I am very upset about receiving blast today. I didn't feel this way when I received Sansha. Maybe I was a little drunk at night. Take a deep breath... Be calm... I won't scold the project, it's no good anyway...

I forgot what the price was when I deposited e, it should be more than 2,000, and now it has risen to more than 3,000. There is no return, but it takes time to do 24 times the task, and basically you can't make any money. I remember that blast should be the first public chain to start the staking e airdrop, and it was really fomo to the extreme at that time

Later, when the mainnet was launched, the big players started to scold, the points were diluted, and various pdd tasks; I didn't spend time to get gold points, I don't want to get this. #以太坊ETF批准预期 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛