Well, it is important due to several reasons and I will list them for you below. However, it must be noted that these are calculated assumptions made with the available data. We will keep this section updated as we get more information regarding the upgrade.

Gas fees: One of the biggest things that the Ethereum Shanghai Upgrade is expected to bring about is to reduce gas fees for layer-2 solutions running on top of Ethereum, for example, Polygon, Optimism, and the like. These Layer 2 solutions make using Ethereum faster and cheaper and this upgrade could potentially make it even cheaper to transact on the Ethereum blockchain.

Withdrawal of staked ETH tokens: So ahead of the Ethereum Merge, all those who were interested to become a validator in the new PoS Ethereum Beacon chain, had to stake a certain amount of ETH to a deposit smart contract which was locked in with the contract even after the Merge happened. But now with the Shanghai Upgrade, we may see the lock-in be released and those who had staked their ETH tokens may be able to unstake them.

Updates to smart contract facilities: This is another important update that can be expected out of the Shanghai Upgrade. Ethereum being the single largest smart contract-capable blockchain network has to stay ahead in terms of development.

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