What are those who made a fortune from virtual currency doing now?

From fans' submission:

I work, cashed out about 2 million, and the remaining 4 million is still in the currency. There is no need to sell it all, it will rise in the future.

2 million is useless, not enough to buy a house, and there is no need to buy one. If I spend it myself, there is nothing I want to buy. I am originally pure-hearted and have few desires. My biggest hobby is reading. I have no demand for consumption and commodities. It is also because of reading that I understand Bitcoin.

So the money is divided, some for my wife and some for my mother to make them happy, and I just keep some pocket money for myself. I changed to a Huiang, which has a good price-performance ratio. I can order takeout for dozens of yuan, take taxis at will, and buy games at will. However, these are generally within the range of small money. I know the amount and control it firmly. I only have two or three thousand pocket money every month. After all, it is difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. Once the gate of desire is opened, it will not be filled. I know what I need and what the greatest meaning of commodities is, so I don’t have any non-essential needs, so I can’t spend much money.

After that, I continued to work, never mentioned Bitcoin, and took the initiative to go to an office that no one wanted to go to in a public institution. I had no position, did not seek to be a leader, did a lot of work, never pushed anything I could do, devoted myself to it, came early and left late, did not care about the salary, did more or less work, anyway, I did not work for the salary, so there was no problem of imbalance in mentality. It can be said that I have no distractions and serve the people wholeheartedly. As a party member, I have fewer worries in life. What reason do I have not to work hard and practice my original mission.

To some extent, it can be said that my happiness is no longer pitiful, limited, and narrow. Even if my happiness cannot reach the height of belonging to tens of millions of people, at least it belongs to hundreds of people in the whole unit, so my mentality is particularly good. Work hard, take care of the family, study, and help the rejuvenation. This is a good life.

The God of Wealth is also very envious. If there are any questions that I don’t understand, I need to consult or want to communicate and learn together. Read the introduction of the cooking industry and try to enter the circle

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