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Bienvenue dans le monde prospère des affaires islamiques ! 😍Commerce Halal🤑 Salam! Laissez-vous guider dans un voyage à travers le paysage dynamique et axé sur la foi du monde des affaires islamique à travers 10 secteurs clés prêts à façonner le marché mondial : 1.Alimentation Halal : un géant culinaire ! Selon les prévisions, la valorisation devrait atteindre 2 300 milliards de dollars d’ici 2024. Il ne s’agit pas seulement de plats traditionnels ; c'est un royaume de cuisine gastronomique, végétale et fusion qui attire des palais divers. 2. Mode islamique : redéfinir le style ! Avec 311 milliards de dollars de dépenses, les consommateurs musulmans mettent au premier plan une mode soucieuse de leur foi, influençant les tendances mondiales, de la haute couture aux vêtements de tous les jours. 🧕 3. Tourisme Halal : Au-delà de l’ordinaire ! Évalué à 300 milliards de dollars d'ici 2023, il propose des expériences uniques mêlant luxe, aventure et immersion culturelle, alignées sur les valeurs islamiques. 4. prochain article rejoignez la communauté Islamique Coin $ISLM pour en savoir plus $BTC $AI $TIA #ISLM #HAQQ #BTC

Bienvenue dans le monde prospère des affaires islamiques !

😍Commerce Halal🤑

Salam! Laissez-vous guider dans un voyage à travers le paysage dynamique et axé sur la foi du monde des affaires islamique à travers 10 secteurs clés prêts à façonner le marché mondial :

1.Alimentation Halal : un géant culinaire ! Selon les prévisions, la valorisation devrait atteindre 2 300 milliards de dollars d’ici 2024. Il ne s’agit pas seulement de plats traditionnels ; c'est un royaume de cuisine gastronomique, végétale et fusion qui attire des palais divers.

2. Mode islamique : redéfinir le style ! Avec 311 milliards de dollars de dépenses, les consommateurs musulmans mettent au premier plan une mode soucieuse de leur foi, influençant les tendances mondiales, de la haute couture aux vêtements de tous les jours.


3. Tourisme Halal : Au-delà de l’ordinaire ! Évalué à 300 milliards de dollars d'ici 2023, il propose des expériences uniques mêlant luxe, aventure et immersion culturelle, alignées sur les valeurs islamiques.

4. prochain article

rejoignez la communauté Islamique Coin $ISLM pour en savoir plus


Avertissement : comprend des opinions de tiers. Il ne s’agit pas d’un conseil financier. Consultez les CG.
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Long term Investor must know THIS !! 🤑🤑 There are several reasons why Islamic Coin crypto is attractive to investors, including: 1. $ISLM offers financial instruments that are in line with Islamic values, such as transparency, fairness, risk sharing, and philanthropy. This can attract interest from around 2 billion Muslims in the world who are looking for halal alternatives to invest in the digital era 2. $ISLM has a limited supply of 100 billion coins, which could increase the demand and price of $ISLM in the market. Additionally, 10% of each new coin issuance will be allocated for charitable purposes through the Evergreen DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization. This can increase the social and economic value of $ISLM 3. $ISLM has obtained a sharia compliance certificate from the Indonesian National Sharia Council, which is the highest authority on sharia finance in the country. This can increase the credibility and reputation of $ISLM in the eyes of investors and users 4. $ISLM has registered the exchange on several platforms, a global digital asset trading platform, on August 29, 2023. The purpose of this registration is to expand $ISLM's global reach and help achieve its vision to empower the world's Muslim community by providing halal and digital financial instruments. supports philanthropy 5. $ISLM has announced partnerships with a number of Islamic financial institutions to increase the adoption and integration of $ISLM in the Islamic finance sector Islamic coins are now available and the potential for a better future is higher😎😎 #Islamiccoin #ISLM $ISLM #BTC #ETH Spotlight Crypto $BTC $ETH $DOGE
Hello Crypto Famz Islamic banking accounts for 6% of worldwide banking assets. There's definitely room for more growth here. With a commanding presence of 68.2% in the Islamic Financial Services market, Islamic Banking is a testament to our commitment to Islamic values, blending financial prowess with spiritual integrity. Salam and heartfelt greetings to you, our global Ummah! 🌍✨🕌 Today, Islamic Banking emerges not merely as an economic force but as a beacon of our deen, deeply woven into the fabric of Shariah principles. Islamic Banking offers different financial tools such as Sukuk, Ijara, Mudarabah, Murabaha, and Musharakah etc., (stay tuned for in-depth explainers on these) each resonating with our faith and cross-nation unity: At the epicenter of this dynamic landscape is Islamic Coin and we're leading the charge with ISLM. Our strategic alliance with DDCAP elevates ISLM, making it an essential facilitator within the Islamic financial ecosystem. With ISLM, we're creating connections across over 200 global Islamic Banks, helping to further enhance the delivery of Islamic Banking offerings. Anticipate a remarkable evolution in the Islamic Banking sector, with ISLM at its forefront. This journey transcends mere financial development; it's a harmonious blend of our deen and dunya, where Islamic principles elegantly intersect with modern finance and you have a role to play as part of our cross-nation as we expand Islamic Banking further. here to present the #Crypto Islamic Coin $ISLM to you with the fundamental strength of community #IslamicCoin #ISLM #HAQQ #BTCETFSPOT Spotlight $BTC $ETH $ATOM
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