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📢 $IO Price Prediction Contest - BSC Daily

Predict the H1 candle's closed price of when $IO is listed on @Binance on June 11th to grab⤵️

🎁 Prize: $100 USDT for 5 members who have the closet prediction in the comment section before the snapshot time will get the reward (maximum deviation percentage: 20%) 🤑


1. Like & Share the post on Binance Square: click here

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i.e.: 4$ - 0xE8d68FBd0Fcce604cf7b76E4834852C80220FbfF

📸 Snapshot time: 09 AM UTC, June 11th ⌛️

#IOLAUNCHPOOL #PricePredictions2024
IO.NET ($IO) - Price Prediction & Growth Potential!
Curious about the potential of IO.NET? 
Read this post and don’t miss your chance to invest in potentially one of the biggest AI projects in crypto!

#Iolaunchpool #BinanceLaunchpool

I. What is IO.NET?
1/ How does it work? offers a decentralized network of GPUs, providing scalable and affordable computing power for machine learning applications. Users can access a vast pool of GPUs from various sources worldwide, making it easier and cheaper to run ML workloads compared to traditional cloud services. Key benefits include lower costs, faster access, and high security, all while supporting global and sustainable computational resources
2/ What makes it so potential?
Significant cost savings: The platform offers up to 90% cost savings compared to traditional cloud providers like AWS. This affordability makes it highly attractive for startups and organizations with substantial computational needs .Global GPU access: provides GPU access across over 138 countries, ensuring a broad and diverse network of computational resources .Sustainable computing: Partnering with green-committed data centers, offers sustainable GPU options, supporting environmental sustainability while providing powerful computing resources  .High security standards: prioritizes security with compliance standards such as SOC2 and HIPAA, ensuring that users’ data and computations are protected to the highest standards .Credible backers: raised $30M, led by Hack VC with the participation from multiple tier 1 ventures such as Multicoin Capital, Delphi Digital, Solana Ventures, Aptos,....
II. Launchpool & Token Use Cases

1/ Launchpool Information
Token Name: IO.NET (IO)Launchpool Token Rewards: 20,000,000 IO (4% of max token supply)Initial Circulating Supply: 95,000,000 IO (19% of max token supply)Farming Period: 4 days, with farming starting from 2024-06-07 00:00 (UTC).Supported Pools: Stake BNB: 17,000,000 IO in rewards (85%) Stake FDUSD: 3,000,000 IO in rewards (15%)

2/ Token Use Cases
Currency for payments: The $IO token is used to facilitate transactions for renting and using GPU resources within the ecosystem. This includes payments by GPU renters and earnings for GPU owners.Staking and Rewards: Users can stake $IO tokens to secure the network and earn hourly rewards. These rewards are distributed following a disinflationary model, which decreases the reward rate over time to control inflation.Governance: Users can use $IO to participate in decision-making about the plan or the future of IO.NET through a voting mechanism.
Don’t fade on IO.NET, participate in the launchpool now 👇
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III. Launchpool & Token Use Cases

Based on the $1 billion FDV from the recent Series A funding round and comparing with similar projects like Render Network and Akash Network, the FDV for IO.NET could range from $2.5 billion to $4 billion. Therefore, the initial price could range between $5 to $8 per token.

Don’t fade on IO.NET, participate in the launchpool now 👇
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Factors for Success:
Strong Community and User Base:
Engaging the community through governance and incentive programs can drive long-term loyalty and participation .
Technological Advancements:
Continuous improvements and innovations in the platform’s infrastructure and services can attract more users and suppliers .
Strategic Partnerships:
Forming partnerships with key players in the AI and blockchain industries can enhance the platform’s credibility and market reach .
Market Demand for AI Computing:
The growing demand for AI and ML computing power can drive the adoption and utilization of IO.NET’s decentralized GPU network .

Factors for Failure:
Inadequate Demand:
Failure to generate sufficient demand for GPU resources could lead to underutilization and reduced profitability .
Technological Failures:
Issues with network stability, security breaches, or technological shortcomings can undermine user trust and disrupt services .
Market Competition:
Strong competition from established cloud providers and other decentralized computing projects could limit IO.NET’s market share and growth potential .

Don’t fade on IO.NET, participate in the launchpool now 👇
Join IO.NET Launchpool Now
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IO.NET ($IO) - Price Prediction & Growth Potential!
Curious about the potential of IO.NET? 
Read this post and don’t miss your chance to invest in potentially one of the biggest AI projects in crypto!

#Iolaunchpool #BinanceLaunchpool

I. What is IO.NET?
1/ How does it work? offers a decentralized network of GPUs, providing scalable and affordable computing power for machine learning applications. Users can access a vast pool of GPUs from various sources worldwide, making it easier and cheaper to run ML workloads compared to traditional cloud services. Key benefits include lower costs, faster access, and high security, all while supporting global and sustainable computational resources
2/ What makes it so potential?
Significant cost savings: The platform offers up to 90% cost savings compared to traditional cloud providers like AWS. This affordability makes it highly attractive for startups and organizations with substantial computational needs .Global GPU access: provides GPU access across over 138 countries, ensuring a broad and diverse network of computational resources .Sustainable computing: Partnering with green-committed data centers, offers sustainable GPU options, supporting environmental sustainability while providing powerful computing resources  .High security standards: prioritizes security with compliance standards such as SOC2 and HIPAA, ensuring that users’ data and computations are protected to the highest standards .Credible backers: raised $30M, led by Hack VC with the participation from multiple tier 1 ventures such as Multicoin Capital, Delphi Digital, Solana Ventures, Aptos,....
II. Launchpool & Token Use Cases

1/ Launchpool Information
Token Name: IO.NET (IO)Launchpool Token Rewards: 20,000,000 IO (4% of max token supply)Initial Circulating Supply: 95,000,000 IO (19% of max token supply)Farming Period: 4 days, with farming starting from 2024-06-07 00:00 (UTC).Supported Pools: Stake BNB: 17,000,000 IO in rewards (85%) Stake FDUSD: 3,000,000 IO in rewards (15%)

2/ Token Use Cases
Currency for payments: The $IO token is used to facilitate transactions for renting and using GPU resources within the ecosystem. This includes payments by GPU renters and earnings for GPU owners.Staking and Rewards: Users can stake $IO tokens to secure the network and earn hourly rewards. These rewards are distributed following a disinflationary model, which decreases the reward rate over time to control inflation.Governance: Users can use $IO to participate in decision-making about the plan or the future of IO.NET through a voting mechanism.
Don’t fade on IO.NET, participate in the launchpool now 👇
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III. Launchpool & Token Use Cases

Based on the $1 billion FDV from the recent Series A funding round and comparing with similar projects like Render Network and Akash Network, the FDV for IO.NET could range from $2.5 billion to $4 billion. Therefore, the initial price could range between $5 to $8 per token.

Don’t fade on IO.NET, participate in the launchpool now 👇
Join IO.NET Launchpool Now
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Factors for Success:
Strong Community and User Base:
Engaging the community through governance and incentive programs can drive long-term loyalty and participation .
Technological Advancements:
Continuous improvements and innovations in the platform’s infrastructure and services can attract more users and suppliers .
Strategic Partnerships:
Forming partnerships with key players in the AI and blockchain industries can enhance the platform’s credibility and market reach .
Market Demand for AI Computing:
The growing demand for AI and ML computing power can drive the adoption and utilization of IO.NET’s decentralized GPU network .

Factors for Failure:
Inadequate Demand:
Failure to generate sufficient demand for GPU resources could lead to underutilization and reduced profitability .
Technological Failures:
Issues with network stability, security breaches, or technological shortcomings can undermine user trust and disrupt services .
Market Competition:
Strong competition from established cloud providers and other decentralized computing projects could limit IO.NET’s market share and growth potential .

Don’t fade on IO.NET, participate in the launchpool now 👇
Join IO.NET Launchpool Now
Don’t have an account? Register & Trade Now to Get a 10% Fee Discount 👇
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Myan Crypto
Binance Launches IO.NET on Launchpool: A New Era of Decentralized AI Computing
The announcement, made on June 6, 2024, has generated considerable buzz, as Binance is set to be the first platform to list the IO token. Trading is scheduled to commence on June 11, 2024, at 12:00 (UTC), with a variety of trading pairs available, including IO/BTC, IO/USDT, IO/BNB, IO/FDUSD, and IO/TRY. It’s important to note that any offers to sell this token before the official listing date are unauthorized and should be approached with caution.

IO.NET’s introduction is accompanied by an opportunity for users to farm IO tokens by staking BNB and FDUSD in separate pools. This farming period is a limited-time event, spanning from June 7 to June 10, 2024. The total token supply at genesis stands at 500 million IO, with a maximum supply cap of 800 million IO. Of this, 20 million IO tokens (4% of the total supply at genesis) are allocated as rewards for the Launchpool. The initial circulating supply is set at 95 million IO, which is 19% of the total token supply at genesis. The smart contract for IO.NET is based on the Solana blockchain, known for its speed and efficiency.

The distribution of rewards is heavily weighted towards the BNB pool, with 17 million IO (85% of the total rewards) allocated to it, while the FDUSD pool is set to receive 3 million IO (15% of the total rewards). Over the four-day farming period, a total of 5 million IO will be distributed daily, with the BNB pool receiving 4.25 million IO and the FDUSD pool receiving 750,000 IO each day. Binance will then list IO at 2024-06-11 12:00 (UTC) and open trading with IO/BTC, IO/USDT, IO/BNB, IO/FDUSD, and IO/TRY trading pairs. The seed tag will be applied to IO.

The potential for IO.NET to revolutionize the way we think about and utilize blockchain technology is immense, and the excitement surrounding its launch is a testament to the innovative spirit that continues to drive the crypto industry forward. IO.NET is well-positioned to capture the attention of the crypto community and establish itself as a key player in the decentralized computing arena. For more detailed information, Binance has promised a research report.

Binance Square Official
Share to Win is back with BIGGER rewards where verified users may participate to unlock over 100 USDT in rewards. 

Activity Period: 2024-05-23 09:00 (UTC) to 2024-06-06 09:00 (UTC)

Activity 1: Share Binance Square Links With Your Referrals to Get up to 100 USDT in Crypto Red Packet

You and a friend can unlock up to 2USDT in red packet when your friend clicks into any Square content links that you share!

Enjoy BIGGER rewards when you send it to a friend new to Binance!

Activity 2: New Users Exclusive - Sign up With Binance & Complete Tasks to Earn extra up to 5.5 USDT in Rewards

1. Open any ten unique Binance Square links while being logged in to your Binance account.

2. Complete a trade of at least $100 equivalent on Spot, Futures, Margin, Options, or Convert.

This Activity may not be available in your region. 
The rewards for both Activities are distributed on a first come, first-served basis, with limited redemptions available.
See original
Binance Square Official
Share to Win is back with BIGGER rewards where verified users may participate to unlock over 100 USDT in rewards. 

Activity Period: 2024-05-23 09:00 (UTC) to 2024-06-06 09:00 (UTC)

Activity 1: Share Binance Square Links With Your Referrals to Get up to 100 USDT in Crypto Red Packet

You and a friend can unlock up to 2USDT in red packet when your friend clicks into any Square content links that you share!

Enjoy BIGGER rewards when you send it to a friend new to Binance!

Activity 2: New Users Exclusive - Sign up With Binance & Complete Tasks to Earn extra up to 5.5 USDT in Rewards

1. Open any ten unique Binance Square links while being logged in to your Binance account.

2. Complete a trade of at least $100 equivalent on Spot, Futures, Margin, Options, or Convert.

This Activity may not be available in your region. 
The rewards for both Activities are distributed on a first come, first-served basis, with limited redemptions available.
Notcoin on Binance Launchpool - Price Prediction & Growth Potential!
Curious about the potential of Notcoin? Read this post and don’t miss your chance to invest in one of the biggest stories of this year!


I. What is Notcoin?
What is Notcoin?
How does it work? 
Notcoin ($NOT), a play-to-earn game and token integrated as a mini-app on Telegram, is trending on X amid major cryptocurrency exchanges preparing to list the token.People can access Notcoin by downloading and opening the Telegram messaging app. The clicker game lets you earn tokens by performing simple tasks and tapping on the coin icon. Each tap results in one Notcoin being added to your account. As you tap, your energy limit depletes. However, the energy limits will refill during times when you’re not tapping.
Rapid User Acquisition: The game experienced significant user growth, reaching 550,000 during its closed beta and referral phase. Within just 10 days of its official release, it skyrocketed to an impressive 6.3 million users, highlighting its rapid adoption rate.Massive User Base: Notcoin boasts a substantial user base of over 35 million players. Additionally, it's noteworthy that one in three Telegram Premium members actively engages with the game, indicating its widespread popularity within the TON ecosystem.

Launchpool & Token Information  

Token Name: Notcoin (NOT)Launchpool Token Rewards: 3,081,576,651 NOT (3%  of max token supply)Initial Circulating Supply: 102,719,221,714 NOT (100% of max token supply)Smart Contract Details: EQAvlWFDxGF2lXm67y4yzC17wYKD9A0guwPkMs1gOsM__NOTFarming Period: 2024-05-13 00:00 (UTC) to 2024-05-16 23:59 (UTC). (3 days)Supported Pools: Stake $BNB: 2,619,340,153 NOT in rewards (85%) Stake $FDUSD: 462,236,497 NOT in rewards (15%)

$NOT is a community token:

Explore: Users earn when discover web3 productsPlay: Users participate in new games and get more Contribute: Users earn by adding value to the ecosystemOffer: Web3 builders can offer their products to the community via Notcoin campaigns

Don’t fade on Notcoin, participate in the launchpool now 👇

Join NOTCOIN Launchpool Now

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III. Price Prediction & Our POV
Price Prediction
Total Supply: 102.7BOTC Price on Getgem: 0.0022$ ~ $230 Millions Market Cap

Considering all the information above, $NOT price could be around 0.002$ - 0.003$ at the listing ATH price and traded mostly around 0.004$ with market cap around $400M - $500M

Community Token: NOT is a community-driven token, which means it has a dedicated user base actively involved in its development and promotion.
Limited Selling Pressure: The token rewards from Launchpool constitute only 3% of the total, leading to minimal selling pressure from Binance users. This could potentially stabilize the price.
Demand for Staking: There's significant demand for purchasing NOT to stake and earn rewards. This demand could potentially drive up the value of the token.Large Holder Base: With over 35 million holders, NOT already has a considerable user base, indicating its popularity and potential for growth.
Strong Community Engagement: Being one of the top 5 largest Telegram communities suggests a high level of community engagement and support, which is crucial for the success of any cryptocurrency project.
Burn Mechanism: The burn mechanism can help reduce the token supply over time, potentially increasing its scarcity and value.

In-Game Token with No Max Supply: $NOT being an in-game token with no maximum supply could lead to concerns about inflationary pressures on the token's value over time. Without a cap on supply, there's a risk of dilution.
Primarily Community-Driven: While community support can be a strength, relying too heavily on community sentiment and engagement could make the token more susceptible to volatility and manipulation.

Given these pros and cons, investing in NOT could be a high-risk, high-reward proposition. It's essential to carefully assess your risk tolerance and do thorough research before making any investment decisions. If you believe in the strength of the community, the potential for staking rewards, and the token's burn mechanism to mitigate supply concerns, NOT could be worth considering as part of a diversified investment portfolio. However, be mindful of the risks associated with its status as an in-game token and its lack of a maximum supply.

→ In our view, setting buy orders within the range of $0.0015 to $0.0002 (based on our price prediction) seems reasonable. 

Don’t fade on Notcoin, participate in the launchpool now 👇
Join NOTCOIN Launchpool Now

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Ethereum Daily
Renzo - a Strategy Manager and Liquid Restaking Token (LRT) for EigenLayer
🔥 Renzo Protocol Spotlights
$3.3B Total Value Locked833M EigenLayer Points33.5% Restaking Market ShareTop 10 DeFi protocol by TVL7 Networks250k+ active community members

What is the next for $REZ?

🔹 Firstly, Farming Free $REZ on Binance Launchpool, Don’t miss it👇

🔹 Secondly, Take a deep dive into LRT & Renzo Ecosystem
A thread: 🧵🔽


1/ Renzo Protocol Overview
Renzo is built to promote the widespread adoption of Eigenlayer. 
It is the interface to the EigenLayer ecosystem securing Actively Validated Services (AVSs) and offering a higher yield than ETH staking.
The protocol abstracts all complexity from the end-user and enables easy collaboration between them and EigenLayer node operators.

2/ $REZ Tokenomics - Price Prediction

$REZ Token Allocation:
Binance Launchpool: 2.50%Airdrop: 10.00%Investors & Advisors: 31.56%Team: 20.00%Foundation: 13.44%DAO Treasury: 20.00%Liquidity: 2.50%

2.1/ $REZ Utility
REZ will be used to vote on governance proposals on matters regarding the Renzo protocol, some of which will be key measures to the operations of the protocol, such as:

General risk management frameworks
Deposit & collateral asset & concentration amounts
Operator whitelisting
Actively Validated Services (AVS) whitelisting
Treasury and community grants

2.2/ Price Prediction

The total supply of $REZ is 10,000,000,000 and the circulating supply upon listing will be 1,050,000,000 (~10.50% of the total token supply.)

🔹 Compared with the most recent EtherFi fundraising, Renzo's seed round valuation of around $25M in Jan 2024 is not too impressive.

🔹However, Renzo TVL reached $3.33B ( EtherFi at $3.82B)

Besides, Renzo supports 7 Networks including ETH - ARB - BNB- MODE - BLAST - Linea - BASE  with 250k+ active community members

🔹 $REZ is now OTC traded at 0.12$ on Whales Market with a market cap of $126M, but I think it could reach $0.2 - $0.25 at the listing due to the hype of restaking narrative on Binance. 

3/ Key DeFi Integrations

Renzo Protocol has integrated with notable DeFi Dapps including Morpho, Balancer, Curve, Pendle, Gearbox, and Compound.

Besides, Renzo’s ezETH integration with Chainlink allows for new DeFi integrations that require Chainlink price feeds, including Compound Finance.

After reviewing various Oraclere solutions, Renzo integrated Chainlink Price Feeds because they provide a multitude of critical features such as:
High-Quality DataSecure Node OperatorsDecentralized NetworkReputation System

4/ $REZ is Now Live on Binance Launchpool
Binance users and the community can now Earn $REZ by easily staking $FDUSD and $BNB from April 24th to 29th.

85% of $REZ rewards are distributed to the $BNB Pool 
15% of $REZ rewards are distributed to the $FDUSD pool

Seize the huge opportunity to earn FREE $REZ now

5/ How to Earn 2x - 3x ezPoints on DEX LP

For EigenLayer Restaking points, the pool can only accumulate 1 point per hour per ezETH in the pool. This will get redistributed pro-rata to the LPs.

For Renzo ezPoints, LPs receive 2x the value in the pool per hour. The pool will accumulate 2 points per ezETH or wETH per hour held in the pool. This will get redistributed pro-rata to the LPs. 
5.1/ 3x ezPoints Boost on selected DEX LP!

Users who supply liquidity between April 20th-27th, 9PM UTC on the following DEXs will receive 3x ezPoints:

• Aura
• Balancer ETH
• Balancer ARB
• Kim Mode
• Nile Linea
• Thruster BLAST
• Juice v3
• Pendle ETH (new pools)
• Pendle BNB (new pools)

Find more pools
Ethereum Daily
Omni Network - Layer 1 Blockchain Built To Connect All Rollups
🔹Spotlights of #OMNI Network

- Omni closed an $18M round from Pantera Capital, Jump Trading, Hashed Fund, The Spartan Group
- Total number of transactions processed: 7.5M+
- Total Unique Users: 450K+
- 34 Ecosystem Project
- Omni became the first AVS with >$1B of economic security from top LRTs, incl., KelpDAO, and Swell.

🔹Stake your $BNB and $FDUSD to farm $OMNI tokens.
Join OMNI Launch Pool Now!


1/ OMNI Network Overview
Omni’s mission is to return Ethereum to its role as a single, unified operating system for decentralized applications.
Using Omni, developers can program across multiple Ethereum rollups as if they were working in a single state machine. 
Applications built with the Omni EVM can exist across all Ethereum rollups by default, allowing developers to integrate all of Ethereum’s liquidity and users into their applications.
2/ $OMNI Tokenomics - Price Prediction
OMNI has a maximum supply of 100,000,000 OMNI. The token’s initial circulating supply after the Binance listing will be 10,391,492 OMNI, equivalent to 10.39% of its maximum supply.
• Binance Launchpool: 3.50%
• Ecosystem fund: 9.5%
• Team Foundation: 25.25%
• Private Investors: 20.06%
• Community Fund: 12.67%
• Public Offering: 5.77%
• Consultants: 3.25%.

$OMNI Price Prediction
The initial supply will be 10,391,492 OMNI. 
The market cap with a private round entry is around $15 million; Binance Launchpool normally brings 10x–15x; and the recent Launchpool projects’ market cap is around $300M - $500M.
In conclusion, the $OMNI price will be around $20 - $25 with a $225–$400 million initial market cap.

3/ Current Roadmap
🔹Q2 2024: 
• Mainnet launch.
• Liquid Restaking Protocol and EigenLayer operator onboarding.
• Token Generation Event.
• Onboarding the first of the $11B+ commits to deploy xERC20 secured by Omni.
Read more of Q3 and Q4
4/ Business Development Progress
🔹Ethereum L2s
Examples: Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon, Linea, Scroll, zkSync, Mantle, Metis, Base, etc
🔹Liquid Restaking Protocols: 
EtherFi, Renzo, Puffer, Swell, Kelp, EigenPie, Bedrock, etc.
🔹Roll Ups-as-a-Service Providers
Examples: Conduit, Caldera, Ankr, AltLayer.
🔹Infrastructure Partners
Examples: a41, Galaxy, Blockdaemon, Kiln, Ankr, etc.
5/ To read more details of Omni Network (OMNI)
Please visit

Don’t fade on Omni Network, participate in the launchpool now 👇
Join OMNI Launchpool Now

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See original
Omni on Binance Launchpool - Price Prediction & Growth Potential!
Yo! We know it's the weekend but read this post and don’t miss your chance to invest in one of the biggest stories of this year!


I. What is Omni?
How does it work? 
Omni Network (OMNI) is a layer 1 blockchain that integrates Ethereum's rollup ecosystem into a unified system. Designed as a restaking-secured blockchain, Omni connects all rollups. With its low-latency, high-throughput messaging network, Omni enables developers to scale their applications across all rollups, integrating Ethereum's liquidity globally. 
During Omni Origin (Testnet V1):
-  Processed 1,842,697 transactions
- Engaged 182,680 active wallets
- Minted 179,405 NFTs
- Deployed 2,645 smart contracts
The First AVS is secured by over $1 billion in delegated ETH.Omni's initial two testnets processed over 7 million transactions by more than 400,000 users.Core technology partners include Arbitrum, Polygon, StarkWare, Scroll, Linea, and Optimism.
With Omni, developers can easily launch globally-native dApps which work across all current and future Ethereum rollups, solving the critical issues of liquidity and user experience fragmentation.
- Total Raised: $18M 
- Led by Tier 1 investors: Pantera Capital, Two Sigma Ventures, Jump Crypto, Hashed, The Spartan Group and others.

II. Launchpool & Token Information  
Token Name: Omni Network (OMNI)Launchpool Token Rewards: 3,500,000 OMNI (3.5% of max token supply) Initial Circulating Supply: 10,391,492 OMNI (10.39% of max token supply)Smart Contract Details: EthereumFarming Period: 2024-04-13 00:00 (UTC) to 2024-04-17 12:00 (UTC).Supported Pools: Stake $BNB: 2,975,000 OMNI in rewards (85%) Stake $FDUSD: 525,000 OMNI in rewards (15%)
$OMNI Utility:
Universal Gas with $OMNI:
$OMNI acts as a universal gas across Ethereum's rollup ecosystem, simplifying transactions by introducing a universal marketplace. Payments are converted into $OMNI to compensate relayers processing transactions on target rollups.
Omni Network and Governance:
Beyond powering the Omni EVM, $OMNI drives transaction priority fees and will guide future governance decisions as the network evolves.

Don’t fade on Omni Network, participate in the launchpool now 👇
Join OMNI Launchpool Now

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III. Price Prediction & Our POV
Price PredictionTotal Supply: 100M $OMNIInitial Supply: 10.4M $OMNIAirdrop: 3M $OMNI
Considering all the information above, $OMNI price could be around $30 - $60 at the listing ATH price and traded mostly around $30 - $40 with market cap around $300M - $400M
Low Initial Market Cap to Fully Diluted Valuation ratio at 10.4%Successful accumulation of $1 billion in delegated ETH for the imminent mainnet launchStrong backing from Tier-1 investorsHigh demand for products coupled with engaging narratives
Challenges in expanding reach to new usersMainnet launch underway
While Omni Network hasn't hit the mainnet phase, they're poised to make waves, fueled by the escalating restaking trend and heightened anticipation surrounding the Eigen Layer mainnet event. Even though they've kept their tokenomics and vesting schedule under wraps, Omni Network is making waves by airdropping ~30% of its circulating supply to loyal users, stakers, and elite NFT holders. This bold move highlights the immense value Omni places on its community. This strategic move not only strengthens community ties but also aims to mitigate the typical selling pressures observed during token listing.

→ From our perspective, keeping an eye on the price sideways between $30 - $40 post-listing and with a market cap under $400M could offer an excellent long-term buying opportunity for $OMNI.

Don’t fade on Omni Network, participate in the launchpool now 👇
Join OMNI Launchpool Now

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Binance Square Official
Share Binance Square Links & Complete Tasks to Unlock Over $35,000 Worth of Rewards!
Binance Square is pleased to introduce a new “Share to Win” activity, where all verified Binance users can share Square content to unlock over $35,000 worth of rewards. 

Activity Period: 2024-04-08 09:00 (UTC) to 2024-04-15 09:00 (UTC)

Activity 1: Share Binance Square Links With Your Referrals to Get Up to 5 USDT in Crypto Red Packet
To participate in this Activity, verified Binance users may login to their Binance accounts and share any Binance Square link(s) with their friends during the Activity Period. 
Verified new referrals who sign up with Binance after opening the user’s Binance Square link(s), as well as verified existing referrals who are logged in to their Binance accounts, will unlock Crypto Red Packet(s) worth up to 0.5 USDT each for both themselves and their corresponding referrer upon clicking on the shared Binance Square link(s). 

Please note that each referrer may claim a maximum of one Crypto Red Packet reward per referral via the Binance App during the Activity Period, and up to ten Crypto Red Packets (i.e., a maximum of 5 USDT in Crypto Red Packet) from this Activity.

Tip: Users may unlock Crypto Red Packets containing greater rewards by ensuring that their friends sign up with Binance after opening the Binance Square link(s) sent and complete account verification.

Activity 2: New Users Only - Sign Up With Binance & Complete Tasks to Earn Up to 5.5 USDT in Rewards
In addition, new users who sign up with Binance via the activity page may click on the
[Go] button on the page and complete any of the following task(s) during the Activity Period, to get up to 5.5 USDT in rewards. Rewards are limited, and will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. 

1. Click into any ten unique Binance Square links while being logged in to your Binance accounts.
2. Complete a trade of at least $100 equivalent on Spot, Futures, Margin, Options or Convert.
Terms & Conditions
This activity may not be available in your region. The rewards for both Activities are distributed on a first come, first-served basis, with limited redemptions available.Users may qualify for rewards from both Activities where applicable. The rewards for both Activities are not mutually exclusive.There will be caps imposed on the amount of rewards available to eligible users per country/region.Users must be logged in to their verified Binance accounts whilst completing tasks during the Activity Period in order to qualify for any rewards from Activity 1 and/or Activity 2.Activity 1:Users may only receive a maximum of one Crypto Red Packet reward from each unique referral. Please note that users may redeem multiple Crypto Red Packet rewards from different unique referrals within the same day.Crypto Red Packets will be distributed to eligible users immediately upon meeting the necessary requirement(s). Users should redeem the Crypto Red Packets to their Funding Wallets via the Binance App before the Activity ends. Please note that all unclaimed Crypto Red Packets will be forfeited after the Activity ends. Activity 2:Only new users who register with Binance via this activity page will be eligible to participate in Activity 2. Rewards for Task 1 will be distributed in the form of Crypto Red Packets to eligible users immediately upon meeting the necessary requirement(s). Users should redeem the Crypto Red Packets to their Funding Wallets via the Binance App before the Activity ends. Please note that all unclaimed Crypto Red Packets will be forfeited after the Activity ends. Rewards for Task 2 will be distributed in the form of token vouchers to eligible users within 14 working days after the Activity ends. Users will be able to log in and redeem their voucher rewards via Profile > Rewards Hub. Token vouchers will expire by 2024-05-15 09:00 (UTC). Learn how to redeem a voucher.Illegally bulk-registered accounts or sub-accounts shall not be eligible to participate or receive any rewards. Binance reserves the right to cancel a user’s eligibility in this activity if the account is involved in any behavior that breaches the Binance Square Community Management Guidelines or Binance Square Community Platform Terms and Conditions.Binance reserves the right at any time in its sole and absolute discretion to determine and/or amend or vary these terms and conditions without prior notice, including but not limited to canceling, extending, terminating or suspending this activity, the eligibility terms and criteria, the selection and number of winners, and the timing of any act to be done, and all participants shall be bound by these amendments.Binance reserves the right of final interpretation of this activity.There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English. Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise.

🚨🚨The situation involving $SAGA is as follows:👇
🔥The opening price was 0.0400, but quickly soared to $4.6 within the first minute.
Despite the rapid increase, it doesn't necessarily indicate price manipulation.
New token listings on platforms like Binance often experience swift price fluctuations.
The launch of #SAGA was unique, lacking a specified price, as reported by CryptoPotato. Additionally, there's no initial price information available on the official SAGA website or CoinGecko.
The movement in price appears to be natural, driven by algorithmic processes rather than specific buy orders at the 0.0400 price point.
See original
Ethereum Daily
SAGA Protocol - The Complete Web3 Platform, Made For Developers
🔹 Spotlights of #SAGA Testnet

- 1.1M tx/second; 716 blocks/second, up to 15M blocks in 6 hours
- Owning Capacity of 1000 Chains, 2000 Validator Node and Running with Capacity of 4000 Validator Node
🔹 Total Raised: $13.5M
🔹 Investors: Ignite, SamSungNext, Polygon, LongHash, Meric Circle, Placeholder, GSR Maven 11.
🔹 Key Features
High PerformanceCostless Transactions, Low & Predictable Chain FeesFully AutomatedEasy & Fast InteroperabilityFully Flexible StackElastically Scalable#SAGALAUNCHPOOL

1/ Saga Protocol Overview
Saga is a Layer 1 protocol that allows developers to automatically spin up VM-agnostic, parallelized and interoperable dedicated chains, or “Chainlets”, that provide applications with infinite horizontal scalability.
Saga allows developers to launch Chainlets at the click of a button through shared security, cutting-edge validator orchestration and an automated CI/CD deployment pipeline standardized across any kind of blockchain VM.

2/ $SAGA Tokenomics - Price Prediction
🔹 Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
🔹 Initial Supply: 90,000,000
In less than two years, Saga has built over 350 projects on the protocol, with 80% in gaming, 10% in NFT and entertainment, and 10% in DeFi. All projects built on Saga are part of the Saga Innovator Program.
The average entry of investors is around 0.675$, Currently, Binance Launchpool ROI is around 10x–15x, so SAGA TGE may be around $6-10$ which is around the market cap of $360M - $600M

$SAGA is the Saga Protocol’s native utility token and is used in the following functions:
🔹 Payment for Chainlets: Developers pay $SAGA tokens to the network validators to instantiate and keep their Chainlets alive.
🔹 Staking: Stakers help secure the network and receive $SAGA tokens and the tokens of projects building on the Saga protocol as a reward.
🔹 Governance: $SAGA token holders can vote on network governance decisions.
3/ Saga (SAGA) Binance Launchpool
Users will be able to stake the $BNB and $FDUSD into separate pools to farm SAGA tokens over four days, with farming starting from 2024-04-05 00:00 (UTC).
Launchpool Token Rewards: 45,000,000 SAGA (4.5% of max token supply)

Join to Earn $SAGA Now 👇
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4/ SAGA Roadmap
🔹 Mainnet Launch in 2024: Completed
🔹 Commercial and Business Development Progress
As of April 1, 2024, the Saga Innovator Program is comprised of 350 projects, A full roster of Innovators may be found here

4.2/ Saga Partnership
Saga also has partnerships with the following Layer 1 protocols to scale their infrastructure using Chainlets:

🔹 Polygon. Saga will automate Polygon CDK chains
🔹 Avalanche. Saga will automate Avalanche Subnets
🔹 Celestia. Saga will automate decentralized rollups with Celestia DA
🔹 MarbleX. Saga will provide scaling infrastructure to the MarbleX chain
🔹 Com2uS. Saga will provide scaling infrastructure to the Com2uS chain

5/ More of Saga Protocol
For more information, please visit:

Don't fade on $SAGA:

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SAGA on Binance Launchpool - Price Prediction and Growth Potential!
2B+ $FUSD and 17M+ $BNB are being staked for $SAGA! 

Why is it so hyped? Read this post and don’t miss your chance to invest in one of the biggest stories of this year!
I. What is Saga?
How does it work? 
Saga is a Layer 1 protocol that enables developers to create VM-agnostic, parallelized, and interoperable dedicated chains called Chainlets.
Each Chainlet shares the same validator set and security model as the Saga Mainnet.Key features of Chainlets include:
Infinite horizontal scalability: Applications can elastically scale to peak performance and speed.Costless transactions and predictable chain fees: Developers can choose various monetization models.Automation: Chainlets can be easily deployed using the Saga WebApp.Interoperability and fast bridging: Users can transfer assets between Chainlets and other ecosystems.Fully flexible stack: Developers have dedicated chains for optimal flexibility and customizability.
In essence, Saga empowers developers with a versatile and scalable blockchain solution.

As of April 1, 2024, the Saga Innovator Program comprises 350 projects, with 80% focused on gaming. The remaining 10% involve NFTs and entertainment, while another 10% are related to DeFi. 
In March 2024, Saga introduced Saga Origins, a game publishing division dedicated to launching innovative games. Saga has also partnered with several Layer 1 protocols, including Polygon, Avalanche, Celestia, MarbleX, and Com2uS, to enhance their infrastructure using Chainlets.

- Total Raised: $15 million
-  Investors include Placeholder, Maven11, Longhash, Samsung, Com2uS, Polygon, Merit Circle, Figment and Chorus One.

II. Launchpool & Token Information  
SAGA Launchpool Details:
Token Name: Saga (SAGA)
Max Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 SAGA Launchpool Token Rewards: 45,000,000 SAGA (4.5% of max token supply)Initial Circulating Supply: 90,000,000 SAGA (9% of max token supply)Smart Contract Details: Saga Security ChainFarming Period: 2024-04-05 00:00 (UTC) to 2024-04-08 23:59 (UTC).Supported Pools: 
Stake BNB: 36,000,000 SAGA in rewards (80%) Stake FDUSD: 9,000,000 SAGA in rewards (20%)

$SAGA Utility: 
Payment for Chainlets: Developers pay $SAGA tokens to the network validators to instantiate and keep their Chainlets alive.
Staking: Stakers help secure the network and receive $SAGA tokens and the tokens of projects building on the Saga protocol as a reward.Governance: $SAGA token holders will be able to vote on network governance decisions.
Don’t fade on Saga, participate in the launchpool now 👇
Join SAGA Launchpool Now
Don’t have an account? Register & Trade Now to Get a 10% Fee Discount 👇
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III. SAGA Price Prediction & Our POV
Price Prediction
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
Initial Supply: 90,000,000 (9% of total supply)

Recent Layer 1 & Infrastructure Project on Launchpool: 

Considering all the information above, combined with all the achievements SAGA has got, $SAGA price could be around 4.5 - 6$, equal to the marketcap of around $400M - $600M on the listing date. 

The amount of airdropped tokens is 15.5% and only 1.5% can be unlocked on the listing date and vested every 1% each month, so we predict there will not be a strong dump force at the time of listing.
However, we suggest waiting until after the airdrop claimers have sold their tokens on the market before considering buying
→ In our view, setting buy orders within the range of 4.5$ - 5.5$ (based on our price prediction) seems reasonable. 

Don’t fade on Saga, participate in the launchpool now 👇
Join SAGA Launchpool Now
Don’t have an account? Register & Trade Now to Get a 10% Fee Discount 👇
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