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XRP samazinās trešo dienu pēc kārtas līdz 0,52 USD Ripple ceturtdien samazinās līdz 0,52 $, iznīcinot iknedēļas pieaugumu. Kripto eksperts jautā Ripple CTO, kā stablecoin uzlabotu XRP Ledger un vietējo marķieri. Advokāts Bils Morgans brīdina tirgus dalībniekus par tiesas prāvas, kas aizliedz ODL XRP, sekām. Ripple (XRP) ceturtdien nokritās zem 0,52 USD, dzēšot visus šīs nedēļas ieguvumus. Kripto profesionāļi ir nobažījušies par Ripple SVP Ērika van Miltenburga viedokli par stabilo monētu un to, kā tas palīdzētu XRP virsgrāmatai un vietējam marķierim XRP. Kopš otrdienas XRP ir samazinājies pēc Ripple atbildes uz SEC 2 miljardu ASV dolāru soda pieprasījumu. XRP zaudēja pirmdienas peļņu pēc tam, kad īpašnieki bija sagremojuši Ripple paziņojumu par stabilām monētām un atbildi uz SEC 2 miljardu dolāru soda pieprasījumu. SVP informēja Digital Frontier, ka Ripple laidīs klajā savu stabilo monētu XRP virsgrāmatā, "kas galu galā nāks par labu ekosistēmai." Daudzstūris parāda, kā stabilās monētas palielināja kopējo vērtību bloķēto (TVL) un ķēdes uzticību, atbalstot Miltenburgas apgalvojumu. Jums vajadzētu uztraukties. Plašs pastāvīgs rīkojums, kas neļauj Ripple ODL vai ODL izmantot XRP, ir kaitīgs XRP un XRPL ekosistēmai. Stabilas monētas debija un atbilde uz SEC 2 miljardu dolāru soda pieprasījumu ir lielākais tirgus virzītājspēks XRP investoriem. Tā kā BTC/USDT paliek neaktīvs, XRP ceturtdien tirgojas ar USD 0,5271. Piecas dienas pēc BTC samazinājuma uz pusi, aktīvs četras reizes nesasniedza 67 000 USD. XRP un citas nozīmīgas kriptovalūtas ietekmē bitkoinu cenas. Pāris XRP/USDT ar 0,52 $ ir samazinājis iknedēļas pieaugumu, salīdzinot ar 0,55 $ pirmdien. Neskatoties uz kritumu, XRP ir aptuveni par 25% augstāks nekā tā zemākais līmenis YTD 13. aprīlī — USD 0,4188. XRP cena var pieaugt līdz USD 0,60, ja tā pārsniegs 50% Fibonacci retracement līniju par USD 0,5310 no 9. līdz 13. aprīļa sabrukumam. Šis līmenis ir psiholoģiski nozīmīgs XRP tirgotājiem. XRP kāpumu atbalsta bullish MACD indikators. Šķērsojums virs signāla līnijas arī liecina par labu XRP. Šonedēļ 21. aprīļa zemākais līmenis 0,5183 USD ir sniedzis izšķirošu atbalstu. #BTC #ETH #XRP $XRP

XRP samazinās trešo dienu pēc kārtas līdz 0,52 USD

Ripple ceturtdien samazinās līdz 0,52 $, iznīcinot iknedēļas pieaugumu.

Kripto eksperts jautā Ripple CTO, kā stablecoin uzlabotu XRP Ledger un vietējo marķieri.

Advokāts Bils Morgans brīdina tirgus dalībniekus par tiesas prāvas, kas aizliedz ODL XRP, sekām.

Ripple (XRP) ceturtdien nokritās zem 0,52 USD, dzēšot visus šīs nedēļas ieguvumus. Kripto profesionāļi ir nobažījušies par Ripple SVP Ērika van Miltenburga viedokli par stabilo monētu un to, kā tas palīdzētu XRP virsgrāmatai un vietējam marķierim XRP.

Kopš otrdienas XRP ir samazinājies pēc Ripple atbildes uz SEC 2 miljardu ASV dolāru soda pieprasījumu.

XRP zaudēja pirmdienas peļņu pēc tam, kad īpašnieki bija sagremojuši Ripple paziņojumu par stabilām monētām un atbildi uz SEC 2 miljardu dolāru soda pieprasījumu.

SVP informēja Digital Frontier, ka Ripple laidīs klajā savu stabilo monētu XRP virsgrāmatā, "kas galu galā nāks par labu ekosistēmai." Daudzstūris parāda, kā stabilās monētas palielināja kopējo vērtību bloķēto (TVL) un ķēdes uzticību, atbalstot Miltenburgas apgalvojumu.

Jums vajadzētu uztraukties. Plašs pastāvīgs rīkojums, kas neļauj Ripple ODL vai ODL izmantot XRP, ir kaitīgs XRP un XRPL ekosistēmai.

Stabilas monētas debija un atbilde uz SEC 2 miljardu dolāru soda pieprasījumu ir lielākais tirgus virzītājspēks XRP investoriem.

Tā kā BTC/USDT paliek neaktīvs, XRP ceturtdien tirgojas ar USD 0,5271. Piecas dienas pēc BTC samazinājuma uz pusi, aktīvs četras reizes nesasniedza 67 000 USD. XRP un citas nozīmīgas kriptovalūtas ietekmē bitkoinu cenas.

Pāris XRP/USDT ar 0,52 $ ir samazinājis iknedēļas pieaugumu, salīdzinot ar 0,55 $ pirmdien. Neskatoties uz kritumu, XRP ir aptuveni par 25% augstāks nekā tā zemākais līmenis YTD 13. aprīlī — USD 0,4188.

XRP cena var pieaugt līdz USD 0,60, ja tā pārsniegs 50% Fibonacci retracement līniju par USD 0,5310 no 9. līdz 13. aprīļa sabrukumam. Šis līmenis ir psiholoģiski nozīmīgs XRP tirgotājiem.

XRP kāpumu atbalsta bullish MACD indikators. Šķērsojums virs signāla līnijas arī liecina par labu XRP.

Šonedēļ 21. aprīļa zemākais līmenis 0,5183 USD ir sniedzis izšķirošu atbalstu.


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Crypto Trader: Best Altseason Since 2017 Unfolds as Bitcoin Price Slows Bitcoin (BTC) and altcoins recovered beyond $64,000 before the April 28 weekly closure. The monthly BTC/USD chart seems hopeful despite the stabilization below the previous cycle's all-time highs. Bitcoin rose beyond $64,000 before the weekly closure on April 28 over the weekend. This time saw altcoins rebound. Altcoins and Bitcoin Gain Momentum Bitcoin recovered from weekly lows of $62,400 to $63,500. In out-of-hours trading, cryptocurrencies gained 1% in market cap. Renowned trader Skew observed that cryptocurrencies have rebounded but must break the weekly high trend of Monday to Tuesday. He also claimed sell-side pressure may limit Bitcoin's growth. Expecting a ‘Altseason’ Trader and analyst Moustache predicted a full-fledged "altseason" that might match anything seen since the market's 2017 peak. He said the biggest stablecoin Tether (USDT) trying to recoup after falling below a rising trendline this year was a “backtest”. Altcoins grow when Tether's influence declines. Moustache said the “biggest Altseason since 2017 is loading”. Some traders await conventional finance trading, such as Bitcoin futures, to gauge the crypto market's direction. Trader Daan Crypto Trades said weekend price activity was encouraging but doubted Bitcoin would rise till the CME reopens. Bitcoin has been consolidating in a range below the previous cycle's all-time highs, but not all traders are dissatisfied. Trader Alan Tardigrade noted that Bitcoin is staying above the Triangle Top on the monthly chart, a positive indicator. He believed a lengthy Bull Run requires consolidation. Tardigrade suggested similarities between Bitcoin and the 2013 Nasdaq Composite Index (IXIC) pre-breakout timeframe. #Altseason #bitcoin #BTC
User access to #Terraform Labs will be severely limited in the United States after a recent verdict in an SEC complaint As a result of the SEC's request to limit the business's activities, Terraform Labs alerted users that the court may compel the firm to discontinue certain operations. Some goods and services offered by TFL will be inaccessible to consumers in the US. On Monday, the price of LUNA dropped 2.25 percent. On Thursday, blockchain startup Terraform Labs said that it would limit access to some services and products for users in the United States. The move comes as the business prepares for a court ruling in its ongoing legal fight with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Users in the United States will be unable to access Terraform Labs. A recent tweet on X announced that Terraform Labs is making modifications to its business. In certain regions, the company has announced changes to active liquidity provisioning and product access via Terraform Labs (TFL). In 2022, the Terra ecosystem collapsed due to the LUNA-UST sibling coins and UST depegging, costing $40 billion. As a result, the SEC filed enforcement charges against Terraform Labs and its creator, Do Kwon, requesting a New York court to punish the company $5.3 billion. A "conduct injunction," which would require TFL to stop part of its operations, is something the company has mentioned as a possible outcome. In anticipation of this, Terraform Labs will next week limit access to some products and services for customers in the United States. According to TFL, the company is opposed to geoblocking but feels it has no other option in this situation. The corporation assured that open source initiatives like Alliance and the Terra blockchain will be unaffected by the changes. To comply with the court's order, the company will also begin liquidating its holdings on April 26. As of this writing, one LUNA is trading hands for $0.6345, representing a 2.25% decrease this week. #LUNA #LUNC $LUNC
💰💰💰Computers Predict Bitcoin's Massive Price Explosion to $80,000💰💰💰 The value of Bitcoin has remained stagnant for the last seven days, refusing to budge from its steadfast support at $64,000. Because of the market's lack of volatility, many investors are confused about what to do next. A top blockchain analytics company, CryptoQuant, has created a deep learning model that has introduced an unexpected twist. A large price spike for Bitcoin is on the horizon, according to the model, which was trained on a large dataset of past price movements and on-chain activity. The research suggests that Bitcoin may reach a new ATH (all-time high) by crossing the $77,000 level in the next 30 days. The AI Vision is Backed by Bullish Metrics Although the AI's projection is intriguing, some experts are choosing to be patient. They provide a number of positive indicators that are consistent with the model's prediction. Bitcoin may be undervalued due to the sharp decline in the network-to-value (NVT) ratio, a measure used to determine an asset's relative worth. Furthermore, there has been a decline in exchange reserves, which suggests that selling pressure has decreased. In conjunction with the model's forecast, these elements suggest that Bitcoin's near-term prospects might be bright. Nevertheless, doubt lingers like a shadow. The cryptocurrency market's investor mood gauge, the Fear and Greed Index, is now squarely in the "greed" camp. Market corrections have often followed eras of great greed throughout history. The present price stalemate may not be the beginning of a boom, but rather an indication of an overheated market ready for a correction, according to these fears. Containment Prior to Possible Explosion? The daily chart of Bitcoin, when analyzed technically, shows even more intricacies. A critical indication of short-term momentum, the price has failed on many occasions to break above its 20-day Simple Moving Average (SMA). #bitcoinhalving #bitcoin #BTC $BTC
Analyst a 700% Increase to $4 in 💰💰XRP💰💰 Value, According to Analysts, and Here's When Despite bulls' struggles to boost XRP, positive expectations are returning. One optimistic prediction is a massive price surge by a bitcoin analyst. According to the analyst's social media post, XRP might reach $4 over time. Over the last several days, XRP has fallen somewhat as the crypto market consolidates. Many of XRP's ardent fans have been disappointed this year, especially because it has failed to hit $1 as many experts projected. Coinmarketcap says XRP is trading around $0.51 after retesting $0.435 on April 13. Analyst expects this to change shortly. An analyst with a strong view of XRP recently remarked that the current price movement resembles the 2021 rise that saw it breach $1.8. Analyst arranged the price projection into blue and yellow areas that mirrored 2021 price trend. The blue area shows a limited price trend that predicts XRP might reach $1.4 by June or July, with a range of $1.2 to $1.8. Yellow represents a positive price trend. If XRP continues 2021's yellow sector, it might hit $4 by June or July, according to the expert. An XRP price spike to $4 would set a new record. Next for XRP? Analyst is one of several crypto experts that believe XRP will rise. He still expects XRP to reach $27 in the long run. XRP is now at $0.5148, down 16.8% in 30 days. In less than three months, bulls must boost the coin 677% to hit $4 in July. The volatility nature of cryptocurrencies implies this price surge is feasible, although current market dynamics imply moderate XRP price increases. On-chain data suggest XRP may be becoming bullish. Recently, XRP wallets containing at least 1 million coins have increased, which may indicate a price increase. #Ripple #XRP $XRP #BullorBear
#MarketSentimentToday In May, $SHIB Should Reach New ATH Changelly predicted Shiba Inu's price from May to End of 2024 on Wednesday, April 24. Shiba Inu fell 14.06% after reaching record highs of $0.00004, according to CoinMarketCap. Changelly analysts expect Shiba Inu prices to surpass all-time highs next month. They forecast the cryptocurrency to rise slowly to $0.000312 in April before exploding to $0.000087 by May. Changelly expects May Shiba Inu prices to average $0.000034 and drop to $0.0000061. Analysts say Shiba Inu has been rising 22.22% in recent days due to good pricing fundamentals. The cryptocurrency dropped sharply in March due to declining demand for meme coins. Changelly expects Shiba Inu to climb 11.97% by April 26, 2024. According to CoinMarketCap, the coin is trading at $0.000025, up 1.35% in 24 hours and 12.58% in 7 days. Changelly boldly stated that Shiba Inu may become a “solid asset” in the volatile cryptocurrency industry if it breaks adverse trends and rises to projected levels. Price Will Fall After Bullish Surge Due to price swings, Changelly expects Shiba Inu to fall after its positive price projection in May. Crypto exchange analysts expect a June decrease of $0.00005, with a low of $0.000024 and a high of $0.000075. Shiba Inu may fall to $0.000025 by July 2024. From August to October, Shiba Inu prices are expected to rise to over $0.00008. Changelly has warned that the cryptocurrency may plummet in December despite its positive forecast. Shiba Inu may reach new lows of $0.000014 on average, with a minimum and highest trading value of $0.000014 and $0.000013. #SHIB #Memecoins #BTC

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