The market is changing, and the spring of the trend-following craze has quietly arrived

With the outbreak of this round of bull market craze, the imitation coin field will become the focus of everyone's attention.

The day before yesterday, a friend from the fan club called to ask: In the field of imitation coins, which project has the greatest potential for 100x coins? Where can I achieve 100x returns with a principal of 100,000 U?

This question is very profound, let us answer it for this fan together. As the saying goes, don't put all your eggs in one basket, so we must learn to diversify our investments.

Take WIF as an example, invest 20,000 U, the current price is 1.9U, and you will get about 10,526 WIF. It is expected that by the end of 2025, its price is expected to climb to 20U.

Then, 10,526 x 20U = 210,520 USD.

This means that your initial investment of $20,000 will grow to $210,520, and your profit will be $210,520 - 20,000 = $190,520.

Are you satisfied with such a thousand-fold return?

But please remember that what is needed behind the 100-fold coin is patience and perseverance.

The bull market in your mind may be a curve that continues to rise.

However, the real bull market is a process of washing, pulling up, washing again, and pulling up again. Most of the chips are washed away on the car, and then the dealer absorbs the chips, and the bloody chips gather, and finally a hundred-fold return is achieved. #WIF.智能策略库🥇🥇 #热点话题 $WIF