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Come verificare l'idoneitĆ  e registrarsi per lo snapshot $ULTI? 1ļøāƒ£ Visita 2ļøāƒ£ Collega il tuo portafoglio e completa il processo di verifica 3ļøāƒ£ Ripeti il ā€‹ā€‹processo con i tuoi 3 portafogli piĆ¹ attivi āŸ¶ La registrazione ĆØ aperta per le prossime 48 ore
Come verificare l'idoneitĆ  e registrarsi per lo snapshot $ULTI?

1ļøāƒ£ Visita

2ļøāƒ£ Collega il tuo portafoglio e completa il processo di verifica

3ļøāƒ£ Ripeti il ā€‹ā€‹processo con i tuoi 3 portafogli piĆ¹ attivi

āŸ¶ La registrazione ĆØ aperta per le prossime 48 ore
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La Cina vieta il mining di criptovalute nell'ambito della revisione energetica #Write2Earn Pechino intensifica la repressione sul mining di criptovalute, citando preoccupazioni ambientali e consumo eccessivo di energia. La Cina vieta il mining di criptovalute nell'ambito della revisione energetica Pechino ha intensificato la repressione sul mining di criptovalute a causa delle preoccupazioni per il consumo eccessivo di energia e il potenziale danno ambientale. Nellā€™ambito di una strategia globale per un risparmio energetico di ā€œlivello e qualitĆ  piĆ¹ elevatiā€, in linea con gli obiettivi piĆ¹ ampi della Cina di riduzione dellā€™inquinamento e neutralitĆ  del carbonio, il piano di implementazione aggiornato mira ad ā€œattivitĆ  di ā€œestrazioneā€ di valuta virtualeā€. La Cina prende di mira il mining di criptovalute: misure piĆ¹ severe La Commissione per lo sviluppo e la riforma municipale di Pechino, in collaborazione con altri 11 dipartimenti, ha pubblicato il piano aggiornato con un focus specifico sul rafforzamento del monitoraggio e sullā€™imposizione di misure piĆ¹ rigorose per la classificazione e la rettifica di tali attivitĆ . Lā€™obiettivo ĆØ eliminare definitivamente queste operazioni. Questo approccio mirato segna un allontanamento dal precedente divieto generale della Cina sul trading e sul mining di criptovalute nel 2021. Tuttavia, gli analisti avvertono che potrebbe portare al trasferimento delle operazioni di mining nel sottosuolo o offshore, ponendo sfide per la completa eliminazione. In seguito al divieto iniziale, numerose operazioni di mining di Bitcoin si sono spostate negli Stati Uniti, sottolineando la natura globale del settore. Allo stesso tempo, gli Stati Uniti stanno affrontando lā€™impatto ambientale del mining di criptovalute. L'Energy Information Administration, che opera sotto l'Ufficio di gestione e bilancio della Casa Bianca, sta avviando un programma per raccogliere dati sul consumo energetico dei minatori di criptovalute commerciali. Questa iniziativa mira a comprendere l'impatto del settore sul panorama energetico nazionale e orientare le future normative o politiche. Lā€™intensificazione del controllo sul mining di criptovalute sottolinea le crescenti preoccupazioni riguardo al suo impatto ecologico.
La Cina vieta il mining di criptovalute nell'ambito della revisione energetica

Pechino intensifica la repressione sul mining di criptovalute, citando preoccupazioni ambientali e consumo eccessivo di energia. La Cina vieta il mining di criptovalute nell'ambito della revisione energetica
Pechino ha intensificato la repressione sul mining di criptovalute a causa delle preoccupazioni per il consumo eccessivo di energia e il potenziale danno ambientale. Nellā€™ambito di una strategia globale per un risparmio energetico di ā€œlivello e qualitĆ  piĆ¹ elevatiā€, in linea con gli obiettivi piĆ¹ ampi della Cina di riduzione dellā€™inquinamento e neutralitĆ  del carbonio, il piano di implementazione aggiornato mira ad ā€œattivitĆ  di ā€œestrazioneā€ di valuta virtualeā€.

La Cina prende di mira il mining di criptovalute: misure piĆ¹ severe
La Commissione per lo sviluppo e la riforma municipale di Pechino, in collaborazione con altri 11 dipartimenti, ha pubblicato il piano aggiornato con un focus specifico sul rafforzamento del monitoraggio e sullā€™imposizione di misure piĆ¹ rigorose per la classificazione e la rettifica di tali attivitĆ . Lā€™obiettivo ĆØ eliminare definitivamente queste operazioni.

Questo approccio mirato segna un allontanamento dal precedente divieto generale della Cina sul trading e sul mining di criptovalute nel 2021. Tuttavia, gli analisti avvertono che potrebbe portare al trasferimento delle operazioni di mining nel sottosuolo o offshore, ponendo sfide per la completa eliminazione.

In seguito al divieto iniziale, numerose operazioni di mining di Bitcoin si sono spostate negli Stati Uniti, sottolineando la natura globale del settore. Allo stesso tempo, gli Stati Uniti stanno affrontando lā€™impatto ambientale del mining di criptovalute. L'Energy Information Administration, che opera sotto l'Ufficio di gestione e bilancio della Casa Bianca, sta avviando un programma per raccogliere dati sul consumo energetico dei minatori di criptovalute commerciali. Questa iniziativa mira a comprendere l'impatto del settore sul panorama energetico nazionale e orientare le future normative o politiche.

Lā€™intensificazione del controllo sul mining di criptovalute sottolinea le crescenti preoccupazioni riguardo al suo impatto ecologico.
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Il telefono di Solana Capitolo 2 riceve 60.000 preordini Il telefono Capitolo 2 di Solana sta guadagnando un'attenzione diffusa in seguito al successo delle vendite della sua prima edizione, raggiungendo 60.000 ordini in sole 3 settimane dalla disponibilitĆ  del preordine. Il telefono Capitolo 2 di Solana riceve 60.000 preordini Anatoly Yakovenko, co-fondatore e CEO di Solana Labs, ha rivelato a The Block che Solana Mobile Chapter 2, il successore di Solana Mobile Saga, ha accumulato 60.000 preordini in meno di 3 settimane. Solana Mobile ha presentato il Capitolo 2 il 16 gennaio, promuovendo il telefono con specifiche migliorate e un prezzo inferiore rispetto alla Saga. Il prezzo di preordine per il Capitolo 2 ĆØ attualmente di $ 450, ovvero oltre la metĆ  del prezzo del precedente modello Saga venduto a $ 1000. Il capitolo 2 dovrebbe essere spedito nel 2025. Lanciata inizialmente nel giugno 2022, Solana Mobile Saga aveva un prezzo di $ 1000, successivamente ridotto a $ 599 a causa del rallentamento delle vendite. Entro il 15 dicembre 2023, il telefono ĆØ andato ufficialmente esaurito a seguito degli sviluppi che circondano l'ecosistema Solana. Il picco ĆØ arrivato quando il memecoin Bonk ha annunciato un airdrop "super vantaggioso" per gli acquirenti di Saga, trasformando lo smartphone in un oggetto caldo che ĆØ andato esaurito in una sola settimana. Correlato: I proprietari di telefoni Saga ricevono un Airdrop dal protocollo di accesso Progetti su Solana come Mad Lads, Jupiter, Tensor e Backpack hanno rapidamente emulato la strategia di marketing di Bonk e hanno annunciato lanci aerei per gli acquirenti del capitolo 2. Nella speranza di trarre vantaggio dal successo della prima edizione, molte persone hanno effettuato ordini con l'intenzione di realizzare un profitto piuttosto che utilizzare esclusivamente lo smartphone. Disclaimer. Questo articolo non contiene consigli o raccomandazioni sugli investimenti. Ogni mossa di investimento e di negoziazione comporta dei rischi e i lettori dovrebbero condurre le proprie ricerche prima di prendere una decisione.
Il telefono di Solana Capitolo 2 riceve 60.000 preordini

Il telefono Capitolo 2 di Solana sta guadagnando un'attenzione diffusa in seguito al successo delle vendite della sua prima edizione, raggiungendo 60.000 ordini in sole 3 settimane dalla disponibilitĆ  del preordine. Il telefono Capitolo 2 di Solana riceve 60.000 preordini
Anatoly Yakovenko, co-fondatore e CEO di Solana Labs, ha rivelato a The Block che Solana Mobile Chapter 2, il successore di Solana Mobile Saga, ha accumulato 60.000 preordini in meno di 3 settimane.

Solana Mobile ha presentato il Capitolo 2 il 16 gennaio, promuovendo il telefono con specifiche migliorate e un prezzo inferiore rispetto alla Saga. Il prezzo di preordine per il Capitolo 2 ĆØ attualmente di $ 450, ovvero oltre la metĆ  del prezzo del precedente modello Saga venduto a $ 1000. Il capitolo 2 dovrebbe essere spedito nel 2025.

Lanciata inizialmente nel giugno 2022, Solana Mobile Saga aveva un prezzo di $ 1000, successivamente ridotto a $ 599 a causa del rallentamento delle vendite. Entro il 15 dicembre 2023, il telefono ĆØ andato ufficialmente esaurito a seguito degli sviluppi che circondano l'ecosistema Solana.

Il picco ĆØ arrivato quando il memecoin Bonk ha annunciato un airdrop "super vantaggioso" per gli acquirenti di Saga, trasformando lo smartphone in un oggetto caldo che ĆØ andato esaurito in una sola settimana.

Correlato: I proprietari di telefoni Saga ricevono un Airdrop dal protocollo di accesso

Progetti su Solana come Mad Lads, Jupiter, Tensor e Backpack hanno rapidamente emulato la strategia di marketing di Bonk e hanno annunciato lanci aerei per gli acquirenti del capitolo 2. Nella speranza di trarre vantaggio dal successo della prima edizione, molte persone hanno effettuato ordini con l'intenzione di realizzare un profitto piuttosto che utilizzare esclusivamente lo smartphone.

Disclaimer. Questo articolo non contiene consigli o raccomandazioni sugli investimenti. Ogni mossa di investimento e di negoziazione comporta dei rischi e i lettori dovrebbero condurre le proprie ricerche prima di prendere una decisione.
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Binance Exchange cancella quattro monete: ANT, MULTI, VAI, XMR Di Notizie AZC | 10 ore fa Binance ha annunciato la rimozione dalla sua piattaforma di trading di quattro monete, ovvero Aragon (ANT), Multichain (MULTI), Vai (VAI) e Monero (XMR), il 20 febbraio 2024 alle 3:00 AM (UTC). Binance Exchange cancella quattro monete: ANT, MULTI, VAI, XMR Binance ha annunciato la rimozione dalla lista di diverse coppie di trading, tra cui: ANT/BTC, ANT/USDT, MULTI/USDT, USDT/VAI, XMR/BNB, XMR/BTC, XMR/ETH e XMR/USDT Tuttavia, le corrispondenti coppie di trading di futures USDā“ˆ-M per XMR e ANT continueranno a essere disponibili sulla piattaforma. Registra un conto su Binance per usufruire di commissioni di trading ridotte. Note importanti Tutti gli ordini di trading verranno automaticamente annullati una volta cancellate le coppie corrispondenti. Le coppie di trading a margine corrispondenti verranno rimosse alle 6:00 UTC del 16 febbraio 2024. I depositi di questi token saranno sospesi alle 3:00 UTC del 21 febbraio 2024. I prelievi di questi token saranno sospesi alle 3:00 UTC del 20 maggio 2024. I token rimossi dall'exchange possono essere convertiti in stablecoin per gli utenti dalle 3:00 UTC del 21 maggio 2024. I proventi verranno accreditati sui conti Binance degli utenti. Ci saranno notifiche separate prima che i token vengano rimossi dalla lista e convertiti in stablecoin. Binance Simple Earn rimuoverĆ  i token menzionati alle 3:00 AM UTC del 19 febbraio 2024. Binance Loans chiuderĆ  tutte le posizioni di prestito in sospeso per i token menzionati alle 3:00 UTC del 18 febbraio 2024. Si consiglia agli utenti di rimborsare questi prestiti prima di tale orario per evitare potenziali perdite. Binance Gift Card rimuoverĆ  i token menzionati alle 3:00 AM UTC del 22 agosto 2023. Gli utenti dovrebbero utilizzare in anticipo le carte regalo contenenti questi token per evitare eventuali inconvenienti. Binance Pay rimuoverĆ  i token menzionati alle 3:00 AM UTC del 18 febbraio 2024. Binance terminerĆ  il servizio Trading Bot per le coppie di trading Spot menzionate alle 3:00 AM UTC del 20 febbraio 2024, se applicabile. Correlato: Binance annuncia la quotazione di Ronin (RONIN) .
Binance Exchange cancella quattro monete: ANT, MULTI, VAI, XMR
Di Notizie AZC | 10 ore fa

Binance ha annunciato la rimozione dalla sua piattaforma di trading di quattro monete, ovvero Aragon (ANT), Multichain (MULTI), Vai (VAI) e Monero (XMR), il 20 febbraio 2024 alle 3:00 AM (UTC). Binance Exchange cancella quattro monete: ANT, MULTI, VAI, XMR
Binance ha annunciato la rimozione dalla lista di diverse coppie di trading, tra cui:


Tuttavia, le corrispondenti coppie di trading di futures USDā“ˆ-M per XMR e ANT continueranno a essere disponibili sulla piattaforma.

Registra un conto su Binance per usufruire di commissioni di trading ridotte.

Note importanti
Tutti gli ordini di trading verranno automaticamente annullati una volta cancellate le coppie corrispondenti.

Le coppie di trading a margine corrispondenti verranno rimosse alle 6:00 UTC del 16 febbraio 2024.

I depositi di questi token saranno sospesi alle 3:00 UTC del 21 febbraio 2024.

I prelievi di questi token saranno sospesi alle 3:00 UTC del 20 maggio 2024.

I token rimossi dall'exchange possono essere convertiti in stablecoin per gli utenti dalle 3:00 UTC del 21 maggio 2024. I proventi verranno accreditati sui conti Binance degli utenti.

Ci saranno notifiche separate prima che i token vengano rimossi dalla lista e convertiti in stablecoin.

Binance Simple Earn rimuoverĆ  i token menzionati alle 3:00 AM UTC del 19 febbraio 2024.

Binance Loans chiuderĆ  tutte le posizioni di prestito in sospeso per i token menzionati alle 3:00 UTC del 18 febbraio 2024. Si consiglia agli utenti di rimborsare questi prestiti prima di tale orario per evitare potenziali perdite.

Binance Gift Card rimuoverĆ  i token menzionati alle 3:00 AM UTC del 22 agosto 2023. Gli utenti dovrebbero utilizzare in anticipo le carte regalo contenenti questi token per evitare eventuali inconvenienti.

Binance Pay rimuoverĆ  i token menzionati alle 3:00 AM UTC del 18 febbraio 2024.

Binance terminerĆ  il servizio Trading Bot per le coppie di trading Spot menzionate alle 3:00 AM UTC del 20 febbraio 2024, se applicabile.

Correlato: Binance annuncia la quotazione di Ronin (RONIN)

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Genesis dichiara bancarotta presso il tribunale fallimentare degli Stati Uniti | 14 minuti fa Genesis Global Capital propone il fallimento, con l'obiettivo di liquidare 1,6 miliardi di dollari in asset fiduciari, comprese partecipazioni sostanziali in Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, Grayscale Ethereum Trust e Grayscale Ethereum Classic Trust. Genesis presenta istanza di fallimento presso il tribunale fallimentare degli Stati Uniti Genesis suggerisce di dichiarare fallimento Genesis Global Capital, una societĆ  di prestito di criptovalute, ha presentato una nuova richiesta al tribunale fallimentare degli Stati Uniti nel distretto meridionale di New York, chiedendo l'approvazione per liquidare circa 1,6 miliardi di dollari in beni fiduciari. Secondo la dichiarazione, Genesis, una filiale del Digital Valuta Group, detiene asset tra cui circa 1,4 miliardi di dollari in azioni del Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, circa 165 milioni di dollari in azioni del Grayscale Ethereum Trust e circa 38 milioni di dollari in azioni del Grayscale Ethereum Classic Trust. Inoltre, la societĆ  ha presentato una mozione separata per accelerare le scadenze pertinenti, con l'obiettivo di considerare la mozione di vendita durante la prossima udienza del tribunale fallimentare di giovedƬ 8 febbraio. Proposta di vendita di GBTC La proposta di vendita delle azioni GBTC ĆØ collegata al collaterale iniziale Genesis trasferito a Gemini attraverso il programma Gemini Earn. Alcune di queste azioni hanno avuto origine dal fallimento di Three Arrows Capital. Genesis sta inoltre perseguendo i diritti legali su 31.180.804 azioni aggiuntive (del valore di circa 1,2 miliardi di dollari) promesse a Gemini ma non ancora trasferite, con la proprietĆ  attualmente contestata in tribunale. Gemini, in risposta, ha definito la presentazione della domanda un progresso significativo, soprattutto dopo l'approvazione del Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) come prodotto negoziato in borsa (ETP) il 10 gennaio. Correlato: Il deflusso dei fondi GBTC si avvicina allā€™esaurimento All'inizio di questa settimana, Genesis ha accettato di accordarsi con la SEC pagando una multa di 21 milioni di dollari dai fondi rimanenti dopo il fallimento, risolvendo la causa dell'agenzia relativa al funzionamento del programma Gemini Earn.
Genesis dichiara bancarotta presso il tribunale fallimentare degli Stati Uniti
| 14 minuti fa

Genesis Global Capital propone il fallimento, con l'obiettivo di liquidare 1,6 miliardi di dollari in asset fiduciari, comprese partecipazioni sostanziali in Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, Grayscale Ethereum Trust e Grayscale Ethereum Classic Trust. Genesis presenta istanza di fallimento presso il tribunale fallimentare degli Stati Uniti
Genesis suggerisce di dichiarare fallimento
Genesis Global Capital, una societĆ  di prestito di criptovalute, ha presentato una nuova richiesta al tribunale fallimentare degli Stati Uniti nel distretto meridionale di New York, chiedendo l'approvazione per liquidare circa 1,6 miliardi di dollari in beni fiduciari.

Secondo la dichiarazione, Genesis, una filiale del Digital Valuta Group, detiene asset tra cui circa 1,4 miliardi di dollari in azioni del Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, circa 165 milioni di dollari in azioni del Grayscale Ethereum Trust e circa 38 milioni di dollari in azioni del Grayscale Ethereum Classic Trust.

Inoltre, la societƠ ha presentato una mozione separata per accelerare le scadenze pertinenti, con l'obiettivo di considerare la mozione di vendita durante la prossima udienza del tribunale fallimentare di giovedƬ 8 febbraio.

Proposta di vendita di GBTC

La proposta di vendita delle azioni GBTC ĆØ collegata al collaterale iniziale Genesis trasferito a Gemini attraverso il programma Gemini Earn. Alcune di queste azioni hanno avuto origine dal fallimento di Three Arrows Capital. Genesis sta inoltre perseguendo i diritti legali su 31.180.804 azioni aggiuntive (del valore di circa 1,2 miliardi di dollari) promesse a Gemini ma non ancora trasferite, con la proprietĆ  attualmente contestata in tribunale.

Gemini, in risposta, ha definito la presentazione della domanda un progresso significativo, soprattutto dopo l'approvazione del Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) come prodotto negoziato in borsa (ETP) il 10 gennaio.

Correlato: Il deflusso dei fondi GBTC si avvicina allā€™esaurimento

All'inizio di questa settimana, Genesis ha accettato di accordarsi con la SEC pagando una multa di 21 milioni di dollari dai fondi rimanenti dopo il fallimento, risolvendo la causa dell'agenzia relativa al funzionamento del programma Gemini Earn.
Google Allows Advertising for Bitcoin Spot ETFs By AZC News | 5 hours ago Google's search engine has revised its cryptocurrency advertising restrictions, now allowing advertisements for Bitcoin spot ETFs on the platform.Google Allows Advertising for Bitcoin Spot ETFs In December 2023, Google updated some restrictions related to crypto advertising. As of now, the search engine has adjusted to allow advertisements for Bitcoin spot ETFs - a development approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in mid-January. The current financial product advertising policy of Google states: Google allows advertising of cryptocurrency trust funds within the United States, as long as the advertiser has successfully registered under Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act using Form 10-12g. Reporting requirements... and any other local legal requirements must also be complied with. Advertisers must also be certified by Google. This update will be effective from January 29, 2024. It's noted that some asset management funds have begun promoting their Bitcoin ETF products on Google. Companies such as BlackRock, VanEck, and Franklin Templeton have been identified advertising through sponsored links in search results. Google had nearly banned crypto-related advertising around 2018 but gradually lifted restrictions in recent years. In June 2021, Google started allowing advertising for exchanges and Web3 wallets in the U.S., while still maintaining a ban on Initial Coin Offering (ICO) promotions. Related: The Positive Evolution of the Market: "Spot Bitcoin ETF" Google Searches Reach Their Peak By August 2023, the leading search engine also permitted NFT advertising. Additionally, advertisements related to cold wallets were also given approval. Disclaimer. This article does not contain investment advice or recommendations. Every investment and trading move involves risk, and readers should conduct their own research when making a decision.
Google Allows Advertising for Bitcoin Spot ETFs
By AZC News | 5 hours ago

Google's search engine has revised its cryptocurrency advertising restrictions, now allowing advertisements for Bitcoin spot ETFs on the platform.Google Allows Advertising for Bitcoin Spot ETFs
In December 2023, Google updated some restrictions related to crypto advertising. As of now, the search engine has adjusted to allow advertisements for Bitcoin spot ETFs - a development approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in mid-January.

The current financial product advertising policy of Google states:

Google allows advertising of cryptocurrency trust funds within the United States, as long as the advertiser has successfully registered under Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act using Form 10-12g. Reporting requirements... and any other local legal requirements must also be complied with. Advertisers must also be certified by Google.

This update will be effective from January 29, 2024.

It's noted that some asset management funds have begun promoting their Bitcoin ETF products on Google. Companies such as BlackRock, VanEck, and Franklin Templeton have been identified advertising through sponsored links in search results.

Google had nearly banned crypto-related advertising around 2018 but gradually lifted restrictions in recent years. In June 2021, Google started allowing advertising for exchanges and Web3 wallets in the U.S., while still maintaining a ban on Initial Coin Offering (ICO) promotions.

Related: The Positive Evolution of the Market: "Spot Bitcoin ETF" Google Searches Reach Their Peak

By August 2023, the leading search engine also permitted NFT advertising. Additionally, advertisements related to cold wallets were also given approval.

Disclaimer. This article does not contain investment advice or recommendations. Every investment and trading move involves risk, and readers should conduct their own research when making a decision.
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Binance cerca di ridurre la propria partecipazione nell'exchange sudcoreano GOPAX Di Notizie AZC | Un'ora fa Binance Exchange sta esplorando opzioni per cedere parte del suo precedente investimento in GOPAX a causa di preoccupazioni legali sollevate dalle autoritĆ  di regolamentazione della Corea del Sud. Binance cerca di ridurre la sua partecipazione nell'exchange sudcoreano GOPAX Secondo CoinDesk, Binance sta attualmente discutendo per ridurre la sua partecipazione "entro i prossimi 1-2 mesi" nell'exchange di criptovalute sudcoreano GOPAX per affrontare i problemi di liquiditĆ  in seguito al crollo di FTX e le preoccupazioni sulla conformitĆ  alle normative locali. Steve Kim, Direttore dello sviluppo aziendale di Binance per la regione Asia-Pacifico, ha dichiarato che Binance mira a convertire i suoi prestiti a GOPAX in azioni e quindi vendere azioni ad altre societĆ . Questa mossa ha lo scopo di alleviare i problemi di debito all'interno di GOPAX. Di conseguenza, Binance, attualmente il maggiore azionista, scenderebbe al secondo posto. Come riportato in precedenza, Binance ha acquisito una partecipazione significativa nell'exchange di criptovalute GOPAX nel febbraio 2023, dopo che la societĆ  madre dell'exchange coreano, Streami Inc, ha dovuto affrontare problemi di liquiditĆ  legati al fallimento di Genesis Global Capital, una piattaforma di prestito, nel gennaio 2023. Genesis Global Capital era responsabile della gestione dei depositi di GOPAX. Il prodotto GoFi ĆØ stato progettato per generare profitti per gli utenti che hanno affidato le proprie risorse digitali a GOPAX. Da novembre 2022, GOPAX aveva temporaneamente sospeso i prelievi di capitale e interessi dal servizio GoFi a causa del fallimento di FTX. Inoltre, si ritiene che la societĆ  madre di Genesis, Digital Valuta Group (DCG), sia il secondo maggiore azionista di GOPAX e un partner chiave che fornisce il prodotto GoFi. Si presume che Binance sia intervenuta per iniettare capitale in GOPAX per riprendere rapidamente le operazioni di prelievo per i clienti. In cambio, Binance deterrebbe il 72,26% dellā€™exchange sudcoreano. Correlato: Binance e Gulf Energy lanciano il Crypto Exchange in Tailandia Ragioni per cui Binance ha ridotto la sua partecipazione in GOPAX.
Binance cerca di ridurre la propria partecipazione nell'exchange sudcoreano GOPAX
Di Notizie AZC | Un'ora fa

Binance Exchange sta esplorando opzioni per cedere parte del suo precedente investimento in GOPAX a causa di preoccupazioni legali sollevate dalle autoritĆ  di regolamentazione della Corea del Sud. Binance cerca di ridurre la sua partecipazione nell'exchange sudcoreano GOPAX
Secondo CoinDesk, Binance sta attualmente discutendo per ridurre la sua partecipazione "entro i prossimi 1-2 mesi" nell'exchange di criptovalute sudcoreano GOPAX per affrontare i problemi di liquiditĆ  in seguito al crollo di FTX e le preoccupazioni sulla conformitĆ  alle normative locali.

Steve Kim, Direttore dello sviluppo aziendale di Binance per la regione Asia-Pacifico, ha dichiarato che Binance mira a convertire i suoi prestiti a GOPAX in azioni e quindi vendere azioni ad altre societĆ . Questa mossa ha lo scopo di alleviare i problemi di debito all'interno di GOPAX. Di conseguenza, Binance, attualmente il maggiore azionista, scenderebbe al secondo posto.

Come riportato in precedenza, Binance ha acquisito una partecipazione significativa nell'exchange di criptovalute GOPAX nel febbraio 2023, dopo che la societĆ  madre dell'exchange coreano, Streami Inc, ha dovuto affrontare problemi di liquiditĆ  legati al fallimento di Genesis Global Capital, una piattaforma di prestito, nel gennaio 2023. Genesis Global Capital era responsabile della gestione dei depositi di GOPAX.

Il prodotto GoFi ĆØ stato progettato per generare profitti per gli utenti che hanno affidato le proprie risorse digitali a GOPAX. Da novembre 2022, GOPAX aveva temporaneamente sospeso i prelievi di capitale e interessi dal servizio GoFi a causa del fallimento di FTX. Inoltre, si ritiene che la societĆ  madre di Genesis, Digital Valuta Group (DCG), sia il secondo maggiore azionista di GOPAX e un partner chiave che fornisce il prodotto GoFi.

Si presume che Binance sia intervenuta per iniettare capitale in GOPAX per riprendere rapidamente le operazioni di prelievo per i clienti. In cambio, Binance deterrebbe il 72,26% dellā€™exchange sudcoreano.

Correlato: Binance e Gulf Energy lanciano il Crypto Exchange in Tailandia

Ragioni per cui Binance ha ridotto la sua partecipazione in GOPAX.
Coinbase Loses Position on App Store Rankings By AZC News | 42 minutes ago Since late 2023, the cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase's app has dropped out of the top 16 rankings for leading financial apps on the App Store.Coinbase Loses Position on App Store Rankings Coinbase Loses Position on App Store Rankings In the past month, the Coinbase app has consistently fallen out of the top 16 rankings for financial apps on the U.S. App Store. Rankings of some leading crypto financial apps on the U.S. App Store. On December 1st, Coinbase was only ranked at 49th place on the App Store. By December 25th, the largest crypto trading app in the U.S. had rapidly climbed into the top 16, fueled by excitement over the impending approval of the Bitcoin spot ETF by the SEC. Shortly thereafter, Coinbase began to lose its position, not only slipping out of the top 16 but plummeting to the 77th position as of today (January 30th). Related: Coinbase Stands to Gain the Most from Bitcoin ETF Approval Rebecca Stevens, an analyst at The Block, noted: The decline in cryptocurrency prices, coupled with the emergence of new brokerage players, is impacting the popularity of the Coinbase app. This is not surprising. The Bitcoin spot ETF, a much-anticipated keyword ahead of approval, has also undergone a similar shift. Contrary to the eager anticipation and multiple instances that made the market unusually sensitive, the price of Bitcoin, after the appearance of the spot ETF, experienced a significant "dump," weighed down by conversion pressure from Grayscale's GBTC. Disclaimer. This article does not contain investment advice or recommendations. Every investment and trading move involves risk, and readers should conduct their own research when making a decision.
Coinbase Loses Position on App Store Rankings
By AZC News | 42 minutes ago

Since late 2023, the cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase's app has dropped out of the top 16 rankings for leading financial apps on the App Store.Coinbase Loses Position on App Store Rankings
Coinbase Loses Position on App Store Rankings

In the past month, the Coinbase app has consistently fallen out of the top 16 rankings for financial apps on the U.S. App Store.

Rankings of some leading crypto financial apps on the U.S. App Store.

On December 1st, Coinbase was only ranked at 49th place on the App Store. By December 25th, the largest crypto trading app in the U.S. had rapidly climbed into the top 16, fueled by excitement over the impending approval of the Bitcoin spot ETF by the SEC.

Shortly thereafter, Coinbase began to lose its position, not only slipping out of the top 16 but plummeting to the 77th position as of today (January 30th).

Related: Coinbase Stands to Gain the Most from Bitcoin ETF Approval

Rebecca Stevens, an analyst at The Block, noted:

The decline in cryptocurrency prices, coupled with the emergence of new brokerage players, is impacting the popularity of the Coinbase app. This is not surprising.

The Bitcoin spot ETF, a much-anticipated keyword ahead of approval, has also undergone a similar shift. Contrary to the eager anticipation and multiple instances that made the market unusually sensitive, the price of Bitcoin, after the appearance of the spot ETF, experienced a significant "dump," weighed down by conversion pressure from Grayscale's GBTC.

Disclaimer. This article does not contain investment advice or recommendations. Every investment and trading move involves risk, and readers should conduct their own research when making a decision.
Ethereum Completes Dencun Upgrade on Sepolia Testnet By AZC News | 28 minutes ago The Dencun upgrade has been deployed on 2 out of 3 testnets following its successful implementation on the Sepolia testnet, gearing up for the upcoming mainnet release.Ethereum Completes Dencun Upgrade on Sepolia Testnet Dencun has been successfully deployed on the Sepolia testnet in the early hours of January 31st, marking the second successful testnet release after Goerli on January 17th. Overall, the Dencun upgrade is progressing according to the predefined schedule. The final testnet deployment, Holesky, is scheduled for next week on February 7th. Subsequent to a successful deployment, Ethereum developers will finalize the timeline for introducing Dencun to the mainnet, expected around February - March. Initially scheduled for late 2023, Dencun faced delays due to various technical challenges and a lack of readiness from multiple client teams. One anticipated feature that Dencun is expected to bring is proto-danksharding, aiming to reduce gas fees and enhance scalability by introducing a compressed data storage mechanism called "blobs." While not officially confirmed, there have been hints that Ethereum developers are already discussing the next upgrade after Dencun. This upgrade, tentatively named Prague/Electra, commonly referred to as Pectra, follows the naming convention established with Cancun/Deneb, shortened to Dencun. Related: Standard Chartered Forecasts ETH to Surge to $4K USD Chart ETH ETH/USD 4-hour chart on TradingView at 4:48 AM on January 31, 2024. Disclaimer. This article does not contain investment advice or recommendations. Every investment and trading move involves risk, and readers should conduct their own research when making a decision.
Ethereum Completes Dencun Upgrade on Sepolia Testnet
By AZC News | 28 minutes ago

The Dencun upgrade has been deployed on 2 out of 3 testnets following its successful implementation on the Sepolia testnet, gearing up for the upcoming mainnet release.Ethereum Completes Dencun Upgrade on Sepolia Testnet
Dencun has been successfully deployed on the Sepolia testnet in the early hours of January 31st, marking the second successful testnet release after Goerli on January 17th.

Overall, the Dencun upgrade is progressing according to the predefined schedule. The final testnet deployment, Holesky, is scheduled for next week on February 7th. Subsequent to a successful deployment, Ethereum developers will finalize the timeline for introducing Dencun to the mainnet, expected around February - March.

Initially scheduled for late 2023, Dencun faced delays due to various technical challenges and a lack of readiness from multiple client teams.

One anticipated feature that Dencun is expected to bring is proto-danksharding, aiming to reduce gas fees and enhance scalability by introducing a compressed data storage mechanism called "blobs."

While not officially confirmed, there have been hints that Ethereum developers are already discussing the next upgrade after Dencun. This upgrade, tentatively named Prague/Electra, commonly referred to as Pectra, follows the naming convention established with Cancun/Deneb, shortened to Dencun.

Related: Standard Chartered Forecasts ETH to Surge to $4K USD

Chart ETH

ETH/USD 4-hour chart on TradingView at 4:48 AM on January 31, 2024.

Disclaimer. This article does not contain investment advice or recommendations. Every investment and trading move involves risk, and readers should conduct their own research when making a decision.
SEC Accuses HyperFund Group of Fraud By AZC News | An hour ago SEC Accuses HyperFund Operators of Defrauding Over $1.7 Billion from Global Investors.SEC Accuses HyperFund Group of Fraud SEC Accuses HyperFund Group of Fraud The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has recently announced criminal charges against individuals operating the $1.7 billion Ponzi scheme model of HyperFund. The press release is posted on the SEC's website. According to the indictment, Xue Lee and Brenda Chunga, also known as Sam Lee and Bitcoin Beautee, raised over $1.7 billion from global investors since June 2020. During that time, the two individuals promoted HyperFund as an investment channel with attractive returns. However, in reality, the company operated as a disguised multi-level marketing scheme. By 2022, the project had unraveled, and investors seemingly suffered significant losses. Gurbir S. Grewal, the head of SEC's enforcement division, stated: Today's case is yet another example of non-compliance in the crypto space, promoting get-rich-quick schemes without providing investor protections required by federal securities laws. SEC has filed a complaint in the Maryland District Court, accusing Lee and Chunga of violating anti-fraud and registration provisions of federal securities laws. The Maryland U.S. Attorney's Office has also criminally charged these individuals. Related: Ripple Accuses SEC of Misrepresenting Facts in Lawsuit As of now, Chunga has pleaded guilty and agreed to pay civil penalties as determined by the court. HyperFund is one of the smaller brands in the network of fraudulent companies, alongside HyperCapital, HyperVerse, and HyperTech. Earlier this month, the U.S. government ordered the arrest and indictment of Rodney Burton, who embezzled over $7 million through a fraudulent investment program in HyperVerse. The founders of HyperTech, including Lee and Ryan Xu, also established the company Bitcoin Blockchain Global in Australia. It is reported that this company is burdened with a debt of $58 million.
SEC Accuses HyperFund Group of Fraud
By AZC News | An hour ago

SEC Accuses HyperFund Operators of Defrauding Over $1.7 Billion from Global Investors.SEC Accuses HyperFund Group of Fraud
SEC Accuses HyperFund Group of Fraud

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has recently announced criminal charges against individuals operating the $1.7 billion Ponzi scheme model of HyperFund.

The press release is posted on the SEC's website.

According to the indictment, Xue Lee and Brenda Chunga, also known as Sam Lee and Bitcoin Beautee, raised over $1.7 billion from global investors since June 2020.

During that time, the two individuals promoted HyperFund as an investment channel with attractive returns. However, in reality, the company operated as a disguised multi-level marketing scheme. By 2022, the project had unraveled, and investors seemingly suffered significant losses.

Gurbir S. Grewal, the head of SEC's enforcement division, stated:

Today's case is yet another example of non-compliance in the crypto space, promoting get-rich-quick schemes without providing investor protections required by federal securities laws.

SEC has filed a complaint in the Maryland District Court, accusing Lee and Chunga of violating anti-fraud and registration provisions of federal securities laws. The Maryland U.S. Attorney's Office has also criminally charged these individuals.

Related: Ripple Accuses SEC of Misrepresenting Facts in Lawsuit

As of now, Chunga has pleaded guilty and agreed to pay civil penalties as determined by the court.

HyperFund is one of the smaller brands in the network of fraudulent companies, alongside HyperCapital, HyperVerse, and HyperTech. Earlier this month, the U.S. government ordered the arrest and indictment of Rodney Burton, who embezzled over $7 million through a fraudulent investment program in HyperVerse.

The founders of HyperTech, including Lee and Ryan Xu, also established the company Bitcoin Blockchain Global in Australia. It is reported that this company is burdened with a debt of $58 million.
#pythonStaked PYTH Wallets Exceed 110,000 Mark By AZC News | An hour ago In the recent weeks, staking activity on the Pyth Network has experienced rapid growth, attracting over 110,000 participating wallets.Staked PYTH Wallets Exceed 110,000 Mark The number of crypto wallets staking the Pyth network's token has surged past the 110,000 mark, demonstrating an exponential increase in interest over the past few weeks. At the beginning of December, the count of Pyth token stakers was below 10,000. However, over the last month, there has been a more than tenfold rise in community members participating in Pyth governance staking. The team attributes the surge in stakers to an upcoming official governance vote as part of the Pyth DAO. "There is an upcoming first vote on the Pyth constitution, and the community is really rallying in anticipation of that vote," stated a Pyth spokesperson. In November, Pyth initially introduced its token, rewarding community members contributing to the oracle network with a stake. The Pyth tokens, native to the Solana blockchain, can be staked for participation in the governance of the oracle network. The number of PYTH staking wallets over time. Speculations Surrounding Airdrop The recent surge in Pyth staking could be linked to speculation, widely circulated by numerous crypto influencers, regarding potential airdrops for Pyth stakers. Various influencers have suggested that Pyth might follow a trend similar to what was observed in the Celestia ecosystem, where stakers continued to receive rewards from projects utilizing its data availability solution. This speculation seems to have incentivized many to stake their tokens, although Pyth has not provided any official comment on these speculations. Pyth operates as a decentralized oracle network, specializing in providing real-time, off-chain market data to blockchain applications. It is among the most utilized oracle services, particularly on the Solana platform, supporting over 200 protocols across different networks. Chainlink stands as Pyth's closest competitor.
#pythonStaked PYTH Wallets Exceed 110,000 Mark
By AZC News | An hour ago

In the recent weeks, staking activity on the Pyth Network has experienced rapid growth, attracting over 110,000 participating wallets.Staked PYTH Wallets Exceed 110,000 Mark
The number of crypto wallets staking the Pyth network's token has surged past the 110,000 mark, demonstrating an exponential increase in interest over the past few weeks.

At the beginning of December, the count of Pyth token stakers was below 10,000. However, over the last month, there has been a more than tenfold rise in community members participating in Pyth governance staking.

The team attributes the surge in stakers to an upcoming official governance vote as part of the Pyth DAO.

"There is an upcoming first vote on the Pyth constitution, and the community is really rallying in anticipation of that vote," stated a Pyth spokesperson.

In November, Pyth initially introduced its token, rewarding community members contributing to the oracle network with a stake. The Pyth tokens, native to the Solana blockchain, can be staked for participation in the governance of the oracle network.

The number of PYTH staking wallets over time.

Speculations Surrounding Airdrop
The recent surge in Pyth staking could be linked to speculation, widely circulated by numerous crypto influencers, regarding potential airdrops for Pyth stakers.

Various influencers have suggested that Pyth might follow a trend similar to what was observed in the Celestia ecosystem, where stakers continued to receive rewards from projects utilizing its data availability solution. This speculation seems to have incentivized many to stake their tokens, although Pyth has not provided any official comment on these speculations.

Pyth operates as a decentralized oracle network, specializing in providing real-time, off-chain market data to blockchain applications. It is among the most utilized oracle services, particularly on the Solana platform, supporting over 200 protocols across different networks. Chainlink stands as Pyth's closest competitor.
How Much Bitcoin is Tesla Currently Holding? In Tesla's Q4 report, the company maintains a steadfast Bitcoin investment of 9,720 BTC, demonstrating resilience amidst a varied financial performance that yielded a total revenue of $25.2 billion.How Much Bitcoin is Tesla Currently Holding? In the latest financial reports, Tesla, the electric vehicle giant, disclosed impressive figures, with a total revenue of $25.2 billion and an operating profit of $2.1 billion. Noteworthy is Tesla's abstention from both Bitcoin purchases and sales in the quarter under review. Securing its standing for the sixth consecutive quarter, Tesla currently holds 9,720 BTC in its Bitcoin portfolio. The company's initial venture into the world of Bitcoin took place in February 2021, spearheaded by CEO Elon Musk, who directed a substantial investment of $1.5 billion, triggering a significant surge in the cryptocurrency's value. Building on this bold initiative, Tesla strategically liquidated a portion of its Bitcoin holdings to assess market liquidity, resulting in the remaining holdings being valued at approximately $1.99 billion by year-end. A pivotal decision unfolded in July 2022, as Tesla opted to sell 75% of its Bitcoin holdings, fortifying its cash reserves by an additional $936 million. Despite Tesla's unwavering Bitcoin holdings, its quarterly performance has elicited mixed reactions. The fourth quarter witnessed a modest 1% year-over-year uptick in automotive revenue, yet both earnings per share and total revenue fell slightly short of market expectations, leading to a dip in stock value during after-hours trading. Delving into Tesla's balance sheet unveils a comprehensive asset portfolio, encompassing cash, receivables, and solar energy systems, indicative of a diversified strategy extending beyond automotive sales. Related: Outflow of GBTC Funds Approaching Depletion The quarter showcased diverse performance across Tesla's divisions. While automotive revenues experienced marginal growth, the energy generation and storage segment reported an impressive 10% increase in revenue.
How Much Bitcoin is Tesla Currently Holding?

In Tesla's Q4 report, the company maintains a steadfast Bitcoin investment of 9,720 BTC, demonstrating resilience amidst a varied financial performance that yielded a total revenue of $25.2 billion.How Much Bitcoin is Tesla Currently Holding?
In the latest financial reports, Tesla, the electric vehicle giant, disclosed impressive figures, with a total revenue of $25.2 billion and an operating profit of $2.1 billion. Noteworthy is Tesla's abstention from both Bitcoin purchases and sales in the quarter under review.
Securing its standing for the sixth consecutive quarter, Tesla currently holds 9,720 BTC in its Bitcoin portfolio. The company's initial venture into the world of Bitcoin took place in February 2021, spearheaded by CEO Elon Musk, who directed a substantial investment of $1.5 billion, triggering a significant surge in the cryptocurrency's value.

Building on this bold initiative, Tesla strategically liquidated a portion of its Bitcoin holdings to assess market liquidity, resulting in the remaining holdings being valued at approximately $1.99 billion by year-end. A pivotal decision unfolded in July 2022, as Tesla opted to sell 75% of its Bitcoin holdings, fortifying its cash reserves by an additional $936 million.

Despite Tesla's unwavering Bitcoin holdings, its quarterly performance has elicited mixed reactions. The fourth quarter witnessed a modest 1% year-over-year uptick in automotive revenue, yet both earnings per share and total revenue fell slightly short of market expectations, leading to a dip in stock value during after-hours trading.

Delving into Tesla's balance sheet unveils a comprehensive asset portfolio, encompassing cash, receivables, and solar energy systems, indicative of a diversified strategy extending beyond automotive sales.

Related: Outflow of GBTC Funds Approaching Depletion
The quarter showcased diverse performance across Tesla's divisions. While automotive revenues experienced marginal growth, the energy generation and storage segment reported an impressive 10% increase in revenue.
CZ Banned from Leaving the U.S Despite Agreeing to Pay 4.5 Billion USD By AZC News | 3 hours ago A federal judge rejects Changpeng Zhao's $4.5 billion bond request for travel to the UAE, compelling him to remain in the U.S. In light of a potential 10-year prison term, Zhao consents to refrain from appealing any sentence shorter than 18 months.CZ Banned from Leaving the U.S Despite Agreeing to Pay 4.5 Billion USD Despite offering an unprecedented $4.5 billion bond, Changpeng Zhao, the former CEO of Binance, faces an obstacle in his attempt to leave the U.S. This comes in the aftermath of his admission of guilt to anti-money laundering charges, adding a significant chapter to the ongoing scrutiny of the cryptocurrency industry by authorities. U.S. Authorities Bar Zhao's Departure Despite $4.5 Billion Binance Stake Proposal Zhao, who relinquished his position at Binance in November 2023, has become embroiled in a complex legal situation with the U.S. justice system. His proposal to pledge his entire $4.5 billion stake in Binance.US in exchange for permission to travel to the United Arab Emirates was met with a firm denial from the U.S. District Court in Seattle. This denial underscores the gravity of the charges against him and the court's serious consideration of the case. The ruling, outlined in a court filing by Judge Richard A. Jones of the Western District of Washington at Seattle, emphasizes the substantial financial offer made by Zhao in his bid for travel approval. Despite the magnitude of the bond, the court upheld its decision to confine Zhao within U.S. borders, citing the necessity to ensure his presence throughout the sentencing process scheduled for February 2024. The court order states, "It is ordered that the condition permitting Defendant to return to the UAE pending sentencing is stayed until such time as this Court resolves the Governmentā€™s motion for review." $BTC
CZ Banned from Leaving the U.S Despite Agreeing to Pay 4.5 Billion USD
By AZC News | 3 hours ago

A federal judge rejects Changpeng Zhao's $4.5 billion bond request for travel to the UAE, compelling him to remain in the U.S. In light of a potential 10-year prison term, Zhao consents to refrain from appealing any sentence shorter than 18 months.CZ Banned from Leaving the U.S Despite Agreeing to Pay 4.5 Billion USD
Despite offering an unprecedented $4.5 billion bond, Changpeng Zhao, the former CEO of Binance, faces an obstacle in his attempt to leave the U.S. This comes in the aftermath of his admission of guilt to anti-money laundering charges, adding a significant chapter to the ongoing scrutiny of the cryptocurrency industry by authorities.

U.S. Authorities Bar Zhao's Departure Despite $4.5 Billion Binance Stake Proposal
Zhao, who relinquished his position at Binance in November 2023, has become embroiled in a complex legal situation with the U.S. justice system. His proposal to pledge his entire $4.5 billion stake in Binance.US in exchange for permission to travel to the United Arab Emirates was met with a firm denial from the U.S. District Court in Seattle. This denial underscores the gravity of the charges against him and the court's serious consideration of the case.

The ruling, outlined in a court filing by Judge Richard A. Jones of the Western District of Washington at Seattle, emphasizes the substantial financial offer made by Zhao in his bid for travel approval. Despite the magnitude of the bond, the court upheld its decision to confine Zhao within U.S. borders, citing the necessity to ensure his presence throughout the sentencing process scheduled for February 2024.

The court order states, "It is ordered that the condition permitting Defendant to return to the UAE pending sentencing is stayed until such time as this Court resolves the Governmentā€™s motion for review."
PEPE Coin Price Prediction for 2024!šŸš€šŸš€ Let's discuss PEPE Coin, an engaging digital currency known for its unique appeal. These coins stand out not just for their monetary aspect but also for the entertainment value they bring, resonating with internet trends. Current Status of PEPE Coin: Presently valued at $0.00000158, PEPE Coin experiences minor fluctuations. Notably, a substantial $46 million worth of transactions occurred in a single day, underscoring widespread interest. Prospects for PEPE Coin in 2023 and 2024: $PEPE, a meme coin with a total circulation of 420,690,000,000,000, created a buzz in the crypto community. Launched on the Ethereum network on April 14, 2023, this frog-themed memetoken recorded over 1000 times returns in less than a week. It's essential to recognize that PEPE is a meme token lacking a core value, roadmap, or utility akin to Shiba Inu and Dogecoin, with its unique frog theme. Price Forecast for December 2023: Anticipated prices range from US$0.000000715 to US$0.00000031, highlighting the predicted high volatility. Despite the absence of utility, PEPE could emerge as a noteworthy memecoin, boasting a market capitalization of approximately $300 million by the end of 2023. 2024 Price Forecast (January-December): Projected prices vary from $0.0000038 USD to $0.0000098 USD, suggesting an upward trend for PEPE in 2024, potentially reaching a market value of $400 million. Influential factors include additional stock market listings and heightened social media attention, particularly through figures like Elon Musk. It's crucial to acknowledge the speculative nature of these predictions due to the volatile characteristics of memecoins like PEPE. If our updates add value, support us with a Tip. #pepe #pepecoin #memecoin $PEPE $XRP
PEPE Coin Price Prediction for 2024!šŸš€šŸš€

Let's discuss PEPE Coin, an engaging digital currency known for its unique appeal. These coins stand out not just for their monetary aspect but also for the entertainment value they bring, resonating with internet trends.

Current Status of PEPE Coin: Presently valued at $0.00000158, PEPE Coin experiences minor fluctuations. Notably, a substantial $46 million worth of transactions occurred in a single day, underscoring widespread interest.

Prospects for PEPE Coin in 2023 and 2024:

$PEPE , a meme coin with a total circulation of 420,690,000,000,000, created a buzz in the crypto community. Launched on the Ethereum network on April 14, 2023, this frog-themed memetoken recorded over 1000 times returns in less than a week. It's essential to recognize that PEPE is a meme token lacking a core value, roadmap, or utility akin to Shiba Inu and Dogecoin, with its unique frog theme.

Price Forecast for December 2023: Anticipated prices range from US$0.000000715 to US$0.00000031, highlighting the predicted high volatility. Despite the absence of utility, PEPE could emerge as a noteworthy memecoin, boasting a market capitalization of approximately $300 million by the end of 2023.

2024 Price Forecast (January-December): Projected prices vary from $0.0000038 USD to $0.0000098 USD, suggesting an upward trend for PEPE in 2024, potentially reaching a market value of $400 million. Influential factors include additional stock market listings and heightened social media attention, particularly through figures like Elon Musk. It's crucial to acknowledge the speculative nature of these predictions due to the volatile characteristics of memecoins like PEPE.

If our updates add value, support us with a Tip. #pepe #pepecoin #memecoin
$PEPE šŸš€ šŸš€Pepe Coin Price Prediction: Can Reach $0.000002 in December? With the buyers overcoming the recent pullback phase, the PEPE coin price skyrocketed with a trendline breakout rally. The trend accounts for a price jump of 45% over the past two weeks and reclaims the psychological mark of $0.0000015. As per the trend-based Fibonacci retracement, the ongoing bull run challenges the hundred percent Fibonacci mark which may lead to a bullish breakout. In case of an outcome supporting the buyers and holders of pepe coin, the least momentum will prolong the prevailing up trend. In such a condition, the breakout rally is expected to reach the overhead resistance of $0.0000019 accounting for a 16.6% gain. Supporting the bullish possibility, the short-term memecoin price trend shows a rounding reversal with a spike in the intraday trading volume. Currently, the PEPE price trades at $0.00000162 with a minimal intraday gain to form a Doji candle reflecting an indecisive daily candle. Is PEPE Price at Risk of New Correction? The anticipated rally in PEPE price could face intense supply pressure at $0.000019. This monthly resistance could pressurize the coin price for another correction. However, in such a correction, the coin holders can use the 38.2% or 50% to find a suitable pullback opportunity as the price has historically strong demand pressure. Relative Strength Index: the daily RSI slope above 60% reflects market sentiment is Bullish Moving Average Convergence Divergence: a Bullish crossover state between MACD and signal slope, reflects the buyers are traveling a recovery trend. #BinanceTokenDrop #PEPEPower #BinanceTokenDrop
$PEPE šŸš€ šŸš€Pepe Coin Price Prediction:
Can Reach $0.000002 in December?

With the buyers overcoming the recent pullback phase, the PEPE coin price skyrocketed with a trendline breakout rally. The trend accounts for a price jump of 45% over the past two weeks and reclaims the psychological mark of $0.0000015.

As per the trend-based Fibonacci retracement, the ongoing bull run challenges the hundred percent Fibonacci mark which may lead to a bullish breakout. In case of an outcome supporting the buyers and holders of pepe coin, the least momentum will prolong the prevailing up trend.

In such a condition, the breakout rally is expected to reach the overhead resistance of $0.0000019 accounting for a 16.6% gain.

Supporting the bullish possibility, the short-term memecoin price trend shows a rounding reversal with a spike in the intraday trading volume. Currently, the PEPE price trades at $0.00000162 with a minimal intraday gain to form a Doji candle reflecting an indecisive daily candle.

Is PEPE Price at Risk of New Correction? The anticipated rally in PEPE price could face intense supply pressure at $0.000019. This monthly resistance could pressurize the coin price for another correction. However, in such a correction, the coin holders can use the 38.2% or 50% to find a suitable pullback opportunity as the price has historically strong demand pressure.

Relative Strength Index: the daily RSI slope above 60% reflects market sentiment is Bullish

Moving Average Convergence Divergence: a Bullish crossover state between MACD and signal slope, reflects the buyers are traveling a recovery trend. #BinanceTokenDrop #PEPEPower #BinanceTokenDrop
Solana Price Prediction: SOL Replicates Uptrend, Targeting $80 1 SOL price continues to surge and extend gains beyond $70. 2 Buyers persisted in accumulating and targeting the $80 mark. Solana price action produced the higher highs pattern and continued to surge over the past few sessions. The chart shows the continuation of the rally. SOL coin surpassed the swing hurdle of $70 and is targeting the $80 mark. Moreover, the price action highlights the buying momentum. Also, follow on buying was witnessed on the chart. Furthermore, the buyers are looking aggressive now and have trapped the sellers, which has led to a massive short-covering move in the past few sessions. Solana price displays a bullish bias, and a positive trend signals the buying interest, where SOL continues to gather momentum and persists in extending the rally. In the past few sessions, Solana price continued to take support on the 20-day EMA mark and pulled back decisively, forming a clear higher high pattern. Additionally, the Solana coin surpassed the significant moving averages and traded in bullish trajectory. The live price of Solana coin is $70.85 with an intraday gain of 12.90%, showing bullishness on the chart. Moreover, the trading volume increased by 13.63% to $4.15 Billion. However, the pair of SOL/BTC is at 0.00164 BTC, and the market cap is $30.31 Billion. Furthermore, analysts have maintained a buy rating and suggest a growth outlook for the upcoming sessions. On the daily chart, the Solana coin witnessed a vertical spike from the lows of $20, and a sharp rebound led to reclaiming neutrality in recent sessions. The RSI curve stayed in the overbought zone and formed a positive divergence, highlighting the outperformance on the chart.The MACD indicator shows a bullish crossover and formed green bars on the histogram, suggesting a favorable bullish outlook for the upcoming sessions. Disclaimer: This article just for education not financial advise. #Web3Wallet #Solana $SOL FOLLOW PLS THANKS
Solana Price Prediction: SOL Replicates Uptrend, Targeting $80

1 SOL price continues to surge and extend gains beyond $70.

2 Buyers persisted in accumulating and targeting the $80 mark.

Solana price action produced the higher highs pattern and continued to surge over the past few sessions. The chart shows the continuation of the rally. SOL coin surpassed the swing hurdle of $70 and is targeting the $80 mark. Moreover, the price action highlights the buying momentum. Also, follow on buying was witnessed on the chart. Furthermore, the buyers are looking aggressive now and have trapped the sellers, which has led to a massive short-covering move in the past few sessions.

Solana price displays a bullish bias, and a positive trend signals the buying interest, where SOL continues to gather momentum and persists in extending the rally. In the past few sessions, Solana price continued to take support on the 20-day EMA mark and pulled back decisively, forming a clear higher high pattern. Additionally, the Solana coin surpassed the significant moving averages and traded in bullish trajectory.

The live price of Solana coin is $70.85 with an intraday gain of 12.90%, showing bullishness on the chart. Moreover, the trading volume increased by 13.63% to $4.15 Billion. However, the pair of SOL/BTC is at 0.00164 BTC, and the market cap is $30.31 Billion. Furthermore, analysts have maintained a buy rating and suggest a growth outlook for the upcoming sessions.

On the daily chart, the Solana coin witnessed a vertical spike from the lows of $20, and a sharp rebound led to reclaiming neutrality in recent sessions.

The RSI curve stayed in the overbought zone and formed a positive divergence, highlighting the outperformance on the chart.The MACD indicator shows a bullish crossover and formed green bars on the histogram, suggesting a favorable bullish outlook for the upcoming sessions.

Disclaimer: This article just for education not financial advise.

#Web3Wallet #Solana $SOL
Exciting JITO(JTO) Price Predictions! Check out the chart showing JITO(JTO) consistent higher lows, hinting at a bullish future! The Pitchfork indicator suggests a potential surge to $6 soon, possibly even hitting $10 by the end of 2023 if the bulls take control! Be cautious though, as the volume oscillator indicates a decrease in volume, and JITO(JTO) might seek support around $2.6. Watch out for market dormancy towards the month-end. #JTO Price Predictions: 2023: Riding the current upward trend, JITO(JTO) is poised for significant growth. The chart signals potential highs of $6, and optimistic market sentiment could push it beyond $10 by year-end. Keep a close eye on the evolving dynamics! 2024: With Bitcoin halving, expect JITO(JTO) not to dip below $15 by year-end! 2025: Post-BTC halving effects may propel JITO(JTO) beyond $40, forming new resistance levels! 2026: Brace for a bearish sentiment; JITO(JTO) could dip to $32 amid a correction. 2027: Anticipate a bullish trend, with JITO(JTO) trading around $35 before the excitement of the 2028 Bitcoin halving! 2028: JITO(JTO) may surge to $43 as the crypto community's hope reignites with the approaching Bitcoin halving! Stay informed, invest wisely! #JTO #ORDIUSDT #Binance Tournament #BTCto40k $JTO $BTC $ORDI
Exciting JITO(JTO) Price Predictions!

Check out the chart showing JITO(JTO) consistent higher lows, hinting at a bullish future! The Pitchfork indicator suggests a potential surge to $6 soon, possibly even hitting $10 by the end of 2023 if the bulls take control!

Be cautious though, as the volume oscillator indicates a decrease in volume, and JITO(JTO) might seek support around $2.6. Watch out for market dormancy towards the month-end.

#JTO Price Predictions:

2023: Riding the current upward trend, JITO(JTO) is poised for significant growth. The chart signals potential highs of $6, and optimistic market sentiment could push it beyond $10 by year-end. Keep a close eye on the evolving dynamics!

2024: With Bitcoin halving, expect JITO(JTO) not to dip below $15 by year-end!

2025: Post-BTC halving effects may propel JITO(JTO) beyond $40, forming new resistance levels!

2026: Brace for a bearish sentiment; JITO(JTO) could dip to $32 amid a correction.

2027: Anticipate a bullish trend, with JITO(JTO) trading around $35 before the excitement of the 2028 Bitcoin halving!

2028: JITO(JTO) may surge to $43 as the crypto community's hope reignites with the approaching Bitcoin halving!

Stay informed, invest wisely!

#JTO #ORDIUSDT #Binance Tournament #BTCto40k $JTO $BTC $ORDI
Rippleā€™s XRP to Hit $1 Price Before 2024 Comes? Hereā€™s What AI Predicts? Rippleā€™s XRP to Hit $1 Price Before 2024 Comes? Hereā€™s What AI Predicts 12:03 AM惻Dec 9, 2023 ZyCrypto XRP, like a handful of other altcoins, has had an interesting 2023. As the year comes to an end, many investors and traders are anticipating an exponential price ascent for the asset. We asked Googleā€™s Bard AI if XRP could tap $1 on or before the 1st of January, 2024. Although the AI tool maintains that XRP reaching $1 before 2024 is uncertain, a potential price spike will depend on several factors. Breaking down the current situation in the market and the potential scenarios that could play out, the AI tool puts the current market sentiment into perspective. Bard reveals that although thereā€™s notable greed, the overall sentiments are neutral. Notably, technical indicators in the market are leaning towards a potential bullish uptrend in the near term. The possible scenarios are bullish and bearish. Part of Bardā€™s forecast ties back to the ongoing lawsuit between Ripple and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). If the bullish case plays out, XRP could soar if Ripple wins the ultimate triumph in its long-standing legal battle against the SEC, as investorsā€™ stance could become even more bullish. ā€œWhile some analysts predict XRP could reach $1 in 2024, most experts consider it unlikely. The SEC lawsuit and wider market conditions remain significant hurdles. However, a favorable outcome in the lawsuit or increased adoption could trigger a price surge, making $1 a possibility.ā€ Another bullish scenario could happen if the broader cryptocurrency market can trigger a price pump for all assets, including XRP. At report time, XRP is trading for $0.66. The altcoin market is currently making an upward correction; as a result, the majority of altcoins are back in the green zone. Over the last 24 hours, XRP has recorded a 3.61% spike in gains. Although the market cap has corrected upwards, trading volume is still down by 18.73%. #XRPBullRun $XRP
Rippleā€™s XRP to Hit $1 Price Before 2024 Comes? Hereā€™s What AI Predicts?

Rippleā€™s XRP to Hit $1 Price Before 2024 Comes? Hereā€™s What AI Predicts
12:03 AM惻Dec 9, 2023


XRP, like a handful of other altcoins, has had an interesting 2023. As the year comes to an end, many investors and traders are anticipating an exponential price ascent for the asset. We asked Googleā€™s Bard AI if XRP could tap $1 on or before the 1st of January, 2024.

Although the AI tool maintains that XRP reaching $1 before 2024 is uncertain, a potential price spike will depend on several factors. Breaking down the current situation in the market and the potential scenarios that could play out, the AI tool puts the current market sentiment into perspective.

Bard reveals that although thereā€™s notable greed, the overall sentiments are neutral. Notably, technical indicators in the market are leaning towards a potential bullish uptrend in the near term.

The possible scenarios are bullish and bearish. Part of Bardā€™s forecast ties back to the ongoing lawsuit between Ripple and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). If the bullish case plays out, XRP could soar if Ripple wins the ultimate triumph in its long-standing legal battle against the SEC, as investorsā€™ stance could become even more bullish.

ā€œWhile some analysts predict XRP could reach $1 in 2024, most experts consider it unlikely. The SEC lawsuit and wider market conditions remain significant hurdles. However, a favorable outcome in the lawsuit or increased adoption could trigger a price surge, making $1 a possibility.ā€

Another bullish scenario could happen if the broader cryptocurrency market can trigger a price pump for all assets, including XRP.

At report time, XRP is trading for $0.66. The altcoin market is currently making an upward correction; as a result, the majority of altcoins are back in the green zone. Over the last 24 hours, XRP has recorded a 3.61% spike in gains. Although the market cap has corrected upwards, trading volume is still down by 18.73%.
#XRPBullRun $XRP
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