Binance Square
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I closed the position at $6. I am a newbie trader and I don’t want to make the last penny.
I closed the position at $6. I am a newbie trader and I don’t want to make the last penny.
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That makes sense. It's a very good explanation.
That makes sense. It's a very good explanation.
$BNB 煎熬的日子 任重道远。 今年这段行情,除了龙头起飞,山寨普遍跌回原点。

拿arb举例,arb看似跌回原点,实际上目前流通市值高达30亿了,翻了一倍 对比 之前的1u ,那会流通也就十几亿。




最近b按的山寨举例, 普遍是采取流通百分之10的数量,这就10亿刀了,那么总市值就高达 100亿。

你觉得 这个标不错,不错。买入。

但是 难道你就从没想过,存在 解锁 这玩意?


你买入的成本 可能是 10u, 但是人家未解锁的成本 可能是 0.1u。

怎么都是赚。不卖是数据,到手才是钱? 你以为人家和你一样,山寨本位呢?

都是卖 换大饼 或者u为主 居多。


机构代币特点就是高市值,还有90%没解锁,等你没注意到时候 可能就偷偷摸摸 砸向市场出货了。比如arb。

你说山寨 怎么拿?拿着拿着,人就没了。

还是落袋为安为主,赚钱就下个就行了。 比如挖矿这个 omni。场外 50u,流通1000万,上来就是5亿流通市值,50亿的fdv(完全稀释市值)。

这怎么拿? 你要运气好,赶上狗庄拉一把,感觉跑。

你要赚点屁钱,格局一打开,结果绝对是 吃不上饭。

后面估计 这个月 起码还有1--2矿。还怕没项目?





鉴于,行情不咋地,长持龙头去质押 依旧是 最佳选择。
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Leeks are leeks. Losing money from one Chinese currency and playing with another Chinese currency
Leeks are leeks. Losing money from one Chinese currency and playing with another Chinese currency
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Don't short in a bull market because the risk and return are disproportionate
Don't short in a bull market because the risk and return are disproportionate
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This is the correct explanation of the rise of ena. Don't be fooled by those who have nothing to say.
This is the correct explanation of the rise of ena. Don't be fooled by those who have nothing to say.
Ethena Labs 宣布集成币安钱包、Bybit 钱包、OKX 钱包 和 Bitget 钱包
Ethena Labs 宣布集成币安钱包、Bybit 钱包、OKX 钱包 和 Bitget 钱包 。从今日起,用户通过这些平台的 Web3 钱包锁定 USDe 至少 7 天,将有资格获得 20% 的奖励提升。此次 20% 的提升不会与其他奖励如 50% 的 ENA 提升或首季 20% 的忠诚提升叠加。  
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1. Isolate one or two wallets and do not make any transactions or authorizations. Only transfer accounts between the main account and the secondary account. 2. Do not put all the funds in the transaction wallet, only the funds to be bought and sold 3. If you return to zero, you will have nothing to do in this bull market. Wait for the next 5 years
1. Isolate one or two wallets and do not make any transactions or authorizations. Only transfer accounts between the main account and the secondary account.
2. Do not put all the funds in the transaction wallet, only the funds to be bought and sold
3. If you return to zero, you will have nothing to do in this bull market. Wait for the next 5 years
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@DefiLlama 是一个追踪DeFi 数据的链上数据平台,其中由一个板块为Airdrop,列出了最具空投潜力的空投项目,还可以根据链条、协议类别进行筛选。

@airdrops_io 是一个提供最具有价值的空投网站,列出内容都具有较好的实时性;还将空投项目分类为最新空投、最热门空投、潜在空投三个板块,对于新人很友好。

3. 投融资信息

点击“Total Money Raised”优先排行融资金额,我们可以筛选出具有良好TVL和融资的项目

5. vc关注列表

我们点击某一个vc例如 OKX Ventures进入详情页,点击X按钮进入该vc的推特主页

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No matter how dangerous it is to get chestnuts out of the fire, people will still rush forward in the crowd. 0.02, even if you get 0.03, your profit is 50%, have you ever considered the risk? Win, at most half, lose, no end, such a strategy is harder to get rich than buying lottery tickets. Come on, you enter the market happily at 0.02, the company didn't show anything, just talked about some theories, and the chips in hand were all 0.00X. Do you think they still have the heart to develop projects? The top 10 big players sincerely thank the people in the currency circle, throwing 10,000 u market to buy coins and earn at least 3-4 times. You buy 1wu coins and earn 5,000 and you are happy. Don't think the currency circle is unfair, there are too many people willing to carry the sedan chair. p/s Isn't the value coin fragrant? #bnb #matic Wish everyone a fortune
No matter how dangerous it is to get chestnuts out of the fire, people will still rush forward in the crowd.
0.02, even if you get 0.03, your profit is 50%, have you ever considered the risk?
Win, at most half, lose, no end, such a strategy is harder to get rich than buying lottery tickets.
Come on, you enter the market happily at 0.02, the company didn't show anything, just talked about some theories, and the chips in hand were all 0.00X. Do you think they still have the heart to develop projects? The top 10 big players sincerely thank the people in the currency circle, throwing 10,000 u market to buy coins and earn at least 3-4 times. You buy 1wu coins and earn 5,000 and you are happy. Don't think the currency circle is unfair, there are too many people willing to carry the sedan chair.

p/s Isn't the value coin fragrant? #bnb #matic
Wish everyone a fortune
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There is no end to harvesting leeks, really no end to harvesting. There are too many people who want to make money, and too few who are willing to do homework and study. The total amount of coins is more than 40 billion. Once it rises, there will be a lot of articles praising it. Now this 0.024 is worth 1 billion, and the market value is higher than the sliding pancake. Are you not afraid of the top of the mountain? No matter how wonderful the narrative is, the btc chain and btc ecology are now a ghost town Buy #bnb , kid Buy #btc , kid Buy #cake , kid I won’t say which coin is too bad, there are too many trolls, and I don’t have time to deal with it Don’t invest in value coins in the bull market, and run around chasing bubbles. May you be well.
There is no end to harvesting leeks, really no end to harvesting. There are too many people who want to make money, and too few who are willing to do homework and study. The total amount of coins is more than 40 billion. Once it rises, there will be a lot of articles praising it. Now this 0.024 is worth 1 billion, and the market value is higher than the sliding pancake. Are you not afraid of the top of the mountain?
No matter how wonderful the narrative is, the btc chain and btc ecology are now a ghost town
Buy #bnb , kid
Buy #btc , kid
Buy #cake , kid
I won’t say which coin is too bad, there are too many trolls, and I don’t have time to deal with it
Don’t invest in value coins in the bull market, and run around chasing bubbles. May you be well.
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Before mining and after mining. BNB’s market value has dropped by 10 billionu😹😹😹
Before mining and after mining. BNB’s market value has dropped by 10 billionu😹😹😹
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Ask for advice
Ask for advice
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There are many ways to make money. 65% annual interest and low risk, is it good? Staking fdusd will earn 65% annual interest. If you really don’t know where to pledge, leave a message and I will tell you.
There are many ways to make money. 65% annual interest and low risk, is it good?
Staking fdusd will earn 65% annual interest. If you really don’t know where to pledge, leave a message and I will tell you.
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This senior brother is really great. A rare and clear stream.
This senior brother is really great. A rare and clear stream.
按照惯例狮兄在Binance Pool发币前来点评一下,这期的标的是 @ethena_labs 的 $ENA 。



为什么我如此有信心?因为从Ethena诞生之前我就因为 $BUSD 和$FDUSD 的原因尝试去了解现在的稳定币赛道并读到了Ethena的理论基础。小黑海爷的一篇文章:《Dust on Crust》读完后,我也颇为赞同一个原生的Crypto Native ,去中心化的、等额抵押的基于衍生品对冲的稳定币会是非常有趣的社会实验。

所以当基于小黑的这个设想的 @ethena_labs 出来的时候,我几乎是不需要额外消化就第一时间buyin了他们的机制,并成为拥趸。这个机制讲起来非常简单,就是基于以太坊当下相对已经非常健壮的去中心化以及stETH,以1倍套保的形式创建USDe(稳定币美金),同时还能享受到以太坊的质押收益。


这个赛季稳定币赛道没有了之前眼花缭乱的各种算法稳定币,但是需求依然强劲,老牌的 $DAI 已经诞生N年, $USDC 之后无论是 $TUSD 还是 $FRAX 都远没有达到哪怕与前三接近的影响力和体量。 $USDe 这样一个去中心化,颇有创意,且有机会竞争赛道前3的标的,我不相信币安会错过,事实也证明Labs第一时间注意到并投了。

项目启动挖矿一个月后,看到Ethena与 @pendle_fi 合作的化学反应以及快速接入的各种协议合作后,我最后的顾虑也打消了,唯一的悬念只剩下币安什么时候会上币,以及我怎样才能最高效的撸到筹码了(再次按头社区全体上车)。

当时预计一哆嗦超越孙哥的 $TUSD ,现在看来速度比我想象的还要快很多。今天看$USDe 已经3倍于 $TUSD 的发行量稳坐老五,距离老四 $FDUSD 也只差一哆嗦了。中长期我依然看好这个项目的发展,超越 $DAI的体量或许也就是一年的事 。

代币 $ENA 上线的预期是大家最关心的。

如果从FDV全流通超越 $DAI 的MC(48亿)这个目标,那么每个币应该在0.4左右,如果目标再远大一些到了超越$USDC (310亿),那就要到2刀了(这个估计还需时日)。



#ENA #新币挖矿 #binancepool #ETHENA
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What kind of investor would short bnb? Binance is a trading platform after all, and its daily turnover is so huge
What kind of investor would short bnb?
Binance is a trading platform after all, and its daily turnover is so huge
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The market is booming, please beware of first-hand hackers. It is best to put the cash in a new wallet. 2 key points, Reduce contract positions. For hackers, the current market is that every project is a treasure, and you will make a profit if you start it. And self-stealing will definitely happen. Xiaobai's wallet, if you make a profit and don't transfer assets, then you can just mine.
The market is booming, please beware of first-hand hackers. It is best to put the cash in a new wallet.
2 key points,
Reduce contract positions. For hackers, the current market is that every project is a treasure, and you will make a profit if you start it. And self-stealing will definitely happen.

Xiaobai's wallet, if you make a profit and don't transfer assets, then you can just mine.
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badger The trading volume of the contract has reached 1 billion, and a lot of people are chasing this coin. Leave early. This coin cannot be played with small funds. The last similar plate is trb

The trading volume of the contract has reached 1 billion, and a lot of people are chasing this coin. Leave early. This coin cannot be played with small funds. The last similar plate is trb
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Don't keep trying to earn the last copper penny
Don't keep trying to earn the last copper penny
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Memes have no attributes. It’s all about Bo Yibo. Therefore, there is no need for a reason to pull the market, and there is no need for a reason to fall. Topic discussion. I think both aevo and Tia feel good. The probability of taking off within 3 months is high, the target is 3 times. Who can hold the coins for 3 months without moving?
Memes have no attributes. It’s all about Bo Yibo. Therefore, there is no need for a reason to pull the market, and there is no need for a reason to fall.

Topic discussion.
I think both aevo and Tia feel good. The probability of taking off within 3 months is high, the target is 3 times. Who can hold the coins for 3 months without moving?
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Guess whether it's $85k or $58k
Guess whether it's $85k or $58k
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Selling is boiling in life There is a saying that no one is good for a hundred days. I'm sure it will get higher again. Now is the time to adjust all contract positions. It is best not to have any contract positions. The risk is so high and the profit is so low, don’t open a contract! ! ! If you believe in cattle, you can get the spot.
Selling is boiling in life

There is a saying that no one is good for a hundred days. I'm sure it will get higher again. Now is the time to adjust all contract positions. It is best not to have any contract positions.

The risk is so high and the profit is so low, don’t open a contract! ! !

If you believe in cattle, you can get the spot.

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