I have good news for you, but many people may not know it yet.

Just a few days ago, the SEC has given up its investigation into Ethereum 2.0, which means that the sword hanging over their heads has completely disappeared.

For institutional investors, this has removed the last obstacle to entry, and they may enter the market. Influenced by this good news, Bitcoin and the main currencies of the second-layer ecosystem have ushered in a wave of surges. It also drove the market of the entire cryptocurrency market. However, overall, the callback is not large, and there is still room for further decline. The chips that were bought at the bottom yesterday can be sold out with appropriate profits today. Wait for the decline to enter the market again.

Finally, I advise everyone not to be fully invested at any time. Many KOLs spread that they are fully invested everywhere, making investors feel that it is a good habit to be fully invested now.

Don't be fully invested at any time when investing in the currency circle. They can withstand full investment, but you can't. When you encounter fluctuations, your soul will leave your body.

Remember that if you regard your position as a long-term investment, a market decline should be regarded as a gift. It provides an opportunity to buy more tokens. Finally, it is crucial to formulate a strategy before making any purchase, and never use all your funds for investment.

Finally, if you are a complete novice and you are excited to enter the cryptocurrency world after seeing BTC hit a record high, then I suggest you follow me first, learn the knowledge of the cryptocurrency world from me, and improve your basic skills. A tall building is built from the ground, and glory can only be achieved by yourself. Only by laying a solid foundation can you go further.

#IO  #NOT  #BOME  #BTC  #美联储何时降息?