The chairman of the SEC once again said that many altcoin leaders are in jail or on their way to jail, and said that most cryptocurrencies are securities! The violations mentioned by Gensler not only involve securities laws, but also include bank secrecy laws, commodity trading laws, and anti-money laundering laws. Gensler said that many cryptocurrency asset platforms work with a large number of token dealers, and according to national laws and the position of the Supreme Court, these tokens are securities without prior judgment. In fact, the current supervision is also quite contradictory, suppressing highly centralized project parties on the one hand and decentralized finance (Defi) projects on the other. In addition to regulatory judicial issues, it also stated that the Ethereum ETF is progressing smoothly. In addition, the US State Department offered a reward of $5 million for information on crypto queen Ruja Ignatova! (But to be honest, the time and span of the US investigation is really long. Previously, I saw the SEC put pressure on exchanges to make them responsible for the projects that collapsed after the bull market, including OMG, EOS and other coins. And from the current attitude, it seems that the investigation is still ongoing, including the investigation of TRON)

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