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ウラジミールクラブとは何ですか?また、参加するにはどうすればよいですか?ウラジミールクラブとは、ビットコインの最大供給量の1%以上を所有する暗号通貨保有者のエリートグループを指す用語です。この概念は 2012 年に Vladimir という BitcoinTalk フォーラム ユーザーによって初めて導入され、彼はビットコインの 0.01% を所有することが良い考えであると提案しました。それ以来、この用語はバイナンス コイン (BNB)、イーサリアム (ETH)、カルダノ (ADA) などの他の暗号通貨にも適用されるようになりました。 ウラジーミル・クラブがなぜ重要なのでしょうか? ウラジミール クラブは、仮想通貨分野で大きなレベルの富と影響力を代表するものであるため、重要です。ウラジミール クラブのメンバーは、選択したコインの将来に大きな利害関係を持つ早期採用者、先見の明のある人、またはクジラとみなされることがよくあります。また、コインをネイティブ トークンとして使用する一部の分散型プラットフォームやプロトコルにおいて、より多くの投票権やガバナンス権を持っている場合もあります。


ウラジミールクラブとは、ビットコインの最大供給量の1%以上を所有する暗号通貨保有者のエリートグループを指す用語です。この概念は 2012 年に Vladimir という BitcoinTalk フォーラム ユーザーによって初めて導入され、彼はビットコインの 0.01% を所有することが良い考えであると提案しました。それ以来、この用語はバイナンス コイン (BNB)、イーサリアム (ETH)、カルダノ (ADA) などの他の暗号通貨にも適用されるようになりました。


ウラジミール クラブは、仮想通貨分野で大きなレベルの富と影響力を代表するものであるため、重要です。ウラジミール クラブのメンバーは、選択したコインの将来に大きな利害関係を持つ早期採用者、先見の明のある人、またはクジラとみなされることがよくあります。また、コインをネイティブ トークンとして使用する一部の分散型プラットフォームやプロトコルにおいて、より多くの投票権やガバナンス権を持っている場合もあります。
大手銀行スタンダード・チャータードが所有するビットコインおよび仮想通貨企業ゾディアが香港に進出 英国銀行スタンダード・チャータードの仮想通貨子会社ゾディア・カストディは、香港で最近導入された新しいライセンス制度を受け、香港で仮想通貨保管サービスを展開する予定。 この拡大は、英国を拠点とする同社のアジア太平洋地域での存在感が高まっていることを意味する。


#Bitcoin ホワイトペーパーは 15 年前のこの日、2008 年 10 月 31 日に発行されました。 ビットコイン ホワイトペーパーの日を祝いましょう! $BTC
#Bitcoin ホワイトペーパーは 15 年前のこの日、2008 年 10 月 31 日に発行されました。

ビットコイン ホワイトペーパーの日を祝いましょう! $BTC
テスラ、1億8,400万ドル相当の#Bitcoin保有を維持:第3四半期レポート 10月18日に発表されたテスラの2023年第3四半期決算では、9月30日時点で同社が依然として約1億8,400万ドル相当のデジタル資産を保有していることが明らかになった。この保有額は、テスラが2021年3月に最初に購入した15億ドル相当のビットコインの一部に相当する。 電気自動車メーカーのテスラは、5四半期連続で多額のビットコイン保有額に変更を加えなかった。しかし、人工知能(AI)への取り組みの中で、同社はコンピューティング能力を倍増させるためにより多くの資金を投入した。


Lido Finance has announced its decision to halt $SOL staking service after DAO vote Decentralized liquid staking giant Lido Finance, known for its liquid staking solution, will no longer accept new staking requests for Solana tokens. This comes after Lido token holders voted in large numbers to pause the service. More than 92% of the Lido community voted to end the product rather than keep it going, according to a vote that closed on Oct. 5.
Lido Finance has announced its decision to halt $SOL staking service after DAO vote

Decentralized liquid staking giant Lido Finance, known for its liquid staking solution, will no longer accept new staking requests for Solana tokens. This comes after Lido token holders voted in large numbers to pause the service.

More than 92% of the Lido community voted to end the product rather than keep it going, according to a vote that closed on Oct. 5.
Smart contracts are coming to #Bitcoin Blockchain developer #ZeroSync co-founder Robin Linus unveiled a whitepaper for BitVM, aiming to enhance Bitcoin smart contract capabilities without requiring a soft fork upgrade to the network's consensus rules. BitVM aims to enhance Bitcoin smart contract capabilities without fork BitVM proposes a new method for expressing Turing-complete Bitcoin smart contracts without altering the network’s consensus rules. The system leverages fraud proofs and a challenge-response protocol, enabling any computable function to be verified on Bitcoin, according to a whitepaper. BitVM means Bitcoin can now be as Turing-complete as any other chain, Turing completeness refers to a system that can perform any computation given enough time and resources. $BTC
Smart contracts are coming to #Bitcoin

Blockchain developer #ZeroSync co-founder Robin Linus unveiled a whitepaper for BitVM, aiming to enhance Bitcoin smart contract capabilities without requiring a soft fork upgrade to the network's consensus rules.

BitVM aims to enhance Bitcoin smart contract capabilities without fork
BitVM proposes a new method for expressing Turing-complete Bitcoin smart contracts without altering the network’s consensus rules.
The system leverages fraud proofs and a challenge-response protocol, enabling any computable function to be verified on Bitcoin, according to a whitepaper.

BitVM means Bitcoin can now be as Turing-complete as any other chain, Turing completeness refers to a system that can perform any computation given enough time and resources. $BTC
14年前のこの日(2009年10月5日)、ビットコインの価格が誕生しました。 当時、1 $BTC をマイニングするのに必要な電力に基づいており、初期値の BTC/USD レートをわずか $0.00076 に設定していました。

当時、1 $BTC をマイニングするのに必要な電力に基づいており、初期値の BTC/USD レートをわずか $0.00076 に設定していました。
778億ドルの資産運用会社VanEckはティッカー付き$ETH 先物ETF($EFUT)の立ち上げを準備中
DeFi Mainstream Adoption: Challenges and OpportunitiesDeFi, or decentralized finance, is a term that refers to the use of blockchain technology and smart contracts to create financial services that are open, transparent, and accessible to anyone. DeFi aims to challenge the traditional, centralized financial system by empowering individuals with peer-to-peer digital exchanges, without intermediaries or gatekeepers. DeFi has been growing rapidly in the past few years, especially in 2020 and 2021, when the total value locked (TVL) in DeFi protocols increased from $700 million to over $200 billion1. TVL represents the amount of user funds that are deposited in a DeFi protocol, for various purposes such as staking, lending, borrowing, or providing liquidity. TVL indicates the level of trust and demand that users have for a DeFi platform, as well as the amount of capital that is available for transactions and interactions. However, despite the impressive growth and innovation of DeFi, it is still far from reaching mainstream adoption. According to a report by JPMorgan, DeFi applications are popular with sophisticated crypto investors, but they are still far off from being adopted by mainstream investors2. DeFi faces several challenges and barriers that limit its potential and appeal to a wider audience, such as: Complexity and usability: DeFi applications often require a high level of technical knowledge and skills to use and understand. Users need to be familiar with concepts such as wallets, private keys, gas fees, smart contracts, and protocols. Users also need to navigate through multiple platforms and interfaces, each with its own features and functions. Moreover, DeFi applications are often prone to bugs, errors, and glitches, which can result in losses or frustration for users. Security and regulation: DeFi applications are based on the premise of decentralization and trustlessness, which means that users are responsible for their own funds and actions. However, this also means that users are exposed to various risks and threats, such as hacks, scams, frauds, and thefts. DeFi applications are also subject to regulatory uncertainty and scrutiny, as different jurisdictions have different rules and standards for crypto and financial activities. Users may face legal or compliance issues, or even sanctions, if they use DeFi applications that are not authorized or licensed by the authorities.Scalability and interoperability: DeFi applications are mostly built on the Ethereum blockchain, which is the most popular and widely used platform for smart contracts and decentralized applications. However, Ethereum suffers from scalability issues, such as low throughput, high latency, and congestion. This results in high transaction fees, slow confirmation times, and poor user experience. DeFi applications also face interoperability challenges, as they are often isolated and incompatible with each other, or with other blockchains and platforms. Users may have difficulty or inefficiency in moving their funds or assets across different DeFi applications or networks. Despite these challenges, DeFi also offers many opportunities and advantages that can attract and benefit mainstream users, such as: Innovation and diversity: DeFi applications offer a wide range of financial services and products that are not available or accessible in the traditional financial system, such as yield farming, liquidity mining, synthetic assets, flash loans, and decentralized exchanges. DeFi applications also enable users to create and customize their own financial solutions, according to their needs and preferences. DeFi applications are constantly evolving and improving, as they are driven by the creativity and experimentation of the community and developers.Inclusion and empowerment: DeFi applications are open and permissionless, which means that anyone can use them, regardless of their identity, location, or status. DeFi applications do not require users to provide personal information, undergo verification, or rely on intermediaries or authorities. DeFi applications also empower users with more control and ownership over their funds and assets, as they can manage them directly and independently, without intermediation or censorship.Efficiency and transparency: DeFi applications are based on blockchain technology, which provides immutability, security, and traceability. DeFi applications are also based on smart contracts, which provide automation, programmability, and verifiability. These features enable DeFi applications to offer faster, cheaper, and more reliable transactions and interactions, as well as more visibility and accountability, compared to the traditional financial system. To achieve mainstream adoption, DeFi needs to overcome its challenges and leverage its opportunities, by focusing on the following aspects: Education and awareness: DeFi needs to educate and inform potential users about the benefits and risks of using DeFi applications, as well as the best practices and precautions to take. DeFi also needs to raise awareness and recognition among the general public and the media, as well as the regulators and policymakers, about the value and potential of DeFi, as well as the challenges and solutions that it faces.User experience and design: DeFi needs to improve its user experience and design, by making its applications more user-friendly, intuitive, and accessible. DeFi also needs to simplify and streamline its processes and interfaces, by reducing the number of steps and clicks, and providing clear and consistent instructions and feedback. DeFi also needs to enhance its aesthetics and appeal, by using more attractive and engaging graphics and animations.Security and regulation: DeFi needs to improve its security and regulation, by adopting and implementing more robust and reliable standards and protocols, as well as more effective and efficient tools and methods, to prevent and mitigate the risks and threats that users face. DeFi also needs to cooperate and communicate with the regulators and policymakers, by providing more transparency and disclosure, as well as more compliance and alignment, with the relevant rules and regulations that apply to DeFi activities.Scalability and interoperability: DeFi needs to improve its scalability and interoperability, by exploring and adopting more advanced and innovative technologies and solutions, such as layer 2, sidechains, sharding, and cross-chain bridges, that can enhance the performance and functionality of DeFi applications, as well as the compatibility and integration of DeFi applications with each other, or with other platforms and networks. DeFi is a revolutionary and disruptive phenomenon that has the potential to transform and improve the financial system and the society. DeFi is still in its early stages of development and adoption, and it faces many challenges and barriers that hinder its growth and progress. However, DeFi also offers many opportunities and advantages that can attract and benefit mainstream users, and it is constantly evolving and improving, as it is driven by the creativity and experimentation of the community and developers. DeFi is not a sprint, but a marathon, and it requires patience, perseverance, and collaboration, to achieve its vision and mission.Happy DeFi-ing!

DeFi Mainstream Adoption: Challenges and Opportunities

DeFi, or decentralized finance, is a term that refers to the use of blockchain technology and smart contracts to create financial services that are open, transparent, and accessible to anyone. DeFi aims to challenge the traditional, centralized financial system by empowering individuals with peer-to-peer digital exchanges, without intermediaries or gatekeepers.
DeFi has been growing rapidly in the past few years, especially in 2020 and 2021, when the total value locked (TVL) in DeFi protocols increased from $700 million to over $200 billion1. TVL represents the amount of user funds that are deposited in a DeFi protocol, for various purposes such as staking, lending, borrowing, or providing liquidity. TVL indicates the level of trust and demand that users have for a DeFi platform, as well as the amount of capital that is available for transactions and interactions. However, despite the impressive growth and innovation of DeFi, it is still far from reaching mainstream adoption. According to a report by JPMorgan, DeFi applications are popular with sophisticated crypto investors, but they are still far off from being adopted by mainstream investors2. DeFi faces several challenges and barriers that limit its potential and appeal to a wider audience, such as:
Complexity and usability: DeFi applications often require a high level of technical knowledge and skills to use and understand. Users need to be familiar with concepts such as wallets, private keys, gas fees, smart contracts, and protocols. Users also need to navigate through multiple platforms and interfaces, each with its own features and functions. Moreover, DeFi applications are often prone to bugs, errors, and glitches, which can result in losses or frustration for users.
Security and regulation: DeFi applications are based on the premise of decentralization and trustlessness, which means that users are responsible for their own funds and actions. However, this also means that users are exposed to various risks and threats, such as hacks, scams, frauds, and thefts. DeFi applications are also subject to regulatory uncertainty and scrutiny, as different jurisdictions have different rules and standards for crypto and financial activities. Users may face legal or compliance issues, or even sanctions, if they use DeFi applications that are not authorized or licensed by the authorities.Scalability and interoperability: DeFi applications are mostly built on the Ethereum blockchain, which is the most popular and widely used platform for smart contracts and decentralized applications. However, Ethereum suffers from scalability issues, such as low throughput, high latency, and congestion. This results in high transaction fees, slow confirmation times, and poor user experience. DeFi applications also face interoperability challenges, as they are often isolated and incompatible with each other, or with other blockchains and platforms. Users may have difficulty or inefficiency in moving their funds or assets across different DeFi applications or networks.
Despite these challenges, DeFi also offers many opportunities and advantages that can attract and benefit mainstream users, such as:
Innovation and diversity: DeFi applications offer a wide range of financial services and products that are not available or accessible in the traditional financial system, such as yield farming, liquidity mining, synthetic assets, flash loans, and decentralized exchanges. DeFi applications also enable users to create and customize their own financial solutions, according to their needs and preferences. DeFi applications are constantly evolving and improving, as they are driven by the creativity and experimentation of the community and developers.Inclusion and empowerment: DeFi applications are open and permissionless, which means that anyone can use them, regardless of their identity, location, or status. DeFi applications do not require users to provide personal information, undergo verification, or rely on intermediaries or authorities. DeFi applications also empower users with more control and ownership over their funds and assets, as they can manage them directly and independently, without intermediation or censorship.Efficiency and transparency: DeFi applications are based on blockchain technology, which provides immutability, security, and traceability. DeFi applications are also based on smart contracts, which provide automation, programmability, and verifiability. These features enable DeFi applications to offer faster, cheaper, and more reliable transactions and interactions, as well as more visibility and accountability, compared to the traditional financial system.
To achieve mainstream adoption, DeFi needs to overcome its challenges and leverage its opportunities, by focusing on the following aspects:
Education and awareness: DeFi needs to educate and inform potential users about the benefits and risks of using DeFi applications, as well as the best practices and precautions to take. DeFi also needs to raise awareness and recognition among the general public and the media, as well as the regulators and policymakers, about the value and potential of DeFi, as well as the challenges and solutions that it faces.User experience and design: DeFi needs to improve its user experience and design, by making its applications more user-friendly, intuitive, and accessible. DeFi also needs to simplify and streamline its processes and interfaces, by reducing the number of steps and clicks, and providing clear and consistent instructions and feedback. DeFi also needs to enhance its aesthetics and appeal, by using more attractive and engaging graphics and animations.Security and regulation: DeFi needs to improve its security and regulation, by adopting and implementing more robust and reliable standards and protocols, as well as more effective and efficient tools and methods, to prevent and mitigate the risks and threats that users face. DeFi also needs to cooperate and communicate with the regulators and policymakers, by providing more transparency and disclosure, as well as more compliance and alignment, with the relevant rules and regulations that apply to DeFi activities.Scalability and interoperability: DeFi needs to improve its scalability and interoperability, by exploring and adopting more advanced and innovative technologies and solutions, such as layer 2, sidechains, sharding, and cross-chain bridges, that can enhance the performance and functionality of DeFi applications, as well as the compatibility and integration of DeFi applications with each other, or with other platforms and networks.
DeFi is a revolutionary and disruptive phenomenon that has the potential to transform and improve the financial system and the society. DeFi is still in its early stages of development and adoption, and it faces many challenges and barriers that hinder its growth and progress. However, DeFi also offers many opportunities and advantages that can attract and benefit mainstream users, and it is constantly evolving and improving, as it is driven by the creativity and experimentation of the community and developers. DeFi is not a sprint, but a marathon, and it requires patience, perseverance, and collaboration, to achieve its vision and mission.Happy DeFi-ing!
Chainlink $LINK has launched its cross-chain interoperability protocol on Layer 2 Base Chainlink $LINK, a provider of real-world data to blockchains, rolled out its CCIP on #Base, an Ethereum L2 network backed by Coinbase and built on OP Stack. The move aims to enable Base developers to build cross-chain applications and services across multiple blockchain networks. Recently, Chainlink launched CCIP on Avalanche, Ethereum, Optimism, and Polygon.
Chainlink $LINK has launched its cross-chain interoperability protocol on Layer 2 Base
Chainlink $LINK , a provider of real-world data to blockchains, rolled out its CCIP on #Base, an Ethereum L2 network backed by Coinbase and built on OP Stack. The move aims to enable Base developers to build cross-chain applications and services across multiple blockchain networks. Recently, Chainlink launched CCIP on Avalanche, Ethereum, Optimism, and Polygon.
DeFi: A Brief Introduction DeFi, or decentralized finance, is a term that refers to the use of blockchain technology and smart contracts to create financial services that are open, transparent, and accessible to anyone. DeFi aims to challenge the traditional, centralized financial system by empowering individuals with peer-to-peer digital exchanges, without intermediaries or gatekeepers.One of the key metrics that is used to measure the growth and popularity of DeFi is TVL, or total value locked. TVL represents the amount of user funds that are deposited in a DeFi protocol, for various purposes such as staking, lending, borrowing, or providing liquidity. TVL indicates the level of trust and demand that users have for a DeFi platform, as well as the amount of capital that is available for transactions and interactions.TVL is calculated by multiplying the number of tokens or coins that are locked in a DeFi protocol by their current market price. For example, if a DeFi platform has 100,000 ETH locked in its smart contracts, and the price of ETH is $3,000, then the TVL of that platform is $300 million. TVL can be expressed in different currencies, such as USD, BTC, or ETH, depending on the preference of the user or the platform.TVL can also be aggregated across different DeFi platforms, to get a sense of the overall size and health of the DeFi ecosystem. For example, according to DefiLlama, a website that tracks the TVL of various DeFi platforms, the total TVL of DeFi as of September 25, 2023, was $37.736 billion, with the top three platforms being Lido, Maker, and AaveTVL is not a perfect indicator of the success or value of DeFi, as it has some limitations and challenges. For instance, TVL does not account for the risks or returns that users face when they deposit their funds in a DeFi protocol, such as smart contract bugs, hacks, or market volatility. TVL also does not reflect the actual usage or activity of a DeFi platform, such as the number of transactions, users, or fees generated. Moreover, TVL can be influenced by external factors, such as the price movements of the underlying assets, or the availability of incentives or rewards for locking funds in a DeFi protocol.Nevertheless, TVL is a useful and widely used metric that can help users and investors to compare and evaluate different DeFi platforms, as well as to track the growth and innovation of the DeFi space. TVL can also serve as a proxy for the adoption and potential of DeFi, as it shows the amount of capital that is flowing into and out of the decentralized financial system.Happy DeFi-ing! #FutureofDeFi #DeFigoesMainstream #DeFiTrends #DeFiMeme #DeFiChallenge

DeFi: A Brief Introduction

DeFi, or decentralized finance, is a term that refers to the use of blockchain technology and smart contracts to create financial services that are open, transparent, and accessible to anyone. DeFi aims to challenge the traditional, centralized financial system by empowering individuals with peer-to-peer digital exchanges, without intermediaries or gatekeepers.One of the key metrics that is used to measure the growth and popularity of DeFi is TVL, or total value locked. TVL represents the amount of user funds that are deposited in a DeFi protocol, for various purposes such as staking, lending, borrowing, or providing liquidity. TVL indicates the level of trust and demand that users have for a DeFi platform, as well as the amount of capital that is available for transactions and interactions.TVL is calculated by multiplying the number of tokens or coins that are locked in a DeFi protocol by their current market price. For example, if a DeFi platform has 100,000 ETH locked in its smart contracts, and the price of ETH is $3,000, then the TVL of that platform is $300 million. TVL can be expressed in different currencies, such as USD, BTC, or ETH, depending on the preference of the user or the platform.TVL can also be aggregated across different DeFi platforms, to get a sense of the overall size and health of the DeFi ecosystem. For example, according to DefiLlama, a website that tracks the TVL of various DeFi platforms, the total TVL of DeFi as of September 25, 2023, was $37.736 billion, with the top three platforms being Lido, Maker, and AaveTVL is not a perfect indicator of the success or value of DeFi, as it has some limitations and challenges. For instance, TVL does not account for the risks or returns that users face when they deposit their funds in a DeFi protocol, such as smart contract bugs, hacks, or market volatility. TVL also does not reflect the actual usage or activity of a DeFi platform, such as the number of transactions, users, or fees generated. Moreover, TVL can be influenced by external factors, such as the price movements of the underlying assets, or the availability of incentives or rewards for locking funds in a DeFi protocol.Nevertheless, TVL is a useful and widely used metric that can help users and investors to compare and evaluate different DeFi platforms, as well as to track the growth and innovation of the DeFi space. TVL can also serve as a proxy for the adoption and potential of DeFi, as it shows the amount of capital that is flowing into and out of the decentralized financial system.Happy DeFi-ing! #FutureofDeFi #DeFigoesMainstream #DeFiTrends #DeFiMeme #DeFiChallenge
🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 JUST IN: #MicroStrategy Bought additional 5,445 $BTC for $147.3 Million. Company Now Holds 158,245 $BTC acquired for ~$4.68 billion at an average price of $29,582 per bitcoin. #Bitcoin is down 61% from its ATH and MicroStrategy just keeps buying more!

JUST IN: #MicroStrategy Bought additional 5,445 $BTC for $147.3 Million.
Company Now Holds 158,245 $BTC acquired for ~$4.68 billion at an average price of $29,582 per bitcoin.

#Bitcoin is down 61% from its ATH and MicroStrategy just keeps buying more!
Mixin Network $XIN, a decentralized crypto network has been hacked with $200M confirmed stolenMixin Network $XIN , a decentralized wallet service, has been exploited for at least $200M worth of assets. The platform temporarily suspended deposit and withdrawal services following attacks by hackers. According to SlowMist, a blockchain security company, said that the Mixin Network cloud service provider database was attacked. After the exploit, the price of $XIN dropped by about 10%. The current $XIN price is $190. Fully diluted market cap is $190M.
Mixin Network $XIN, a decentralized crypto network has been hacked with $200M confirmed stolenMixin Network $XIN , a decentralized wallet service, has been exploited for at least $200M worth of assets. The platform temporarily suspended deposit and withdrawal services following attacks by hackers. According to SlowMist, a blockchain security company, said that the Mixin Network cloud service provider database was attacked. After the exploit, the price of $XIN dropped by about 10%. The current $XIN price is $190. Fully diluted market cap is $190M.
2017 vs Now Rank 10 Top Cryptocurrency Market Cap Only $BTC $ETH and $XRP remain in the top 10 list
2017 vs Now
Rank 10 Top Cryptocurrency Market Cap

Only $BTC $ETH and $XRP remain in the top 10 list
Busan, South Korea's second largest city, is building an urban blockchain that is compatible with Ethereum, Cosmos, etc. In the first half of 2024, it will launch an city exchange that can trade tokenized gold, silver, copper and oil, and has established a 100 billion won (75 million USD) blockchain fund. On the 21st, the city of Busan announced that it will promote the development of the blockchain mainnet as a mid- to long-term task through the 'Busan Digital Asset Exchange Establishment Promotion Plan and Future Schedule' plan. It also announced plans to implement Busan as a'blockchain city' centered on the Busan Digital Asset Exchange and to create a blockchain innovation fund.
Busan, South Korea's second largest city, is building an urban blockchain that is compatible with Ethereum, Cosmos, etc. In the first half of 2024, it will launch an city exchange that can trade tokenized gold, silver, copper and oil, and has established a 100 billion won (75 million USD) blockchain fund.

On the 21st, the city of Busan announced that it will promote the development of the blockchain mainnet as a mid- to long-term task through the 'Busan Digital Asset Exchange Establishment Promotion Plan and Future Schedule' plan.

It also announced plans to implement Busan as a'blockchain city' centered on the Busan Digital Asset Exchange and to create a blockchain innovation fund.
Bitcoin vs. Gold: Which One Is the Best for Investment?Bitcoin and gold are two of the most popular assets that investors consider as safe havens or hedges against inflation and economic uncertainty. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but which one is the best for investment in 2023? Here are some factors to compare: Performance Bitcoin has outperformed gold in terms of price appreciation in the past decade, especially in 2020 and 2021, when it reached new highs and crossed the $1 trillion market capitalization mark. Bitcoin’s $BTC price increased by over 300% in 2020 and over 100% in 2021, while gold’s price rose by about 25% in 2020 and fell by about 6% in 2021. However, past performance is not a guarantee of future results, and both assets are subject to market fluctuations and volatility. Volatility Bitcoin is much more volatile than gold, as it is influenced by factors such as supply and demand, innovation, regulation, hacking, and sentiment. Bitcoin’s annualized volatility was around 80% in 2020, while gold’s was around 20%. This means that Bitcoin can experience larger price swings than gold, which can be both an opportunity and a risk for investors. Gold is more stable and predictable than Bitcoin, as it is driven by more fundamental factors such as inflation, interest rates, geopolitics, and jewelry demand. Liquidity Both Bitcoin and gold are liquid assets, meaning that they can be easily bought and sold in the market. However, Bitcoin has some advantages over gold in terms of liquidity, such as divisibility, portability, and transparency. Bitcoin can be divided into smaller units (up to eight decimal places) and transferred across the globe in minutes via the internet, while gold is bulky and costly to transport and store. Bitcoin also has a transparent ledger that records all transactions, while gold transactions are more opaque and prone to fraud. Scarcity Both Bitcoin and gold are scarce assets, meaning that their supply is limited and cannot be easily increased. Bitcoin has a fixed supply of 21 million coins, of which about 18.8 million have been mined as of February 2023. The remaining coins will be issued gradually until around 2140, when the supply will be exhausted. Gold has an unknown supply, but it is estimated that about 197,000 tonnes have been mined throughout history, of which about 50% are held as jewelry, 20% as official reserves, 17% as investments, and 13% as industrial uses. The annual gold production is around 3,000 tonnes, which adds about 1.5% to the existing stock. Adoption Both Bitcoin and gold have seen an increase in adoption by investors, corporations, and governments in recent years. Bitcoin has gained more recognition and support from institutional investors such as Tesla , MicroStrategy , Square , and PayPal , which have invested in or integrated Bitcoin into their businesses. Some countries such as El Salvador have also adopted Bitcoin as legal tender. Gold has also attracted more demand from central banks , which have been net buyers of gold since 2010 to diversify their reserves and hedge against currency devaluation. Conclusion Bitcoin and gold are both valuable assets that can serve as alternative investments or hedges against inflation and economic uncertainty. However, they have different characteristics that make them suitable for different types of investors. Bitcoin is more suitable for investors who are willing to take more risk and seek higher returns, innovation, and digitalization. Gold is more suitable for investors who prefer more stability, security, and tradition. Ultimately, the best investment depends on your risk tolerance, investment goals, time horizon, and portfolio diversification.

Bitcoin vs. Gold: Which One Is the Best for Investment?

Bitcoin and gold are two of the most popular assets that investors consider as safe havens or hedges against inflation and economic uncertainty. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but which one is the best for investment in 2023? Here are some factors to compare:


Bitcoin has outperformed gold in terms of price appreciation in the past decade, especially in 2020 and 2021, when it reached new highs and crossed the $1 trillion market capitalization mark. Bitcoin’s $BTC price increased by over 300% in 2020 and over 100% in 2021, while gold’s price rose by about 25% in 2020 and fell by about 6% in 2021. However, past performance is not a guarantee of future results, and both assets are subject to market fluctuations and volatility.


Bitcoin is much more volatile than gold, as it is influenced by factors such as supply and demand, innovation, regulation, hacking, and sentiment. Bitcoin’s annualized volatility was around 80% in 2020, while gold’s was around 20%. This means that Bitcoin can experience larger price swings than gold, which can be both an opportunity and a risk for investors. Gold is more stable and predictable than Bitcoin, as it is driven by more fundamental factors such as inflation, interest rates, geopolitics, and jewelry demand.


Both Bitcoin and gold are liquid assets, meaning that they can be easily bought and sold in the market. However, Bitcoin has some advantages over gold in terms of liquidity, such as divisibility, portability, and transparency. Bitcoin can be divided into smaller units (up to eight decimal places) and transferred across the globe in minutes via the internet, while gold is bulky and costly to transport and store. Bitcoin also has a transparent ledger that records all transactions, while gold transactions are more opaque and prone to fraud.


Both Bitcoin and gold are scarce assets, meaning that their supply is limited and cannot be easily increased. Bitcoin has a fixed supply of 21 million coins, of which about 18.8 million have been mined as of February 2023. The remaining coins will be issued gradually until around 2140, when the supply will be exhausted. Gold has an unknown supply, but it is estimated that about 197,000 tonnes have been mined throughout history, of which about 50% are held as jewelry, 20% as official reserves, 17% as investments, and 13% as industrial uses. The annual gold production is around 3,000 tonnes, which adds about 1.5% to the existing stock.


Both Bitcoin and gold have seen an increase in adoption by investors, corporations, and governments in recent years. Bitcoin has gained more recognition and support from institutional investors such as Tesla , MicroStrategy , Square , and PayPal , which have invested in or integrated Bitcoin into their businesses. Some countries such as El Salvador have also adopted Bitcoin as legal tender. Gold has also attracted more demand from central banks , which have been net buyers of gold since 2010 to diversify their reserves and hedge against currency devaluation.


Bitcoin and gold are both valuable assets that can serve as alternative investments or hedges against inflation and economic uncertainty. However, they have different characteristics that make them suitable for different types of investors. Bitcoin is more suitable for investors who are willing to take more risk and seek higher returns, innovation, and digitalization. Gold is more suitable for investors who prefer more stability, security, and tradition. Ultimately, the best investment depends on your risk tolerance, investment goals, time horizon, and portfolio diversification.
#Ethereum launches #Holesky testing network, celebrating one year since transitioning from energy-intensive proof-of-work to proof-of-stake! Ethereum developers launched a new testnet on Sept. 15. Called “Holesky,” the network is expected to be used for staking, infrastructure and protocol development, according to its developer documents. Sepolia will remain the dominant network for application development. An initial supply of 1.6 billion Holesky testnet Ether (HETH) will be allocated to validators on Holesky’s launch day to bootstrap the network into operation, according to Ethereum developer Tim Beiko. This represents 10 times the amount of Ether $ETH present on mainnet. Beiko stated that developers were comfortable with producing this amount because “devnets [are] regularly using 10B supply.” Monitor the launch here:
#Ethereum launches #Holesky testing network, celebrating one year since transitioning from energy-intensive proof-of-work to proof-of-stake!

Ethereum developers launched a new testnet on Sept. 15. Called “Holesky,” the network is expected to be used for staking, infrastructure and protocol development, according to its developer documents. Sepolia will remain the dominant network for application development.

An initial supply of 1.6 billion Holesky testnet Ether (HETH) will be allocated to validators on Holesky’s launch day to bootstrap the network into operation, according to Ethereum developer Tim Beiko. This represents 10 times the amount of Ether $ETH present on mainnet. Beiko stated that developers were comfortable with producing this amount because “devnets [are] regularly using 10B supply.”

Monitor the launch here:
DeFi economic activity drops 15% in August Exchange volume across DeFi protocols declined to $52.8 billion in August, 15.5% lower than in July Source: VanEck / DefiLlama
DeFi economic activity drops 15% in August

Exchange volume across DeFi protocols declined to $52.8 billion in August, 15.5% lower than in July
Source: VanEck / DefiLlama
#Bitcoin clean energy usage now exceeds 50%, According to Bloomberg reports. Elon Musk previously said Tesla would once again accept Bitcoin payments when clean energy usage exceeds 50%. Will Elon Musk accept Bitcoin $BTC payments for Tesla ?
#Bitcoin clean energy usage now exceeds 50%, According to Bloomberg reports.

Elon Musk previously said Tesla would once again accept Bitcoin payments when clean energy usage exceeds 50%.

Will Elon Musk accept Bitcoin $BTC payments for Tesla ?
The Twitter account of Ethereum $ETH co-founder Vitalik Buterin is suspected of being hacked and posting phishing links. The tweet containing the phishing link has been deleted. This hacked causing his followers to lose $691,000 through malicious links. Previously, the founder of Uniswap and member of the Ethereum Foundation also encountered similar things. Check out this article on How to Protect Your Crypto Investment from Scams
The Twitter account of Ethereum $ETH co-founder Vitalik Buterin is suspected of being hacked and posting phishing links. The tweet containing the phishing link has been deleted.

This hacked causing his followers to lose $691,000 through malicious links. Previously, the founder of Uniswap and member of the Ethereum Foundation also encountered similar things.

Check out this article on How to Protect Your Crypto Investment from Scams
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