If you are a trader or an investor in the ETH token, the story changes a little bit. While it cannot be said for certain, the implementation of EIP-4895 could have certain ramifications on the price of the token. This is because according to data from Staking Rewards, 14.09% of all eligible ETH tokens have been staked. Thus when staking withdrawals are opened up, this could amount to significant liquidity flooding back into the open market, putting some downward pressure on ETH prices. However, that is assuming that the entirety of the ETH tokens are immediately pulled out and sold off – which in retrospect seems highly unlikely. Thus, for traders and investors, keeping a vigilant eye on the percentage of ETH coins staked would be sound advice. 

On the other hand, things could also move in the opposite direction as ETH could become more attractive to users due to its improved liquidity. Those who didn’t want to go via liquid staking protocols would now have a chance to directly stake ETH with Ethereum. 

However, one overarching positive thing that can be taken out of this is that while locking up coins is a means to make the process more secure, it could be also looked at as a means of artificial control and thus a removal of that cap could bring about more balance and equilibrium in the market. 

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