Recently, the market was completely locked by the positive news of Ethereum ETF some time ago, resulting in a large amount of leverage being cleaned up recently. Recently, there have been rounds of dog-eat-dog games! Retail investors have fired at VCs, exchanges, and project parties one after another, and project parties have fired at Lumao Studio. VCs and exchanges have blamed each other. Various strange events have been staged one after another recently, but only retail investors are hurt.

I personally think that the collective decline of the market is due to insufficient market supervision and lack of competition. The exchange VCs that lead the mainstream cottage are too single. In the future, there will be a round of institutions represented by government factions dominating the market, such as BlackRock, which we usually call traditional finance, which is actually a government-affiliated financial institution. The intervention of these institutions will gradually make the market mature. At present, we can see that they have sufficient ideas and reasons to get involved in stablecoins, RWA and other markets, and these fields have physical anchors. It is a very meaningful thing to get involved in some coins that have been prepared for traditional entry for a long time. I believe that blockchain is a global market. When the market is meaningful, those technology coins that can serve society, government, and traditional financial institutions will become more meaningful. I have written before that cryptocurrencies must be regulated. Current cryptocurrencies have no significance to society except for wasting energy and creating wealth effects with extremely high volatility. However, as traditional financial institutions enter the market, everything will develop towards compliance. For example, during the MeMe cycle some time ago, when the SEC included MeMe in the case related to fraud warnings, the last wave of collective leverage removal and downward trend appeared. I think it was just a simple warning, but the market immediately responded and compromised with regulation. There is nothing wrong with holding some coins that tend to be governmental traditional finance. The biggest master of cryptocurrency has stepped out from behind the scenes. There is nothing wrong with tending to merge with them. After all, everyone is enjoying the US dollar dividend, but the regulatory issue is not something that can be solved in a one-size-fits-all manner, and don't panic too much.

ARB and OP are good choices next. After all, with the support of the concubine, those with spare money can also buy some Merlin MERL0.2, which is a good place to take over.