We all want our crypto holdings to have 100x returns. While desiring 100x is everyone’s wish, we should also be cautious of falling into #scams and #frauds.

Here’s a list of scams you are most likely to encounter.

  1. Get Rich Quick or 100x Returns in Short Span Scam

    This scam always comes promising you guaranteed high returns which look impossible as per the market conditions and seem too good to be true. Scammers usually create FOMO to trick you into investing.

  1. Phishing Scam

    In this scam, you are contacted by scammers pretending to be the spokesperson of your exchange or wallet. Their ultimate goal is to access your sensitive information like passwords, and private keys in order to gain access to your funds.

  2. Rug Pulls

    You are nudged to become an early adopter/investor in a project offering 100x returns for your investment. The founder disappears after receiving your funds.

  3. Crypto romance scams

    This scam starts on dating apps where the scammer steers the conversation towards #crypto Upon building trust, scammers ask the victim to invest in a particular project or transfer them to crypto with hopes of high returns.

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