaster, folks! PEPE, the meme-based digital token, is making waves, surpassing the combined market value of the top 30 NFT projects! With a whopping market cap of $6.2 billion, PEPE is not just a meme anymore, it's a force to be reckoned with in the crypto space! šŸ“ˆ PEPE's meteoric rise since its launch in April 2023 is nothing short of remarkable. Fueled by a robust community and a unique no-tax policy, PEPE has grown from a market cap of $1.6 billion in May 2023 to its current towering height. šŸ” Comparing PEPE to major NFT projects, the total market value of the top 30 NFT projects stands at just above $4 billion. This shift in market dynamics underscores the growing interest in meme-based tokens as viable investment options. šŸ’Ŗ The power of the community cannot be underestimated. The PEPE community's enthusiasm and support have played a crucial role in driving the token's value. In May 2024 alone, the token added a staggering $4 billion to its market cap, with a 24-hour trading volume of $1.3 billion. šŸ”® The future of PEPE? It's looking bright! However, remember, the crypto market is known for its volatility. The future of PEPE, like any other digital asset, will depend on a variety of factors. šŸŽ‰ PEPE's rise is a testament to the dynamic nature of the crypto market. As the token continues to evolve, it's going to be a wild ride! What are your thoughts on PEPE's rise? Share your thoughts in the comments below! šŸŽ‰
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