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Signāls pirkšanai? Bitcoin saskaras ar spiedienu, bet vaļiem BTC pieder vairāk nekā 331 miljards USD! Ķēdes dati atklāj kaut ko citu, pat ja Bitcoin cenas ir iestrēgušas šaurā diapazonā un cīnās, lai iegūtu impulsu. Viens eksperts norāda, ka lielākie kriptovalūtu turētāji, kas pazīstami kā "vaļi", agresīvi uzkrāj monētu ar vislielāko tirgus vērtību, kas mūs noved pie X. Bitcoin Extremavors uzkrāj bagātību, neskatoties uz tirgus lejupslīdi Kad šī informācija tika publiskota, Bitcoin vaļiem bija 5,1 miljons BTC, kas bija neticami 331 miljardu ASV dolāru vērtībā. Pieprasījums joprojām pastāv, kad monēta pārvietojas šaurā diapazonā, ņemot vērā neseno tirgus vājumu un skeptiķu derības uz vēl lielāku cenu izgāztuvi. Pašreizējā Bitcoin cena ir no 60 000 līdz 73 800 USD, stingri ievērojot diapazonu. Pat pēc 20. aprīļa uz pusi, valūta nav spējusi kāpt tālāk, nespējot pārsniegt USD 70 000, neskatoties uz vispārējo tirgus optimismu. Cenas var būt stabilas, taču rīcības trūkums pēc 21. un 22. aprīļa liecina, ka tās ir vājas. Ja BTCUSDT cena pārsniegs vidējo BB, tirgus var piedzīvot dramatisku sprādzienu. Monētas impulss var sasniegt jaunus augstumus, ja neseno kāpumu atbalsta labas pamatā esošās norises. Tomēr, kad pārdevēji atkal sāks pirkt, Bitcoin cena var ievērojami samazināties. Negatīvu signālu deva spēcīgā vēršu noraidīšana 24. aprīlī. Tātad tas var izraisīt virkni zemāku minimumu, nolaižot valūtu līdz 2023. gada aprīļa minimumam vai, iespējams, zemākam. Bailīgie tirgotāji reģistrē milzīgus zaudējumus Divas no lielākajām kriptovalūtu biržām tirdzniecības apjoma ziņā, Binance un OKX, ir pieredzējušas, ka pēdējo divu nedēļu laikā panikas pārdevēji ar zaudējumiem izkrāvuši 5137 BTC vērtu kriptovalūtu, liecina dati no paralēlajiem tirgiem. Saskaņā ar statistiku, cenas šajā periodā ir kritušās, un buļļi nav spējuši apturēt izpārdošanu, īpaši pēc diviem secīgiem zaudējumiem 12. un 13. aprīlī. #bitcoinhalving #BTC #Whale $BTC

Signāls pirkšanai? Bitcoin saskaras ar spiedienu, bet vaļiem BTC pieder vairāk nekā 331 miljards USD!

Ķēdes dati atklāj kaut ko citu, pat ja Bitcoin cenas ir iestrēgušas šaurā diapazonā un cīnās, lai iegūtu impulsu. Viens eksperts norāda, ka lielākie kriptovalūtu turētāji, kas pazīstami kā "vaļi", agresīvi uzkrāj monētu ar vislielāko tirgus vērtību, kas mūs noved pie X.

Bitcoin Extremavors uzkrāj bagātību, neskatoties uz tirgus lejupslīdi

Kad šī informācija tika publiskota, Bitcoin vaļiem bija 5,1 miljons BTC, kas bija neticami 331 miljardu ASV dolāru vērtībā. Pieprasījums joprojām pastāv, kad monēta pārvietojas šaurā diapazonā, ņemot vērā neseno tirgus vājumu un skeptiķu derības uz vēl lielāku cenu izgāztuvi.

Pašreizējā Bitcoin cena ir no 60 000 līdz 73 800 USD, stingri ievērojot diapazonu. Pat pēc 20. aprīļa uz pusi, valūta nav spējusi kāpt tālāk, nespējot pārsniegt USD 70 000, neskatoties uz vispārējo tirgus optimismu. Cenas var būt stabilas, taču rīcības trūkums pēc 21. un 22. aprīļa liecina, ka tās ir vājas.

Ja BTCUSDT cena pārsniegs vidējo BB, tirgus var piedzīvot dramatisku sprādzienu. Monētas impulss var sasniegt jaunus augstumus, ja neseno kāpumu atbalsta labas pamatā esošās norises.

Tomēr, kad pārdevēji atkal sāks pirkt, Bitcoin cena var ievērojami samazināties. Negatīvu signālu deva spēcīgā vēršu noraidīšana 24. aprīlī. Tātad tas var izraisīt virkni zemāku minimumu, nolaižot valūtu līdz 2023. gada aprīļa minimumam vai, iespējams, zemākam.

Bailīgie tirgotāji reģistrē milzīgus zaudējumus

Divas no lielākajām kriptovalūtu biržām tirdzniecības apjoma ziņā, Binance un OKX, ir pieredzējušas, ka pēdējo divu nedēļu laikā panikas pārdevēji ar zaudējumiem izkrāvuši 5137 BTC vērtu kriptovalūtu, liecina dati no paralēlajiem tirgiem. Saskaņā ar statistiku, cenas šajā periodā ir kritušās, un buļļi nav spējuši apturēt izpārdošanu, īpaši pēc diviem secīgiem zaudējumiem 12. un 13. aprīlī.

#bitcoinhalving #BTC #Whale $BTC

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🚀🚀🚀Notcoin (NOT) hit a new all-time high  with a market worth of $2.1 billion🚀🚀🚀 June 2nd marked the new all-time high for the token The current market capitalization of NOT is more over $2.1 billion. The Notcoin team announced yesterday via X that on June 2, the token's volume made it to the top two on Binance, OKEx, and Bybit. Additionally, the team expressed their gratitude for the merchants' and believers' active participation in the project, assuring users that they are part of something really historic. Users with levels may unstake whenever they choose, with no locks or penalties, according to the Notcoin developers. They pointed out that this was the case from the start, and that Notcoin gives users an option. There has been about $4.3 billion worth of NOT traded today. "The beginning of the story, which is your story" will be in 2024, according to the Notcoin team, who also restated a statement they sent on December 29, 2023. Just a few hours ago, Notcoin also announced that the Airdrop Phase 1 is live and that users may view their allocation by connecting with their wallets. The group also made notice of the fact that the levels of NOT are activity-dependent. Do you know what Notcoin (NOT) is? The original Notcoin was a clicker game on Telegram that brought millions of people into the Web3 platform by use of a tap-to-earn mining mechanism. The NOT token powers the whole Notcoin ecosystem and is community-driven, allowing people to join the project. In the Notcoin ecosystem, community empowerment and fair distribution are key concepts. Users have the power to influence the trajectory of the project. #Notcoin #NOT #altcoins $NOT @The Notcoin Official
In the near future, there will be a bullish wave that will cause altcoins to rebound. The upward price movement of Bitcoin will definitely affect altcoins. At the weekend's conclusion, there will be a significant macroeconomic event to keep an eye on: nonfarm payrolls. Potentially reviving in the run-up to Apple's announcement next week are AI cryptocurrencies. The stabilization of Bitcoin's (BTC) price and the illogical directional bias in the movements of other cryptocurrencies last week were both disappointing. The majority of cryptocurrencies either trended steadily or fell, while a few had sudden, bullish movements. Bitcoin might lead to the "destruction of fiat currency" (read more about it here). The week will be defined by Bitcoin The whole cryptocurrency market might benefit from this optimistic outlook, as Bitcoin is now up 1.26 percent in the Asian session. The $63,000 support level, nevertheless, is crucial, as mentioned in an earlier post. The greatest volume traded price level has moved from $63,000 to $67,700, making it a crucial support level, as a result of the consolidation seen over the previous two weeks. So, as altcoins follow Bitcoin's positive lead, they may soon feel relief. Week in cryptocurrency and macroeconomics About €3.5 million was spent on Dusk (DUSK). Offering of Bonds Minecoin (MINA) Protocol Berkeley Update The V17 Upgrade for Cosmos (ATOM) on June 7 Altcoins Spotlight: Nonfarm Payrolls (NFP) @ 12:30 PM GMT It is possible that DUSK, MINA, and ATOM may see more volatility and liquidity as a result of the forthcoming events. Along with these alternative cryptocurrencies, (FET) and Render (RNDR) also have significant events coming up next week, which might lead to a preemptive rise. Arweave (AR) is no different; this can cause a shift in Filecoin, its modern storage token sector (FIL). Also, Gala and The Sandbox could be prompted to take action by the forthcoming Chiliz (CHZ) event, which is known to shake up the gaming industry. #altcoins #ETHETFsApproved #btc70k #NFP $NFP
Solana (SOL) might overcome key resistance and spark a new increase Another slide saw Solana test $160 support. SOL is consolidating and may rebound if it breaks $166 resistance. SOL price fell and touched $160 vs the US Dollar. The price is below $168 and the 100-hour SMA. On the hourly SOL/USD chart, a negative trend line connects to $165 barrier. If it stays over $160, the pair might break $166 barrier. Solana Price Wants Recover Solana, like Bitcoin and Ethereum, was negative short-term. SOL consolidating losses after testing $160 support. It stays below $165. A small rise over the 23.6% Fib retracement level of the slide from $170 swing high to $161.50 low occurred. Solana has fallen below $166 and the 100-hourly SMA. Resistance near $165 is immediate. BitStarz Player Wins $2,459,124 Record! Could you win big next? Play Now! On the hourly SOL/USD chart, a negative trend line connects to $165 barrier. Near $166 is the next significant resistance. Close over $166 barrier might trigger another large surge. Solana Price Source: SOLUSD The 61.8% Fib retracement level of the decline from the $170 swing high to the $161.50 low is $168, the next significant barrier. More advances might push the price toward $172. More SOL losses? SOL might fall again if it fails to break $166 resistance. The downside has first support at $162. First key support is at $160, below which the price might touch $155. If the stock closes below $155, it may fall toward $150. Tech Indicators Hourly MACD - SOL/USD MACD is falling in the negative zone. Hourly RSI – RSI for SOL/USD is below 50. Major Support Levels: $162, $160. Key Resistance Levels: $166, $168, $172. #Sol #Solana #altcoins #btc70k $SOL
Bull Flag and MACD Indicators Point to Possible Record High Price of Bitcoin (BTC) on the Rise Predictions of On-Chain Data and Trader Sentiment for Months of Consolidation Point to an Upcoming Bitcoin Price Surge If on-chain research is correct, Bitcoin (BTC) could be preparing to reclaim its record highs from March. Bull flags and the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicator both point to possible price strength for Bitcoin. According to on-chain data analysis, Bitcoin's price movement is currently reflecting its performance in mid-February, suggesting that it may repeat its record-breaking highs from March. Metric that Reechoes Previous Run-Up on the Chain After a crucial on-chain signal went green earlier this year, Bitcoin reached fresh all-time highs in less than a month. It seems like the same trend is happening right now, which might mean that Bitcoin's price is going to go up. Here we are talking about the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicator. After a "red" stretch that began in early April, the MACD, a measure of trend strength, is now creating positive bars on three-day timescales. Also, the price of Bitcoin is forming a bull flag pattern as it consolidates. Bitcoin hit fresh all-time highs in a matter of weeks the previous time this pattern aligned with green MACD bars. Analysis and Forecasts of the Market Market watchers following the continuing Bitcoin bull market have been keeping a careful eye on the three-day MACD. Following a dip into "red" zone at the end of December, market volatility ensued as a result of the launch of spot Bitcoin ETFs in the US. Some experts are predicting that Bitcoin will stay rangebound for at least another week or two, even though the price has been consolidating below its March highs for over three months. But this hasn't stopped many from making ambitious Bitcoin price projections, such as the $150,000 goal set by research company Fundstrat Global Advisors for 2024. #btc70k #BlackRock $BTC #StartInvestingInCrypto
🚀🚀🚀🚀Notcoin (NOT) Tops Market Gainers With 70% Daily Profit The popular play-to-earn token Notcoin (NOT) has continued to wow investors this week with its market performance. According to CoinMarketCap, Notcoin gained 70% in the previous day, making it the top-performing asset. 💰💰💰Notcoin Gains 258% Weekly Notcoin's spectacular growth, which signals considerable purchasing pressure, has drawn attention from observers, experts, and potential investors as the crypto market remains steady. In November 2023, the Open Builders and Open Network (TON) Foundation launched the crypto gaming project in closed beta. Due to its simple gameplay and intentional integration with Telegram, Notcoin swiftly gained millions of users after its January 2024 debut. This play-to-earn game rewards players with NOT coins for touching a virtual gold coin and completing easy tasks. Recently, Notcoin added “earnings missions” to passively stack NOT tokens. Since its airdrop on May 16, the NOT cryptocurrency has shown both sides of crypto market volatility. From $0.012 to $0.0050 after this release, Notcoin fell almost 60%. In the previous week, the token gained 237.70% to $0.02411, a record high. Notcoin's market valuation has climbed from $526.77 million to $1.81 billion, placing it among the top sixty cryptocurrencies. 👉👉Next for Notcoin? Not trades at $0.01735 at press time after CoinMarketCap reported a 155.57% increase in daily trading volume. Coincodex predicts a 72 Fear & Greed Index for Notcoin, indicating optimistic sentiment. Coincodex expects the play-to-earn cryptocurrency will climb $0.054 in five and thirty days with bulls in charge. On the token's 4-hour trade chart, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) is overbought, suggesting a trend reversal and the conclusion of the bull trend. #Notcoin #NOT @The Notcoin Official $NOT
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