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#比特币减半 A female colleague of the company went out for lunch at noon. She left her phone at the company, and then her husband kept calling. A buddy next to her was taking a nap after lunch and was very disgusted. After the phone rang for the Nth time, the buddy picked up the phone angrily and yelled: "We are sleeping, you keep calling, are you annoying?" A while later, a man appeared at the door of the office. . . He came up to the female colleague and asked her why she couldn't get through on the phone. We bought coins. The account has shrunk to this extent. What should we do? Unexpectedly, the female colleague said: I don't know either. You can ask the egg-laying brother how to operate.

A female colleague of the company went out for lunch at noon. She left her phone at the company, and then her husband kept calling. A buddy next to her was taking a nap after lunch and was very disgusted. After the phone rang for the Nth time, the buddy picked up the phone angrily and yelled: "We are sleeping, you keep calling, are you annoying?" A while later, a man appeared at the door of the office. . .

He came up to the female colleague and asked her why she couldn't get through on the phone. We bought coins. The account has shrunk to this extent. What should we do? Unexpectedly, the female colleague said: I don't know either. You can ask the egg-laying brother how to operate.
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#比特币减半 In November 2019, two years ago, a woman in Hangzhou spent more than 3 million to buy 60 bitcoins above 9,000 US dollars and was sent to a mental hospital by her husband. Now, the woman should be out of the mental hospital, and her husband is probably in again. Let me say something very heartbreaking. Why can't people make money beyond cognition? Because you dare not touch things beyond cognition. I always feel that it is unreliable, so how can you make money beyond cognition? Making money is actually very simple. If you think it is difficult, you must have followed the wrong person. Professionally ambush 10x or 100x potential currencies, spot bands

In November 2019, two years ago, a woman in Hangzhou spent more than 3 million to buy 60 bitcoins above 9,000 US dollars and was sent to a mental hospital by her husband. Now, the woman should be out of the mental hospital, and her husband is probably in again.

Let me say something very heartbreaking.
Why can't people make money beyond cognition? Because you dare not touch things beyond cognition. I always feel that it is unreliable, so how can you make money beyond cognition? Making money is actually very simple. If you think it is difficult, you must have followed the wrong person.

Professionally ambush 10x or 100x potential currencies, spot bands
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$PEPE At present, the strong dealer has entered the market to control the market. The big cake has not stood firm at 63,000, so it chooses to pull back to accumulate strength. $PEPE is still so strong, and there is no pullback. This round of bull market is likely to be led by PEPE in the MEME sector.
At present, the strong dealer has entered the market to control the market. The big cake has not stood firm at 63,000, so it chooses to pull back to accumulate strength.

$PEPE is still so strong, and there is no pullback. This round of bull market is likely to be led by PEPE in the MEME sector.
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The spot code recommended in the circle on the 10th is $PEPE Enter at 0.00000875, target 0.00001 Last night, the market reached the target point directly, and the profit was taken near 0.00001, the highest was 0.00001119, an increase of 16%
The spot code recommended in the circle on the 10th is $PEPE

Enter at 0.00000875, target 0.00001

Last night, the market reached the target point directly, and the profit was taken near 0.00001, the highest was 0.00001119, an increase of 16%
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Bitcoin is currently range-bound, with the upper pressure at 63500 and the lower support at 62000. Short-term recommendations: Buy on dips and sell on rallies. Buy near 62500, target 63400
Bitcoin is currently range-bound, with the upper pressure at 63500 and the lower support at 62000.

Short-term recommendations: Buy on dips and sell on rallies.

Buy near 62500, target 63400
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Today, the market has been cleaned up again. Some copycats have reached the bottom and can choose to enter the market. Those who do spot trading can pay attention to $BOME in the meme section Currently, you can enter the market in batches around 0.01, Short-term target 0.012, Mid-term target doubled
Today, the market has been cleaned up again. Some copycats have reached the bottom and can choose to enter the market.

Those who do spot trading can pay attention to $BOME in the meme section

Currently, you can enter the market in batches around 0.01,

Short-term target 0.012,

Mid-term target doubled
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#新币挖矿 During the Qingming Festival, three people fought at the graves. 110 asked: Why did you three fight? A said: I was burning paper and chanting while burning! Dad! Collect money! I'll burn more money for you to buy a plane and fly it for fun! B was also burning paper: He was also burning paper and chanting! Dad, collect money! Don't listen to the bragging of the guy next to you! I'll burn more money for you! You buy a cannon and blow it up when you see his dad take off! At this time, C was also burning paper: He was also chanting Dad, collect money quickly. Those two idiots were burning paper and bragging and forgot to draw circles! You should collect it for their dads! Buy an aircraft carrier and go for a stroll!

During the Qingming Festival, three people fought at the graves. 110 asked: Why did you three fight? A said: I was burning paper and chanting while burning! Dad! Collect money! I'll burn more money for you to buy a plane and fly it for fun!
B was also burning paper: He was also burning paper and chanting! Dad, collect money! Don't listen to the bragging of the guy next to you! I'll burn more money for you! You buy a cannon and blow it up when you see his dad take off!
At this time, C was also burning paper: He was also chanting Dad, collect money quickly. Those two idiots were burning paper and bragging and forgot to draw circles! You should collect it for their dads! Buy an aircraft carrier and go for a stroll!
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#BTC走势分析 Today, the price of the big cake went up and down, forming a double explosion of long and short. If it stands firmly at 63,000, it is likely to form a sideways trend and sprint to 65,000.

Today, the price of the big cake went up and down, forming a double explosion of long and short. If it stands firmly at 63,000, it is likely to form a sideways trend and sprint to 65,000.
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Recommend a spot code $SSV SSV in the pledge track has a low market value at present, and has great potential. The recent minimum is 33U, which is already the bottom. If you have a position, you can consider entering the market around 35, with the first target of 50 and the second target of 60
Recommend a spot code $SSV

SSV in the pledge track has a low market value at present, and has great potential.

The recent minimum is 33U, which is already the bottom.

If you have a position, you can consider entering the market around 35, with the first target of 50 and the second target of 60
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The recommendation in the morning was to buy bitcoin near 61000. The highest point so far is 1559 points. Congratulations to my friend #BTC走势分析 who made money.
The recommendation in the morning was to buy bitcoin near 61000. The highest point so far is 1559 points. Congratulations to my friend #BTC走势分析 who made money.
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#BTC走势分析 The current market is very difficult. Some coin friends are very anxious. Are they afraid of missing out if they are short? Are they afraid of further decline if they are full? Rise and fall are both short-term. Lao Pao hopes that everyone can be patient. The big cake has been rising for six or seven months. The correction is the main theme, and the rise is the lure. Slow down your pace, don't copy the coins, be a coin player, The biggest difference between the two is that the coin speculation chases the rise and kills the fall, and the coin playing waits for the opportunity, Buy in batches, follow the trend when it rises, and stop when it is good, When it falls, try to be a person who is not a coin speculator. Do your own thing, Wait for a better time to invest in batches!
The current market is very difficult. Some coin friends are very anxious. Are they afraid of missing out if they are short?

Are they afraid of further decline if they are full? Rise and fall are both short-term. Lao Pao hopes that everyone can be patient.

The big cake has been rising for six or seven months. The correction is the main theme, and the rise is the lure.

Slow down your pace, don't copy the coins, be a coin player,

The biggest difference between the two is that the coin speculation chases the rise and kills the fall, and the coin playing waits for the opportunity,

Buy in batches, follow the trend when it rises, and stop when it is good,

When it falls, try to be a person who is not a coin speculator. Do your own thing,

Wait for a better time to invest in batches!
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A review of the coins that have caused the most resentment among investors recently • $CORE This coin is Qi Tongwei in the coin circle. It was hyped up by the cx team. It stretched to 4.37u in early April and now fell to 1.6u. Investors are crying out in frustration; • $SAGA You can see that the market is not buying Layer 1/2 projects this year. The launch of this coin coincided with the downturn, and the bargain hunters and diamond hands were all caught in the same trap; • $RDNT Someone summarized the three stupid people in the Arbitrum ecosystem: $rdnt, $magic, $gmx, and now the big boss $ARB is busy with his own business, and the younger brothers are suffering. • $ICP initially opened high and then went down, with the highest opening price of 2800u and the current price of 11.8u. It had a wave market, rising to 20.9u at the end of March and then continued to decline. Compared with the peak in March, the market value was cut by nearly half in May; • $ORDI Audi, the uncrowned king, is a product of the emperor of leeks, a leek coin tailored for leeks.
A review of the coins that have caused the most resentment among investors recently

• $CORE This coin is Qi Tongwei in the coin circle. It was hyped up by the cx team. It stretched to 4.37u in early April and now fell to 1.6u. Investors are crying out in frustration;

• $SAGA You can see that the market is not buying Layer 1/2 projects this year. The launch of this coin coincided with the downturn, and the bargain hunters and diamond hands were all caught in the same trap;

$RDNT Someone summarized the three stupid people in the Arbitrum ecosystem: $rdnt, $magic, $gmx, and now the big boss $ARB is busy with his own business, and the younger brothers are suffering.

$ICP initially opened high and then went down, with the highest opening price of 2800u and the current price of 11.8u. It had a wave market, rising to 20.9u at the end of March and then continued to decline. Compared with the peak in March, the market value was cut by nearly half in May;

$ORDI Audi, the uncrowned king, is a product of the emperor of leeks, a leek coin tailored for leeks.
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The market actually follows a very important 80/20 rule. 80% of the time is actually garbage time, and only 20% of the time is the time that can be used. So we say that a qualified trader is patiently waiting for trading opportunities. In fact, it is to wait for this 80% of the time, and then try to seize this 20% of the time. The perfect trader only does this 20% of the time, but such a person does not exist. What are you afraid of? What you are afraid of is over-trading. Some people think that any time is a good time and use it for trading. Then you will find that he will continue to consume the profits he has already obtained and waste his potential trading opportunities that may make profits. Over-trading is a very serious mistake for traders.
The market actually follows a very important 80/20 rule. 80% of the time is actually garbage time, and only 20% of the time is the time that can be used. So we say that a qualified trader is patiently waiting for trading opportunities.

In fact, it is to wait for this 80% of the time, and then try to seize this 20% of the time. The perfect trader only does this 20% of the time, but such a person does not exist. What are you afraid of? What you are afraid of is over-trading. Some people think that any time is a good time and use it for trading. Then you will find that he will continue to consume the profits he has already obtained and waste his potential trading opportunities that may make profits. Over-trading is a very serious mistake for traders.
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$SAGA Is the project owner so ignorant that they started to sell the product after reaching 2.94? It has fallen from 9 o'clock last night to 2.78 now. The big cake and the second cake are still rising slightly. Are you going to keep falling? If you play like this, I will be the air force

Is the project owner so ignorant that they started to sell the product after reaching 2.94?

It has fallen from 9 o'clock last night to 2.78 now. The big cake and the second cake are still rising slightly. Are you going to keep falling?

If you play like this, I will be the air force
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#BTC走势分析 The price of Bitcoin still failed to reach 62,000 in the evening, but it is obvious that there is an upward trend! At present, the 4-hour long structure has been formed, and it is still in an upward trend. We still recommend low-long operations today! Personal operation suggestions Bitcoin is long near 61,000, and the target continues to be around 62,000!

The price of Bitcoin still failed to reach 62,000 in the evening, but it is obvious that there is an upward trend!

At present, the 4-hour long structure has been formed, and it is still in an upward trend. We still recommend low-long operations today!

Personal operation suggestions

Bitcoin is long near 61,000, and the target continues to be around 62,000!
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The essence of short-term cryptocurrency trading: ① Look at the trend (whether the individual coin is in a long position, look at the weekly and monthly lines and then do the daily line, look at the long and do the short) ② Look at the sector (whether it has the current speculation theme concept, which can only be used as a reference basis, not a hard requirement) ③ Look at the position (whether the position of the individual coin is low, medium or high, which mainly determines the rising space of the individual coin) ④ Look at the technology (check whether MACD, KDJ and Bollinger Bands meet the technical requirements for rising, whether there are important reference forms such as secondary price support, immortal guidance, single yang unbroken, etc.) ⑤ Look at the volume (whether the rise is large, and whether the fall is shrinking) ⑥ Look at the details (check the overall trend of the recent K-line and whether the short-term multiple moving averages are in important forms such as adhesion and divergence) ⑦ Look at the mood (the good or bad market sentiment represents the mood of funds. Only with the drive of market sentiment can you have a more sufficient money-making effect) Finally, the most important and difficult thing is to combine knowledge and action when doing short-term trading...#BTC走势分析
The essence of short-term cryptocurrency trading:

① Look at the trend (whether the individual coin is in a long position, look at the weekly and monthly lines and then do the daily line, look at the long and do the short)

② Look at the sector (whether it has the current speculation theme concept, which can only be used as a reference basis, not a hard requirement)

③ Look at the position (whether the position of the individual coin is low, medium or high, which mainly determines the rising space of the individual coin)

④ Look at the technology (check whether MACD, KDJ and Bollinger Bands meet the technical requirements for rising, whether there are important reference forms such as secondary price support, immortal guidance, single yang unbroken, etc.)

⑤ Look at the volume (whether the rise is large, and whether the fall is shrinking)

⑥ Look at the details (check the overall trend of the recent K-line and whether the short-term multiple moving averages are in important forms such as adhesion and divergence)

⑦ Look at the mood (the good or bad market sentiment represents the mood of funds. Only with the drive of market sentiment can you have a more sufficient money-making effect)

Finally, the most important and difficult thing is to combine knowledge and action when doing short-term trading...#BTC走势分析
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#BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点 Many people lose money in cryptocurrency due to lack of correct logic. Here are the three key points after simplification: The lifespan of coins is limited: Bitcoin may be the same. Ethereum, well-known coins, altcoins, etc. have different lifespans, but they will gradually lose value. When investing, you must be clear about the life cycle of each project and exit at the right time. Project parties cut leeks: The cryptocurrency circle is highly competitive, and project parties usually pursue profits. Whether it is BTC or other projects, there is a phenomenon of cutting leeks. Be vigilant before investing to avoid becoming a cut leek. Making money depends on strength and luck: Although hard work is important, luck is also critical in investment. Don't blindly pursue each project, focus on the investment with the most potential. Long-term persistence, good luck will naturally bring rewards. In short, investing in the cryptocurrency circle requires rational analysis, careful selection, and timely exit. At the same time, keep a calm mind and believe that luck and strength will bring success together#山寨币热点
#BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点 Many people lose money in cryptocurrency due to lack of correct logic. Here are the three key points after simplification:

The lifespan of coins is limited: Bitcoin may be the same. Ethereum, well-known coins, altcoins, etc. have different lifespans, but they will gradually lose value. When investing, you must be clear about the life cycle of each project and exit at the right time.

Project parties cut leeks: The cryptocurrency circle is highly competitive, and project parties usually pursue profits. Whether it is BTC or other projects, there is a phenomenon of cutting leeks. Be vigilant before investing to avoid becoming a cut leek.

Making money depends on strength and luck: Although hard work is important, luck is also critical in investment. Don't blindly pursue each project, focus on the investment with the most potential. Long-term persistence, good luck will naturally bring rewards.

In short, investing in the cryptocurrency circle requires rational analysis, careful selection, and timely exit. At the same time, keep a calm mind and believe that luck and strength will bring success together#山寨币热点
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From the end of one level to the beginning of another level. The longer the potential energy is accumulated, the greater the kinetic energy will be in the future. Many people are entangled in the market's shocks, but you should know that once the trend starts, it will rise very quickly and you will not be given the opportunity to get on board. #BTC走势分析
From the end of one level to the beginning of another level. The longer the potential energy is accumulated, the greater the kinetic energy will be in the future. Many people are entangled in the market's shocks, but you should know that once the trend starts, it will rise very quickly and you will not be given the opportunity to get on board. #BTC走势分析
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This round of Bitcoin bull market is supported by ETF spot, so the correction did not get out of the panic market of accelerated decline, but fluctuated slowly downward. In the absence of huge negative news or black swan events, its downward space is limited. If there is a correction, such as around 5.5 or 5.2, it is an opportunity to get on board. The real outbreak of the cottage market may not start until the Federal Reserve announces a rate cut and the market has liquidity. Bitcoin ETF funds cannot enter at present, but as long as Bitcoin hits the bottom, it is an opportunity to buy at the bottom. #山寨币热点
This round of Bitcoin bull market is supported by ETF spot, so the correction did not get out of the panic market of accelerated decline, but fluctuated slowly downward.

In the absence of huge negative news or black swan events, its downward space is limited. If there is a correction, such as around 5.5 or 5.2, it is an opportunity to get on board.

The real outbreak of the cottage market may not start until the Federal Reserve announces a rate cut and the market has liquidity. Bitcoin ETF funds cannot enter at present, but as long as Bitcoin hits the bottom, it is an opportunity to buy at the bottom. #山寨币热点
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Why do some people always say that this cycle is over? Why do some people feel very distressed? We can attribute all the problems to the fact that under the current market structure, few retail investors really make money. Regarding this issue, returning to past experience, I will talk about some of my personal views. Similarly, there are not as many retail investors in this round of market as in the past. There are countless harvester projects, and a large number of people are queuing up to go online on exchanges to harvest leeks. The fact is also very simple, because in the traditional cryptocurrency market token, there will no longer be opportunities like the previous two rounds of big bulls 100~500 times. Now the crypto industry is more like an orderly casino. Some opportunities are the hottest memes at the moment. In this cycle, we have moved away from this market structure. Now there are almost no retail investors who have the opportunity to buy tokens before the token is issued, or to buy tokens at low prices in public. We have transformed from an uncapped rising space to a capped market. This is a very sad rule of the game. #山寨币热点
Why do some people always say that this cycle is over? Why do some people feel very distressed? We can attribute all the problems to the fact that under the current market structure, few retail investors really make money. Regarding this issue, returning to past experience, I will talk about some of my personal views. Similarly, there are not as many retail investors in this round of market as in the past. There are countless harvester projects, and a large number of people are queuing up to go online on exchanges to harvest leeks. The fact is also very simple, because in the traditional cryptocurrency market token, there will no longer be opportunities like the previous two rounds of big bulls 100~500 times. Now the crypto industry is more like an orderly casino. Some opportunities are the hottest memes at the moment. In this cycle, we have moved away from this market structure. Now there are almost no retail investors who have the opportunity to buy tokens before the token is issued, or to buy tokens at low prices in public. We have transformed from an uncapped rising space to a capped market. This is a very sad rule of the game. #山寨币热点
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