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#MarketSentimentToday 85% Altcoins "Iespēju zonā", saka Santiment Santiments atklāja, ka vairāk nekā 85% altkoinu atrodas vēsturiskajā "iespēju zonā". MVRV ierosina, ka lielākajai daļai Altcoins būtu jāatlec Santiments nesenā X rakstā analizēja kriptovalūtu tirgu, izmantojot savu MVRV koeficienta metodoloģiju. Kopējais ķēdes rādītājs ir “tirgus vērtības un realizētās vērtības (MVRV) attiecība”, kas salīdzina Bitcoin tirgus ierobežojumu ar tā realizēto maksimālo apjomu. Tipisks tirgus ierobežojums ir aktīva apgrozībā esošais piedāvājums, kas novērtēts pēc tūlītējās cenas. Tikmēr pēdējais ir ķēdes kapitalizācijas modelis, kas nosaka aktīvu vērtību, pieņemot, ka katras apgrozībā esošās valūtas “patiesā” vērtība ir jaunākā blokķēdes pārskaitījuma cena. Tā kā monētas pēdējais darījums, iespējams, bija pēdējais, tās pašreizējās izmaksas ir tās iepriekšējā cena. Realizētā maksimālā robeža ir katra apgrozībā esošā marķiera izmaksu pamats. Šo modeli var uzskatīt par ieguldītāju kopējās aktīvā ieguldītās naudas mērījumu. Turpretim tirgus kapitalizācija mēra turētāju vērtību. Tā kā MVRV attiecība salīdzina šos divus modeļus, tas var norādīt, vai Bitcoin investoriem pieder vairāk vai mazāk nekā viņu sākotnējais ieguldījums. Visticamāk, ka tops attīstīsies, kad investori gūst lielu peļņu, jo peļņas gūšana var palielināties. Vairums zaudējumu var novest pie tirgus zemākā punkta, jo pārdošanas spiediens mazinās. Santiments izveidoja altcoin “iespēju” un “bīstamības” zonas modeli, pamatojoties uz šiem faktoriem. No šī MVRV modeļa tirgus izskatās kā šī diagramma zemāk. Bitcoin MVRV Šis modelis ievieto monētas bullish iespēju zonā, ja to MVRV novirze ir lielāka par 1. Lācības bīstamo zonu norāda ar vērtību zem -1. Saskaņā ar diagrammu MVRV atšķirības lielākajā daļā tirgus ir iespēju zonā. Analītikas uzņēmums saka, Maka kopējās atdeves tirgus vērtība pret realizēto vērtību (MVRV) 1 mēneša, 3 mēnešu un 6 mēnešu ciklos liecina, ka vairāk nekā 85% no mūsu pārraudzīto aktīvu atrodas vēsturisku iespēju zonā. Saskaņā ar modeli, šis var būt piemērots brīdis, lai iegādātos altcoins. #BTC #ETH #Altcoin


85% Altcoins "Iespēju zonā", saka Santiment

Santiments atklāja, ka vairāk nekā 85% altkoinu atrodas vēsturiskajā "iespēju zonā".

MVRV ierosina, ka lielākajai daļai Altcoins būtu jāatlec

Santiments nesenā X rakstā analizēja kriptovalūtu tirgu, izmantojot savu MVRV koeficienta metodoloģiju. Kopējais ķēdes rādītājs ir “tirgus vērtības un realizētās vērtības (MVRV) attiecība”, kas salīdzina Bitcoin tirgus ierobežojumu ar tā realizēto maksimālo apjomu.

Tipisks tirgus ierobežojums ir aktīva apgrozībā esošais piedāvājums, kas novērtēts pēc tūlītējās cenas. Tikmēr pēdējais ir ķēdes kapitalizācijas modelis, kas nosaka aktīvu vērtību, pieņemot, ka katras apgrozībā esošās valūtas “patiesā” vērtība ir jaunākā blokķēdes pārskaitījuma cena.

Tā kā monētas pēdējais darījums, iespējams, bija pēdējais, tās pašreizējās izmaksas ir tās iepriekšējā cena. Realizētā maksimālā robeža ir katra apgrozībā esošā marķiera izmaksu pamats.

Šo modeli var uzskatīt par ieguldītāju kopējās aktīvā ieguldītās naudas mērījumu. Turpretim tirgus kapitalizācija mēra turētāju vērtību.

Tā kā MVRV attiecība salīdzina šos divus modeļus, tas var norādīt, vai Bitcoin investoriem pieder vairāk vai mazāk nekā viņu sākotnējais ieguldījums.

Visticamāk, ka tops attīstīsies, kad investori gūst lielu peļņu, jo peļņas gūšana var palielināties. Vairums zaudējumu var novest pie tirgus zemākā punkta, jo pārdošanas spiediens mazinās.

Santiments izveidoja altcoin “iespēju” un “bīstamības” zonas modeli, pamatojoties uz šiem faktoriem. No šī MVRV modeļa tirgus izskatās kā šī diagramma zemāk.

Bitcoin MVRV

Šis modelis ievieto monētas bullish iespēju zonā, ja to MVRV novirze ir lielāka par 1. Lācības bīstamo zonu norāda ar vērtību zem -1.

Saskaņā ar diagrammu MVRV atšķirības lielākajā daļā tirgus ir iespēju zonā. Analītikas uzņēmums saka,

Maka kopējās atdeves tirgus vērtība pret realizēto vērtību (MVRV) 1 mēneša, 3 mēnešu un 6 mēnešu ciklos liecina, ka vairāk nekā 85% no mūsu pārraudzīto aktīvu atrodas vēsturisku iespēju zonā.

Saskaņā ar modeli, šis var būt piemērots brīdis, lai iegādātos altcoins.

#BTC #ETH #Altcoin

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💰💰💰As Community Revises Burn Tax, Can Terra LUNA Classic Reach $100? Even if the community changed the token's burn tax, Terra LUNA Classic is falling below its 21DMA. #LUNA After failing to break above its 21DMA for four days, LUNC was trading slightly around $0.0001050. The LUNC burn tax modification didn't raise mood, perhaps because the burn rate stayed at 0.5%. The recently approved proposal altered what happens to burnt tokens. LUNC's Oracle Pool gets 10% of burnt tokens. Previously, 10% went to “rewards”. As the crypto market suffers, Terra LUNC Classic may fall lower. The macro background has hurt crypto prices this month. The latest Core PCE report indicates persistently strong US inflation. It has caused investors to reduce Fed rate decrease wagers. Rising US bond rates and the dollar have hurt cryptocurrencies, like LUNC. Terra LUNA Classic is down 34% this month and 60% from March's $0.00002550 highs. Bearish technicals signal the sell-off may continue. Terra LUNA Classic Price Prediction: LUNC's Future Chat research reveals Terra LUNA Classic bears dominate the market. The 21DMA has been a solid barrier since late March. The Terra LUNA Classic pricing has since fallen. This week, LUNC saw heavy resistance from the March low, which it broke below in mid-April. These are significant evidence of LUNC price cuts. In weeks, April lows just over $0.00007, a 30% decline from present levels, may be retested. May LUNC Reach $100? LUNC might hit $100 if the community burned enough tokens. Assuming LUNC retains its $600 million market worth, $100 would be 6 million tokens. The LUNC token supply exceeds 5.8 trillion. Burn 99.99999% of the token supply to reach 6 million. Market cap growth may minimize the number of token burns needed to reach $100 for LUNC. In May 2022, the Terra environment failed, rendering LUNC useless. $LUNC is become a speculative shitcoin. Random 2-3x pumps may occur as risk appetite rises. However, it is unlikely to become a multi-billion dollar currency. #LUNC may hit $100 #TerraLunaClassic
A Signal to Buy? Bitcoin Facing Pressure, But Whales Own More Than $331 Billion in BTC! The on-chain data reveals something different, even if Bitcoin prices are stuck in a tight range and are struggling to gain momentum. One expert points out that the biggest cryptocurrency holders, known as "whales," are aggressively amassing the coin with the greatest market value, which brings us to X. Bitcoin Extremavors Amassing Wealth Despite Market Decline When this information was made public, Bitcoin whales had 5.1 million BTC, which was worth an incredible $331 billion. That there is still demand when the coin moves in a narrow range flies in the face of recent market weakness and skeptics betting on even more price dumps. The current price of Bitcoin is between $60,000 and $73,800, firmly within a range. Even after the Halving on April 20, the currency has not been able to climb further, failing to breach beyond $70,000 despite general market optimism. Prices may be solid, but the lack of action after April 21 and 22 suggests they are weak. If the price of BTCUSDT were to break over the middle BB, the market may see a dramatic explosion. The coin's momentum may take it to new heights if the recent surge is supported by good underlying developments. When sellers start buying again, however, Bitcoin's price can fall considerably more. A negative signal was given by the strong rejection of bulls on April 24. So, this may trigger a series of lower lows, bringing the currency down to its April 2023 lows or perhaps lower. Fearful Traders Record Massive Losses Two of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in terms of trading volume, Binance and OKX, have seen panic sellers unload 5,137 BTC worth of cryptocurrency at a loss over the last two weeks, according to data from parallel markets. Prices have been swooping downward over this period, according to the statistics, and bulls have been unable to halt the selloff, particularly after two consecutive losses on April 12 and 13. #bitcoinhalving #BTC #Whale $BTC
By April, can BNB reach $700? The race begins! Despite the crypto market's decline, Binance's major cryptocurrency, BNB, has grown. BNB rose 18.4% to $607 after bottoming at $512 on April 17. This extraordinary comeback puts BNB in a strong position for a bullish pennant breakthrough and a higher token price. The current developments surrounding BNB are one reason for its positive outlook. WuBlockchain announced the BNB Foundation's 27th quarterly token burn on Twitter. This burned 1,944,452.51 BNB tokens, worth $1.17 billion. This Foundation staking plan shows their commitment to a deflationary objective that promotes BNB's long-term development and prosperity. According to the BNB price estimate, BNB's technical aspect bodes well. Critical indicators like EMA and DMI indicate a steady rise. BNB has received significant support from the 50-day EMA, and the bullish DMI crossing indicates rising trader confidence. Financial professionals and analysts watch the BNB price chart's pennant formation, a technical pattern linked with strong upward movements. This often leads to an increasing trend that might drive prices higher. BNB might reach $775 if it overcomes this configuration. However, several experts are focusing on whether BNB will break $650 before month's end. Maintaining its current positive trends will be crucial to achieving this goal. Instead, they may be external market movements or supply-related spikes. This may deviate from the trend and delay consolidation. Investors in this circumstance must be vigilant and analyze their trading techniques due to market volatility. Other Binance network upgrades indicate a bright future and entice investors. BNB's rising use in online retail and decentralized banking shows its growing integration into the cryptocurrency and financial scene. Its connection with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and minimal operating and transaction costs make the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) popular among developers. As a result, Ethereum-based dApps have proliferated. #BinanceLaunchpool #BNB $BNB
PEPE Coin rises 50% with whale support—what next? With meme cryptocurrency PEPE rising almost 50% in seven days, the market pullback is welcome. With PEPE at $0.00000738, the bullish trend may continue. This gain is attributed to its loyal investors, notably whales, who have large holdings and have lately increased their stakes. To far, these notable wallet holders have amassed 3.3 trillion PEPE worth $24.3 million in two weeks. The most accurate Pepe price estimate shows their holdings at 46.96 trillion tokens. These players showed their belief in this cryptocurrency's huge potential. In the current upswing, whales' aggressive purchasing has driven the coin's price higher. BC.Game PEPE is mostly interesting since it can turn most pennies into pricey stuff. Their determination has given meme coin the strength to rise. More than 92 trillion PEPE are reaching profitability for their investors, thus this price growth is expected to continue. Over $686 million in supplies was purchased for $0.00000700 to $0.00000890. At $0.00000738 per meme coin, this PEPE supply might be turned for profit. They choose to hold their assets due to the higher return potential and expanding number of investors. Prices will undoubtedly rise further. Keep in mind that PEPE still has several technical issues. After bouncing off a falling wedge pattern, it confronts opposition at $0.00000826, a crucial level that has been a support and resistance zone. This turning moment from opposition to support is crucial. If it succeeds, it will increase the likelihood of profiting from the 92 trillion PEPE and drive the digital asset to test higher resistance levels, notably at $0.00001007, if successful. This stage has 60% growth potential following a wedge pattern breakout. However, these risks must be considered. PEPE may retreat and consider lower support if it fails to break the resistance level. This would set the currency's initial value at $0.00000633, which would significantly damage coin optimism. It might even drop to $0.00000474. #PEPE #Memecoins $PEPE

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