Buffett is equally firm in his attitude towards gold.

He believes that gold, as a non-productive asset, lacks "production capacity" and cannot create more value. In contrast, he prefers to invest in areas that can generate real returns, such as oil fields, factories and stocks. He laughed and said: "You buy an ounce of gold, and hundreds of years later, it is still just an ounce of gold." However, the price of Bitcoin has soared like a wild horse, reaching an astonishing historical high.

Despite speculation from the outside world whether Buffett has changed his position, the investment master still sticks to his principles. He knows that in the world of investment, short-term benefits are often accompanied by huge risks. He would rather choose those seemingly mundane but stable and reliable fields than chase those illusory bubbles.

Buffett's attitude is like a mirror, reflecting the true meaning of investment: while pursuing returns, we must pay more attention to risk control and value creation. Only in this way can we move forward steadily in the ocean of finance and not be swallowed by the wind and waves. Buffett's name shines like a beacon. However, when talking about Bitcoin, the pearl in the digital ocean, this investment giant seemed unusually calm, even with a bit of contempt. Bitcoin, the electronic currency born from nothing, once set off a storm in the market, soaring from nothing to a staggering high.

However, in Buffett's eyes, it is like poisoned candy, tempting but deadly. When asked about the soaring of Bitcoin, Buffett responded lightly: "Perhaps, this is an upgraded version of the poison." At the Berkshire shareholders' meeting, Buffett reiterated his views on cryptocurrencies.

He emphasized that investment should be based on actual value creation, not empty fantasies. In an interview, Buffett bluntly pointed out that buying cryptocurrencies is not an investment, but a pure speculation. He said: "It's like placing a bet in a casino, you hope that tomorrow more people will be willing to pay a higher price for your chips. #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美国PCE数据将公布 #美国PCE数据将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #CryptoTradingGuide