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BitEagle News

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THIS IS THE NEXT 50X COIN. F… that, I’ll teach you instead. Here’s how to find the next 50x crypto coin, (No bullshit) Not 100x altcoins. Why? Because it’s too LATE for 100x coins. No one wants to tell you the truth. I will. Bitcoin is already at new all-time highs. You should have been following me 8 months ago for 100x coins. But you’re here NOW. So you’ll have to settle for 50x coins. Let me get straight to it. Look for these three things: 1. Hype/trend 2. Simple reasoning 3. Strong team The trend and hype are what will make it 50x. Don’t buy coins with old narratives. Hype is everything. It’s the reason we have Donald Trump coins during elections. Yet they still do 50x, even if they’re shitcoins. Because the narrative and trend carry the coin. Secondly, “simple reasoning” explains why people will buy the coin. If it’s easy to understand, more retail investors will buy. The more retail buys, the higher the price goes. Now here’s the real secret: Don’t just buy coins you like. Buy coins you think others will like. Bird eyes views when picking projects. This is how you need to think when assessing projects. Finally, the team isn’t just the founders. It’s who is pushing the project and who is actively behind it. Look for influencers & VC who believe in the project. Team is not enough nowadays. The project needs to create noise, The more noise they create = more people will buy. That’s your formula for finding the next 50x coin. #BitEagleNews #BullRun

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