Binance Square
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$MANEKI JAUNĀKĀS SOLANA MEME SENSĀCIJAS VEIDO VIĻŅUS ...🔥🔥🔥 NEPALAIDI ŠO...😱😱 No Warrior Cats' Dreams, Where Shadows Fall, $MANEKI Neko atbild uz viņu aicinājumu. Jaunā Solana Meme Sensation $MANEKI šobrīd ir aktuāla pilsēta ar ļoti iespaidīgu Run ... $SOL Vietējā kaķa monēta $ MANEKI, kas pazīstams kā japāņu aicinošais kaķis, ir leģendārs līderis ar laikmetu gudrību un spēku nest laimi tiem, kas pulcējas zem tās karoga ... tas ir veiksmes, veiksmes, labklājības simbols, Gudrība un vadība. Tokenomika Kopējais piedāvājums 8 888 888 888 $ MANEKI 10% piešķirti AIRDROPS.. Pašreizējā cena 0,0262 USD Tirgus vērtība 243 miljoni USD ATH 0,027 ASV dolāri Pašlaik Solana 1. un 2. nodaļas turētāji iegūst lielisku daļu kā gaisa pilienu ... Nepalaidiet garām šo foršo kaķi, šķiet, ka šis kaķis vadīs kaķu tēmas mēmus pret parastajiem aizdomās turamajiem suņiem.... pieejams vadošajos solana DEX un lielākajos CEX... DYOR/ NFA



No Warrior Cats' Dreams, Where Shadows Fall, $MANEKI Neko atbild uz viņu aicinājumu.

Jaunā Solana Meme Sensation $MANEKI šobrīd ir aktuāla pilsēta ar ļoti iespaidīgu Run ...

$SOL Vietējā kaķa monēta $ MANEKI, kas pazīstams kā japāņu aicinošais kaķis, ir leģendārs līderis ar laikmetu gudrību un spēku nest laimi tiem, kas pulcējas zem tās karoga ... tas ir veiksmes, veiksmes, labklājības simbols, Gudrība un vadība.


Kopējais piedāvājums 8 888 888 888 $ MANEKI

10% piešķirti AIRDROPS..

Pašreizējā cena 0,0262 USD

Tirgus vērtība 243 miljoni USD

ATH 0,027 ASV dolāri

Pašlaik Solana 1. un 2. nodaļas turētāji iegūst lielisku daļu kā gaisa pilienu ...

Nepalaidiet garām šo foršo kaķi, šķiet, ka šis kaķis vadīs kaķu tēmas mēmus pret parastajiem aizdomās turamajiem suņiem....

pieejams vadošajos solana DEX un lielākajos CEX...


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Reģistrējies, lai iegūtu iespēju nopelnīt atlīdzību 100 USDT vērtībā!
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ZKasino Rugpull SAGA… #Binance helps to secure Millions of Euros.. More than 11 million euros seized and man arrested in investigation into gambling platform scam.. On Monday 29th of April, the FIOD arrested a 26-year-old man who is suspected of fraud, embezzlement and money laundering. The investigation focuses on a large-scale scam surrounding the alleged gambling platform ZKasino. On this gambling platform, more than 30 million US dollars in crypto currency has been invested by victims worldwide.  In the investigation, a house was searched and digital data carriers were seized. Over 11,4 million euros worth of various assets, including real estate, a luxury car and various crypto currencies were seized. The suspected was brought before a magistrate and his detention was extended by fourteen days for investigative purposes.  The criminal investigations started on the 25th of April, following reports on platform X (previously twitter) and information from intelligence departments of the FIOD. ZKasino presented itself as a gambling platform and blockchain casino. Investors were led to believe that they would get their investments back within 30 days. That did not happen. The smart contract was set up in such a technical way that suggests that this return was not intended. This could indicate a modus operandi called rug pull (see box text). During the investigation the FIOD worked closely with staff from the Financial Crime Compliance and Investigations Team of cryptocurrency exchange #Binance , which helped secure millions of euros in cryptocurrencies.  The FIOD's investigation team, together with the Office of the Public Prosecutor, has been conducting digital financial investigations during the last days. In the process, they managed to get in touch with those involved in this scam. In order to return the millions that were deposited by the victims, it is technically necessary for the people involved in this fraud to cooperate. Therefore, this has been explicitly communicated to them. More arrests are not ruled out. 

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