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For investors who entered the market at the end of 23 and the beginning of 24 and whose holding costs of Bitcoin are between 40,000 and 50,000, there is no need to be overly anxious. In the market, you cannot just expect profits without considering drawdowns. Investors need to bear the appropriate risks in order to get corresponding returns. Optimize the holding structure and configure it according to your own psychological tolerance. For investors who chase high prices for Bitcoin or have a lot of copycats, from October 23 to now, not only have they not made money, they may have even lost money. Bitcoin has risen more than 4 times, but they are still losing money. This may be a problem with the investment strategy. Investors should reflect on their own operations, such as directly going high without knowing the contract level, blindly chasing copycats that have risen 10 times, and blindly shorting when panic killing. These loss-making operations can be listed and reversed to avoid losses again. The following are some common wrong operations: 1. Going high without knowing the contract level, fantasizing about getting rich overnight (quitting gambling). 2. Blindly chasing high prices when the copycat stocks have risen 10 times, thinking that they can rise another 10 times (stop being greedy). 3. Blindly shorting when panic selling, thinking that the big pie will return to zero (stop being afraid). Finally, the current trend may prolong the bull market cycle. The more it falls, the more promising the future market will be. Don't give up, keep going! #币安合约锦标赛 #欧洲杯开赛 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #ZKsync空投争议 $BTC $ETH $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT) {spot}(ETHUSDT)
For investors who entered the market at the end of 23 and the beginning of 24 and whose holding costs of Bitcoin are between 40,000 and 50,000, there is no need to be overly anxious. In the market, you cannot just expect profits without considering drawdowns. Investors need to bear the appropriate risks in order to get corresponding returns. Optimize the holding structure and configure it according to your own psychological tolerance.
For investors who chase high prices for Bitcoin or have a lot of copycats, from October 23 to now, not only have they not made money, they may have even lost money. Bitcoin has risen more than 4 times, but they are still losing money. This may be a problem with the investment strategy. Investors should reflect on their own operations, such as directly going high without knowing the contract level, blindly chasing copycats that have risen 10 times, and blindly shorting when panic killing. These loss-making operations can be listed and reversed to avoid losses again.
The following are some common wrong operations:
1. Going high without knowing the contract level, fantasizing about getting rich overnight (quitting gambling).
2. Blindly chasing high prices when the copycat stocks have risen 10 times, thinking that they can rise another 10 times (stop being greedy).
3. Blindly shorting when panic selling, thinking that the big pie will return to zero (stop being afraid).
Finally, the current trend may prolong the bull market cycle. The more it falls, the more promising the future market will be. Don't give up, keep going! #币安合约锦标赛 #欧洲杯开赛 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变
#ZKsync空投争议 $BTC $ETH $BNB
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[Analysis Report on Options Delivery Data on June 14] 1. BTC options delivery data Number of options at expiration: 20,000 Put Call Ratio: 0.49 Biggest pain point price: $68,500 Nominal value: $1.35 billion 2. ETH option delivery data Number of options at expiration: 200,000 Put Call Ratio: 0.36 Biggest pain point price: US$3,600 Notional value: US$710 million 3. Market overview Market this week: This week is a macro week. Economic data is good for the venture capital market, and US stocks have risen significantly. However, the crypto market performed poorly, with mainstream coins falling overall and altcoins falling significantly. Market hot spots: There have been few market hot spots recently, and the overall market atmosphere has been relatively quiet. 4. Implied Volatility (IV) Analysis BTC IV: The IVs of all major medium and short-term periods are lower than 50%, showing low volatility expectations and high buyer value for money. ETH IV: The IV of major short- and medium-term periods is lower than 60%, which also indicates that market volatility is expected to be low, providing buyers with better entry opportunities. 5. Strategic suggestions In view of the current market conditions, investors are advised to pay close attention to market dynamics, especially the progress of ETH ETF approval. It is expected that new news will be released at the end of this month, and investors can place call options for the next month in advance to seize potential rising opportunities. #币安合约锦标赛 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 $BTC $ETH $SOL {spot}(SOLUSDT) {spot}(ETHUSDT) {spot}(BTCUSDT)
[Analysis Report on Options Delivery Data on June 14]
1. BTC options delivery data
Number of options at expiration: 20,000 Put Call Ratio: 0.49 Biggest pain point price: $68,500 Nominal value: $1.35 billion
2. ETH option delivery data
Number of options at expiration: 200,000 Put Call Ratio: 0.36 Biggest pain point price: US$3,600 Notional value: US$710 million
3. Market overview
Market this week: This week is a macro week. Economic data is good for the venture capital market, and US stocks have risen significantly. However, the crypto market performed poorly, with mainstream coins falling overall and altcoins falling significantly. Market hot spots: There have been few market hot spots recently, and the overall market atmosphere has been relatively quiet.
4. Implied Volatility (IV) Analysis
BTC IV: The IVs of all major medium and short-term periods are lower than 50%, showing low volatility expectations and high buyer value for money. ETH IV: The IV of major short- and medium-term periods is lower than 60%, which also indicates that market volatility is expected to be low, providing buyers with better entry opportunities.
5. Strategic suggestions
In view of the current market conditions, investors are advised to pay close attention to market dynamics, especially the progress of ETH ETF approval. It is expected that new news will be released at the end of this month, and investors can place call options for the next month in advance to seize potential rising opportunities.

#币安合约锦标赛 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 $BTC $ETH $SOL

及时关注ETF等数据动态,了解市场趋势。 1、BTC 现货 etf 。6月13日,比特币现货 ETF 总净流出达 2.26 亿美元。目前比特币现货 ETF 的总资产净值为 585.3 亿美元,其市值占比比特币总市值的 4.45%,历史累计净流入为 153 亿美元 2、情绪指数,FGI,74;山寨季度指数,18 3、链上TVL总计101.38B,24H内下跌1.88% 4、 目前 $BTC 盘面: 1D,空头加强,多头防守位置63450;日线出现卖点,66800 12H,多头持续减弱,多头即将结束。多头防守位置66782; 6H,空头持续,跌破多头防守;卖出方向 4H,空头持续,即将进入空头加速。 1H,空头加强;卖出方向 结合多空图表来看,比特币开启了一段12H周期的下跌,目前处于下跌前期,震荡区间68482-66783,如果跌破66783,下跌行情会走的比较顺利,区间66783-60973;下跌的一个目标位置55114;比较重要的两个位置60890 55114。 日内方向:空头 日内压力位:67127,68043 日内支撑位:66781,63450 日报解读内容,仅作分享交流,不构成任何投资建议 #币安合约锦标赛 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #ZKsync空投争议 #IO
1、BTC 现货 etf 。6月13日,比特币现货 ETF 总净流出达 2.26 亿美元。目前比特币现货 ETF 的总资产净值为 585.3 亿美元,其市值占比比特币总市值的 4.45%,历史累计净流入为 153 亿美元
目前 $BTC 盘面:
结合多空图表来看,比特币开启了一段12H周期的下跌,目前处于下跌前期,震荡区间68482-66783,如果跌破66783,下跌行情会走的比较顺利,区间66783-60973;下跌的一个目标位置55114;比较重要的两个位置60890 55114。
#币安合约锦标赛 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #ZKsync空投争议 #IO
今日热点 • Gensler 预计 Ether ETF S1 将在夏末获得批准。 • Coinbase 上架$PIRATE,Coinbase Future 将于 6 月 20 日上架$BOME和$NOT 。 • $BEAM - Sophon 宣布$SOPH Farming 将于 6 月 18 日开放。宣布的第一个可质押资产是$BEAM。 • $COTI - COTI Network 宣布 V2 测试网即将推出,并将于 6 月 18 日对国库费用变更进行投票。 • $HLG - Holograph 被恶意行为者利用,额外铸造了 10 亿 HLG。 • $MANTA - Manta Network 已启动 5000 万美元基金,以推动生态系统发展。 • $MNDE - Marinade Finance 已宣布启动第三季,未来 3 个月内向符合条件的用户分发 2500 万 MNDE。 • $NEAR - NEAR 基金会成立了一个公司名为 nufflelabs,该公司获得了 1300 万美元的战略资金。 • $STRK - 最大的$STRK代币解锁事件(约 8000 万美元)将于 6 月 15 日举行。 • $SWISE - StakeWise 宣布与 MetaMask 合作推出钱包原生的 Pooled Staking。 • $TON - TON 宣布其 TVL 达到 5 亿美元,比 2024 年 3 月的 2290 万美元增长了 2,000%。 • DWF Labs 宣布与$LTO和$GME建立合作伙伴关系。 •@newmichwill表示 Curve Finance 团队和他正在解决今天的清算风险。他的大量头寸造成了 1000万美元的坏账,仅影响上CRV 上的市场。Egorov 已偿还 93%,并将很快偿还剩余部分以减轻对用户的影响。$CRV {spot}(CRVUSDT)
• Gensler 预计 Ether ETF S1 将在夏末获得批准。
• Coinbase 上架$PIRATE,Coinbase Future 将于 6 月 20 日上架$BOME和$NOT
• $BEAM - Sophon 宣布$SOPH Farming 将于 6 月 18 日开放。宣布的第一个可质押资产是$BEAM。
• $COTI - COTI Network 宣布 V2 测试网即将推出,并将于 6 月 18 日对国库费用变更进行投票。
• $HLG - Holograph 被恶意行为者利用,额外铸造了 10 亿 HLG。
• $MANTA - Manta Network 已启动 5000 万美元基金,以推动生态系统发展。
• $MNDE - Marinade Finance 已宣布启动第三季,未来 3 个月内向符合条件的用户分发 2500 万 MNDE。
• $NEAR - NEAR 基金会成立了一个公司名为 nufflelabs,该公司获得了 1300 万美元的战略资金。
• $STRK - 最大的$STRK代币解锁事件(约 8000 万美元)将于 6 月 15 日举行。
• $SWISE - StakeWise 宣布与 MetaMask 合作推出钱包原生的 Pooled Staking。
• $TON - TON 宣布其 TVL 达到 5 亿美元,比 2024 年 3 月的 2290 万美元增长了 2,000%。
• DWF Labs 宣布与$LTO和$GME建立合作伙伴关系。
•@newmichwill表示 Curve Finance 团队和他正在解决今天的清算风险。他的大量头寸造成了 1000万美元的坏账,仅影响上CRV 上的市场。Egorov 已偿还 93%,并将很快偿还剩余部分以减轻对用户的影响。$CRV
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$BTC After the ppi data was released last night, it rebounded to around 68600, and then began to retrace downwards. The lowest point came to around 66250. There was no major fluctuation in the early morning, and it was still repairing around the sideways shock. As far as the current trend is concerned, it is still bearish. From the hourly level, the K-line has been running around the middle and lower rails of the Bollinger Bands. Therefore, in terms of operation, we can continue to maintain a high altitude. We can look at the short position. Continuation, the previous rebound is basically not strong. The daily line formed a long-short yin and yang conversion as expected, forming a bearish engulfment of the daily line 3420. After the first-line double-pin bottom, the price may not necessarily stop falling. The gap of 3300-3500 will eventually be repaired in the future. The overall daily high of Ethereum is 3600. Repression has taken hold. In the short-term four hours, the price reversed after touching the 3420 line, and the fast and slow lines continued to run at the bottom. The four-hour suppression focus was around 3490-3520. A breakthrough may successfully form a W double bottom pattern, and eventually the price will continue to repair to the 3600 line. On the hour, the bol began to narrow, and the 3440-3536 range may usher in a price opening, so the current 3470 line is not a very good place to bury the current price. #技术分析参考 #币安合约锦标赛 $TON price just hit $8, a new all-time high. It is currently trading at US$7.969 per coin, up 8.37% during the day.
$BTC After the ppi data was released last night, it rebounded to around 68600, and then began to retrace downwards. The lowest point came to around 66250. There was no major fluctuation in the early morning, and it was still repairing around the sideways shock. As far as the current trend is concerned, it is still bearish. From the hourly level, the K-line has been running around the middle and lower rails of the Bollinger Bands. Therefore, in terms of operation, we can continue to maintain a high altitude. We can look at the short position. Continuation, the previous rebound is basically not strong.
The daily line formed a long-short yin and yang conversion as expected, forming a bearish engulfment of the daily line 3420. After the first-line double-pin bottom, the price may not necessarily stop falling. The gap of 3300-3500 will eventually be repaired in the future. The overall daily high of Ethereum is 3600. Repression has taken hold.
In the short-term four hours, the price reversed after touching the 3420 line, and the fast and slow lines continued to run at the bottom. The four-hour suppression focus was around 3490-3520. A breakthrough may successfully form a W double bottom pattern, and eventually the price will continue to repair to the 3600 line.
On the hour, the bol began to narrow, and the 3440-3536 range may usher in a price opening, so the current 3470 line is not a very good place to bury the current price. #技术分析参考 #币安合约锦标赛

$TON price just hit $8, a new all-time high. It is currently trading at US$7.969 per coin, up 8.37% during the day.
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6.14 Soha Morning Report: 1. $BTC After the PPI data came out, it inserted a needle close to 69,000 and then fell rapidly. It is now back to around 66,500; @bitfnex data shows that large-scale currency-based longs have begun to close their positions, so pay attention to the risks; 2. Zapper announced the launch of Zapper Protocol, which will launch the token ZAP in Q4; 3. The full-chain NFT protocol Holograph contract was attacked, and hackers can illegally mint 1 billion HLG tokens 4. ZK Nation: Airdrop collection will start on Q6 17, and a more systematic way to handle feedback is being prepared for the community, The insider warehouse incident is getting worse and worse, and the new address that was caught can also get airdrops without any interaction; Kelp DAO: ZKsync airdropped more than 5.64 million ZK to platform users; 5. US SEC Chairman: CFTC has not yet established a corresponding information disclosure system, Senator Durbin questioned the CFTC in FIT21 passes the ability to adjust cryptocurrencies; 6.Arweave A0: AO token minting has been launched, and users can obtain AO by holding AR; 7.Coinbase International will launch $BOME and $NOT perpetual contracts; #点滴财经 #币安合约锦标赛 #ZKsync空投争议
6.14 Soha Morning Report:
1. $BTC After the PPI data came out, it inserted a needle close to 69,000 and then fell rapidly. It is now back to around 66,500;
@bitfnex data shows that large-scale currency-based longs have begun to close their positions, so pay attention to the risks;
2. Zapper announced the launch of Zapper Protocol, which will launch the token ZAP in Q4;
3. The full-chain NFT protocol Holograph contract was attacked, and hackers can illegally mint 1 billion HLG tokens
4. ZK Nation: Airdrop collection will start on Q6 17, and a more systematic way to handle feedback is being prepared for the community,
The insider warehouse incident is getting worse and worse, and the new address that was caught can also get airdrops without any interaction;
Kelp DAO: ZKsync airdropped more than 5.64 million ZK to platform users;
5. US SEC Chairman: CFTC has not yet established a corresponding information disclosure system,
Senator Durbin questioned the CFTC in FIT21 passes the ability to adjust cryptocurrencies;
6.Arweave A0: AO token minting has been launched, and users can obtain AO by holding AR;
7.Coinbase International will launch $BOME and $NOT perpetual contracts;
#点滴财经 #币安合约锦标赛 #ZKsync空投争议
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$BTC #非农就业人数高于预期 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 {spot}(BTCUSDT) #ZKsync算是揭开了空投最后一块遮羞布 In fact, the project party has long known that the airdrop was used to buy a small amount of money. It's just that Zksync is too much. So many years of PUA have wasted countless people's time and energy I have made a lot of money through handling fees. But after going online, I have to use a lot of small amounts of money to harvest. Let me provide two more pieces of evidence Evidence 1: In the three months before the airdrop, the number of user addresses increased by nearly one-fold. If some people still argue that it may be natural user growth. But looking at the amount of deposits, there is no way to argue Because normal users will regard the cross-chain bridge as a must-do task. But at the same time, the number of users has doubled, and the amount of deposits is half of the previous one. And the rules announced at the end do not need to count the cross-chain amount. This shows that these addresses not only mastered the airdrop time, but also are very familiar with the rules.
$BTC #非农就业人数高于预期 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变


In fact, the project party has long known that the airdrop was used to buy a small amount of money. It's just that Zksync is too much.

So many years of PUA have wasted countless people's time and energy

I have made a lot of money through handling fees. But after going online, I have to use a lot of small amounts of money to harvest.

Let me provide two more pieces of evidence

Evidence 1: In the three months before the airdrop, the number of user addresses increased by nearly one-fold.

If some people still argue that it may be natural user growth. But looking at the amount of deposits, there is no way to argue

Because normal users will regard the cross-chain bridge as a must-do task. But at the same time, the number of users has doubled, and the amount of deposits is half of the previous one. And the rules announced at the end do not need to count the cross-chain amount.

This shows that these addresses not only mastered the airdrop time, but also are very familiar with the rules.
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The five Kondratieff cycles in the history of the world economy are: 1. The first round (50 years): prosperity from 1782 to 1802, recession from 1815 to 1825, depression from 1825 to 1836, recovery from 1836 to 1845, with the iconic innovative technology being the steam engine; 2. The second round (47 years): prosperity from 1845 to 1866, recession from 1866 to 1873, depression from 1873 to 1883, recovery from 1883 to 1892, with the iconic innovative technologies being steel and railways; 3. The third round (49 years): prosperity from 1892 to 1913, recession from 1920 to 1929, depression from 1929 to 1937, recovery from 1937 to 1948, with the iconic innovative technologies being electricity and heavy chemicals; 4. The fourth round (43 years): 1948-1966 boom, 1966-1973 recession, 1973-1982 depression, 1982-1991 recovery, iconic innovative technologies are automobiles and computers; 5. The fifth round (estimated to be 42 years): 1991-2004 boom, 2004-2015 recession, 2015-2024 depression, 2024-2033 recovery, iconic innovative technologies are information technology and artificial intelligence. #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #IO $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) #美联储何时降息?
The five Kondratieff cycles in the history of the world economy are:
1. The first round (50 years): prosperity from 1782 to 1802, recession from 1815 to 1825, depression from 1825 to 1836, recovery from 1836 to 1845, with the iconic innovative technology being the steam engine;
2. The second round (47 years): prosperity from 1845 to 1866, recession from 1866 to 1873, depression from 1873 to 1883, recovery from 1883 to 1892, with the iconic innovative technologies being steel and railways;
3. The third round (49 years): prosperity from 1892 to 1913, recession from 1920 to 1929, depression from 1929 to 1937, recovery from 1937 to 1948, with the iconic innovative technologies being electricity and heavy chemicals;
4. The fourth round (43 years): 1948-1966 boom, 1966-1973 recession, 1973-1982 depression, 1982-1991 recovery, iconic innovative technologies are automobiles and computers;
5. The fifth round (estimated to be 42 years): 1991-2004 boom, 2004-2015 recession, 2015-2024 depression, 2024-2033 recovery, iconic innovative technologies are information technology and artificial intelligence. #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #IO $BTC
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Diandian Financial Information Market dynamics: CPI data boosted the market, but the interest rate meeting and Powell's cautious speech suppressed the rebound momentum. Expectations for interest rate cuts: The expectation for interest rate cuts this year has dropped from 3 to 1, and will be raised to 4 next year. The market reacted cautiously. On-chain data: Stablecoins rebounded, and BTC exchanges outflowed, reflecting changes in market funds and investor sentiment. Economic data outlook: Data such as employment and PMI are key. If inflation cools down, the possibility of a rate cut in September will increase. Investment strategy: Investors are advised to hold their coins patiently, spot investors do not need to worry, and contract investors can reduce their positions or switch to spot. The market is suitable for low-cost chips, waiting for the speculation of interest rate cuts. Summary and outlook: At present, we are on the eve of the interest rate cut cycle. Although there are short-term fluctuations, long-term interest rate cut expectations and economic recovery bring opportunities. Pay attention to economic data and formulate reasonable strategies. #美联储利率决策即将公布 #点滴财经 #美联储利率决策即将公布 $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT) $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Diandian Financial Information
Market dynamics: CPI data boosted the market, but the interest rate meeting and Powell's cautious speech suppressed the rebound momentum.
Expectations for interest rate cuts: The expectation for interest rate cuts this year has dropped from 3 to 1, and will be raised to 4 next year. The market reacted cautiously.
On-chain data: Stablecoins rebounded, and BTC exchanges outflowed, reflecting changes in market funds and investor sentiment.
Economic data outlook: Data such as employment and PMI are key. If inflation cools down, the possibility of a rate cut in September will increase.
Investment strategy: Investors are advised to hold their coins patiently, spot investors do not need to worry, and contract investors can reduce their positions or switch to spot. The market is suitable for low-cost chips, waiting for the speculation of interest rate cuts.
Summary and outlook: At present, we are on the eve of the interest rate cut cycle. Although there are short-term fluctuations, long-term interest rate cut expectations and economic recovery bring opportunities. Pay attention to economic data and formulate reasonable strategies. #美联储利率决策即将公布 #点滴财经 #美联储利率决策即将公布 $ETH


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Good morning, brothers. Last night's CPI data was positive, and there was a deep V rebound. Then the interest rate meeting at 2:00 a.m. and Powell's speech poured cold water on the market. Powell's speech was quite restrained, trying to dispel the market's premature optimism. Originally, everyone thought that there would be two interest rate cuts. The dot plot cut the expected interest rate cuts this year from 3 to 1, and raised it to 4 next year. The dream of interest rate cuts can only be put on hold. Old Bao doesn't want to open champagne in advance, to avoid being slapped in the face by excessive inflation later. From the data on the chain, stablecoins have rebounded in the past few days, and BTC in the exchange has flowed out. The release of various economic data in the future is crucial, and subsequent employment, PMI and other data will become an important source of fluctuations in the currency circle. If various data show that inflation has cooled down, then the possibility of interest rate cuts in September will be strengthened. I summarized it for everyone in early June: From a large cycle perspective, we are currently on the eve of the Fed's interest rate cut cycle. The day after tomorrow is beautiful, but tomorrow is cruel, and many people will fall tomorrow. This includes abnormal economic data, Mentougou incident, war conflicts, etc. The correction a few days ago has already caused a group of people to fall, They were knocked down by abnormal economic data (non-agricultural data). Yesterday, another group of people who shorted fell, They were knocked down by abnormal economic data (CPI). Yesterday, those who chased high and opened long fell again, They were knocked down by Lao Bao’s speech. In such a complicated situation, How to see the development of the market in the future, how to operate now? We have to think about the problem from the perspective of dog dealers. Now many cottages have fallen to a more suitable position, Inflation is falling, and there will be at least one interest rate cut this year and four times next year. Investment is speculation expectations, Can they make money by continuing to smash the market, Or can they make money by going sideways and rising slightly? It must be to buy low, Wait for the speculation of interest rate cuts to rise before making money. Therefore, we just need to hold the currency patiently, If you buy value spot and don’t chase high PEPE and other coins, don’t panic. If it is a contract, reduce the position or change to spot. #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #美联储利率决策即将公布 #IO $BTC $ETH $BNB
Good morning, brothers. Last night's CPI data was positive, and there was a deep V rebound.
Then the interest rate meeting at 2:00 a.m. and Powell's speech poured cold water on the market.
Powell's speech was quite restrained, trying to dispel the market's premature optimism.
Originally, everyone thought that there would be two interest rate cuts.
The dot plot cut the expected interest rate cuts this year from 3 to 1, and raised it to 4 next year.
The dream of interest rate cuts can only be put on hold.
Old Bao doesn't want to open champagne in advance,
to avoid being slapped in the face by excessive inflation later.
From the data on the chain, stablecoins have rebounded in the past few days,
and BTC in the exchange has flowed out.
The release of various economic data in the future is crucial,
and subsequent employment, PMI and other data will become an important source of fluctuations in the currency circle.
If various data show that inflation has cooled down,
then the possibility of interest rate cuts in September will be strengthened.
I summarized it for everyone in early June:
From a large cycle perspective, we are currently on the eve of the Fed's interest rate cut cycle.
The day after tomorrow is beautiful, but tomorrow is cruel, and many people will fall tomorrow.
This includes abnormal economic data, Mentougou incident, war conflicts, etc.
The correction a few days ago has already caused a group of people to fall,
They were knocked down by abnormal economic data (non-agricultural data).
Yesterday, another group of people who shorted fell,
They were knocked down by abnormal economic data (CPI).
Yesterday, those who chased high and opened long fell again,
They were knocked down by Lao Bao’s speech.
In such a complicated situation,
How to see the development of the market in the future, how to operate now?
We have to think about the problem from the perspective of dog dealers.
Now many cottages have fallen to a more suitable position,
Inflation is falling, and there will be at least one interest rate cut this year and four times next year.
Investment is speculation expectations,
Can they make money by continuing to smash the market,
Or can they make money by going sideways and rising slightly?
It must be to buy low,
Wait for the speculation of interest rate cuts to rise before making money.
Therefore, we just need to hold the currency patiently,
If you buy value spot and don’t chase high PEPE and other coins, don’t panic.
If it is a contract, reduce the position or change to spot.
#美国5月CPI超预期回落 #美联储利率决策即将公布 #IO $BTC $ETH $BNB
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6.12 Market Report Market View: The bull market is not over. This round of bull market is more considerate of newcomers because the logic of the rise is different from the past. This week, the Federal Reserve’s interest rate meeting and CPI announcement are linked. The market should see a situation of heaven and earth needles. Now start looking for positions to try to go long. Yesterday’s summary: Yesterday’s short order hit again, with a profit of 3,000 points;#BTCBTC contract: short orders continue to hold BTC contract: long orders near 66,300, stop loss at 65,500 Spot: currently trapped, the cottage is too weak, and the situation will depend on the future. If there is really no hope for this round of cottages, decisively change positions; $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
6.12 Market Report Market View: The bull market is not over. This round of bull market is more considerate of newcomers because the logic of the rise is different from the past. This week, the Federal Reserve’s interest rate meeting and CPI announcement are linked. The market should see a situation of heaven and earth needles. Now start looking for positions to try to go long. Yesterday’s summary: Yesterday’s short order hit again, with a profit of 3,000 points;#BTCBTC contract: short orders continue to hold BTC contract: long orders near 66,300, stop loss at 65,500 Spot: currently trapped, the cottage is too weak, and the situation will depend on the future. If there is really no hope for this round of cottages, decisively change positions; $BTC
See original
The six dark horse coins with unlimited potential 1. $NOT • It succeeded Turbo and became the first officially recognized meme coin of TON public chain. Backed by a strong user base, it is listed on OKEx and Binance at the same time, and is expected to become the new favorite of the market. 2. $LPT • The price fluctuates greatly but the trend is positive. It has obtained support from Grayscale and Multicoin, with a small market value and full circulation of tokens. The release of GPT-5 is approaching, and it has great potential in the future. 3. $API3 • It announced that TVS exceeded 1 billion US dollars, the market value of the oracle sector was 330 million, the circulation rate was 86%, the unlocking pressure was small, and the cost performance was high. 4. $TRU • The second dragon in the RWA sector, led by A16Z, and the founder was a Google engineer. It has a low market value and is fully circulated, with huge potential and value. 5. $PEOPLE • Related to ETH CV, with a small market value, belonging to the US election sector, and unlimited potential. The market value is 517 million, with long-term speculation space. 6. $ONDO • RWA sector star coin, BlackRock support, rumored to be listed on Binance in July, with great potential for highs, you can consider taking profits when the good news comes. {spot}(LPTUSDT) {spot}(PEOPLEUSDT) {spot}(NOTUSDT)
The six dark horse coins with unlimited potential
1. $NOT
• It succeeded Turbo and became the first officially recognized meme coin of TON public chain. Backed by a strong user base, it is listed on OKEx and Binance at the same time, and is expected to become the new favorite of the market.
2. $LPT
• The price fluctuates greatly but the trend is positive. It has obtained support from Grayscale and Multicoin, with a small market value and full circulation of tokens. The release of GPT-5 is approaching, and it has great potential in the future.
3. $API3
• It announced that TVS exceeded 1 billion US dollars, the market value of the oracle sector was 330 million, the circulation rate was 86%, the unlocking pressure was small, and the cost performance was high.
4. $TRU
• The second dragon in the RWA sector, led by A16Z, and the founder was a Google engineer. It has a low market value and is fully circulated, with huge potential and value.
• Related to ETH CV, with a small market value, belonging to the US election sector, and unlimited potential. The market value is 517 million, with long-term speculation space.
6. $ONDO
• RWA sector star coin, BlackRock support, rumored to be listed on Binance in July, with great potential for highs, you can consider taking profits when the good news comes.

See original
June 11th Coin Circle Soha Morning Report: 1. $BTC continues to fluctuate around 70,000. The copycats are like dead and fall collectively; Bitcoin ETF snapshot has a continuous net inflow of more than 2 billion US dollars, but the BTC price has stagnated; 2. $W Wormhole staking is open, the coin price has returned to the starting point, and the increase has completely fallen back. Congratulations to the stakers, you are blessed; Data: The number of W token staking addresses has reached 71,781, and a total of 80.45 million tokens have completed the voting proxy designation; 3. zkRollup Zircuit is about to announce a major announcement, which is suspected to be related to the issuance of coins; 4. Elliott Suthers, former communications director of Coinbase, joins Worldcoin; 5. Most institutions predict that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates 1 to 2 times in September or December; "Federal Reserve Mouthpiece": Observers expect the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates in September or December this year The monthly meeting will cut interest rates once or twice; 6. Xstro: Game of Memes announced that players can use DOG to play games; 7. @okx A lot of FUD appeared in the early morning, and many people announced that there were more addresses in their whitelists. In the end, it was suspected that they had added them a few years ago; I just logged in to @okx and found that I had to re-verify; 8. dYdX started voting to determine whether the community will reduce the Vault spread to 30bps; 9. PeckShield: The root cause of the UwU Lend hacker attack was the manipulation of the price oracle; 10. @ionet The airdrop query has been released. At present, the mining of friends around me is near the cost line. Most people are losing money. It seems that the minimum living allowance mining is the only way to make money; 11. Yesterday @xgurunetwork went online. No one asked during lbp. After the secondary trading was opened, everyone rushed in. The increase from the low position exceeded 600% {spot}(WUSDT) {spot}(WUSDT)
June 11th Coin Circle Soha Morning Report:
1. $BTC continues to fluctuate around 70,000. The copycats are like dead and fall collectively; Bitcoin ETF snapshot has a continuous net inflow of more than 2 billion US dollars, but the BTC price has stagnated;
2. $W Wormhole staking is open, the coin price has returned to the starting point, and the increase has completely fallen back. Congratulations to the stakers, you are blessed; Data: The number of W token staking addresses has reached 71,781, and a total of 80.45 million tokens have completed the voting proxy designation;
3. zkRollup Zircuit is about to announce a major announcement, which is suspected to be related to the issuance of coins;
4. Elliott Suthers, former communications director of Coinbase, joins Worldcoin;
5. Most institutions predict that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates 1 to 2 times in September or December; "Federal Reserve Mouthpiece": Observers expect the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates in September or December this year The monthly meeting will cut interest rates once or twice;
6. Xstro: Game of Memes announced that players can use DOG to play games;
7. @okx
A lot of FUD appeared in the early morning, and many people announced that there were more addresses in their whitelists. In the end, it was suspected that they had added them a few years ago; I just logged in to @okx
and found that I had to re-verify;
8. dYdX started voting to determine whether the community will reduce the Vault spread to 30bps;
9. PeckShield: The root cause of the UwU Lend hacker attack was the manipulation of the price oracle;
10. @ionet
The airdrop query has been released. At present, the mining of friends around me is near the cost line. Most people are losing money. It seems that the minimum living allowance mining is the only way to make money;
11. Yesterday @xgurunetwork
went online. No one asked during lbp. After the secondary trading was opened, everyone rushed in. The increase from the low position exceeded 600%
See original
6.10 Market Analysis Market Overview: At the beginning of last week, the market expected the Fed to cut interest rates in advance, but the non-farm data on Friday exceeded expectations, causing BTC to plummet. Focus this week: Wednesday: CPI data released. Impact: Data lower than expected may be good for the market. Thursday: The Fed announced its interest rate decision and Powell gave a speech. Impact: Provides clues for monetary policy and may cause market fluctuations. Operational suggestions: Reduce positions to less than 50% before Wednesday, and consider adding positions based on CPI data. Be cautious before the Fed's decision and avoid excessive trading. Tips: Pay close attention to data releases and Fed dynamics, and adjust strategies in a timely manner. #非农就业人数高于预期 #美联储何时降息? #币安用户数突破2亿
6.10 Market Analysis
Market Overview:
At the beginning of last week, the market expected the Fed to cut interest rates in advance, but the non-farm data on Friday exceeded expectations, causing BTC to plummet.
Focus this week:
Wednesday: CPI data released.
Impact: Data lower than expected may be good for the market.
Thursday: The Fed announced its interest rate decision and Powell gave a speech.
Impact: Provides clues for monetary policy and may cause market fluctuations.
Operational suggestions:
Reduce positions to less than 50% before Wednesday, and consider adding positions based on CPI data.
Be cautious before the Fed's decision and avoid excessive trading.
Tips: Pay close attention to data releases and Fed dynamics, and adjust strategies in a timely manner.
#非农就业人数高于预期 #美联储何时降息? #币安用户数突破2亿
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💙DiDi Finance morning report 🧡Bitcoin market dynamics: analysis of reasons for sharp price decline 🔸Key price dynamics The price of Bitcoin fell below the $70,000 mark today, with up to $300 million in market value wiped out within an hour. 🔸Market influencing factors Mainly affected by strong U.S. employment data, the market is concerned about the reduced possibility of the Federal Reserve cutting interest rates, causing interest rates and the U.S. dollar to rise, putting pressure on risky assets such as cryptocurrencies. The sharp decline in GameStop stock also affected the overall sentiment of the cryptocurrency market, driving the prices of other meme coins such as DOGE, SHIB, and PEPE to fall. 🔸Changes in market indicators Bitcoin dominance rate increased to 53.69%, indicating the current market correction trend. The Crypto Fear and Greed Index fell to 77. Although the market sentiment is still "greedy", investor sentiment is slightly cautious. CME Bitcoin futures open interest fell 2.19%, indicating that some traders are closing positions in response to market volatility. 🔸Long-term trend observation It is worth noting that Bitcoin ETFs continue to accumulate, indicating that long-term investors are still optimistic about Bitcoin’s future development potential, but short-term market fluctuations have failed to sustain the rise in Bitcoin prices. #点滴财经 #非农就业人数高于预期 #第55期新币挖矿IO #BTC☀
💙DiDi Finance morning report
🧡Bitcoin market dynamics: analysis of reasons for sharp price decline
🔸Key price dynamics
The price of Bitcoin fell below the $70,000 mark today, with up to $300 million in market value wiped out within an hour.
🔸Market influencing factors
Mainly affected by strong U.S. employment data, the market is concerned about the reduced possibility of the Federal Reserve cutting interest rates, causing interest rates and the U.S. dollar to rise, putting pressure on risky assets such as cryptocurrencies.
The sharp decline in GameStop stock also affected the overall sentiment of the cryptocurrency market, driving the prices of other meme coins such as DOGE, SHIB, and PEPE to fall.
🔸Changes in market indicators
Bitcoin dominance rate increased to 53.69%, indicating the current market correction trend.
The Crypto Fear and Greed Index fell to 77. Although the market sentiment is still "greedy", investor sentiment is slightly cautious.
CME Bitcoin futures open interest fell 2.19%, indicating that some traders are closing positions in response to market volatility.
🔸Long-term trend observation
It is worth noting that Bitcoin ETFs continue to accumulate, indicating that long-term investors are still optimistic about Bitcoin’s future development potential, but short-term market fluctuations have failed to sustain the rise in Bitcoin prices.
#点滴财经 #非农就业人数高于预期 #第55期新币挖矿IO #BTC☀
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Predict the next explosive sector and currency? 1: Apple WWDC 2024 on June 10, and the upcoming GPT5, optimistic about Lpt being the cheapest among the #AI projects with full circulation, Grayscale and Multicoin support 2: I think the sideways movement of Ethereum is accumulating for the take-off of the ETF trading in July. The Ethereum series will be expected to pull up in the middle and late part of this month, $ENS $ETHFI Pay more attention, it will be a better choice 3: European Cup, June 14-July 14, 2024, pay close attention to the sports sector, and currently do not see which coin is strong, wait patiently Which sector is strong, we will ambush Focus on the hourly level of large positive line to start the currency and dare to start #点滴财经 #第55期新币挖矿IO #bnb历史新高 {spot}(ETHFIUSDT) {spot}(ETHFIUSDT)
Predict the next explosive sector and currency?

1: Apple WWDC 2024 on June 10, and the upcoming GPT5, optimistic about Lpt being the cheapest among the #AI projects with full circulation, Grayscale and Multicoin support

2: I think the sideways movement of Ethereum is accumulating for the take-off of the ETF trading in July. The Ethereum series will be expected to pull up in the middle and late part of this month, $ENS $ETHFI

Pay more attention, it will be a better choice

3: European Cup, June 14-July 14, 2024, pay close attention to the sports sector, and currently do not see which coin is strong, wait patiently

Which sector is strong, we will ambush
Focus on the hourly level of large positive line to start the currency and dare to start
#点滴财经 #第55期新币挖矿IO #bnb历史新高
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In cryptocurrency trading, it is crucial to master the following dry goods: 1. Market research: Have a deep understanding of market trends, technical analysis, and fundamental analysis. Pay attention to important news, project developments, and industry trends to ensure that you make wise trading decisions. 2. Risk management: Never invest all your funds in one project. Diversify your investments and set stop-loss points to ensure that your funds are protected during market fluctuations. 3. Emotional control: Stay calm and don't be swayed by short-term market fluctuations. Avoid emotional trading and strictly follow the trading plan. 4. Liquidity: Choose exchanges and trading pairs with strong liquidity to ensure that you can buy or sell quickly when needed. 5. Security: Use hardware wallets or other security measures to protect your crypto assets. Avoid trading on public WiFi and beware of phishing websites and other cyber attacks. By combining these strategies, you can more effectively manage risks and increase profit opportunities in cryptocurrency trading. #第55期新币挖矿IO #山寨季何时到来? #點滴財經 #点滴财经 $BNB $SOL {spot}(SOLUSDT) {spot}(SOLUSDT)
In cryptocurrency trading, it is crucial to master the following dry goods:

1. Market research: Have a deep understanding of market trends, technical analysis, and fundamental analysis. Pay attention to important news, project developments, and industry trends to ensure that you make wise trading decisions.

2. Risk management: Never invest all your funds in one project. Diversify your investments and set stop-loss points to ensure that your funds are protected during market fluctuations.

3. Emotional control: Stay calm and don't be swayed by short-term market fluctuations. Avoid emotional trading and strictly follow the trading plan.

4. Liquidity: Choose exchanges and trading pairs with strong liquidity to ensure that you can buy or sell quickly when needed.

5. Security: Use hardware wallets or other security measures to protect your crypto assets. Avoid trading on public WiFi and beware of phishing websites and other cyber attacks.

By combining these strategies, you can more effectively manage risks and increase profit opportunities in cryptocurrency trading.
#第55期新币挖矿IO #山寨季何时到来? #點滴財經 #点滴财经 $BNB $SOL
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Hot Topics on June 7 • $BNB - Binance announces the launch of $IO Launchpool. Trading begins on June 11. • $CFX {spot}(CFXUSDT) -@AnchorX_Ltd joins China's Belt and Road delegation and signs a memorandum of understanding with India International Finance Corporation (AIFC) and Aral Petroleum Capital. (Conflux and AnchorX plan to launch AxHKD stablecoin in Q2) • $CPOOL - Clearpool has revealed Base chain or Coinbase related announcements. • $GME - Roaring Kitty will be launched on June 7 at 16:00 UTC. • $INJ - Injective released the first comprehensive paper on $INJ, detailing the utility and deflationary mechanism of the token. • $JTO -@Phantom has partnered with Jito to launch native liquidity staking on solana. • $SAND - Sandbox has raised $20 million in convertible notes, co-led by Kingsway Capital and Animoca Brands. •#PANDORA- Pandora released a beta version of the ERC-404 Launchpad. 5% of each token issued will be airdropped to $PANDORA holders. • $PHA - Phala Network announced that multi-AI agent bots are coming to Telegram, and $PHA just entered its fifth halving period. •#RSS3- RSS3 founder @JoshuaRSS3 hints at Google getting an RSS3 node up and running. • $ZEN - Horizen presents a strategic technical plan to migrate $ZEN and EON. Voting will begin on June 18th. • $ZIL - Zilliqa hints at an announcement tomorrow. #第55期新币挖矿IO #点滴财经 #比特币符文总市值创新高 {spot}(SANDUSDT) {spot}(SANDUSDT)
Hot Topics on June 7
• $BNB - Binance announces the launch of $IO Launchpool. Trading begins on June 11.

-@AnchorX_Ltd joins China's Belt and Road delegation and signs a memorandum of understanding with India International Finance Corporation (AIFC) and Aral Petroleum Capital. (Conflux and AnchorX plan to launch AxHKD stablecoin in Q2)
• $CPOOL - Clearpool has revealed Base chain or Coinbase related announcements.
• $GME - Roaring Kitty will be launched on June 7 at 16:00 UTC.
• $INJ - Injective released the first comprehensive paper on $INJ, detailing the utility and deflationary mechanism of the token.
$JTO -@Phantom has partnered with Jito to launch native liquidity staking on solana.
$SAND - Sandbox has raised $20 million in convertible notes, co-led by Kingsway Capital and Animoca Brands.
•#PANDORA- Pandora released a beta version of the ERC-404 Launchpad. 5% of each token issued will be airdropped to $PANDORA holders.
• $PHA - Phala Network announced that multi-AI agent bots are coming to Telegram, and $PHA just entered its fifth halving period.
•#RSS3- RSS3 founder @JoshuaRSS3 hints at Google getting an RSS3 node up and running.
• $ZEN - Horizen presents a strategic technical plan to migrate $ZEN and EON. Voting will begin on June 18th.
• $ZIL - Zilliqa hints at an announcement tomorrow.
#第55期新币挖矿IO #点滴财经 #比特币符文总市值创新高
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June 6 1. BTC spot ETF. On June 5, ETF had a net inflow of 488 million US dollars 2. Sentiment index, FGI, 78, sentiment rose, and the altcoin index fell. 3. The total TVL on the chain is 110.07B, up 1.19% in 24 hours 4. Current BTC market: 1W, bulls strengthen; 1D, bears continue to weaken; 12H, bulls strengthen 4H, bulls start, 1H bulls weaken. Intraday direction: bulls Intraday pressure level: 72000, 73000 Intraday support level: 69745, 68825 The daily interpretation content is only for sharing and communication, and does not constitute any investment advice $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) #bnb历史新高 #BTC走势分析 #點滴財經 #点滴财经
June 6
1. BTC spot ETF. On June 5, ETF had a net inflow of 488 million US dollars
2. Sentiment index, FGI, 78, sentiment rose, and the altcoin index fell.
3. The total TVL on the chain is 110.07B, up 1.19% in 24 hours
Current BTC market:
1W, bulls strengthen; 1D, bears continue to weaken; 12H, bulls strengthen
4H, bulls start, 1H bulls weaken.
Intraday direction: bulls
Intraday pressure level: 72000, 73000
Intraday support level: 69745, 68825
The daily interpretation content is only for sharing and communication, and does not constitute any investment advice $BTC
#bnb历史新高 #BTC走势分析 #點滴財經 #点滴财经
See original
June 6th Important Industry Dynamics Mainstream Exchange Dynamics: Coinbase officially launched its new "Smart Wallet" in the hope of improving the user experience of customers. Bybit platform user certification countries and regions added China (CN). Mainstream Project & Hot Event Dynamics: According to Coindesk, Paxos launched a yield-based, US dollar-denominated stablecoin called Lift Dollar (USDL), which is regulated by the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The Bank of Canada cut interest rates by 25 basis points for the first time since 2020, in line with market expectations. Solana Ecosystem Liquidity Staking Protocol Sanctum developer FP Lee posted on social media to announce the CLOUD token economics. The first phase of the $TAIKO token airdrop is now open for collection. The US ADP employment in May recorded an increase of 152,000, and the expected 175,000, the smallest increase since January this year. Ethereum co-founder Vitalik responded to the discussion about "Celebrities Issue $MEME Coins" and said, "So far, I am very dissatisfied with "this round of celebrity experiments." The zkSyncv24 version update has been reviewed and is scheduled for mainnet deployment on June 6. LSD protocol Swell Network said that the token airdrop for The Voyage event (8% of the total supply) will be mainly distributed in a linear release manner, and the number of tokens received depends on the number of Pearls held. Financing information dynamics: Modular blockchain project Nubit completed an $8 million seed round of financing, led by Polychain Capital. Web3 user security network GoPlus completed a $10 million third round of financing to create a Web3 modular user security layer. Regulatory information dynamics: U.S. SEC Chairman Gary Gensler said on Wednesday that if a cryptocurrency trading platform "manipulates the market", then disclosing information will not prevent it from being sued by regulators. In an interview with CNBC, SEC Chairman Gary Gensler said the next phase of ETF approval "will take some time," which could indicate that the S-1 approval process may be slow. {spot}(MEMEUSDT)
June 6th Important Industry Dynamics
Mainstream Exchange Dynamics:
Coinbase officially launched its new "Smart Wallet" in the hope of improving the user experience of customers.
Bybit platform user certification countries and regions added China (CN).

Mainstream Project & Hot Event Dynamics:
According to Coindesk, Paxos launched a yield-based, US dollar-denominated stablecoin called Lift Dollar (USDL), which is regulated by the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
The Bank of Canada cut interest rates by 25 basis points for the first time since 2020, in line with market expectations.
Solana Ecosystem Liquidity Staking Protocol Sanctum developer FP Lee posted on social media to announce the CLOUD token economics.
The first phase of the $TAIKO token airdrop is now open for collection.
The US ADP employment in May recorded an increase of 152,000, and the expected 175,000, the smallest increase since January this year.
Ethereum co-founder Vitalik responded to the discussion about "Celebrities Issue $MEME Coins" and said, "So far, I am very dissatisfied with "this round of celebrity experiments." The zkSyncv24 version update has been reviewed and is scheduled for mainnet deployment on June 6. LSD protocol Swell Network said that the token airdrop for The Voyage event (8% of the total supply) will be mainly distributed in a linear release manner, and the number of tokens received depends on the number of Pearls held. Financing information dynamics: Modular blockchain project Nubit completed an $8 million seed round of financing, led by Polychain Capital. Web3 user security network GoPlus completed a $10 million third round of financing to create a Web3 modular user security layer. Regulatory information dynamics: U.S. SEC Chairman Gary Gensler said on Wednesday that if a cryptocurrency trading platform "manipulates the market", then disclosing information will not prevent it from being sued by regulators. In an interview with CNBC, SEC Chairman Gary Gensler said the next phase of ETF approval "will take some time," which could indicate that the S-1 approval process may be slow.
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