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#BTC☀ has been reminding me to escape the top since March 12, and has also given reminders for each subsequent round of short-term operations. Is there anyone in the square who escaped earlier than me?
#BTC☀ has been reminding me to escape the top since March 12, and has also given reminders for each subsequent round of short-term operations. Is there anyone in the square who escaped earlier than me?
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#BTC走势预测 Everyone likes to be bullish, so I added a bullish icon. There should be no problem after the callback from 448 to 495. If you have been following my articles, from 73 down, every time I post is an opportunity for you to make money.
#BTC走势预测 Everyone likes to be bullish, so I added a bullish icon. There should be no problem after the callback from 448 to 495. If you have been following my articles, from 73 down, every time I post is an opportunity for you to make money.
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I have two small warehouses in stock. Can you handle it? #pixel #rez
I have two small warehouses in stock. Can you handle it? #pixel #rez
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#大盘走势 This is a market analysis of infinite value, and it is also an analysis that will change your predicament. If you don't read it, you will regret it infinitely! In this round of market, no matter you operate from the perspective of new and old leeks, except for those who have not moved from the bottom to the top, 90% of people lose money. Even if there are profits in the early stage, they have almost lost money. This round of bull market started and ended early. Many people have not yet reflected that their funds have shrunk by 70%, but many people think it is just a floating loss, fantasizing about rising back, and think that the bull market has not yet arrived. I have given tips for escaping the top many times before (check the records yourself), and now I will talk about the current operation. At present, the general direction of the big cake is still short. Many people are waiting for the positive recovery of Ethereum 7.2, and are looking forward to this positive reversal. I am not optimistic about the big surge of the cottage. I have made several preparations: First, many coins are about to go through the bottom divergence of the daily line, and I am ready to smash another wave of goods. Second, before the big cake falls below 57, if the positive pull is pulled, it will definitely not continue, and choose the opportunity to arrange short orders (this is very certain). If there are still bulls, they are also the bulls of PIXIN. Those who were trapped at high positions in the early stage are still difficult to get out of the trap. In the early rounds of bull market, the mainstream market value was low, there were few currencies, and there were few users. Therefore, countless myths were created. Do the math yourself. If PIXIN multiplies the current price by the circulation, how much money is needed to pull up ten points? How much is needed to double? Therefore, this round of bull peak will never get multiples of the previous round. All the funds go to PIXIN Ethereum, so this round of dog dealers pulling small coins is a guerrilla war. Except for SOL, the other explosive pulls in this round of cottages are basically the market value of less than 100 million. At the beginning of the rise, you think it is just a rebound, and you run away after taking some profits and chase high again. After repeated repetitions, most people are finally trapped halfway up the mountain. It is impossible for dog dealers to directly let these people recover blood. Dog dealers do not take over each other's pull, and ordinary people cannot buy at the starting point, and they all know it later. Therefore, I advise everyone not to act rashly, unless you can see that it will rise at the lowest position like me. And make sure your goal is clear. Before there is a resonant rising indicator at the large level, you can only trade in the short term.
#大盘走势 This is a market analysis of infinite value, and it is also an analysis that will change your predicament. If you don't read it, you will regret it infinitely!
In this round of market, no matter you operate from the perspective of new and old leeks, except for those who have not moved from the bottom to the top, 90% of people lose money. Even if there are profits in the early stage, they have almost lost money. This round of bull market started and ended early. Many people have not yet reflected that their funds have shrunk by 70%, but many people think it is just a floating loss, fantasizing about rising back, and think that the bull market has not yet arrived. I have given tips for escaping the top many times before (check the records yourself), and now I will talk about the current operation.
At present, the general direction of the big cake is still short. Many people are waiting for the positive recovery of Ethereum 7.2, and are looking forward to this positive reversal. I am not optimistic about the big surge of the cottage. I have made several preparations: First, many coins are about to go through the bottom divergence of the daily line, and I am ready to smash another wave of goods. Second, before the big cake falls below 57, if the positive pull is pulled, it will definitely not continue, and choose the opportunity to arrange short orders (this is very certain).
If there are still bulls, they are also the bulls of PIXIN. Those who were trapped at high positions in the early stage are still difficult to get out of the trap. In the early rounds of bull market, the mainstream market value was low, there were few currencies, and there were few users. Therefore, countless myths were created. Do the math yourself. If PIXIN multiplies the current price by the circulation, how much money is needed to pull up ten points? How much is needed to double? Therefore, this round of bull peak will never get multiples of the previous round.
All the funds go to PIXIN Ethereum, so this round of dog dealers pulling small coins is a guerrilla war. Except for SOL, the other explosive pulls in this round of cottages are basically the market value of less than 100 million. At the beginning of the rise, you think it is just a rebound, and you run away after taking some profits and chase high again. After repeated repetitions, most people are finally trapped halfway up the mountain. It is impossible for dog dealers to directly let these people recover blood. Dog dealers do not take over each other's pull, and ordinary people cannot buy at the starting point, and they all know it later. Therefore, I advise everyone not to act rashly, unless you can see that it will rise at the lowest position like me. And make sure your goal is clear. Before there is a resonant rising indicator at the large level, you can only trade in the short term.
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#山寨季何时到来? This question has been long awaited by everyone. I feel it is on the way. But don’t be too happy if you are stuck at a high position. Even if the market is bullish this time, it is still a no-take-up mode. It is expected that it will be almost the same after another correction. This time, I mainly take the bottom divergence pattern above the daily level, the oversold fundamentals are good, and there are not many locked orders above. Maybe there is not much meat, but it must be safe. I haven’t operated for many days. Last night, there was another wave of magic operations. I took PEOPLE at 0.08, chased lista around 0.7 and ran away. The market price around 0.48 was up and NTRN also decreased. It is not possible to have a pattern now. From the top down, it has been a short-term operation, without any locked orders. I am quite sure of myself about this.
#山寨季何时到来? This question has been long awaited by everyone. I feel it is on the way. But don’t be too happy if you are stuck at a high position. Even if the market is bullish this time, it is still a no-take-up mode. It is expected that it will be almost the same after another correction. This time, I mainly take the bottom divergence pattern above the daily level, the oversold fundamentals are good, and there are not many locked orders above. Maybe there is not much meat, but it must be safe.
I haven’t operated for many days. Last night, there was another wave of magic operations. I took PEOPLE at 0.08, chased lista around 0.7 and ran away. The market price around 0.48 was up and NTRN also decreased. It is not possible to have a pattern now. From the top down, it has been a short-term operation, without any locked orders. I am quite sure of myself about this.
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#大盘走势 Since the price of Bitcoin dropped from 73,000, I have escaped from every peak, and every big correction has reached the lowest point. This round of Bitcoin short resonance also reminded me. A few days ago, I also reminded that a big one was coming. I am ready to take the opportunity of the super long needle. This trend should give me an opportunity.
#大盘走势 Since the price of Bitcoin dropped from 73,000, I have escaped from every peak, and every big correction has reached the lowest point. This round of Bitcoin short resonance also reminded me. A few days ago, I also reminded that a big one was coming. I am ready to take the opportunity of the super long needle. This trend should give me an opportunity.
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During the day, I suggested that there will be a rebound in the next few days, and the callback can be taken in batches. The big cake is in place, so I was prompted to leave, so I will not take the spot for the time being, waiting for my stop-loss signal. After the prompt, I also shorted the altcoin. RNDR is the large-scale stable short trend I prompted before, so I went straight to it when the pressure came. If the direction and rhythm are well grasped, any market can be done well. Then what I have been emphasizing recently is that before there is a long resonance, the altcoin can be shorted at highs, and it is difficult to find the bottom.
During the day, I suggested that there will be a rebound in the next few days, and the callback can be taken in batches. The big cake is in place, so I was prompted to leave, so I will not take the spot for the time being, waiting for my stop-loss signal. After the prompt, I also shorted the altcoin. RNDR is the large-scale stable short trend I prompted before, so I went straight to it when the pressure came. If the direction and rhythm are well grasped, any market can be done well. Then what I have been emphasizing recently is that before there is a long resonance, the altcoin can be shorted at highs, and it is difficult to find the bottom.
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I bought relatively weak this time. Currently, Bitcoin and Ethereum have reached the four-hour pressure. I am waiting and watching.
I bought relatively weak this time. Currently, Bitcoin and Ethereum have reached the four-hour pressure. I am waiting and watching.
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#山寨季何时到来? If you read my posts for a long time, you can avoid every round of decline and every round of bottom-fishing. Where is it now? This is a question that everyone is concerned about, whether they are trapped or short. Bitcoin has not fallen due to the large-scale short-selling resonance. The strong ones are halfway up the mountain, and the weak ones are broken again and again. Now it feels a bit difficult to operate just by looking at the technical side. At present, there is only one thing that can be confirmed. In the next few days, you can buy on dips and will not fall again until the daily rebound ends. At that time, if the daily rebound can push the three- and five-day lines to stop falling, pull back and arrange Ethereum-related ETHFI LDO SSV, etc. If it can't be pushed, just sell it.
#山寨季何时到来? If you read my posts for a long time, you can avoid every round of decline and every round of bottom-fishing. Where is it now? This is a question that everyone is concerned about, whether they are trapped or short. Bitcoin has not fallen due to the large-scale short-selling resonance. The strong ones are halfway up the mountain, and the weak ones are broken again and again. Now it feels a bit difficult to operate just by looking at the technical side. At present, there is only one thing that can be confirmed. In the next few days, you can buy on dips and will not fall again until the daily rebound ends. At that time, if the daily rebound can push the three- and five-day lines to stop falling, pull back and arrange Ethereum-related ETHFI LDO SSV, etc. If it can't be pushed, just sell it.
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Dog dealer, I surrender, okay? A few days ago, the chain issued additional U combined with the market situation, and I knew that this was not to pull the market but to smash it first. Although I saw it in advance, I still made some mistakes and almost lost my profits. Now I am waiting for the big pie to arrive and see the situation. It is expected to come back when it reaches the shutdown price.
Dog dealer, I surrender, okay? A few days ago, the chain issued additional U combined with the market situation, and I knew that this was not to pull the market but to smash it first. Although I saw it in advance, I still made some mistakes and almost lost my profits. Now I am waiting for the big pie to arrive and see the situation. It is expected to come back when it reaches the shutdown price.
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#山寨走势 is too scary. I said a few days ago that you should not touch the knockoffs. I bought some last night. I didn’t see it right this morning. I can’t have any illusions. Even if the price has been cut in half and cut in half, you can’t say which one will be on the way to zero and off the shelves.
#山寨走势 is too scary. I said a few days ago that you should not touch the knockoffs. I bought some last night. I didn’t see it right this morning. I can’t have any illusions. Even if the price has been cut in half and cut in half, you can’t say which one will be on the way to zero and off the shelves.
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#aevo $aevo The comments a few days ago were very respectful. The price closed at 0.53. I followed the volume during the day at $FXS .
#aevo $aevo The comments a few days ago were very respectful. The price closed at 0.53. I followed the volume during the day at $FXS .
#BTC走势预测 再提示一下,之前安排的都说过短线获利走人,大饼48至53前,不再安排接现货,实在要做单的话,早期一直说见顶的RNDR WLD NEAR 等,四小时的压力和日线压力可以分批现货仓上空单,止损十个点带上,止损可能就一资,止盈能无数次,这种操作在达周线支撑以前一直有效。以RNDR为例,自己去找位置。跟上我图片思路
#BTC走势预测 再提示一下,之前安排的都说过短线获利走人,大饼48至53前,不再安排接现货,实在要做单的话,早期一直说见顶的RNDR WLD NEAR 等,四小时的压力和日线压力可以分批现货仓上空单,止损十个点带上,止损可能就一资,止盈能无数次,这种操作在达周线支撑以前一直有效。以RNDR为例,自己去找位置。跟上我图片思路
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#山寨现货布局如何布局 The big cake is fluctuating at a high level, and both long and short positions are being killed. The copycat is fluctuating at a low level and there is no bottom in sight. I am ready to take a break for a while. Those who have followed me can all disperse. I will not make any comments in the near future.
#山寨现货布局如何布局 The big cake is fluctuating at a high level, and both long and short positions are being killed. The copycat is fluctuating at a low level and there is no bottom in sight. I am ready to take a break for a while. Those who have followed me can all disperse. I will not make any comments in the near future.
#比特幣走勢分析 链上又增发U了,大的要来了,你准备好了吗?按这走势原地拉盘的概率太小了,准备接超长针,点位就不发了,多人挂同一位置要么接不到,要么爆了再拉。各凭能力吧
#比特幣走勢分析 链上又增发U了,大的要来了,你准备好了吗?按这走势原地拉盘的概率太小了,准备接超长针,点位就不发了,多人挂同一位置要么接不到,要么爆了再拉。各凭能力吧
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Comments: $AEVO is a fighter among the garbage, no one else, it is ugly, PORTAL, which also fell several times after going online, at least had a decent rebound, but you didn't rebound at all. As long as someone in the square shouts orders, it will fall. 0.53 is a super support. I didn't want to touch you. If you break the new low again, it will be a divergence of the three bottoms of the daily line. You can't do it without performance. I have set a small position. At most, I will invest another ten points of stop loss. If this position is broken again, it will definitely be delisted. $FXS is also super garbage, falling below all historical lows. I wanted to bet on your oversold rebound in the last round. I bought at 4.2 and left at 5.2. I will never touch it again. MASK, I am paying attention to you. I will not pull it even if the pledge is turned on. I am ready to wait for you to smash a wave or a large volume in four hours before getting on the train. I don't ambush, and I focus on quick passwords. In addition, I will go for whichever of LDO BB REZ NTRN increases volume first. I have already made a short-term profit from NTRN in the morning. I will make a short-term profit before the large level stabilizes. Currently, I only have a small spot position of BAKE, waiting for an opportunity!
Comments: $AEVO is a fighter among the garbage, no one else, it is ugly, PORTAL, which also fell several times after going online, at least had a decent rebound, but you didn't rebound at all. As long as someone in the square shouts orders, it will fall. 0.53 is a super support. I didn't want to touch you. If you break the new low again, it will be a divergence of the three bottoms of the daily line. You can't do it without performance. I have set a small position. At most, I will invest another ten points of stop loss. If this position is broken again, it will definitely be delisted. $FXS is also super garbage, falling below all historical lows. I wanted to bet on your oversold rebound in the last round. I bought at 4.2 and left at 5.2. I will never touch it again. MASK, I am paying attention to you. I will not pull it even if the pledge is turned on. I am ready to wait for you to smash a wave or a large volume in four hours before getting on the train. I don't ambush, and I focus on quick passwords. In addition, I will go for whichever of LDO BB REZ NTRN increases volume first. I have already made a short-term profit from NTRN in the morning. I will make a short-term profit before the large level stabilizes. Currently, I only have a small spot position of BAKE, waiting for an opportunity!
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#大盘走势 Everything that needs to be said is on the picture. This time, the judgment on the mainstream has affected the big profits of the copycat. I am not just bragging, I am telling the truth. I used to buy all the stocks, but now I am worried about missing out and being hurt, so I can only change my strategy.
#大盘走势 Everything that needs to be said is on the picture. This time, the judgment on the mainstream has affected the big profits of the copycat. I am not just bragging, I am telling the truth. I used to buy all the stocks, but now I am worried about missing out and being hurt, so I can only change my strategy.
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#山寨季到来 made a serious mistake yesterday. Fearing a sharp drop in the price of Bitcoin, BAKE orders were withdrawn. At present, the copycats are basically preparing for a four-hour or daily bottom divergence or triple bottom divergence. You cannot avoid making a layout just because you are afraid of the mainstream. #bome $NTRN $LDO can choose one or two to make a layout in batches. The downside space is at most doubled, and the upside is unlimited. In addition, if $BAKE has a chance to return to around 0.4, it can continue to rise.
#山寨季到来 made a serious mistake yesterday. Fearing a sharp drop in the price of Bitcoin, BAKE orders were withdrawn. At present, the copycats are basically preparing for a four-hour or daily bottom divergence or triple bottom divergence. You cannot avoid making a layout just because you are afraid of the mainstream. #bome $NTRN $LDO can choose one or two to make a layout in batches. The downside space is at most doubled, and the upside is unlimited. In addition, if $BAKE has a chance to return to around 0.4, it can continue to rise.
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#山寨季何时到来? At the beginning of March, when Bitcoin broke 73,000, the square called for the layout of long-term 100-fold coins. Now the cottage has fallen several times, and most of the orders are shorting. I think I have the first-class bottom-catching skills, but I dare not catch it these two days. Bitcoin has fluctuated at a high level for three months, and now it has just formed a short resonance. For the time being, there will be no good spot operation opportunities in the next two months. Those who know contracts will seize the high opportunities of these two months. Don’t go long easily before it falls to 48,000 to 53,000. The large-scale shorts and small-scale rising indicators are paper-made. The cottage still needs a bloodbath, and when it falls exponentially, it is the opportunity to copy the big bottom. Short-term trading is too tiring, I will take a break first and come back after it stabilizes.
#山寨季何时到来? At the beginning of March, when Bitcoin broke 73,000, the square called for the layout of long-term 100-fold coins. Now the cottage has fallen several times, and most of the orders are shorting. I think I have the first-class bottom-catching skills, but I dare not catch it these two days. Bitcoin has fluctuated at a high level for three months, and now it has just formed a short resonance. For the time being, there will be no good spot operation opportunities in the next two months. Those who know contracts will seize the high opportunities of these two months. Don’t go long easily before it falls to 48,000 to 53,000. The large-scale shorts and small-scale rising indicators are paper-made. The cottage still needs a bloodbath, and when it falls exponentially, it is the opportunity to copy the big bottom. Short-term trading is too tiring, I will take a break first and come back after it stabilizes.
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