Why I won't lose money at #NOTCOIN's current price

Even if NOTCOIN drops to 0.007, I'm still intact because I bought it at 0.0065 when you were still afraid of the market. For me to lose money, NOTCOIN would have to drop to 0.0064 (but this will never happen with NOTCOIN)

Crypto trading is actually a psychological game, but people often act emotionally. The best time to buy is when the price of the coin drops sharply and the market panics. When NOT was hovering between 0.0048 and 0.0065, people watched coldly and even sneered, but I resolutely bought 300,000 NOTCOIN. People always avoid coins when the price is low and everything is green, and only make a move when the price rises, which is undoubtedly a big mistake. Those greedy people who once mocked NOTCOIN as a garbage coin at 0.0065 eventually bought it at 0.02 because they prefer to invest when the market is bullish. However, such investors will eventually become victims of the market.

If you are afraid of the market going down, you are doomed to lose money in the cryptocurrency market to those smart traders who dare to take action in adversity.

Only inexperienced investors will blindly chase the rise in the bull market. Experienced traders like me always wait for the market to be sluggish before entering the market.

Now that#Ioand#NOTare at low levels, those inexperienced traders will naturally not buy at low prices at this time. However, once they perceive signs of a recovery in the market, they will flock to buy at high prices.

Smart traders will decisively take action when the market is sluggish or underperforming, such as the case with#NOTand #Io. Inexperienced traders always wait until the market is fully red before rushing into the market, fearing that they will miss the so-called "good opportunity to make money"

You can despise other tokens, but never underestimate NOTCOIN. It has a huge and solid community support

Recently, the coins we have deployed have earned more than 50%

Choosing coins is our strong point, and making money is just a side job. The password will be announced in my circle of good friends. Click on my avatar to see my profile. Let's communicate together ➡传送门

#NOT🔥🔥🔥 #热点话题 #非农就业数据即将公布