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Echo Income Guide: 3 Content Creation MethodsAn important part of establishing a personal brand is not just being good at verbal expression, but also requires having a key skill - writing. In the current era of the prevalence of mobile Internet, individuals who are good at writing are like having a strong moat and can create personal IP influence. This content introduces three effective expression methods: pyramid expression emphasizes conclusions first, reasons second, and overall situation first; suspense The prepositioning method attracts the audience by raising questions, answers, and summaries; the situational expression method replaces questions with situations, shows the scenes, and finally summarizes. 1. Pyramid expression method In my opinion, this is a universal expression method, and its specific form is as follows. Let’s talk about the conclusion first, and then the reasons. Let’s talk about the results first, and then the process. Let’s talk about the big picture first, then the details. 2. Suspense pre-positioning method As the name suggests, at the beginning of the content, you have to ask a question, which is equivalent to a starting point to attract users instantly; then answer the questions to further retain users; and finally expand the explanation, summary and sublimation , prompting users to like and follow. It can be summarized in the following steps: ask questions → give answers → expand explanations → summarize and sublimate. 3. Situational expression method This expression method has a similar structure to the suspense preposition method. The difference lies in the beginning. This method uses situations to replace questions. This is also a commonly used and very easy to use expression method. The following steps are also used to express the structure of this method: Implant the scenario → Expand the scenario → Summarize and sublimate In addition to writing content: How to protect your moat from centralized platforms’ manipulation of your content assets, so that you don’t wake up What about all the content being deleted by the platform? You can try to find some web3 content publishing platforms and mint the content onto the chain. Recently I found a new project Echo that has been launched on two test chains: Echo bsc address: Mantlei address: Echo is in the early stages , I am very optimistic about Echo’s gameplay mode. Echo is trying a great innovative experiment for creators, which is to allow content producers to retain all sales revenue. This ability is revolutionary and has been achieved by creators in the Web era. Creations can be monetized, but the secondary innovation of blockchain technology has further strengthened this ability, allowing content to truly become our net assets.His method of making money is mainly: publishing high-value articles → setting prices → distributing content → making money through content. The platform did not promote it in the early stage, but the model and the capital behind it are said to be pretty good (rumours), and the new project is still worth a try. of. Disclaimer: This article does not serve as any investment advice!

Echo Income Guide: 3 Content Creation Methods

An important part of establishing a personal brand is not just being good at verbal expression, but also requires having a key skill - writing. In the current era of the prevalence of mobile Internet, individuals who are good at writing are like having a strong moat and can create personal IP influence. This content introduces three effective expression methods: pyramid expression emphasizes conclusions first, reasons second, and overall situation first; suspense The prepositioning method attracts the audience by raising questions, answers, and summaries; the situational expression method replaces questions with situations, shows the scenes, and finally summarizes. 1. Pyramid expression method In my opinion, this is a universal expression method, and its specific form is as follows. Let’s talk about the conclusion first, and then the reasons. Let’s talk about the results first, and then the process. Let’s talk about the big picture first, then the details. 2. Suspense pre-positioning method As the name suggests, at the beginning of the content, you have to ask a question, which is equivalent to a starting point to attract users instantly; then answer the questions to further retain users; and finally expand the explanation, summary and sublimation , prompting users to like and follow. It can be summarized in the following steps: ask questions → give answers → expand explanations → summarize and sublimate. 3. Situational expression method This expression method has a similar structure to the suspense preposition method. The difference lies in the beginning. This method uses situations to replace questions. This is also a commonly used and very easy to use expression method. The following steps are also used to express the structure of this method: Implant the scenario → Expand the scenario → Summarize and sublimate In addition to writing content: How to protect your moat from centralized platforms’ manipulation of your content assets, so that you don’t wake up What about all the content being deleted by the platform? You can try to find some web3 content publishing platforms and mint the content onto the chain. Recently I found a new project Echo that has been launched on two test chains: Echo bsc address: Mantlei address: Echo is in the early stages , I am very optimistic about Echo’s gameplay mode. Echo is trying a great innovative experiment for creators, which is to allow content producers to retain all sales revenue. This ability is revolutionary and has been achieved by creators in the Web era. Creations can be monetized, but the secondary innovation of blockchain technology has further strengthened this ability, allowing content to truly become our net assets.His method of making money is mainly: publishing high-value articles → setting prices → distributing content → making money through content. The platform did not promote it in the early stage, but the model and the capital behind it are said to be pretty good (rumours), and the new project is still worth a try. of. Disclaimer: This article does not serve as any investment advice!
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An article explains the core advantages of ERC-6551 use cases!The story begins when Benny Giang, the first author of ERC, founded FP with Jayden Windle a few years ago. He conceived an NFT series project based on ERC-6551: the customer wanted to have a set of NFT series. Among them, each NFT itself contains any future benefits provided to it, and these benefits will not be lost if the original NFT is traded in the future. Have you ever encountered these problems? Let’s first look at the scenario model of Web2.0 applications: when you create your own account in a platform called “A” in the Web2.0 world, you use the “A” application to create many works, and when fans pay tips You get paid when your work is tipped. Well, when your work is sold to advertisers, it means you no longer own the copyright, and if fans continue to tip the work, you will no longer get paid. Disadvantages: 1. Regarding data ownership: Your works and data are stored on the server of the "A" platform. Meaning if platform “A” goes down, your data will be lost too. 2. Once the work is traded, the creator cannot be provided with continuous remuneration. How does ERC-6551 provide creators with sustainable income? Problems that need to be solved: 1. Have data ownership: Creators have independent digital identities and smart contract accounts to manage their own works. 2. The work becomes an asset on the chain, that is, "NFT". 3. Provide sustainable income. How to do? You can create your Profile, a decentralized "smart contract account" through the ERC-6551 protocol. And it supports multi-chain storage, which means that your Profile is like a wallet that supports multiple chains, and you can switch any blockchain to use it. You can publish your works through this account, and each work is a tradable "NFT". When your work "NFT" is recognized by fan A, how should he purchase your "NFT"? He needs to pay the NFT selling price (assuming it is $100) to mint your "NFT" into a new NFT. You will receive a $100 reward, and "NFT-1" will still exist in your account address and will not be lost. (To distinguish, we name the new NFT "NFT-2". The original name is "NFT-1") Then when more fans buy "NFT-1", your NFT will be created as N new NFTs (NFT-3, NFT-4, NFT-5........NFT-n), you will also receive a reward of N*$100. At the same time, the value of your "NFT-1" = N*$100 (mint times N*$100). It is worth noting that "NFT-n" will contain the information mark of "NFT-1". This is the protection of the original author’s work. How does PoPP Echo use ERC-6551 to innovate? Create a PoPP Profile and publish Echo, and each Echo is stored on the blockchain. If PoPP Profile supports BSC and Ethereum in the future, you can also interact with dApps in BSC or the Ethereum ecosystem. Regarding ongoing income: When your works on Echo are "mirror" shared by users, and each "treasure" (the platform's investment term for content, similar to a collection), you will be paid. The difference is that when the first person pays $100 to collect your content, the "collection" cost paid by the 2nd, 3rd, 4th...n participants will increase. This means that the value of your "NFT-1" and the reward you receive are no longer the number of mints N*$100. It is worth noting that when “NFT-2” is collected by a new user, “NFT-1” will also be rewarded. Will fans get paid for participating in the collection? We know from the current product models that this is for sure. Fans do not have to play the role of "creator". When fans collect your work as "NFT", fans will get "NFT-2" to display on their own "Profile" page. When someone sees it, he can also participate, and the cycle repeats♻️! The ERC6551 use case can be used in this way. If you have any better findings, please share them with me. Let’s explore the infinite possibilities brought by the Web3.0 world! Disclaimer: This article does not make any investment advice!

An article explains the core advantages of ERC-6551 use cases!

The story begins when Benny Giang, the first author of ERC, founded FP with Jayden Windle a few years ago. He conceived an NFT series project based on ERC-6551: the customer wanted to have a set of NFT series. Among them, each NFT itself contains any future benefits provided to it, and these benefits will not be lost if the original NFT is traded in the future. Have you ever encountered these problems? Let’s first look at the scenario model of Web2.0 applications: when you create your own account in a platform called “A” in the Web2.0 world, you use the “A” application to create many works, and when fans pay tips You get paid when your work is tipped. Well, when your work is sold to advertisers, it means you no longer own the copyright, and if fans continue to tip the work, you will no longer get paid. Disadvantages: 1. Regarding data ownership: Your works and data are stored on the server of the "A" platform. Meaning if platform “A” goes down, your data will be lost too. 2. Once the work is traded, the creator cannot be provided with continuous remuneration. How does ERC-6551 provide creators with sustainable income? Problems that need to be solved: 1. Have data ownership: Creators have independent digital identities and smart contract accounts to manage their own works. 2. The work becomes an asset on the chain, that is, "NFT". 3. Provide sustainable income. How to do? You can create your Profile, a decentralized "smart contract account" through the ERC-6551 protocol. And it supports multi-chain storage, which means that your Profile is like a wallet that supports multiple chains, and you can switch any blockchain to use it. You can publish your works through this account, and each work is a tradable "NFT". When your work "NFT" is recognized by fan A, how should he purchase your "NFT"? He needs to pay the NFT selling price (assuming it is $100) to mint your "NFT" into a new NFT. You will receive a $100 reward, and "NFT-1" will still exist in your account address and will not be lost. (To distinguish, we name the new NFT "NFT-2". The original name is "NFT-1") Then when more fans buy "NFT-1", your NFT will be created as N new NFTs (NFT-3, NFT-4, NFT-5........NFT-n), you will also receive a reward of N*$100. At the same time, the value of your "NFT-1" = N*$100 (mint times N*$100). It is worth noting that "NFT-n" will contain the information mark of "NFT-1". This is the protection of the original author’s work. How does PoPP Echo use ERC-6551 to innovate? Create a PoPP Profile and publish Echo, and each Echo is stored on the blockchain. If PoPP Profile supports BSC and Ethereum in the future, you can also interact with dApps in BSC or the Ethereum ecosystem. Regarding ongoing income: When your works on Echo are "mirror" shared by users, and each "treasure" (the platform's investment term for content, similar to a collection), you will be paid. The difference is that when the first person pays $100 to collect your content, the "collection" cost paid by the 2nd, 3rd, 4th...n participants will increase. This means that the value of your "NFT-1" and the reward you receive are no longer the number of mints N*$100. It is worth noting that when “NFT-2” is collected by a new user, “NFT-1” will also be rewarded. Will fans get paid for participating in the collection? We know from the current product models that this is for sure. Fans do not have to play the role of "creator". When fans collect your work as "NFT", fans will get "NFT-2" to display on their own "Profile" page. When someone sees it, he can also participate, and the cycle repeats♻️! The ERC6551 use case can be used in this way. If you have any better findings, please share them with me. Let’s explore the infinite possibilities brought by the Web3.0 world! Disclaimer: This article does not make any investment advice!
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ERC6551: Innovating the NFT market and promoting cutting-edge development in social and gaming fieldsWeb3Caff's article "Creating a new NFT standard for social and gaming: ERC6551" discusses the innovative NFT standard ERC6551 proposed by Future Primitive. This new standard is generating a lot of interest in the NFT community as it has the potential to open up vast possibilities for new and existing NFT projects without the need for packaging or reliance on centralized companies. The concept of ERC6551 was proposed by Benny Giang, a veteran in the crypto consumer and NFT fields and co-founder of Future Primitive. ERC6551 was developed following the principles of backward compatibility with existing NFTs, decentralization, and simplicity of implementation to allow innovation within the NFT space without the need for extensive security audits or code base rewrites. The proposal introduces a registration contract deployed on each chain to authorize all NFTs on that chain. The contract uses the CreateTo function to assign a predetermined wallet address to each NFT. These addresses are called Token Binding Addresses (TBAs) and are more than just attributes; they are full-featured wallets/accounts that can hold other NFTs, ERC-20 tokens, POAPs, and any future token standards. The diagram below illustrates the relationship between NFTs, NFT holders, token-bound accounts, and registries: source: Since the first TBA activation in May 2023 Since then, the Ethereum and Polygon communities have been among the first to adopt the standard. There are 64,000 active TBAs across all EVMs, 1,800 TBA related transactions, and 18,000 NFTs. Source: Dune ERC6551 offers several advantages over other NFT solutions, such as the ability of NFTs to hold other assets, compatibility with existing dApps, and decentralization. ERC-6551 turns each NFT into a smart wallet that can own tokens and interact with dApps in the Ethereum ecosystem. In the gaming space, ERC6551 significantly improves the experience by allowing in-game assets associated with character NFTs to be seamlessly transferred to new owners during transactions. The transparency and security of this transaction mechanism can enhance the gaming experience. Additionally, in social networks, enabling TBA for social profile NFTs allows for the creation of blockchain-based identities customized for social profiles, not just wallets. This has significant implications for organizations seeking to build and leverage social or interest graphs. The introduction of TBA also brings significant changes to NFT market dynamics, including pricing and bidding processes. This requires buyer protection measures to prevent end-user exploitation, such as establishing escrow for NFTs with active TBAs and double confirmation of accepted bids and transactions. All in all, ERC6551 represents a refreshing innovation in the NFT space and has the potential to reinvigorate the NFT market by introducing new features. This is especially beneficial for next-generation NFT projects. Disclaimer: This article does not provide any investment advice.

ERC6551: Innovating the NFT market and promoting cutting-edge development in social and gaming fields

Web3Caff's article "Creating a new NFT standard for social and gaming: ERC6551" discusses the innovative NFT standard ERC6551 proposed by Future Primitive. This new standard is generating a lot of interest in the NFT community as it has the potential to open up vast possibilities for new and existing NFT projects without the need for packaging or reliance on centralized companies. The concept of ERC6551 was proposed by Benny Giang, a veteran in the crypto consumer and NFT fields and co-founder of Future Primitive. ERC6551 was developed following the principles of backward compatibility with existing NFTs, decentralization, and simplicity of implementation to allow innovation within the NFT space without the need for extensive security audits or code base rewrites. The proposal introduces a registration contract deployed on each chain to authorize all NFTs on that chain. The contract uses the CreateTo function to assign a predetermined wallet address to each NFT. These addresses are called Token Binding Addresses (TBAs) and are more than just attributes; they are full-featured wallets/accounts that can hold other NFTs, ERC-20 tokens, POAPs, and any future token standards. The diagram below illustrates the relationship between NFTs, NFT holders, token-bound accounts, and registries: source: Since the first TBA activation in May 2023 Since then, the Ethereum and Polygon communities have been among the first to adopt the standard. There are 64,000 active TBAs across all EVMs, 1,800 TBA related transactions, and 18,000 NFTs. Source: Dune ERC6551 offers several advantages over other NFT solutions, such as the ability of NFTs to hold other assets, compatibility with existing dApps, and decentralization. ERC-6551 turns each NFT into a smart wallet that can own tokens and interact with dApps in the Ethereum ecosystem. In the gaming space, ERC6551 significantly improves the experience by allowing in-game assets associated with character NFTs to be seamlessly transferred to new owners during transactions. The transparency and security of this transaction mechanism can enhance the gaming experience. Additionally, in social networks, enabling TBA for social profile NFTs allows for the creation of blockchain-based identities customized for social profiles, not just wallets. This has significant implications for organizations seeking to build and leverage social or interest graphs. The introduction of TBA also brings significant changes to NFT market dynamics, including pricing and bidding processes. This requires buyer protection measures to prevent end-user exploitation, such as establishing escrow for NFTs with active TBAs and double confirmation of accepted bids and transactions. All in all, ERC6551 represents a refreshing innovation in the NFT space and has the potential to reinvigorate the NFT market by introducing new features. This is especially beneficial for next-generation NFT projects. Disclaimer: This article does not provide any investment advice.
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PoPP Echo: Step-by-step guideIn the evolving Internet landscape, where the transition from Web2 to Web3 marks the transition from users to creators, PoPP Echo becomes a beacon for content creators. It redefines the creator economy by prioritizing decentralization, user privacy, and digital ownership. But how can creators take advantage of this innovative platform? Here is a guide to joining PoPP Echo. Step 1: Embrace your creator identity To join PoPP Echo, start by embracing your new identity as a true creator, not just a consumer of data. Sign up and create your PoPP Profile, your digital passport into the Echo ecosystem. The PoPP Profile is more than just an account; it's a declaration of your rights as a creator in the Web3 world. Echo bsc address: Echo mantle address: Step 2: Set ROI on your content Set up your PoPP Profile Finally, you can try copying the work to PoPP Echo and set the ROI. On PoPP Echo, tokenization is more than just a buzzword, it’s the act of converting your creative output into a unique digital asset. Whether it is an article, a piece of art, or a piece of music, your work will become a scarce asset on the blockchain. Step 3: Distribute and Earn Distribution on PoPP Echo is more than just exposure. Here, as a creator, when you publish your work on Echo, every time it is shared by a user (mirror, and every time it is "treasured" (the platform's term for investment in content, similar to collections)) you can generate returns, your income will multiply. This is a two-way reward ecosystem, and every interaction is an affirmation of your labor. Learn about mirrors and treasures: monetize your influence. The Echo platform demonstrates the power of the creator economy through tangible rewards. . As your content gains attention, your Echo balance will grow, which is evident in the platform’s transparent transaction records. You are building an intellectual property portfolio. Mirroring on PoPP Echo is similar to social media sharing, but There's one difference: the mirrored content lives on the blockchain and comes with creator attribution.It expands the scope of your work while rewarding you and the participants who reflect it. Collecting is where the investment aspect comes into play. Participants can hoard your Echos, similar to investing in stocks, and as the pool of tokens associated with your content grows, so does the value of their investment. This mechanism transforms passive viewers into active stakeholders in the creative journey. To readers: Intelligent investment by readers goes beyond creation. Not the creator? no problem. PoPP Echo also values ​​curators. As a reader, you have the right to share (mirror) content that you think is valuable, thereby earning you mirror rewards (10% compensation). Or, enter the world of digital collectibles by collecting Echos, with returns ranging from 30 to 60 percent as the content appreciates in value. A new paradigm for content evaluation Remember that in the Echo ecosystem, the value of content is not static but is determined by the consumer. Your participation, whether through creating, mirroring or collecting, drives the value narrative forward. Join the test First, visit the dapp Echo to start your creation and publish Echo. Remember content is more than just information, it’s an asset. Whether you are a creator looking to monetize your work, or a participant eager to support and invest in creativity, PoPP Echo provides a platform that allows everyone to thrive in the new era of digital rights and the creator economy.

PoPP Echo: Step-by-step guide

In the evolving Internet landscape, where the transition from Web2 to Web3 marks the transition from users to creators, PoPP Echo becomes a beacon for content creators. It redefines the creator economy by prioritizing decentralization, user privacy, and digital ownership. But how can creators take advantage of this innovative platform? Here is a guide to joining PoPP Echo. Step 1: Embrace your creator identity To join PoPP Echo, start by embracing your new identity as a true creator, not just a consumer of data. Sign up and create your PoPP Profile, your digital passport into the Echo ecosystem. The PoPP Profile is more than just an account; it's a declaration of your rights as a creator in the Web3 world. Echo bsc address: Echo mantle address: Step 2: Set ROI on your content Set up your PoPP Profile Finally, you can try copying the work to PoPP Echo and set the ROI. On PoPP Echo, tokenization is more than just a buzzword, it’s the act of converting your creative output into a unique digital asset. Whether it is an article, a piece of art, or a piece of music, your work will become a scarce asset on the blockchain. Step 3: Distribute and Earn Distribution on PoPP Echo is more than just exposure. Here, as a creator, when you publish your work on Echo, every time it is shared by a user (mirror, and every time it is "treasured" (the platform's term for investment in content, similar to collections)) you can generate returns, your income will multiply. This is a two-way reward ecosystem, and every interaction is an affirmation of your labor. Learn about mirrors and treasures: monetize your influence. The Echo platform demonstrates the power of the creator economy through tangible rewards. . As your content gains attention, your Echo balance will grow, which is evident in the platform’s transparent transaction records. You are building an intellectual property portfolio. Mirroring on PoPP Echo is similar to social media sharing, but There's one difference: the mirrored content lives on the blockchain and comes with creator attribution.It expands the scope of your work while rewarding you and the participants who reflect it. Collecting is where the investment aspect comes into play. Participants can hoard your Echos, similar to investing in stocks, and as the pool of tokens associated with your content grows, so does the value of their investment. This mechanism transforms passive viewers into active stakeholders in the creative journey. To readers: Intelligent investment by readers goes beyond creation. Not the creator? no problem. PoPP Echo also values ​​curators. As a reader, you have the right to share (mirror) content that you think is valuable, thereby earning you mirror rewards (10% compensation). Or, enter the world of digital collectibles by collecting Echos, with returns ranging from 30 to 60 percent as the content appreciates in value. A new paradigm for content evaluation Remember that in the Echo ecosystem, the value of content is not static but is determined by the consumer. Your participation, whether through creating, mirroring or collecting, drives the value narrative forward. Join the test First, visit the dapp Echo to start your creation and publish Echo. Remember content is more than just information, it’s an asset. Whether you are a creator looking to monetize your work, or a participant eager to support and invest in creativity, PoPP Echo provides a platform that allows everyone to thrive in the new era of digital rights and the creator economy.
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Outlook for 2024: Bitcoin ecosystem infrastructure explodes, Web3+AI will reshape creator economy and intellectual propertyBloomberg predicts that the total market value of AIGC (generative AI) will reach 1.3 trillion in the next 10 years. Facing this historic opportunity, the decentralized Web3 organization and creation method will be more adaptable to new business forms, among which SocialFi is a prominent chain. The new way to socialize can stimulate the vitality of all mankind to use AI to create. Authoritative statistics: By 2033, the total SocialFi market will exceed US$4.5 billion. If the creator economic system can better connect the Web3 market and technology, the economic value it can activate may exceed imagination. The current total market value of the global creator economy is US$104 billion and will increase to US$200 billion in 2026. AIGC has great potential in the Web3 field. AIGC will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 42% in the next ten years. What impact will AI + blockchain have on the creator economy? New technology is used to do completely new things and explore new possibilities, not to do old things better and incrementally. The combination of AI + blockchain is still in its initial stages of exploration and may bring new business models and opportunities. Hashed’s article “Hashed’s requirements for startups in 2024” highlights that “Blockchain will re-engineer the creator economy and intellectual property.” As with traditional media giants, friction in the rich creative process still exists, including but not limited to creation IP derivatives such as web comics, games and movies, and remixed content with or without AIGC (Artificial Intelligence Generated Content). The entertainment sector takes a defensive stance against open IP infrastructure. Open, on-chain, traceable/provable IP infrastructure and studios will serve as the foundation to allow content creators and any stakeholder in the content creation and consumption process to immerse themselves in IP and content and create a sense of ownership, This was possible before the broadcast age expanded and weakened the direct kinship and relationship between content creators and consumers. Blockchain as a technology will create a paradigm shift in the media and entertainment industry to provide more transparent and fairer lifetime intellectual property and royalty/revenue sharing management for any stakeholder in the content creation and consumption process, thereby providing The creativity of prosumers creates a multiplier effect from vTubers, cartoonists, celebrities, sports players, film directors to animation, film studios and agencies, who will all be groomed to become the next Pokémon or Hello Kitty.To accelerate the above mentioned paradigm shift, infrastructure to support IP attribution/certification or open IP standards are needed to allow flexibility in licensing and royalty schemes that incorporate the complexities of AIGC. To go further beyond IP attribution and attestation, fan-driven IP crowdfunding platforms (similar to The Blacklist), fan-generated IP-like ETFs (such as webcomic ETFs), bets on what happens next in anime series could be An example of this: capital markets created on top of on-chain interconnect IP. Of course, individuals or businesses with high brand awareness IP can drive this move faster. Reference examples: Creative Commons, token-bound NFT license, Story Protocol, Yuga Labs, Pudgy Penguins, ModhausSocialFi project PoPP turned on Echo test How far is it from your expectations? When creators publish content on Echo and upload it to the chain, users can only use poppat tokens to reward them. Poppat can be obtained at zero cost in popp’s official social app. It is speculated that the official has not vigorously promoted it at present. Are there the following factors: 1. It is in the testing period and multi-chain is not currently supported; 2. Poppat tokens are used for testing to reduce users’ anxiety about asset security; 3. Hidden functions are not online? 4.......The above content is only speculation and needs official verification. At present, the project team has not leaked that much alpha, and the official has not responded to a specific time for a series of required functions such as voting and staking that community users hope to implement. Based on the above, it means that the project is indeed too early. If you are also interested in this type of track project, you can try it out. Perhaps, everything is possible when the bull market comes. The following are two test chains: BSC and mantleecho bsc address: mantle: Disclaimer: This article does not serve as any investment advice.

Outlook for 2024: Bitcoin ecosystem infrastructure explodes, Web3+AI will reshape creator economy and intellectual property

Bloomberg predicts that the total market value of AIGC (generative AI) will reach 1.3 trillion in the next 10 years. Facing this historic opportunity, the decentralized Web3 organization and creation method will be more adaptable to new business forms, among which SocialFi is a prominent chain. The new way to socialize can stimulate the vitality of all mankind to use AI to create. Authoritative statistics: By 2033, the total SocialFi market will exceed US$4.5 billion. If the creator economic system can better connect the Web3 market and technology, the economic value it can activate may exceed imagination. The current total market value of the global creator economy is US$104 billion and will increase to US$200 billion in 2026. AIGC has great potential in the Web3 field. AIGC will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 42% in the next ten years. What impact will AI + blockchain have on the creator economy? New technology is used to do completely new things and explore new possibilities, not to do old things better and incrementally. The combination of AI + blockchain is still in its initial stages of exploration and may bring new business models and opportunities. Hashed’s article “Hashed’s requirements for startups in 2024” highlights that “Blockchain will re-engineer the creator economy and intellectual property.” As with traditional media giants, friction in the rich creative process still exists, including but not limited to creation IP derivatives such as web comics, games and movies, and remixed content with or without AIGC (Artificial Intelligence Generated Content). The entertainment sector takes a defensive stance against open IP infrastructure. Open, on-chain, traceable/provable IP infrastructure and studios will serve as the foundation to allow content creators and any stakeholder in the content creation and consumption process to immerse themselves in IP and content and create a sense of ownership, This was possible before the broadcast age expanded and weakened the direct kinship and relationship between content creators and consumers. Blockchain as a technology will create a paradigm shift in the media and entertainment industry to provide more transparent and fairer lifetime intellectual property and royalty/revenue sharing management for any stakeholder in the content creation and consumption process, thereby providing The creativity of prosumers creates a multiplier effect from vTubers, cartoonists, celebrities, sports players, film directors to animation, film studios and agencies, who will all be groomed to become the next Pokémon or Hello Kitty.To accelerate the above mentioned paradigm shift, infrastructure to support IP attribution/certification or open IP standards are needed to allow flexibility in licensing and royalty schemes that incorporate the complexities of AIGC. To go further beyond IP attribution and attestation, fan-driven IP crowdfunding platforms (similar to The Blacklist), fan-generated IP-like ETFs (such as webcomic ETFs), bets on what happens next in anime series could be An example of this: capital markets created on top of on-chain interconnect IP. Of course, individuals or businesses with high brand awareness IP can drive this move faster. Reference examples: Creative Commons, token-bound NFT license, Story Protocol, Yuga Labs, Pudgy Penguins, ModhausSocialFi project PoPP turned on Echo test How far is it from your expectations? When creators publish content on Echo and upload it to the chain, users can only use poppat tokens to reward them. Poppat can be obtained at zero cost in popp’s official social app. It is speculated that the official has not vigorously promoted it at present. Are there the following factors: 1. It is in the testing period and multi-chain is not currently supported; 2. Poppat tokens are used for testing to reduce users’ anxiety about asset security; 3. Hidden functions are not online? 4.......The above content is only speculation and needs official verification. At present, the project team has not leaked that much alpha, and the official has not responded to a specific time for a series of required functions such as voting and staking that community users hope to implement. Based on the above, it means that the project is indeed too early. If you are also interested in this type of track project, you can try it out. Perhaps, everything is possible when the bull market comes. The following are two test chains: BSC and mantleecho bsc address: mantle: Disclaimer: This article does not serve as any investment advice.
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Will the exchange drive Socialfi and Gamefi to a major explosion and leapfrog development in 2024?This Golden Finance article titled "Changes in Chinese Exchanges in 2023" focuses on the changes in the cryptocurrency exchange landscape in 2023, discusses the challenges faced by major exchanges such as Binance, OKX, and Bitget, and focuses on changes in their responses to regulation and market dynamics. I hope to get a glimpse of the development trends of the market and exchange tracks next year. Why Socialfi and Gamefi? Judging from the popularity of the Inscription track this year, we can also see the role that centralized exchanges play in fueling the flames. Next year, the role that centralized exchanges will play in the development of a certain track cannot be underestimated. With investments from TON such as MEXC and Foresight Ventures, and Binance’s strong support for Gamefi and Socialfi, we can see that next year, Socialfi and Gamefi, which are at the intersection of the Web2 and Web3 fields, will definitely welcome the exchange’s all-round promotion. Come big explosion and leapfrog development. The main analysis points are as follows: 1. The surge in economic activities and capital markets in the chain game market "Introduction to the development of full-chain games in 2023": 2. Centralized trading Enter the wallet track. The "traffic entrance" of the wallet fits perfectly with the huge traffic pool of the exchange. "Changes in Chinese Exchanges in 2023": 3. Due to changes in user participation and the growing demand for decentralization, the integration of social networks and financial elements in SocialFi And the combination of GameFi gained attention.

Will the exchange drive Socialfi and Gamefi to a major explosion and leapfrog development in 2024?

This Golden Finance article titled "Changes in Chinese Exchanges in 2023" focuses on the changes in the cryptocurrency exchange landscape in 2023, discusses the challenges faced by major exchanges such as Binance, OKX, and Bitget, and focuses on changes in their responses to regulation and market dynamics. I hope to get a glimpse of the development trends of the market and exchange tracks next year. Why Socialfi and Gamefi? Judging from the popularity of the Inscription track this year, we can also see the role that centralized exchanges play in fueling the flames. Next year, the role that centralized exchanges will play in the development of a certain track cannot be underestimated. With investments from TON such as MEXC and Foresight Ventures, and Binance’s strong support for Gamefi and Socialfi, we can see that next year, Socialfi and Gamefi, which are at the intersection of the Web2 and Web3 fields, will definitely welcome the exchange’s all-round promotion. Come big explosion and leapfrog development. The main analysis points are as follows: 1. The surge in economic activities and capital markets in the chain game market "Introduction to the development of full-chain games in 2023": 2. Centralized trading Enter the wallet track. The "traffic entrance" of the wallet fits perfectly with the huge traffic pool of the exchange. "Changes in Chinese Exchanges in 2023": 3. Due to changes in user participation and the growing demand for decentralization, the integration of social networks and financial elements in SocialFi And the combination of GameFi gained attention.
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This article explains the on-chain voting rules of PoPPX, a nanny-level tutorial on both principles and benefits!#内容挖矿 dApp: PoPPX URL: Deployment Chain: BNBCahin Recommended Value: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Difficulty: 0ROI: Do you support the principle? Or profit? PoPPX, a completely open source voting dApp deployed on the BNB chain. Any developer can participate in the ecological construction of PoPPX. It offers the perfect blend of debate, strategy and financial gain. Anyone can initiate a topic on PoPPX, triggering a duel between red and blue. Not only can you express your opinions, but you can also earn real-time financial benefits by voting. Different from the Heat's inscription, it has no end point, and there is no upper limit on ticket prices and votes. It is just a game of principles and interests! Do you think PoPPX will be popular❤️ Red Pool: $11.04005💙 Blue Pool: $7.896484👉 Vote and seize the chance to win big: Reward mechanism: The protocol bonus pool is calculated in real time, in real time Transfer! The staking bonus pool is calculated in real time and users can collect it themselves! Participate in the flow chart publishing topic: the process is smooth, click "Create Topic", and supports text/image upload. After creation, you will hold one vote each for the red and blue parties. Voting: If you see a hot topic, you can choose the red side or the blue side. As the number of votes for the side you support continues to increase, the bonus pool will grow in real time and the income will be transferred in real time. (Key point: The increase in the number of votes will stimulate a surge in ticket prices) PoPPX’s re-pledge income! More than that, PoPPX allows you to pledge Votes to your backers to earn fees! The staking bonus pool comes from the handling fees for participating in voting! The staking bonus pool is divided into two: 50% is distributed equally to all stakers, and 50% is taken away when the opposing party has more votes than your supporter. So every vote can be the key to profitability. Topic trading income! Suppose you invest 0.01BNB in ​​a certain Topic, you can choose to sell it to earn the difference when the ticket price increases. You can also continue to hold or pledge. We do not have any investment advice, please make your own decision! In PoPPX, everyone is a debater and a strategist. So you stick to your principles? Or profit? This is a torture from the soul, isn’t it interesting?It is worth noting that PoPPX officially announced that most of the protocol revenue will be awarded to community contributors. The transparency of on-chain data can indeed mobilize community contributors to fomo PoPPX together. When my partner and I first discovered it, we had an interesting discussion: Would you make a bilateral pledge for the sake of profit? Disclaimer: This article is a reproduced content and does not provide any investment advice!

This article explains the on-chain voting rules of PoPPX, a nanny-level tutorial on both principles and benefits!

#内容挖矿 dApp: PoPPX URL: Deployment Chain: BNBCahin Recommended Value: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Difficulty: 0ROI: Do you support the principle? Or profit? PoPPX, a completely open source voting dApp deployed on the BNB chain. Any developer can participate in the ecological construction of PoPPX. It offers the perfect blend of debate, strategy and financial gain. Anyone can initiate a topic on PoPPX, triggering a duel between red and blue. Not only can you express your opinions, but you can also earn real-time financial benefits by voting. Different from the Heat's inscription, it has no end point, and there is no upper limit on ticket prices and votes. It is just a game of principles and interests! Do you think PoPPX will be popular❤️ Red Pool: $11.04005💙 Blue Pool: $7.896484👉 Vote and seize the chance to win big: Reward mechanism: The protocol bonus pool is calculated in real time, in real time Transfer! The staking bonus pool is calculated in real time and users can collect it themselves! Participate in the flow chart publishing topic: the process is smooth, click "Create Topic", and supports text/image upload. After creation, you will hold one vote each for the red and blue parties. Voting: If you see a hot topic, you can choose the red side or the blue side. As the number of votes for the side you support continues to increase, the bonus pool will grow in real time and the income will be transferred in real time. (Key point: The increase in the number of votes will stimulate a surge in ticket prices) PoPPX’s re-pledge income! More than that, PoPPX allows you to pledge Votes to your backers to earn fees! The staking bonus pool comes from the handling fees for participating in voting! The staking bonus pool is divided into two: 50% is distributed equally to all stakers, and 50% is taken away when the opposing party has more votes than your supporter. So every vote can be the key to profitability. Topic trading income! Suppose you invest 0.01BNB in ​​a certain Topic, you can choose to sell it to earn the difference when the ticket price increases. You can also continue to hold or pledge. We do not have any investment advice, please make your own decision! In PoPPX, everyone is a debater and a strategist. So you stick to your principles? Or profit? This is a torture from the soul, isn’t it interesting?It is worth noting that PoPPX officially announced that most of the protocol revenue will be awarded to community contributors. The transparency of on-chain data can indeed mobilize community contributors to fomo PoPPX together. When my partner and I first discovered it, we had an interesting discussion: Would you make a bilateral pledge for the sake of profit? Disclaimer: This article is a reproduced content and does not provide any investment advice!
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Global Tokenization Market in 2023: Will SocialFi and Creator Economy Usher in New Opportunities?With Bitcoin's strong rebound at the end of this year, the cryptocurrency market has further flourished. 21Shares parent company, one of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange-traded product (ETP) issuers, recently released the "2023 Token of the Year" Financialization Status Report" Current Global Tokenization Market Data Overview 1. US$118.6 billion: The value of global public chain crypto assets has reached approximately US$118.6 billion, of which Ethereum accounts for more than 58% of all tokenized assets, or US$69.16 billion. , has the most dynamic crypto ecosystem, with more than 6 million daily active users and nearly 6,000 monthly active developers; Tron ranks second with more than $45 billion in tokenized assets, while Solana ranks third. 2. 431 million: The number of global encryption users has reached 431 million, accounting for approximately 5.36% of the world’s population. This number is equivalent to the adoption level of the Internet in 2000, when the number of Internet users reached 361 million, accounting for 5.91% of the world’s population at that time . 3. 3.5-10 trillion US dollars: It is expected that by 2030, the market value of global tokenized assets will be between 3.5 trillion US dollars in a bear market and 10 trillion US dollars in a bull market. This market value is based on estimated penetration of the total addressable market for various asset classes. Why do creators want to turn their works into assets on the blockchain? Creator Economy and Industry Impact on Creator Economy: In 2023, the creator economy will become an important economic component. Content creators on multiple platforms have had a significant impact on public issues such as climate change and gender equality through videos, blogs, social media, etc. For example, popular science videos on YouTube can increase public awareness of scientific issues. Second, individual creators are able to earn income directly from their works. For example, Patreon, OnlyFans, X, YouTube and other platforms. Industry Impact: Creators provide unique perspectives and expertise. Through videos, blogs, social media, etc., they have had a significant impact on public issues such as climate change and gender equality. For example, popular science videos on YouTube can increase public awareness of scientific issues. There are other industries (e.g. technology, education, entertainment) that have had a significant impact. How is the current social networking in Web3 done?The author Yoni2024.PoPP @Yoni_wn made some summaries about financial attributes and value consensus. If Web3's social products lack financial attributes and value consensus, I think it will be difficult to be accepted by users. There are many popular methods at present: 1. Tag traffic type; 2. Krypton gold holding type; 3. Community content type. Original link: cases implemented by PoPP Echo 1. Turn content into private assets: Creators use Echo to put content on the chain to tokenize their works, which is consistent with The scarcity of digital creation. 2. Evolution of distribution + incentive methods: “Distribution” is the way your content reaches users. Through Echo’s on-chain ownership record, users’ support of creators will become an investment act. Users can invest 1 share to collect (invest) in your Echo. As the tokens in the collection (investment) pool increase, users will also receive a corresponding proportion of income for each share they invest. Enter Echo: Summary Use cases such as stablecoins have demonstrated the potential of tokenization, but we are still in the experimental phase of this innovation. As the digital asset field matures, it will inevitably become more integrated with the traditional financial system, similar to the Internet. We expect creators to seamlessly integrate with crypto platforms to build a healthy ecosystem so that tokenization can develop into a multi-trillion dollar industry that affects billions of people around the world. Disclaimer: This article does not serve as any investment advice! #PoPPEcho #socialfi #nft+ens #Web3🤝🥊🌐

Global Tokenization Market in 2023: Will SocialFi and Creator Economy Usher in New Opportunities?

With Bitcoin's strong rebound at the end of this year, the cryptocurrency market has further flourished. 21Shares parent company, one of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange-traded product (ETP) issuers, recently released the "2023 Token of the Year" Financialization Status Report" Current Global Tokenization Market Data Overview 1. US$118.6 billion: The value of global public chain crypto assets has reached approximately US$118.6 billion, of which Ethereum accounts for more than 58% of all tokenized assets, or US$69.16 billion. , has the most dynamic crypto ecosystem, with more than 6 million daily active users and nearly 6,000 monthly active developers; Tron ranks second with more than $45 billion in tokenized assets, while Solana ranks third. 2. 431 million: The number of global encryption users has reached 431 million, accounting for approximately 5.36% of the world’s population. This number is equivalent to the adoption level of the Internet in 2000, when the number of Internet users reached 361 million, accounting for 5.91% of the world’s population at that time . 3. 3.5-10 trillion US dollars: It is expected that by 2030, the market value of global tokenized assets will be between 3.5 trillion US dollars in a bear market and 10 trillion US dollars in a bull market. This market value is based on estimated penetration of the total addressable market for various asset classes. Why do creators want to turn their works into assets on the blockchain? Creator Economy and Industry Impact on Creator Economy: In 2023, the creator economy will become an important economic component. Content creators on multiple platforms have had a significant impact on public issues such as climate change and gender equality through videos, blogs, social media, etc. For example, popular science videos on YouTube can increase public awareness of scientific issues. Second, individual creators are able to earn income directly from their works. For example, Patreon, OnlyFans, X, YouTube and other platforms. Industry Impact: Creators provide unique perspectives and expertise. Through videos, blogs, social media, etc., they have had a significant impact on public issues such as climate change and gender equality. For example, popular science videos on YouTube can increase public awareness of scientific issues. There are other industries (e.g. technology, education, entertainment) that have had a significant impact. How is the current social networking in Web3 done?The author Yoni2024.PoPP @Yoni_wn made some summaries about financial attributes and value consensus. If Web3's social products lack financial attributes and value consensus, I think it will be difficult to be accepted by users. There are many popular methods at present: 1. Tag traffic type; 2. Krypton gold holding type; 3. Community content type. Original link: cases implemented by PoPP Echo 1. Turn content into private assets: Creators use Echo to put content on the chain to tokenize their works, which is consistent with The scarcity of digital creation. 2. Evolution of distribution + incentive methods: “Distribution” is the way your content reaches users. Through Echo’s on-chain ownership record, users’ support of creators will become an investment act. Users can invest 1 share to collect (invest) in your Echo. As the tokens in the collection (investment) pool increase, users will also receive a corresponding proportion of income for each share they invest. Enter Echo: Summary Use cases such as stablecoins have demonstrated the potential of tokenization, but we are still in the experimental phase of this innovation. As the digital asset field matures, it will inevitably become more integrated with the traditional financial system, similar to the Internet. We expect creators to seamlessly integrate with crypto platforms to build a healthy ecosystem so that tokenization can develop into a multi-trillion dollar industry that affects billions of people around the world. Disclaimer: This article does not serve as any investment advice! #PoPPEcho #socialfi #nft+ens #Web3🤝🥊🌐
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Summarizing the development of centralized exchanges in 2023, what can we foresee?In 2023, there will be a transition from bull to bear, and at this time, various tracks will also face a major reshuffle. This year’s development of Binance and the big event for the industry is Binance reaching a “settlement” with the U.S. judicial department, and Changpeng Zhao stepping down as Binance’s CEO. It is foreseeable that in addition to internal conflicts among centralized exchanges, the main theme of the next development will be compliance. From the development of centralized exchanges in 2023, we can see that the centralized exchange itself is no longer just a trading platform. It is actively investing in the development of various crypto projects, and is getting involved: building its own chain, Or participate in the incubation of popular projects. And next year, with the continuous entry of supervision, compliance will definitely remain a main line in the development of centralized exchanges next year. The days of brutal expansion will have to stop. With the arrival of the bull market, the industry is attracting more and more attention, and the pace of supervision The sound will only get closer. And from the hot inscription track this year, we can also see the role that centralized exchanges play in fueling the flames. Next year, the role that centralized exchanges will play in the development of a certain track cannot be underestimated. With investments from TON such as MEXC and Foresight Ventures, and Binance’s strong support for Gamefi and Socialfi, we can see that next year, Socialfi and Gamefi, which are at the intersection of the Web2 and Web3 fields, will definitely welcome the exchange’s all-round promotion. Come big explosion and leapfrog development. What major events in PoPP are creators paying attention to? PoPP, a social product invested by Foresight Ventures in 2023, will be launched in July 2023. In terms of ecological layout, PoPP has fully blossomed around the narrative of the creator economy, and launched a personal community (PoPP Planet) that supports creators to build multi-level management. And during the whole network test period, a large number of KOLs were invited to settle in, similar to wanting to create a discussion square in the crypto world like Twitter. Coupled with the Dapp Echo, which was just launched in November, creators can not only use Echo to store their works on the chain, but also set up an automatic dividend mechanism and Profile to build a social graph. About Echo and Creators Echo breaks the business logic of the traditional broadcast era and returns benefits and value to players. Currently, the content publishers released on the market are generally not very innovative and have average playability.Referring to the development rules of the Web2 creator industry, platform projects have a better future. The utility of casting "content" into NFTNFT collections is to clarify the attributes and ownership of digital cultural assets and promote the transaction of digital assets. In the future, as the demand for assets on the chain expands, NFT collections will continue to grow and new ecological industries such as creation, trading, and financial services will be formed. What do we think of what PoPP is doing? In terms of the chain's ecology, PoPP has covered technology stacks such as on-chain storage, NFT issuance, DeID wallet management and Metabox access. They are respectively responsible for underlying data storage and processing, asset security and behavior based on zero-knowledge proof, community management and With its unique positioning such as social networking, it has built an internal cycle and self-consistent ecology that serves the creator economy. What PoPP does is not just a social app? What will it bring to the KOLs and their fans in the technology and development of the creator economy industry? Which functions of PoPP are developing towards compliance trends? Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area for discussion. Disclaimer: This article does not serve as any investment advice.

Summarizing the development of centralized exchanges in 2023, what can we foresee?

In 2023, there will be a transition from bull to bear, and at this time, various tracks will also face a major reshuffle. This year’s development of Binance and the big event for the industry is Binance reaching a “settlement” with the U.S. judicial department, and Changpeng Zhao stepping down as Binance’s CEO. It is foreseeable that in addition to internal conflicts among centralized exchanges, the main theme of the next development will be compliance. From the development of centralized exchanges in 2023, we can see that the centralized exchange itself is no longer just a trading platform. It is actively investing in the development of various crypto projects, and is getting involved: building its own chain, Or participate in the incubation of popular projects. And next year, with the continuous entry of supervision, compliance will definitely remain a main line in the development of centralized exchanges next year. The days of brutal expansion will have to stop. With the arrival of the bull market, the industry is attracting more and more attention, and the pace of supervision The sound will only get closer. And from the hot inscription track this year, we can also see the role that centralized exchanges play in fueling the flames. Next year, the role that centralized exchanges will play in the development of a certain track cannot be underestimated. With investments from TON such as MEXC and Foresight Ventures, and Binance’s strong support for Gamefi and Socialfi, we can see that next year, Socialfi and Gamefi, which are at the intersection of the Web2 and Web3 fields, will definitely welcome the exchange’s all-round promotion. Come big explosion and leapfrog development. What major events in PoPP are creators paying attention to? PoPP, a social product invested by Foresight Ventures in 2023, will be launched in July 2023. In terms of ecological layout, PoPP has fully blossomed around the narrative of the creator economy, and launched a personal community (PoPP Planet) that supports creators to build multi-level management. And during the whole network test period, a large number of KOLs were invited to settle in, similar to wanting to create a discussion square in the crypto world like Twitter. Coupled with the Dapp Echo, which was just launched in November, creators can not only use Echo to store their works on the chain, but also set up an automatic dividend mechanism and Profile to build a social graph. About Echo and Creators Echo breaks the business logic of the traditional broadcast era and returns benefits and value to players. Currently, the content publishers released on the market are generally not very innovative and have average playability.Referring to the development rules of the Web2 creator industry, platform projects have a better future. The utility of casting "content" into NFTNFT collections is to clarify the attributes and ownership of digital cultural assets and promote the transaction of digital assets. In the future, as the demand for assets on the chain expands, NFT collections will continue to grow and new ecological industries such as creation, trading, and financial services will be formed. What do we think of what PoPP is doing? In terms of the chain's ecology, PoPP has covered technology stacks such as on-chain storage, NFT issuance, DeID wallet management and Metabox access. They are respectively responsible for underlying data storage and processing, asset security and behavior based on zero-knowledge proof, community management and With its unique positioning such as social networking, it has built an internal cycle and self-consistent ecology that serves the creator economy. What PoPP does is not just a social app? What will it bring to the KOLs and their fans in the technology and development of the creator economy industry? Which functions of PoPP are developing towards compliance trends? Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area for discussion. Disclaimer: This article does not serve as any investment advice.
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In the context of "creator economy", which risks and changes deserve your attention?Original link: recent years In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet, various social media and online platforms have attracted many creators. These platforms provide them with new opportunities to showcase their talents and content entrepreneurship, and also bring vitality to the development of the platform economy and the real economy. Creators are also increasingly important to these social media. So the question is, what are the risks behind the “creator economy” that deserve attention? How do we view the "creator economy" in the Web3.0 era? Lets come look. The development of the creator economy American scholar Paul Saffo pointed out that the development of modern economy has experienced from the "producer economy" in the first half of the 20th century, to the "consumer economy" in the second half of the 20th century, to the "consumer economy" in the early 21st century. "Creator Economy" transformation. At the end of the "producer economy" stage, "overproduction" occurs. In the context of "oversupply", the "consumer economy" has emerged. At the end of the "consumer economy", "attention deficit" appeared. At this time, the "creator economy" came into being. What are the current income models for creators? With the rapid development of the digital age, creators' profit models have become diversified, such as: "content + advertising", "content + payment", "content + e-commerce", and "content + IP". “Content + advertising”: a profit model commonly adopted by social media. “Content + payment”: also known as knowledge payment. The paid knowledge market in China will reach 112.65 billion yuan in 2022, but it also faces content quality issues. "Content + e-commerce": At present, the scale of content e-commerce has surpassed traditional e-commerce. They can create differentiated value for unplanned purchases, non-standardized goods, branded storytelling products, etc. "Content + IP": Based on the "intellectual asset" attribute of the content, individual creators and their works can form IP value. Therefore, the twin existence of content and commerce has contributed to the prosperity of the “creator economy”. Ignored problem: When creators sell their works, they often also sell the audience's attention to advertisers, forming a "secondary sales" model.Additionally, the control of centralized technology platforms deprives creators of complete control over content and monetization. At the same time, an excessive focus on popular content may overlook the importance of user preferences and data privacy. Web3.0 brings changes to creators' economic creation. In the Web3.0 era, creators can not only reshape their digital identities, but also regain economic dominance. The core concepts include decentralization, trust mechanism and data autonomy. Blockchain technology has become a key support for Web3.0, bringing greater transparency, security and decentralization. Web 3.0 tilts the balance of power and ownership back towards creators and users. This transformation is mainly achieved in the following four ways: 1. Having data ownership. Creators have independent digital identities and smart contract accounts to manage their works. They can create their own PoPP Profile to record every user’s participation, major events, and achievements in the blockchain network. For example: Whether you publish Echo or collect other people's Echo works, they will be stored as NFT in Profile NFT. Enter to create PoPP Profile NFT: Build an independent social graph. As mentioned earlier, the web2 network almost controls our fans. Once we lose our web2 network account, it will be difficult for us to find these fans again. Unlike the Web2 era, Web3.0 gives creators greater control. When you share your PoPP Profile with your partners, they can establish an immutable connection with you. We call it "soul binding". 3. Decentralized open source ecosystem. The platform’s proprietary product development is a major reason they are able to maintain control over their ecosystem. Platform owners and internal teams decide what features are developed, to whom they can be made available, and under what terms they are made available. If a creator wants to participate in the platform, they must accept these conditions, which will result in the creator being locked into a specific platform. Web3.0 encourages open source development, and this state can be broken through open source development. Disclaimer: This article does not provide any investment advice!

In the context of "creator economy", which risks and changes deserve your attention?

Original link: recent years In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet, various social media and online platforms have attracted many creators. These platforms provide them with new opportunities to showcase their talents and content entrepreneurship, and also bring vitality to the development of the platform economy and the real economy. Creators are also increasingly important to these social media. So the question is, what are the risks behind the “creator economy” that deserve attention? How do we view the "creator economy" in the Web3.0 era? Lets come look. The development of the creator economy American scholar Paul Saffo pointed out that the development of modern economy has experienced from the "producer economy" in the first half of the 20th century, to the "consumer economy" in the second half of the 20th century, to the "consumer economy" in the early 21st century. "Creator Economy" transformation. At the end of the "producer economy" stage, "overproduction" occurs. In the context of "oversupply", the "consumer economy" has emerged. At the end of the "consumer economy", "attention deficit" appeared. At this time, the "creator economy" came into being. What are the current income models for creators? With the rapid development of the digital age, creators' profit models have become diversified, such as: "content + advertising", "content + payment", "content + e-commerce", and "content + IP". “Content + advertising”: a profit model commonly adopted by social media. “Content + payment”: also known as knowledge payment. The paid knowledge market in China will reach 112.65 billion yuan in 2022, but it also faces content quality issues. "Content + e-commerce": At present, the scale of content e-commerce has surpassed traditional e-commerce. They can create differentiated value for unplanned purchases, non-standardized goods, branded storytelling products, etc. "Content + IP": Based on the "intellectual asset" attribute of the content, individual creators and their works can form IP value. Therefore, the twin existence of content and commerce has contributed to the prosperity of the “creator economy”. Ignored problem: When creators sell their works, they often also sell the audience's attention to advertisers, forming a "secondary sales" model.Additionally, the control of centralized technology platforms deprives creators of complete control over content and monetization. At the same time, an excessive focus on popular content may overlook the importance of user preferences and data privacy. Web3.0 brings changes to creators' economic creation. In the Web3.0 era, creators can not only reshape their digital identities, but also regain economic dominance. The core concepts include decentralization, trust mechanism and data autonomy. Blockchain technology has become a key support for Web3.0, bringing greater transparency, security and decentralization. Web 3.0 tilts the balance of power and ownership back towards creators and users. This transformation is mainly achieved in the following four ways: 1. Having data ownership. Creators have independent digital identities and smart contract accounts to manage their works. They can create their own PoPP Profile to record every user’s participation, major events, and achievements in the blockchain network. For example: Whether you publish Echo or collect other people's Echo works, they will be stored as NFT in Profile NFT. Enter to create PoPP Profile NFT: Build an independent social graph. As mentioned earlier, the web2 network almost controls our fans. Once we lose our web2 network account, it will be difficult for us to find these fans again. Unlike the Web2 era, Web3.0 gives creators greater control. When you share your PoPP Profile with your partners, they can establish an immutable connection with you. We call it "soul binding". 3. Decentralized open source ecosystem. The platform’s proprietary product development is a major reason they are able to maintain control over their ecosystem. Platform owners and internal teams decide what features are developed, to whom they can be made available, and under what terms they are made available. If a creator wants to participate in the platform, they must accept these conditions, which will result in the creator being locked into a specific platform. Web3.0 encourages open source development, and this state can be broken through open source development. Disclaimer: This article does not provide any investment advice!
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Is the return rate for participating in PoPP Echo 10%? Or 60%?Written at the front: This article is reprinted content, not investment advice! There is a popular word recently: Droy (do your research first and then decide whether to invest). Why is the content industry needed? Human beings are inseparable from social interaction, and human beings are also spiritual creatures. We live not only in the physical world, but also in the spiritual world we create for each other: stories, music, movies, and games. It is with these creations that we get through difficult times. With the iteration of the Internet, the centralized media landscape in the Web 2.0 era is obviously no longer able to meet the needs of creators. Problems: 1. Distribution and dissemination: In Web2.0, the unlimited copying and dissemination of content has an inevitable impact on creators. The problems that web3.0 can solve for creators are obvious. 2. Regarding ownership: We have been tied into an inescapable and huge web by the Internet. The closed ecosystem of Web 2.0 has accumulated a large number of proprietary databases, which have become their assets. This is fatal for creators. You must follow their rules closely, otherwise the platform can erase your data assets for various reasons. 3. Limitations of the profit model: Many web2 creators will eventually contribute their traffic to the advertising profit model of product design. What web3 changes this relationship is: from the attention economy to the ownership economy. Part of the platform's advertising share is for reference only: Solutions: 1. Make content a private asset: Creators upload content to the chain through Echo to tokenize their works, which is in line with the scarcity of digital creation. 2. Evolution of distribution + incentive methods: “Distribution” is the way your content reaches users. Through Echo’s on-chain ownership record, users’ support of creators will become an investment act. Users can invest 1 share to collect (invest) in your Echo. As the tokens in the collection (investment) pool increase, users will also receive a corresponding proportion of income for each share they invest. How Echo works: Our undeniable consensus is that we cannot measure the value of content by the content itself. The value of content is determined by its consumers. Enter Echo: ​ You are a creator: When you publish your first article, your income will be doubled every time it is shared (mirror) or collected by users.If you're a reader: You don't have to rack your brains to be a creator. As long as you see an article that is valuable to you, you can share it (mirror: 10% reward) or collect it (investment reward: 30%-60%). As mentioned earlier, collection means that as the article gets more investment, it will bring you a steady stream of rewards. Then sharing (mirror) the article will create a new Echo on your homepage. Your partners can invest in the Echo you share, and you will get paid. How about we estimate long-term returns? Reward Estimation Then we estimate the initial collection fee to be $100, and estimate the rewards that different characters can get in Echo. Let’s first take a look at the creator’s income: If you participate in the 1st collection and the 100th collection, what is the foreseeable income? It can be seen that as the earliest participating partners, you will receive higher amounts of benefits. Every change in the form of the Internet will have a great impact on the world. The last form of the Internet (Web 2.0) that had a major impact on society has spawned a number of companies that have changed the way human life and information interact. Disclaimer: This article does not serve as any investment advice!

Is the return rate for participating in PoPP Echo 10%? Or 60%?

Written at the front: This article is reprinted content, not investment advice! There is a popular word recently: Droy (do your research first and then decide whether to invest). Why is the content industry needed? Human beings are inseparable from social interaction, and human beings are also spiritual creatures. We live not only in the physical world, but also in the spiritual world we create for each other: stories, music, movies, and games. It is with these creations that we get through difficult times. With the iteration of the Internet, the centralized media landscape in the Web 2.0 era is obviously no longer able to meet the needs of creators. Problems: 1. Distribution and dissemination: In Web2.0, the unlimited copying and dissemination of content has an inevitable impact on creators. The problems that web3.0 can solve for creators are obvious. 2. Regarding ownership: We have been tied into an inescapable and huge web by the Internet. The closed ecosystem of Web 2.0 has accumulated a large number of proprietary databases, which have become their assets. This is fatal for creators. You must follow their rules closely, otherwise the platform can erase your data assets for various reasons. 3. Limitations of the profit model: Many web2 creators will eventually contribute their traffic to the advertising profit model of product design. What web3 changes this relationship is: from the attention economy to the ownership economy. Part of the platform's advertising share is for reference only: Solutions: 1. Make content a private asset: Creators upload content to the chain through Echo to tokenize their works, which is in line with the scarcity of digital creation. 2. Evolution of distribution + incentive methods: “Distribution” is the way your content reaches users. Through Echo’s on-chain ownership record, users’ support of creators will become an investment act. Users can invest 1 share to collect (invest) in your Echo. As the tokens in the collection (investment) pool increase, users will also receive a corresponding proportion of income for each share they invest. How Echo works: Our undeniable consensus is that we cannot measure the value of content by the content itself. The value of content is determined by its consumers. Enter Echo: ​ You are a creator: When you publish your first article, your income will be doubled every time it is shared (mirror) or collected by users.If you're a reader: You don't have to rack your brains to be a creator. As long as you see an article that is valuable to you, you can share it (mirror: 10% reward) or collect it (investment reward: 30%-60%). As mentioned earlier, collection means that as the article gets more investment, it will bring you a steady stream of rewards. Then sharing (mirror) the article will create a new Echo on your homepage. Your partners can invest in the Echo you share, and you will get paid. How about we estimate long-term returns? Reward Estimation Then we estimate the initial collection fee to be $100, and estimate the rewards that different characters can get in Echo. Let’s first take a look at the creator’s income: If you participate in the 1st collection and the 100th collection, what is the foreseeable income? It can be seen that as the earliest participating partners, you will receive higher amounts of benefits. Every change in the form of the Internet will have a great impact on the world. The last form of the Internet (Web 2.0) that had a major impact on society has spawned a number of companies that have changed the way human life and information interact. Disclaimer: This article does not serve as any investment advice!
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About the social track: today’s focus: News on January 19: According to CoinDesk, Root Protocol, a unified digital identity service focused on Web3 platform access, recently completed two rounds of seed financing, raising a total of US$10 million. Is this so similar to the PoPP I talked about before? About Root Protocol: A Web3 operating system is being built that will serve as a digital identity aggregator and become a "one-stop decentralized identity service station" designed to make the process of accessing different Web3 platforms more seamless. The basic application module of PoPP has taken shape. Who do you like more? #PoPP #Root link:
About the social track: today’s focus:

News on January 19: According to CoinDesk, Root Protocol, a unified digital identity service focused on Web3 platform access, recently completed two rounds of seed financing, raising a total of US$10 million.

Is this so similar to the PoPP I talked about before?

About Root Protocol: A Web3 operating system is being built that will serve as a digital identity aggregator and become a "one-stop decentralized identity service station" designed to make the process of accessing different Web3 platforms more seamless.

The basic application module of PoPP has taken shape.

Who do you like more? #PoPP #Root

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What can PoPP, which uses and complains at the same time, bring to the KOLs and fans who settle in? In terms of the chain's ecology, PoPP has covered technology stacks such as on-chain storage, NFT issuance, DeID wallet management and Metabox access. They are respectively responsible for underlying data storage and processing, asset security and behavior based on zero-knowledge proof, community management and With its unique positioning such as social networking, it has built an internal cycle and self-consistent ecology that serves the creator economy. What PoPP does is not just a social app? Is it practicing the technology of the creator economy industry? But I only care about what he can bring to the settled KOLs and their fans now? Secondly, which functions of PoPP are developing toward compliance? Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area for discussion
What can PoPP, which uses and complains at the same time, bring to the KOLs and fans who settle in?

In terms of the chain's ecology, PoPP has covered technology stacks such as on-chain storage, NFT issuance, DeID wallet management and Metabox access. They are respectively responsible for underlying data storage and processing, asset security and behavior based on zero-knowledge proof, community management and With its unique positioning such as social networking, it has built an internal cycle and self-consistent ecology that serves the creator economy. What PoPP does is not just a social app? Is it practicing the technology of the creator economy industry?

But I only care about what he can bring to the settled KOLs and their fans now? Secondly, which functions of PoPP are developing toward compliance?

Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area for discussion
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Learn about the difference between#PoPPEcho and #Bodhi's revenue mechanism in one articleWeb3 is undergoing an evolution from pure on-chain to "on-chain + off-chain". Circle-breaking applications such as RWA and NFT are inseparable from the support of off-chain assets, so the creator economic track also needs to break barriers. The Bodhi ( that was made on a whim some time ago caused a stir, and I couldn’t help but talk about it at that time. Some partners recorded that the number of articles published on the platform in one day was around 10,000. For those who don’t know yet, you can take a look at the first article displayed, which is worth 1.2 ETH. In addition, the initial experience was indeed not smooth, but fortunately the founder responded and released a solution the next day. At present, I have discovered a new dapp#Echothat has launched a beta version. You can take the opportunity to grab a bumper harvest. What is Echo? Simply put, PoPPEcho is a web3 content publisher. A tool that supports users to store text content on the chain in the form of NFT. Allow users to earn Token income by creating content and distributing it. Currently, PoPP Echo supports the#BSCchain, and both users and creators calculate their income in BNB. Echo BNB beta version entrance: Mantle beta version entrance: How to publish Echo: PoPP The core of Echo is a Web3 content publisher. There are similarities with #Bodhi. The difference is that creators need mint PoPP Profile NFT before they can release Echo. Currently, the official stated that there are no special requirements for mint PoPP Profile during the testing period. After the creator releases "Echo", the creator/user can earn income through collection or mirror. The essential difference between collection and mirror: Collection: Fans invest in the PoPP Echo released by the creator and need to pay to mint it into NFT. As the influence of creators increases and the proportion of collections and mirrors increases, users who participate in collections will receive subsequent dividends. #mirror: Fans mint the PoPP Echo released by the creator into NFT for free, similar to the act of retweeting. This NFT will contain the original author information and be displayed on the fan's personal homepage. Unlike Collection, Mirror will not receive any income from other users’ investments in the original PoPP Echo. Secondly, fans can also establish a "soul relationship" with the mint author through his or her PoPP Profile, thereby generating a social graph.Airdrop expectations: The current news is that the official will also distribute test rewards to those who participate in the test. Without further ado, let’s rush together and become the first 10,000 project early birds.

Learn about the difference between#PoPPEcho and #Bodhi's revenue mechanism in one article

Web3 is undergoing an evolution from pure on-chain to "on-chain + off-chain". Circle-breaking applications such as RWA and NFT are inseparable from the support of off-chain assets, so the creator economic track also needs to break barriers. The Bodhi ( that was made on a whim some time ago caused a stir, and I couldn’t help but talk about it at that time. Some partners recorded that the number of articles published on the platform in one day was around 10,000. For those who don’t know yet, you can take a look at the first article displayed, which is worth 1.2 ETH. In addition, the initial experience was indeed not smooth, but fortunately the founder responded and released a solution the next day. At present, I have discovered a new dapp#Echothat has launched a beta version. You can take the opportunity to grab a bumper harvest. What is Echo? Simply put, PoPPEcho is a web3 content publisher. A tool that supports users to store text content on the chain in the form of NFT. Allow users to earn Token income by creating content and distributing it. Currently, PoPP Echo supports the#BSCchain, and both users and creators calculate their income in BNB. Echo BNB beta version entrance: Mantle beta version entrance: How to publish Echo: PoPP The core of Echo is a Web3 content publisher. There are similarities with #Bodhi. The difference is that creators need mint PoPP Profile NFT before they can release Echo. Currently, the official stated that there are no special requirements for mint PoPP Profile during the testing period. After the creator releases "Echo", the creator/user can earn income through collection or mirror. The essential difference between collection and mirror: Collection: Fans invest in the PoPP Echo released by the creator and need to pay to mint it into NFT. As the influence of creators increases and the proportion of collections and mirrors increases, users who participate in collections will receive subsequent dividends. #mirror: Fans mint the PoPP Echo released by the creator into NFT for free, similar to the act of retweeting. This NFT will contain the original author information and be displayed on the fan's personal homepage. Unlike Collection, Mirror will not receive any income from other users’ investments in the original PoPP Echo. Secondly, fans can also establish a "soul relationship" with the mint author through his or her PoPP Profile, thereby generating a social graph.Airdrop expectations: The current news is that the official will also distribute test rewards to those who participate in the test. Without further ado, let’s rush together and become the first 10,000 project early birds.
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#MyFirstFeedPost Welcome to Binance Square! Today I would like to recommend the POPP project, with 0 cost and 0 gameplay, official website APP link download Invitation code I7KSUM 1.PoPP will serve as an integrated creator community tool and one-stop content deposition application, using Web3 and AI technology to support a large community. (To put it simply, it is a social platform. You can build your own planet, publish your own NFT on the planet, and your fans can receive it. Do activities and so on. 2. Echo Plaza publishes its own tweets, and (like Moments and Space Talk) fans or other users can make rewards and earn money. (Supports BNB chain). 3. You can broadcast live broadcasts, earn income, and earn rewards through tips. 4. Sign in 5 POPPAT every day, and invite 15 POPPAT per person (POPPAT is the airdrop coin mnt chain) ; 5. Choose either wallet registration or mobile phone number registration. No real name or KYC is required. You can directly withdraw your wallet and receive it instantly; 6. The official token is POPP (it is not currently issued, and the specific total amount will be unknown until the second quarter of 2024.) In the future, POPP will be exchanged at 10:1 when it goes online. (Officially); 7. Off-site planets can purchase the POPPAT obtained in the early participation, planet code: PMEHWCA7L; 8. Project Financing In 2023, last year, Web3 creator application PoPP completed a US$4 million angel round of financing at a valuation of US$40 million, with Foresight Ventures leading the investment; 9. (Offline activities are said to have raised US$12 million); 10. Rhythm media link query:; 11. The original link requires a ladder: investor/ 12. For specific details, please follow the official Twitter: 13. Invitation binding invitation code: I7KSUM, sign in is just above the binding invitation code.
#MyFirstFeedPost Welcome to Binance Square!

Today I would like to recommend the POPP project, with 0 cost and 0 gameplay, official website

APP link download Invitation code I7KSUM
1.PoPP will serve as an integrated creator community tool and one-stop content deposition application, using Web3 and AI technology to support a large community. (To put it simply, it is a social platform. You can build your own planet, publish your own NFT on the planet, and your fans can receive it. Do activities and so on.

2. Echo Plaza publishes its own tweets, and (like Moments and Space Talk) fans or other users can make rewards and earn money. (Supports BNB chain).

3. You can broadcast live broadcasts, earn income, and earn rewards through tips.

4. Sign in 5 POPPAT every day, and invite 15 POPPAT per person (POPPAT is the airdrop coin mnt chain)
5. Choose either wallet registration or mobile phone number registration. No real name or KYC is required. You can directly withdraw your wallet and receive it instantly;

6. The official token is POPP (it is not currently issued, and the specific total amount will be unknown until the second quarter of 2024.) In the future, POPP will be exchanged at 10:1 when it goes online. (Officially);

7. Off-site planets can purchase the POPPAT obtained in the early participation, planet code: PMEHWCA7L;

8. Project Financing In 2023, last year, Web3 creator application PoPP completed a US$4 million angel round of financing at a valuation of US$40 million, with Foresight Ventures leading the investment;
9. (Offline activities are said to have raised US$12 million);
10. Rhythm media link query:;
11. The original link requires a ladder: investor/
12. For specific details, please follow the official Twitter:
13. Invitation binding invitation code: I7KSUM, sign in is just above the binding invitation code.
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