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Worldcoin ($WLD) s'effondre de 11 % alors qu'OpenAI repousse Sam Altman. #Worldcoin (WLD) a connu une forte baisse de son prix de marché samedi après que son fondateur, #SamAltman, ait été démis de ses fonctions de PDG de la célèbre société d'intelligence artificielle OpenAI. Ce développement fait suite à un examen réglementaire approfondi du projet de cryptographie en raison de problèmes de confidentialité. #openai vote contre Sam Altman, cite une perte de confiance Dans un développement choquant vendredi, OpenAI a annoncé un changement de direction, déclarant que Sam Altman quitterait immédiatement l'entreprise en tant que PDG. Dans cette déclaration, la société a exprimé sa gratitude à Altman pour avoir énormément contribué à leur développement au cours de son mandat de quatre ans en tant que leader mondial.

Worldcoin ($WLD) s'effondre de 11 % alors qu'OpenAI repousse Sam Altman.

#Worldcoin (WLD) a connu une forte baisse de son prix de marché samedi après que son fondateur, #SamAltman , ait été démis de ses fonctions de PDG de la célèbre société d'intelligence artificielle OpenAI. Ce développement fait suite à un examen réglementaire approfondi du projet de cryptographie en raison de problèmes de confidentialité.

#openai vote contre Sam Altman, cite une perte de confiance

Dans un développement choquant vendredi, OpenAI a annoncé un changement de direction, déclarant que Sam Altman quitterait immédiatement l'entreprise en tant que PDG.

Dans cette déclaration, la société a exprimé sa gratitude à Altman pour avoir énormément contribué à leur développement au cours de son mandat de quatre ans en tant que leader mondial.

Avertissement : comprend des opinions de tiers. Il ne s’agit pas d’un conseil financier. Consultez les CG.
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#ShibaInu Slumps 10%: Short-Term Traders Blamed Shiba Inu ($SHIB ), the popular dog-themed crypto, has shed over 10% of its value in the past day. While it recovered slightly from steeper losses, analysts point to short-term traders as a key factor in the price swing. On-Chain Data Suggests Short-Term Focus Looking at on-chain data from IntoTheBlock, a clear trend emerges: investors seem more interested in quick profits. The "holding time of transacted coins" metric for #SHIB shows a concentration in the 2-week to 1-month range. This short holding period indicates that many SHIB holders bought during the March surge, aiming to cash in on the price hike. When the price dipped on April 30th, it likely triggered selling by these short-term traders, contributing to the price drop. March Surge Followed by Profit-Taking Earlier in March, SHIB skyrocketed to highs of $0.000045, followed by a predictable wave of profit-taking. The price managed to climb to $0.00003285 on March 28th, but buying pressure waned, leading to a steady decline. Wider Market Woes Play a Role While short-term traders undeniably impacted SHIB's price, the broader crypto market downturn shouldn't be ignored. Bitcoin, the industry leader, has been on a downward spiral, dropping nearly 9% on Wednesday in anticipation of the Federal Reserve's interest rate decision. This broader market weakness likely contributed to the selling pressure on SHIB. A Bullish Sign on the Horizon? Despite the recent slump, there's a potential silver lining for SHIB enthusiasts. #Crypto analyst Ali observes a bull flag forming on the SHIB daily chart. If confirmed, this technical pattern could signal a potential price increase in the future. #BullorBear #cryptoniteuae
#VitalikButerin Examines Binius: A Faster Approach to Zero-Knowledge Proofs #Ethereum co-founder #Vitalik Buterin explores "Binius," a new method aiming to significantly speed up zero-knowledge proofs. Binius focuses on efficiency by performing computations directly on binary bits (0s and 1s) instead of larger numbers used in traditional systems like zk-SNARKs. This approach caters to frequently used data types like counters and boolean flags, potentially leading to faster proofs. Binius leverages "binary finite fields" for efficient arithmetic operations on bits and utilizes a multidimensional "hypercube" data representation. Additionally, it employs a unique encoding/decoding process to maintain efficiency while enabling processing via polynomials and #Merkle proofs. These advancements in core cryptographic proof system arithmetic promise enhanced scalability and efficiency for complex crypto applications. #zero-knowledge proofs often use polynomials to conceal data and calculations during verification, ensuring only proof validity is confirmed, not the underlying information. While the technical details of Binius encryption and proof generation are beyond this scope, Buterin highlights its potential for significant speed improvements, especially for calculations involving small values and bit-level operations. This technology is based on a 2023 whitepaper by Posen and Diamond. Overall, Binius seeks to substantially outperform existing proof systems in terms of speed, paving the way for faster zero-knowledge proofs in the future. Buterin anticipates further advancements in "binary-field-based proving techniques" in the coming months.
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