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Analītiķis — 700 % pieaugums līdz 4 ASV dolāriem 💰💰XRP💰💰 vērtība, saskaņā ar analītiķu informāciju, un šeit ir kad Neskatoties uz vēršu pūlēm, lai palielinātu XRP, pozitīvas cerības atgriežas. Viena optimistiska prognoze ir milzīgs cenu pieaugums, ko veicis bitcoin analītiķis. Saskaņā ar analītiķa sociālo mediju ierakstu XRP laika gaitā var sasniegt 4 USD. Pēdējo dažu dienu laikā XRP ir nedaudz samazinājies, jo konsolidējas kriptovalūtu tirgus. Daudzi XRP dedzīgie fani šogad ir vīlušies, jo īpaši tāpēc, ka tai nav izdevies sasniegt USD 1, kā prognozēja daudzi eksperti. Coinmarketcap saka, ka XRP tirdzniecība ir aptuveni USD 0,51 pēc atkārtotas pārbaudes USD 0,435 13. aprīlī. Analītiķis sagaida, ka tas drīz mainīsies. Kāds analītiķis ar stingru viedokli par XRP nesen atzīmēja, ka pašreizējā cenu kustība atgādina 2021. gada kāpumu, kad tas pārsniedza 1,8 USD. Analītiķis cenu prognozi sakārtoja zilos un dzeltenos apgabalos, kas atspoguļoja 2021. gada cenu tendenci. Zilajā apgabalā ir redzama ierobežota cenu tendence, kas paredz, ka XRP jūnijā vai jūlijā varētu sasniegt 1,4 ASV dolārus ar diapazonu no 1,2 līdz 1,8 ASV dolāriem. Dzeltenā krāsa norāda uz pozitīvu cenu tendenci. Pēc eksperta domām, ja XRP turpinās 2021. gada dzelteno sektoru, jūnijā vai jūlijā tas varētu sasniegt USD 4. XRP cenas pieaugums līdz 4 USD uzstādītu jaunu rekordu. Nākamais XRP? Analītiķis ir viens no vairākiem kriptovalūtu ekspertiem, kuri uzskata, ka XRP pieaugs. Viņš joprojām sagaida, ka XRP ilgtermiņā sasniegs 27 USD. XRP tagad ir USD 0,5148, kas 30 dienu laikā ir samazinājies par 16,8%. Mazāk nekā trīs mēnešu laikā buļļiem monētas vērtība jāpalielina par 677%, lai jūlijā sasniegtu 4 USD. Kriptovalūtu svārstīgums nozīmē, ka šis cenu pieaugums ir iespējams, lai gan pašreizējā tirgus dinamika liecina par mērenu XRP cenu pieaugumu. Ķēdes dati liecina, ka XRP var kļūt lāgā. Pēdējā laikā ir pieaudzis XRP maki, kuros ir vismaz 1 miljons monētu, kas var liecināt par cenas pieaugumu. #Ripple #XRP $XRP #BullorBear

Analītiķis — 700 % pieaugums līdz 4 ASV dolāriem 💰💰XRP💰💰 vērtība, saskaņā ar analītiķu informāciju, un šeit ir kad

Neskatoties uz vēršu pūlēm, lai palielinātu XRP, pozitīvas cerības atgriežas. Viena optimistiska prognoze ir milzīgs cenu pieaugums, ko veicis bitcoin analītiķis. Saskaņā ar analītiķa sociālo mediju ierakstu XRP laika gaitā var sasniegt 4 USD.

Pēdējo dažu dienu laikā XRP ir nedaudz samazinājies, jo konsolidējas kriptovalūtu tirgus. Daudzi XRP dedzīgie fani šogad ir vīlušies, jo īpaši tāpēc, ka tai nav izdevies sasniegt USD 1, kā prognozēja daudzi eksperti.

Coinmarketcap saka, ka XRP tirdzniecība ir aptuveni USD 0,51 pēc atkārtotas pārbaudes USD 0,435 13. aprīlī. Analītiķis sagaida, ka tas drīz mainīsies.

Kāds analītiķis ar stingru viedokli par XRP nesen atzīmēja, ka pašreizējā cenu kustība atgādina 2021. gada kāpumu, kad tas pārsniedza 1,8 USD. Analītiķis cenu prognozi sakārtoja zilos un dzeltenos apgabalos, kas atspoguļoja 2021. gada cenu tendenci.

Zilajā apgabalā ir redzama ierobežota cenu tendence, kas paredz, ka XRP jūnijā vai jūlijā varētu sasniegt 1,4 ASV dolārus ar diapazonu no 1,2 līdz 1,8 ASV dolāriem. Dzeltenā krāsa norāda uz pozitīvu cenu tendenci. Pēc eksperta domām, ja XRP turpinās 2021. gada dzelteno sektoru, jūnijā vai jūlijā tas varētu sasniegt USD 4. XRP cenas pieaugums līdz 4 USD uzstādītu jaunu rekordu.

Nākamais XRP?

Analītiķis ir viens no vairākiem kriptovalūtu ekspertiem, kuri uzskata, ka XRP pieaugs. Viņš joprojām sagaida, ka XRP ilgtermiņā sasniegs 27 USD. XRP tagad ir USD 0,5148, kas 30 dienu laikā ir samazinājies par 16,8%.

Mazāk nekā trīs mēnešu laikā buļļiem monētas vērtība jāpalielina par 677%, lai jūlijā sasniegtu 4 USD. Kriptovalūtu svārstīgums nozīmē, ka šis cenu pieaugums ir iespējams, lai gan pašreizējā tirgus dinamika liecina par mērenu XRP cenu pieaugumu.

Ķēdes dati liecina, ka XRP var kļūt lāgā. Pēdējā laikā ir pieaudzis XRP maki, kuros ir vismaz 1 miljons monētu, kas var liecināt par cenas pieaugumu.

#Ripple #XRP $XRP #BullorBear

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The Binance token is 10% from a new all-time high—should you buy? Today, the BNB price fell 1.5% to $610.69, remaining 10% below its all-time high of $686. BNB achieved this record high in May 2021, but with Ethereum ETF prospects boosting the market, it might set a new high in the coming days. The alt is up 5% in a week and 95% in a year, and Binance is the largest crypto-exchange by volume, so demand is certain to continue. ETH ETF approvals today might spark another rise for BNB, and rate cuts could push it much higher by 2024. Today's decrease may disappoint traders who anticipated the gains of the last two days to continue, but it puts them in a strong position to purchase BNB at a discount before it may return today and over the weekend. A relative strength indicator (purple) below 50 this morning suggests the market is overselling BNB, indicating a cheap price. Chart for BNB. From TradingView BNB's 30-day moving average (orange) is falling toward the 200-day (blue), indicating weakening. Since it had recently crossed above the longer-term average, it may rise again soon since the currency looks to be in a medium-term growth phase. BNB's 24-hour trading volume, at $1 billion, is double from two days before, which is positive. This means that traders will rush in to purchase the token's decline, which will be minimal. As said, the market awaits the SEC's judgment on multiple spot-based Ethereum ETF applications. Many anticipate the SEC to approve the ETFs filed by VanEck and ARK Investments/21Shares. If so, BNB and other major alts will rise, including ETH. As the largest cryptocurrency exchange, Binance will profit from rising demand. While Binance faces regulatory obstacles in Nigeria and abroad, its position remains solid. The currency may hit $650 in the coming weeks as BNB prices rise. #BinanceLaunchpool #BNB #altcoins #buythedip $BNB
💰💰💰💰ETH purchasing may rise 60% with ETF approval💰💰💰💰💰 The U.S. approval of spot ether ETFs might boost the token's value, similar to bitcoin ETFs. Bitcoin rose to over $73,000 from $42,000 in the two weeks after the ETF started trading on Jan. 11 "With Friday implied volatility above 100%, the market is expecting fireworks," warned QCP. The DTCC listed VanEck's ETF. We believe clearance is imminent, with trade anticipated next week.” Implied volatility quantifies the market's prediction of financial instrument price changes. On-chain analytics company CryptoQuant said Wednesday that centralized and blockchain-based crypto exchanges saw more buying. Holders acquired over 100,000 ETH in spot exchanges on Tuesday, the largest day volume since September 2023, as word of a positive ruling spread and experts raised probabilities to above 75% from 25%. Wednesday saw the greatest daily ether influx since September at 100,000. (CryptoQuant) Open interest on ether-tracked futures reached a record $14 billion. That's 67% of bitcoin open interest on Wednesday, extraordinarily high. The Chicago Mercantile Exchange, preferred by institutions, saw ether futures trade a record $2.85 billion on Tuesday, according to a spokeswoman. Ether options exchanged a record 1,135 contracts ($216 million). CryptoQuant said that traders are now exposed to ETH more than Bitcoin. "The largest daily spot buying from ETH permanent holders so far in 2024." It claimed investors contributed 62,000 ETH to exchanges, the largest since early March, which might affect ether prices. “High exchange flows usually cause price volatility.” The firm's analysts predicted a “significant price correction” if the ETF proposal is rejected. Six issuers, including BlackRock, amended their ether ETF proposals this week before a decision today. All dropped plans to stake the token, suggesting a regulatory issue. Staking involves locking a coin for a specific time to sustain a blockchain for a payout. Crypto traders consider these awards passive income. #ETHETFS #altcoins #BTC #ETH $ETH
Top 3 meme coins Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, Bonk: Dog meme marketplace reaches $50 billion On Thursday morning, Dogecoin creator Billy Markus discussed AI breakthroughs. Shiba Inu token trading began on a crypto market Wednesday. Users may trade Bitcoin for Bonk on Atomiq, which may increase adoption. Dog-themed meme coins According to CoinGecko, Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), and Bonk (BONK) contributed to the category's $48.6 billion market worth. DOGE and SHIB prices were practically steady on Thursday, while BONK rose 11.40%. DOGE founder worries about AI, advantages might extend Dogecoin creator Billy Markus tweeted on X about fast-advancing AI technologies. OpenAI and other industry leaders' releases have made AI more relevant in the crypto ecosystem. Dogecoin might fill the Fair Value Gap and decrease again after DOGE reaches this level. DOGE might reach the 61.8% Fibonacci retracement level at $0.16165 if it fails to breach resistance at $0.17449. Shiba Inu trades live on crypto market, expects 13% gains Shiba Inu might earn 13% from $0.00002529. The Moving Average Convergence Divergence indicator's green histogram bars and RSI at 53.97 support SHIB's sustained advance. Based on daily data, SHIB began its rise on Monday, May 13. Meme coin has supported $0.00002476 for approximately three days. From its March 5 high of $0.00004567 to its April 13 low of $0.00001830, Shiba Inu's drop is 23.6% Fibonacci. SHIB might sweep liquidity at $0.00002251, the base of the March 4–May 21 declining triangle. SHIB might lose 10 days of profits if it falls below $0.00002251. Bonk and cross-chain DEX allow swaps Bonk teamed with cross-chain decentralized exchange Atomiq to facilitate Bitcoin-Bonk exchanges. Bitcoin may be traded for Bonk on X without slippage or counterparty risk, according to an official tweet. BONK rose 11.40% Thursday. The meme currency may climb 11% to $0.00004032, the 78.6% Fibonacci retracement of its drop from March 4's $0.00004800 to April 13's $0.00001212. #ETHETFS #PEPE‏ #DOGE #SHIB #BONK $BONK
💰💰💰💰Bitcoin plans $100K raise🚀🚀🚀🚀 For the third day, the crypto market remained calm with a $2.6 trillion capitalization. Bitcoin's failure to break $70K is dampening excitement. It lost 0.3% in 24 hours while Ethereum rose 0.6%. The leading cryptocurrencies have fluctuated between -2% for Dogecoin, -1.5% for Solana, and 1.5% for Toncoin. Bitcoin technically stays around the declining range's top limit. The fledgling crypto market also values $70K round level. Rising would breach two boundaries. The price might reach $73.5K shortly due to growing velocity. A more distant and crucial objective may be $95K-$100K, where the lower boundary is the 161.8% January-March increase and the higher barrier is an important round level. Trading platforms were informed that the US SEC is "leaning towards" issuing a spot Ethereum-ETF. Barron's quotes unnamed sources. The article stated the SEC has asked comments on the petitions, which might be approved this week if filed in time. Bloomberg says five management firms provided amended SEC papers. The US National Settlement Depository (DTCC) asset list includes VanEck and Franklin Templeton spot ETH-ETFs ETHV and EZET. According to Bloomberg, the SEC's interaction with firms is crucial and may signal a policy shift. However, several analysts observed political implications in the regulator's actions. Should spot Ethereum-ETFs be allowed, Matrixport expects cryptocurrency Solana (SOL) might launch exchange-traded funds next. Decentralised exchange Uniswap urged the SEC to rethink its complaint, noting the agency's harsh tactics and poor legal basis. Legal action against the regulator is planned by Uniswap. SEC chairman Gary Gensler said the House of Representatives' bitcoin market structure bill does not define digital assets as securities, endangering investors. #ETHETFS #btc70k #BTC #buythedip $BTC
Shiba Inu Burn Rate Rises 434% During Market Recovery; Can It Reach $0.0001? After a slow week, Shiba Inu burn rate increased again. The burn rate has increased over 400% in 24 hours, moving with the Shiba Inu price as the crypto market rallies. Shibburn, a burn monitoring website, reports a large increase in token burns during the previous several days. In the past 24 hours, 18 burn operations have burned about 14 million SHIB tokens. This is 434% more than 2.6 million the day before. Burn volume has dropped 67% from Monday, therefore this is good news for meme currency. Burn transactions are also rising, indicating Shiba Inu holders' desire to reduce token supply. The previous 24 hours saw 8 burn transactions transferring over 1 million tokens to the burn address. Of course, these addresses burn the most tokens, along with smaller transactions. Despite this considerable daily burn rate rise, weekly burn rate is still struggling. Over 42.4 million tokens have been burnt, according to Shibburn. However, it is down 70.41% from last week's total, indicating that this week's burns are falling short. However, moving SHIB coins to the burn address benefits the ecosystem, however slightly. Price To $0.0001 With SHIB Burn? The Shiba Inu burn campaign reduces token supply to boost SHIB prices. Since SHIB supply exceeds 500 trillion, this limited its upward potential. By decreasing supply, the community aims to boost demand. SHIB burn has proceeded slower than predicted. Two years after its launch, the burn has not reached 1 trillion tokens. About 410.7 trillion tokens have been burnt. Vitalik Buterin burnt 410 trillion tokens handed to him in 2021. This implies the community has burnt 700 billion tokens since the burn started. This pace makes it unlikely that the Shiba Inu burn will push SHIB to $0.0001. However, with the crypto market improving and Bitcoin surging toward a new all-time high, SHIB might reach this value, which would be a 300% rise from its present price. #SHIB #PEPE‏ #buythedip #altcoins $SHIB

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